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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: What synaptical failure... -Does this man have any idea how difficult it is to digest a post utilizing 12x as many words as are necessary? Lesser men have died for affronts such as these, I assure you.-<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Synaptical? You are a mook. ------------------ ...may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators. Maybe not.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Oak: Doesn't the customer come first in the business world?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Eh? Please retract this statement. I want a game that details every aspect of warfare from 4000BCE to 1999. That's fine but expecting BTS to do it makes no sense. ------------------ ...may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators. Maybe not.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Meeks, you may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators, but surely you're not so godawful pathetically unimaginative as to not be able to think of your own bloody tagline? Hell, if you're that hard up, take my old one. Or go back to selling the Street Signature News, begging for signature busfare, and scrounging half-eaten signature calzones from the signature dumpster out back of the nasty Korean-owned signature pizzaria, I don't give a damn. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good sweet Jesus what a post! Now that's a post! A post to bring the exclamation posts out of me! Ya ha! I am invigorated! Andreas, what is this slightly off-kilter tone of yours? Am I to take that to mean that I'm stupid or that others are stupid? Frankly, I find it hard to believe that I'm stupid or that your name is Frank. I could understand others being stupid but which others? My theory is that you're still pissed off about the ever lessening quality of the X-files. Well, I think the T-1000 is doing a good job and it's coming back up to snuff, they just have to muzzle that red-haired moron and give more screen time to baldy. Bwahahahahahaahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I now present the new signature! God, it's good to be the king. And one more thing, Hiram rocks. He does. The little guy'll probably end up pissing on my grave but until then, he's ok by me. Oh, and I don't hide. Ugly people and horses hide, I go to other places. You should see the havoc that I bring into people's lives. Why, over the last three weeks I've ruined two, nearly achieved the topplement of a major mortgage company, convinced eight people to not have children, ran over the last member of an endangered species, backed up to make sure I finished the job, shot the president, shot the other president and still had time to reinvent the corn flake so as to take advantage of advances in human culture. ------------------ ...may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators. Maybe not. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-13-2000).]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Yap yap yap!!!! Yap yap yap yap yap!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!! Jefe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeegods, looks like I struck a nerve. You poor bastard, you really care, don't you? Also in the news, Hiram has sent me a new turn, explaining in his E-mail that he has a "Monster schlong". Does this mean it has teeth? Is it a wereschlong? Does it have those little bolts like Frankenstein's monster? Can it turn into a bat? No fish for you Jefe! Your posts are brutish and boring. They sound like the remonstrations of a 13-year old, overly concerned with puberty and lacking in artistic merit. I demand better, knowing that you can achieve it. As to Mensch, you are allowed to chew on the remnants of Pawbroon's dinner. What the hell is a "Pawbroon"? Regardless, the ejakulating part was Jefeish but it ended well. As pioneered by the aforementioned Pawbroon, you get points for being a foreigner and butchering the language as you taunt. It's so cute. Now get cracking, you won't get any pudding if you don't insult properly! First one to give me a sig gets a title. Dammit Berli, why don't you tell me this!!?!?! Please resend me the file, so that we may continue. -Edited to add the Berli supplication- [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-13-2000).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: A homoerotic tale suitable for posting on the alt.crazypschogaymenwhoplaycm.binaries involving Jefe and an unwilling target of Jefe's affections. The tale is poorly written but very well thought out, indicating Jefe has all ready tested it out on various subjects, listed in order of likelihood: A duck, a bison, a bricklayer named Vinnie, a schoolmarm, a protesting but not altogether unwilling salmon, George W. Bush.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jefe, let me just state the particulars of the situation. The random force assignment, in 29m visability, mind you, gave me barbed wire (That you could see from round one) a roadblock and 4 infantry guns, one of which refuses to fire due to the fact that 29m is within it's minimum range. You have managed, with a real force advantage of roughly 300%, to get yourself slaughtered everywhere, to have entire platoons routed by 1-man HQ units and otherwise prove yourself to be the CM equivilent of Larry Munroe, the only Keystone Cop to be cut from the squad for being too bloody stupid. You sir, have all the tactical skill of a vagabond jellyfish and smell like Halibut slime, to boot. Where's that sig, goddammit!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Mewling remarks about how nice it is to see people you've never met but respect and secretly desire. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh shut up you little sissy. Every ****e post about the quality of the 'Pool is a ****e post that lessens the quality of the 'Pool. Post something like this, you little girly-man: Mensch: New opponent, left him out because he's not prepossessing at all. Nothing of any real interest has happened. I can only assume that he is an inveterate psycho, intent upon using my fat to fuel his stoves as he cooks my beating heart to serve to his marmot-faced children. Good god, this man scares the bejesus out of me. Still looking for that sig you bunch a losers.
