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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. Chup, it's good to see you, too. How a crazy SOB like you can know anything about Student amazes me. When I'm done slaughtering some of these lambs, I'll expect a set-up from you. Oh and Jefe, shut your pie-hole and get me a cup of coffee, bitch. There's nothing you can do or say about the fact that, when not in the weird Escher world, which doesn't exist outside of Stockholm, I have a track record of decimating your pathetic forces, regardless of the little tricks you try to use in the name of tactics. The only way you can overcome this is to burn me and my men alive, sacrificing us to the unholy gods of CM. I wish you luck in your attempt, as the likelihood of your victory equals the likelihood that the Brick, through simple Brownian motion, will leap out of Seanachai's hands and hit me in the head. ------------------ Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: You could put together a string of boring and/or idiotic things to say, punctuate them with unintelligable garbage, baste with an all-knowing sense that I am, without a doubt, worthless, and it would be as good as anything else I've ever posted. Hell, who am I kidding, probably better. Jefe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've noticed a certain level of ego from you as of late Jefe. Let's remember that I quit in a frustrated rage, giving you your only victory against me. Frankly, if we hadn't been playing on some otherdimensional plane of existence, I doubt you would have stood a chance. This has little to do with your pathetic Croda-bashing, which I whole-heartedly support, I just wanted to remind you that you are still my bitch, until such a time as you prove otherwise. And that leads me to a couple statements about people who are, should be or are in the process of becoming my bitch, notably Herr Oberst and OGSF. Though both of these are little liver spots on the haggard face of humanity, I enjoy their posting. Their CMing, however, is about the most underhanded and sandbagged ****e I've ever seen. First there is OGSF, who set up an Assault (Who even plays assault? People who need a 200% manpower advantage, that's who) at night in the fog and he was the Germans. In case the rest of you have never, ever played CM the Germans are the only side that has SMG squads and flamethrower HTs. So, naturally, I fight him to a draw. What's the next map? Another Assault, by him, at night. Due to his timely sacrifice of a virginal warthog, he manages to achieve an Extremely Minor Victory. So in the next game, I get to assault him, turnabout being fair play, right? The only soldier left to surrender was a prepubescent, dog-shooting little girl. Thereby setting our record at 1-1-1. So do I get to Assault him again? No, he decides he's had enough and sets up a normal map. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'll smash his little noggin on the rocks, but I am demanding a demerit against the twit. As to Herr Oberst, all I can say is if there's anything worse than an all armor battle in CM (When I, of course, am the allies) it's an all armor battle: With no trees, no hills and randomly chosen troops! So not only do I get the crappy, designed by a toothless eskimo whore Allied armor, I also don't even get to choose anything that resembles the stuff designed by said toothless eskimo whore when she wasn't blasted on absinthe and heroin. I'll still chop you up and wrap the little bits of you in intestines, Herr Soon To Be Sausage Oberst, but you get a demerit, too. And good to see that you're posting like a man, Croda. Now take off that damn checked gingham dress. ------------------ Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!
  3. Mainly we want to see 3D models of those hot Russian chicks. Other than that, you're correct, the Ostfront has nothing of interest. ------------------ Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!
  4. See, this is what I'm talking about Croda, you pustulent genetic throwback. I cannot stand, nor will I condone the continuation of these stupid, monosyllabic, single line posts. They are not entertaining, they are not interesting, they are filler and serve only to increase the size of the Pool. I'm all for size, as YK2 told it matters, though she quickly said your personality made up for it Pawbroon, but these 27 IQ one-liners were what killed the Old Pool before it's time. So shape up you little chimp, I've heard your vitriol and bile and it's some of the best. I demand if you have little to say, to put it in a notepad until that notepad is so covered in filth and depravity that when you post small children run away screaming in a foreign language while squirrels nearby weep and dogs begin to use rolling as their sole form of locomotion. And no more of these bloody tea parties where two of you idiots go back and forth like you're on some kind of AOL chat room. I see three new posts and they end up being. "I wear socks" -PeterNZer, "They Smell!" - Foobar, "No they don't" - PeterNZer, et cetera, et cetera. Go rent a motel room in the squallid part of town if you want to do things like that (Yes, Bauhaus, things exactly like that, now SIT DOWN YOU LITTLE FREAK OR I'LL TEAR YOUR NIPPLES OFF AND SHOVE THEM IN YOUR EARS!) ------------------ Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!
  5. Sure, ok. I retire the Hamsters nick, as was the requirement of my return. I can't stand reading the pathetic taunts that pass as acceptable in the Pool these days so I consider it my civic duty to return. I haven't sent any of you turns because, frankly, I've been fighting for the freedom of the Yugoflavians in a small war down by Delhi. This being over, I will endeavor to send turns tonight. One report though and that is with the accursed Schism Battle with Seanachai. We have decided to eschew our other troops, which will now retreat, while our HQs meet in the center of Schloss Peng to do battle, mano y mano, for the right to change the other guy's qoute. That and a free latte at Starbucks. Oh, and some Cantonese girl he's taken a fancy to. I'm back, so you'd better shape up you sorry lot. ------------------ Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!
