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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Right after long working hours on a project here at work I've managed to bring the maps section online. Woopie!! Real maps or scans of maps will be coming soon this week as I will have more time to do that stuff. =) enjoy
  2. Right after long working hours on a project here at work I've managed to bring the maps section online. Woopie!! Real maps or scans of maps will be coming soon this week as I will have more time to do that stuff. =) enjoy
  3. Right after long working hours on a project here at work I've managed to bring the maps section online. Woopie!! Real maps or scans of maps will be coming soon this week as I will have more time to do that stuff. =) enjoy
  4. gunnergoz... der kessel could host your stuff, ya got me email. =) drop me a line.
  5. Scipio where you ever in the army??? jeezus ok the crew thing you got an ear full from.. ABANDOND weapons.. here's a tip.. if a crew has to abandon a weapon they are trained to either if posible, spike the gun! and TAKE the fireing pin / block and take it with them! or throw it away somewhere, where the enemy can not find it or has a hell of a time finding it. Knocked out weapons mean they are either damage to the point they can't be used. Not only making them Damaged but abandoned as well, even still the crews if they could will remove the pins out of the guns!!. this makes your Point a) moot and point d) moot since you just don't grasp the idea crews are taught to run back to base if possible. jeez you didn't hear of Wittmann run around looking for a MG to man to kill maybe two or a few guys only to be captured or killed did you? no he high tailed it back to base for a nice brand new tank to do what he does best (destory stuff he's trained with.. here's a tip.. it's called a TANK) to answer your point Infantry are taught to take their equipmet with them if they can (and they will bloody well try too as well!) in the event they can't they will abandon their weapon refer to my spiking the weapons bit. ask some soldiers and tank crew on order of conduct in and on the battle field.. realy you should read those books that were listed.
  6. well it looks the cess'es picked the LAMEST TITLE TO MAKE HOME IN... as elvis put it WANKERS... jeezus PENG could come up with a better title then that!! *shakes his head in shame the cess'er have become so newbie in thoughts and ways* must be the cockroaches affecting their thinking.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michlos: Wasn't that the guy that set up a QB against her to show her what the game was about and got royaly whomped? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no.. first it was a small quick battle and second it was pure luck she won twice!! but I ment to loose, ya.. that's it! Otherwise if I won I would have been in the dog house.. ya..uh... ya!
  8. listen here you border Commie!, put that sheep down, pull the fluff out of your ears and get a education!! read slowly I hear thats a problem for you displaced English people. NO SEXUAL, RACIAL OR CULTURAL INSULTS!!! jeez are all OSSI'S this dumb!!?? ---- It appears Gonna is pouting in his little room... ya what ever, Mr. IHAVETHEPOWERTOLOCKUPTHREADSMADMATT will decide. [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  9. Right no damn crappy title this time. lets see now rules: § 1.0) Go find someother place to nest this is the cess so SOD OFF! §1.2) If you can't understand the first rule your a MORON! and SOD OFF! § p) Sound off like you have a pair!! this excludes all cockroaches in the cess, Lawyers and lesser life forms (aka car sales men) § git) If you need to speak to us please do so with a bag on your head, spare us from throwing up by the sight of your DAMN UGLY MUG! § XXX) NO and I mean NO racial, cultural or sexual insults here at all, that goes for you bloody unemployed, ex-criminal Sheep shagg'n Ozzies ya here?? § 6) if you dont like the rules follow the next rule § §§) SOD OFF YA GIT! § &?) Peng is alive!! yes its Elvis that has left the CESS and if you see this fat burger eating bad singing nob, feel free to smash him in the Nugats for us. anyother rules? NO, so SOD OFF --------- This Cess has no land, has no point and has no class... all vets are welcome, all newbies are hated as usual and all cockroaches can go SOD OFF! [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Peng was over my home he brought along his magic wire....laying in the same room is unbelievable. What a riot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's enough information I ever need.. *eeew* and I thought mace was strange.
  11. ok here's what I (we) learned in our armour training. And yes fear of brew up. Is there a penetration hit? yes, Bail (if your alive) try to pull out wounded crews if possible and head back to your lines if you can. 1) we had small arms to fight with if it got down to it 2) I would not try to dismount the 7.62mm gun from our Grizzly/Cougar (since it took some tools and time to do that as well) 3) you have enough ammo (small arms) to give you cover fire but prolonged engagement is asking for death. 4) we want to live (who doesn't) 5) let infantry do infantry fighting 6) we are more important alive then dead to crew a new tank the next day(s) 7) Heroic medals are for your family all to but remember you by for your military service. 8) no radio, no call for support, no chance why go scouting around??? you can debrief intel when you get back if its worth anything. Also if there was a hint of smoke (not from the guns) in the crew compartment, Bail make sure everyone is out and hit the external switch to activate the fire extinguisher and run back to your lines, the recovery crews can figure out what happened. Fire drill was simple that way, smoke, bail, extinguish, base. I can tell you with a few rounds of 76mm and MG ammo and your (tank) is smoking you don't want to play sherlock holms and find out the problem. (revert to fire drill) If its from the engine, 1) it can explode (bad) 2) poisionous gases kill.. (duh) 3) fire drill Dud rounds were the same!! if the firing pin struck and the round did not go off.. bail wait outside a few metres (50 or so best 100) and a few minutes... if the round does not cook off , two guys or three could (underline could) go back. Driver to get the hell out of there and loader/gunner to open the chamber throw the round out and then the driver puts full gas to get away. Now I have "0" experience from Battle, and that is all in theory. I would think we would act accordingly in combat (I would hope) as for that dud round hard call on a battlefield it would be different but we were told an exploding round in the chamber is not good (very bad) maybe (and I am assuming very much) we would ditch the round out and drive outta there but if we did ditch we would head back to base. Again let the recovery crews deal with it. Most likely the vehicle would be hit by something by the time we waited for the round to cook off. na ya. But I would never call a tanker a wuss for bailing bud... drive around and crew one for a while, its your Lass, its your pride and joy but it can also be your coffin. We met some vet tankers and got to talk to them... one word: RESPECT.
  12. *sigh* you guys are damn talkative... as far as it sees, it seems we are all playing a cold war version. UPDATE: Jadayne: The git has rushed me flags got shot up, shot me up good too.. it's a nail biter and there will only be one survior standing on a heap o bodies. von Lucke: He is dazzeled by my new 21st century weapons, my laser targeting Mark IV and my powered armour troops be wacking anything of his that moves, my Cloaking devices work off and on but I am sure it has hidden 80% of my forces from him, right now I am watching Pvt. Henson write a letter to his sweetheart, I'll ask him if he wants to surrender now or end up as forest fertilizer.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad: I am the serf'n piss and water boy <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you forgot "PUSHOVERBOY" or "TOILETCLEANER".. how about "WEEGAMEYBASTARD" or "I CANNA FYNE ME ARSE WI'BOAT ANDS" mensch has spoken!
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: Wha nae just start mae oot wi' a company o' dead sodjers, instaid o' thas ridiculous process o' havin' Mensch gun thaim doon afore they hit tha beach ain two turns? Bastaarrrd. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ha me lad!! the canucks have landed on the juno beach, your Queen's Own Rifles are washing ashore now, me barrels are red hot from shooting and my FO's have you pinned. I just hope the damn scenario designer made it right and your Fort Garry Horse DD Tanks show up late!! and your AVRE's get a bad case of the windholes from my AT guns. all my thanks to M.Dorish for giving me less guys to defend a HUGE beach with...
  15. Pacific Theatre CM, now there's a challange! oh come on guys! it would be great. I have 2000 Imperial troops sitting on an island and you bypass me, not bothering to fight cuz you know I fight to the last man, you cut off my supply lines, we end up eating every coconut, monkey and insects on the island and pbems would be fun to watch US ships pass by the island, wondering when they are going to attack so we could fight like honorable warriors, off and on you send messages to me to surrender cuz there is no hope since we are cut off, etc... I message back "never you American Dogs, come and fight like true warriors" this goes on till the war comes to an end and we still hold out a year longer before our commander does the harikari thing and we say "bollocks to this I'm hungry and Have not seen my rock garden for 3 years now, besides Private Huko is starting to look attractive to me and that's scaring me more so"
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Last time I shot a plane down, I heard an explosion and the shadow disappeared.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> uh.. Dave, isn't that illegal? dammit who let in the terroists here!!