  6. Just going to show you can take the boy out of the Cesspool but you can't take the Cesspool out of the boy, eh? As to CS, I haven't played since B7 came out, I'll try to pick it up and give you a go, Jefe. And you, Seanachai, I'd like you to tell that to the bloody, frozen corpses of the men you once commanded in battle. But back to the point, CM is and will be spectacular without hi-res but with it, it goes to an entirely new level. I want hi-res everything, from guns to roads to trees to, well, everything. Every time I throw a new mod in there I think, "Wow, it does get better!" and I want every one of you limey bastards to know how much I appreciate that. It's like getting a fancy new crackpipe every week. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  7. I'd love to see BTS tackle naval and air operations with the same innovation that they've brought to land operations. I have no idea how they'd do it but if they can produce a CM:Beyond Midway that let's me see the naval and air battles that take place there (Without having to fly or steer the steenking things) I'd kiss 'em full on the lips. Otherwise, I'd love to see modern actions because, as there have been so few full scale modern actions, we stand a good chance of developing innovative and useful tactics that haven't been seen before. All I need is for BTS to properly model the troops and vehicles. Finally, I think BTS should, right after CM12 or so, create a "Movie Engine" of sorts, where you grab your beer and pretzels and just watch as troops clash and war is waged. Sit back, pipe it into the entertainment system and just watch as the battle progresses. This, I think, would be best for those wars that would be no fun or unrealistic (We have a better grasp of tactics than a lot of those generals did) to play, such as many think WWI is. And then I'd appreciate it if they'd model my E-Type so I could drive it down a virtual battlefield. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  8. I just wanted to say thanks to every mod-maker who's put together Hi-Res BMPs for CM. I'm one of those CMers that came from FPS-land and these mods, which take advantage of my fancy hardware, really improve my gameplay. Kudos to all you guys and keep up the good work. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  9. Bloody game designers, never putting their games in English. This world is so unfair to those few of us who only speak English. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  10. Crack, ha! Crack doesn't approach the level of addiction brought on by CM. Imagine if a drug dealer told you you could get a lifetime supply of crack for $50. And then he set up a UBB to ramble to other addicts. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  11. And I third it. According to their message board, it sounds like people have bought the game. I was unable, however, to find any link that allowed that. Stephan, any ideas? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  12. You're still not getting my Bud Light, Ju Ju. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  13. Yes, this thread should be padlocked, thereby immortalizing Rob/1's eloquent, "Bumer". Here, here! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  14. I have to through my vote for The Civil War by Shelby Foote as well. Enough cannot be said about this man's impartiality, grasp of the subject and excellent writing skills. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: I've read that about four times now and I still think what the **** is that?! Maybe it will make more sense tomorrow morning but I doubt it, that's like saying two negatives equal a positive or saying, "Many thanks to all the murderers out there who make our lives a misery."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It means, Bates, that your simplistic, overarching, jingoistic statement does nothing for a serious conversation about a serious topic. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  16. These national imperatives are manufactured excuses, used by the corporations and political bigwigs in America to increase their power and holdings. The vast number and mind-numbing size of the contradictions in American (And other national) foreign policy does not hold up to even the most simple attacks. I cannot believe you guys can support intervention when American intervention has been so glaringly biased toward the rich and powerful. A small sampling: -There was a small, peaceful and democratic Latin American country overthrown with CIA support in the middle of this century because they were giving lip to American corporations. Name the country, name the corporations and name the excuse. -Gee those arms dealers sure liked World War I. -The Bay of Pigs and our entire Cuba/Castro relationship. If you want to see every partisan historian's face twist in disgust and confusion, ask them about the last 100 years of Cuba in relation to American intervention and colonialism. And don't forget to ask whether or not sugar had anything to do with it. Or the number of contradictory involvements we get into, where one decade we love a strong leader and the next decade he is satan. We were very happy to sell Iraq jet fighters and equipment, overlooking how they killed the Kurds (Ahem, Turkey, ahem) while they fought the evil Iran. We are now very happy to support the totalitarian leaders of Saudi Arabia. We were very happy to support the mysoginist, backward, cruel Taliban while it was fighting the USSR. But it's ok if the people of the Ivory Coast or PR of Congo die in their little wars. Hutus and Tutsis aren't nearly as important as Albanians and Serbs. Oh yes, those poor Albanians, we sure didn't seem to care about them when Albania self-destructed and a million Kalishnikovs got distributed to that nasty little region. Yes, Albanians alone do not warrant intervention but if you put a great big copper mine in the picture, the US is there. Jefferson was, is and will be right. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Magua: The textures are all the same Res as the originals so they do not look so effective close up (but i still think they are an improvement even at this rough stage). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does this mean you plan on a high-res set at a future stage? If so, wahoo!
  18. I have seen abandons, knock outs and catastrophic explosions to the Sd/Kfz2 from small arms fire. I've only seen other HTs taken out by MGs and grenades. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  19. That's so crazy it just might work! No, no, wait, no it's not quite that crazy, sorry. Better luck next time. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  20. I have to disagree, it's intervention that has caused the damage to all societies and all cultures. Granted there are evils that have been stopped by intervention but these have been far outweighed by the evils caused by intervention, not least of which is the destruction of cultural norms and the institution of bland, cookie-cutter values, businesses and politics. We would all be better off if the US stopped trying to tell every country how to live their lives and concentrated on fixing itself. I cannot say the same about other countries' policies, as I have not enough information on them, but I'd be willing to wager that it's the same out there. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  21. What version are you running? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: As we have said many times over, CM is designed to simulate the bulk of combat on the Western Front. Not all of it Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Keep working at it Steve, when you get all of it, we promise to elevate you to God-King status. I mean, come on, who doesn't want a big temple built in their name? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  23. Securityguard, you are without a doubt an utter moron. The number of things wrong with this strategy are too high to count, not the least of which being: How many turns do you have to waste reposition crews? How do you charge any position with shattered troops? You're an idiot. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: It depends on the kind of game – that's the argument. There's no doubt that mods do a lot for games like Doom and Quake, but those are no comparison to CM. David <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> David, these games have followed their own development cycle and push toward realism, just as CM has. For example, Quake 3 has an incredibly realistic physics engine. The reason these games have such outlandish weapons is because it best demonstrates the extremely developed simulation of real world environments. To discount these because you don't like them is a bit hasty. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
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