  17. *cue the Damn! sun!!!* Stalins Organ: oh… oh… Right! *pulls the gold painted rope near the cess Wall* *poing!!!* *all cess poolers look and see its the baby smiley face sun from Teletubbies!!* Peng: Urrggkkk!! Berli: Uh oh, pengs eye is twitching. I think he's going to snap!! Mace: That or go for another drink. *all cesspoolers pull out large caliber guns and shoot the fecking sun out of the sky* Mace: There! thats better, besides who needs that fecking sun when we have the glow of our hatred for one another to live off on. Berli:Shut up or get a hair cut mace. Mensch: Now now Berli, be kind to lesser creatures of this planet. Mace can't help it if he's Australian. Berli: Well at least he can brush his fecking teeth!!.. *looks* er.. tooth. *front gates open and Meeks and Croda stroll in* Peng: Urrgkk!! me Gods!!! I thought I threw you two in the lake with concrete shoes??? Meeks: Feh, nice try Peng but that lake outside the cess dried up years ago. We just waited for the local rodents to chew at our legs to set us free! hmm… *looks around* SINCE WHEN DID THE CESS HAVE A KINDERGARTEN!??? Croda: Looks like we have a job on our hand little buddy. Meeks:> Drop the Gilligan's Island act Croda it's unbecomming of you. Croda: Ok Professor. *sticks his tounge out at meeks* Mensch: Hey! Meeks!! Croda!! welcome fecking back, jeezus finaly back up for us old timers, to the left you can see the kindergarten of newbies. Ignore their bawing and crying, at least we let them sit in their diapers all year long. and *looks around* we have a coackroach problem *steps on one - CRuNCh!* Stalins Organ: arggh! oooh! Meeks: Ouch you stepped on his soft squishy parts. Wait it's still squirming, let me help *crUNCH! Grind* Stalins Organ:… Mensch: Wow those Iron shod shoes are amazing! PawBroon: You can get them Hubwards near Lancre. Croda: you mean by that Igor fella? PawBroon: No, your thinking of Igor in Ankh-Morpork, this Igor just moved from Überwald to Lancre. Berli: I heard there is a gizmo to remove newbies but no one here wants to use it since Bloody Stupid Johnson built it. <n>PawBroon: Geeeeoooodds! I just hope we never see it tested.. hmm maybe we could pack all the newbies in the inner courtyard with it and let them play with it? *everyone looks at eachother* All: Naaaaaaaa! Meeks: Well, at least Peng hasn't changes *everyone looks in the corner where peng is trying to open a twist top beer bottle* Peng:HEY, anyone got a bottle opener!!?? Croda: well at least that will keep him busy for a few days. Mensch: So Croda, what happened? Croda: Oh you know stuff..... Wife. All:Ooohhh.. *mutterings of "poor guy" and "damn they die so early now" going around* Mensch: Oh ya, I understand Berli: Ya but do ya got pictures of her? *nudge nudge, wink wink* Croda: whaddya mean by that Berli? ya when we were on holidays… Berli: Neva mind. *rolls eyes* Meeks: Well I'm off to see if my room is still the way I left it. Berli: Oh, er.. well we thought you were dead or somefink so we sold all the stuff, but we put IOU's in place of the furniture and porno mags; there as good as furniture and mags!!.. er.. ya. Mace: I'm not returning those you bastards I payed good money for those!!! a whole weeks cess pay!! Mensch: Oh come on Mace thats only 25¢!! Mace: Still besides.. some are.. uh. sticky now, I can't return them. Meeks: Keep them my short sheepshagging friend, I.. er... you can keep them *leans to Berli* did he say "sticky?" Berli: He's been a bit "funny" lately, I'd let it ride and forget about it. Meeks: ok who has my bed and work desk then? Mensch: oh, we had to use it as kindle wood to burn a few interlopers that came in bugging the hell out of Peng, you know asking if "it's real" "can I touch it" "ooh it made a noise, quick grab the camera while its drinking its beer" that kinda thing. Meeks: crap! my stuff!! Berli: Donna worry lad, you can take what this coakroach was using for a room. Organs Stalin… *wimper* Croda: IT'S STILL NOT DEAD!! *wack thump pound crunch bam!* Organs Stalin… Mensch: well he is a tough little sucker, we try to beat him like that every so often to show him we care. Berli: Lets go to the Mess hall and celebrate! Mace: Woohooo!! Beer! all: Shut up mace! Mensch: Some one grab Peng, I can't stand watching a grown man cry over a twist off he cant figure out to open. lets go. [ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  18. Remember to use Rickets alot!!.. preferablably gainst jshandorf all those splod'n stuff he likes. =)
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Gamey bastard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> who me? no no no no... you must be thinking of someone else. maybe… *looks around, grabs Mace* here you want gamey.. take this lad, all chicken! can't get more gamey then that..
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: What?! Did the 'rickets splodin and stuff piss you off? Jeff<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> tcha, those splodin Rickets can make one loose interest and piss ya off.. RIGHT jeff.. *snicker*... *tee hee*... ooh. Go get'm Snoota!!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: …we think of Aussie's as nothing more than knife-wielding, funny talking, sheep herders and gator wrestlers. They all own Land Rovers from the WWII era and live in smallish trailers on vast plateaus. [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader cuz he's an Idiot]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Realy Poopsy Leader, you have it all wrong!! they all live in the waste land driving things that were once cars battling it out for Gasoline and Broads! Since there are few Broads or Sheep as they call them, they build nifty cities called "Thunder Dome" and breed pigs for that tasty Bacon and Poop. They usually forget which is which and tank up on Backbacon and chow down on something which they think smells awful and tastes even worse… but they don't say anything about it cuz all Ozzie food stinks. Once and a while a "Hero" comes out of the wasteland to battle Good, so Evil can continue. He usually has some moth eaten dog named "lucky" which pisses on his Backbacon or Other breakfast to give it flavor and to say "I wuv you". Jeez Footsy Leaderless get it right for once!! oh yes.. Sod off!
  22. well thanks v.S. =) I spent many years training my 81mm FO's to call in shot fer shot dead on SP Guns, and my Tank crews to remain unbuttoned even though fired upon by Zooks, MMG's and kids shooting paperclips with elasticbands. I look forward to anymore "armour" you may have that wishes to test its Steel against my SuperdupperalliedasskickingimobilemarkIV
  23. well since the peng thread is once more near its end (I can hear it coughing up pflem) EMAIL SPAM TIME. why? cuz I hate you all and this is my only way of anoying the bloody crap out of you all. so, not to waste my time BITE ME ---------- email starts here ---------- This cracked me up. First, the poem, then someone else's response. Pass the pie! The following is a poem made up entirely of quotations from George W. Bush. The quotes have been arranged, for aesthetic reasons only, by Washington Post writer Richard Thompson. MAKE THE PIE HIGHER by George W. Bush I think we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the internet become more few? How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that the human being and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize Society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher! ... and the response: I think it's terrible to make fun of Our President by twisting his words in this manner. Make the Pie Higher in deed! It's perfectly clear to everyone who doesn't subscribe to those left wing conspiracy papers like the NY Times and Washington Post that our President was issuing an Executive Order that legalizes Pies containing Medical Marijuana. Of course, this was only after extensive scientific research proved that second hand marijuana smoke was hazardous to others, but pie crumbs were not dangerous at all! So in a kinder/gentler/healthier/scientificer way - Our President has found a way to ease the pain of those poor souls with seriousfull medical conditions without endangermenting the health of others. Praise God. AND he's been able to do this in a patriouticfull way that will ALSO help to simulate the looming economy! After all, besides brotherhood...what could be more Americana than Cannabis Pie?! The Oakland Cannabis Club will soon be rolling in dough - - AND THAT, my lets-polk-fun-at-our-President-at-the-expense-of-our-national-pridefullness friend - - is what OUR PRESIDENT is all about: Making Money AND Helping People. Sure some of those people are often very close to Our President - but don't you want to help people that you know and love? Why should Our President be any different from you? I think it's high time that we all start acting growed up and stop poking fun at Our President. Rarely do people stop and ask yourselfs - "Are that really necessary?" I don't think sow. Sincerefully yours, J. ---------- email ends here ---------- now was that so rough? if so.. GOOD!
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