  7. Oh stop your simpering you worthless sons of bitches, I'm back. You see, for some time now I've been unable to put together a good, solid string of insults. I'd pull up a response to one of your many pathetic posts and I'd start it off well enough, you know with lots of mention of obscure body parts being used in even more obscure dishes, but then I'd be struck by 'Pool block. So I tried the Seanachai Way, which is something akin to: They post a sentence, you post a library. They send one of your boys to the Webster's dictionary, you send one of their's to the Library of Congress. The words came, the theories expounded, I railed against the apparent uselessness of the 'Pool vs. the obvious quality of resultant wit in it but when I got to my ultimate theory of what the 'Pool was, I ended up writing that it was a jungle gym for adults. What the hell? I felt like Michael Jordan playing baseball. So I thought hell, just wait till the inspiration comes. Then I thought, what the hell?!?! If one of my infantrymen told me he had Rifleman's block I'd run the man through with a barber's pole. If, one day, Hiram sent me an E-mail saying he had CM block, I'd hunt him down and use his ligaments for my violin. A pox on all blocks, except for the kind that gives the Raiders a good running game and the XK found under the hood of a classic Jag. Now on to the pissing on my opponents: Elvis: Lucky in love, unlucky in everything else. Wait, just checked on that love thing, he's not lucky in that, either. JDMorse: Luckiest piece of donkey spunk ever to have walked the Earth. I hope his children are born with flippers. More than likely it will be hooves. Peng: Whomever put the forces on this map, Chup I think, is neither cruel nor dastardly but rather just incompetant. Peng stood no chance on Rd. 1 and has managed to go rapidly downhill. I've met Rodney Dangerfield, I'm a friend of Rodney Dangerfield and I must say, Peng, you are Rodney Dangerfield. Seanachai: Hasn't sent me a turn in about 2 months. No worries, when he does send turns there's about as much excitement. Still scared of the fact that I've got the Duke, I'd wager. Jefe: Gifted with the most lopsided random force assignment, EVER, Jefe has managed to piss away every advantage and wrestle himself into a position of failure. His performance against me is, without a doubt, the worst I've seen since I played that one-legged chihuahua from Greece. Croda: Doing a very good job of going against all tactical doctrine taught for the last 3000 years. Croda's pre-Sumerian battle plan is decimating me. My men are looking for iron weapons with which to fight him and have begun forming phalanxes, though I'm starting to fear it is too little, too late, too often with too many toos to do anything. Chrisl: Demonstrating once again why Assault is the most pathetically evil setting in CM. I have destroyed, at last count, roughly three companies of armor and at least a full division of infantry. I have lost one platoon of infantry, a couple M8s and a duck, leaving me with fourteen mimes to defend against Chrisl's remaining 8 regiments of horse-drawn, thermo-nuclear warhead dispensing, invulnerable God-Kings and their supporting 4th Imperial Storm Wing of Tie Bombers and Tie Defenders. I am confident that he will be defeated. Hiram: My inner Croda tells me Hiram should surrender and weeps at the continued slaughter of his men. My men are unable to do anything but kill Hiram's men and have done so using 32 methods all ready, including the rare and poorly modeled, "Death by large rock" and the better modeled but equally rare, "Death by larger rock." PeterNZer: Demonstrating the reason why it is detrimental to leave the Pool for any period of time, PeterNZer has slandered me over and over again, playing what I assume is a different game than I. He has, firstly, no grasp of tactics or proper use of any unit within CM and this results in his clucking about killing or KOing conscript infantry and vehicles. I hold all VLs with, roughly, 37,000 conscript soldiers, and do not much worry that he will be successful assaulting said positions with green limeys. It made me weep with happiness to learn that this utter fool, this horse's ass, this animated troll doll PeterNZer managed to fight the reprehensible Lewis to a draw. I do not like Lewis, he strikes me as a little man and I will say no more about him, other than that I have it on good authority that he peruses goat porn in his leisure hours. OGSF: Still my favorite Next Generation 'Pooler, he fights well and curses even better. Our game has just started but, from prior games I can expect horrendously bad luck and massive, massive slaughter. If you all decide to kill me and distribute my titles like so many pieces of taffy, I would like OGSF to be the first to stab me. Have I missed anyone? Andreas doesn't respond to me, taking offense at my stance on free speech. Berli hasn't sent me a file in years. Goanna's made me an offer I can't refuse but also can't quite understand, though I'm still chuckling about the hacky-sacking of Warsaw. Poetry is still for cripples and homosexuals. I am the Dillinger. Brush. Roborat, send me a set-up so that you can feel some real pain. Past performance is indicative of future return. Too bad about the CC5 debacle. Don't use crack, mushrooms are better. Also, I need a new sig, so shape up you rat bastard sons of syphillus infected monkey**** loving whores and write something that's wry. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: I also knew this guy Vinny whos father was a cook in WWII. Being a proud man also (like marks dad), he was insulted that he had to cook for people and the s**t he took from white people. Since he wasnt allowed to be in combat, he and his buddies would sneak off in the night and set out to kill germans with knives and chains (They were all from NY). He said his father bragged about making the white german guys suffer. He said it was a game and they would bring back watches, pistols , wallets, etc. Now I know this is all impolite and all that but its what I have heard. I dont care about Meeks (what a name) or anyone else. War is alot meaner than any of this anyway. I have no agenda either. I am not scared to face the real world. Lewis<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gee, Lewis, this sounds real believable. Oh, wait, you insulted my name, well I think I'll go and cry. I think you should spend less time playing with cardboard and watching movies and, to qoute Sir Sean, more time reading books instead of burning them. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: As said above Lewis, you don't need to Ghost your drive to do what your saying but it won't matter as once your system resolves the turn you are not permitted to view it. It must first be sent to your opponent who then gets to view it first and then sends it back to you. You could re-run the original file 20 times in the same location of Combat Mission and you would come up with 20 separate and unique outcomes but those won't have any value to you as you can't view them. I think it was Rube Goldberg that used to invent incredibly complex designs for inventions to do the most simple of tasks. This sounds very similar. Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, at what point do you view the movie, Lewis, thereby selecting your best result? Maybe you have a seance with the ghosted machines and they whisper it to you? ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  10. The Oakland Raiders now have the best record in the NFL. Waha ah hah hahaaahahaha!!!!!!! Quick, lock this up before they lose tomorrow or something, so that this moment may be forever immortalized. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  11. I have to agree with Croda on this one. Tink, there is a time and place for everything, if someone created a Merry Christmas thread, it would be inappropriate to fill that thread with flames about the Inquisition. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Anyway, this is a pointless discussion, I am mainly posting because I want to make it clear that I am not using the idea of free speech to negate private responsibility. We will never agree Elijah. I think you are being dangerously naive, and trust too much into peoples' ability to reason. I don't - unless proven otherwise I believe people are morons and will follow whatever stupid ideas are being peddled at a given time. I would love to be proven wrong though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This will be my final post on the subject, Andreas, as you've mischaracterized my argument. I totally agree that people suck. They're stupid, lazy and, sometimes, evil. However, I am not and I know that, regardless of whether they waste or misuse this or any other right, I do not. I'm selfish Andreas, not naive, and I do not want my rights to be curbed for the safety of a gaggle of idiots. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  13. My mistake, Mord, sorry about getting riled up. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Elijah, I come from a country where we have seen what unlimited free speech and a weak, defenseless democracy can do. If they tomorrow start locking up people pouring out racial hatred, I'll assist and throw away the keys. We will never see eye to eye on that, and you simply have a lot more trust in humanity than I do. I have been to Dachau, and my trust is still there. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think it was the weak and defenseless democracy, Andreas, not the free speech, that rotted the social fabric of Germany. Too many are too willing to ignore the responsibility of the many, many people who wanted facism and try to blame all the evils on Goebbels or Nazism or Hitler or the SS. It was not words that killed Jews, it was not arguments that created Zyklon-B, it was not the idea of Lebensraum that murdered Russian citizens, it was the German people. Censoring what they said or printed or believed neither brings back the dead nor safeguards the living, rather it makes it easy to ignore the people who committed these actions and instead concentrate on the few who lead them and what those few wrote, said and thought. If I walk into a crowded theatre and maliciously yell fire, that does not make me responsible for your trampling to death of another person. It may explain your actions but it does not excuse them. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-10-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord: Why don't all you guys practice some freedom of speech and IGNORE this arrogant jerk. I think he'll understand that. Silence is deafening. In real life he would have been spitting teeth by now. Mord <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's get some things straight here, Mord, first I would kick your sorry ass clean out of your pants if you talked like this to me in real life. Second, you have added nothing to the conversation with you peurile little remarks. Moron. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: On the contrary, it makes you a better individual because you will have to grapple with your conscience constantly, and are forced to make value judgements, something you are abdicating when you just allow anything to be said. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Au contraire, Andreas, only by advocating free speech are you forced to make value judgements, as you can only make these when exposed to ideas. By allowing the expression of these ideas, you save your judgement until after they are heard. You cannot be exposed to new, scary, exciting, evil, et cetera ideas if we have all ready declared them off-limits, instead you spend your days watching sitcoms and reading the same bland newspaper articles. A particular social ill that the US is quite stricken with. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  17. Not to open myself up to the slings and arrows of angry forum members but I, too believe in an absolute right to free speech. Don't misinterpret this to mean I think that Steve has any requirement to keep open threads on his site that he does not want to stay open, rather, I think that all these angry religious wanker / Nazi / Fire in a Crowded Theatre arguments are fallacious. My two points of argument: 1) The more we try to protect people, the weaker we get. Once someone feels it is their right to live in a world that does not hurt them, offend them or otherwise bother them, then they have lost something which is integral to being human, the feeling of pain. If you are in a crowded theatre and someone yells fire, it is your responsibility to make sure he's right. If you go to the theatre with a bunch of idiots who believe everything they hear, you should have known better. If you hear a religious zealot advocating the extermination of your social group or, more likely, speech leading to such a goal, you had sure as hell better start working against it and not just figure that someone will protect you. People who want to limit speech are the same people who pass laws to require warning labels on coffee and life jackets when out on a lake, they are overgrown parents who think that life is only fun and love and that anything unsafe is inherently bad. We need mean, stupid and evil speech to toughen us up or we'll be swept away by the next great political or social disaster. 2) Ghandi, when speaking of pacifism, pointed out that when you chop down a tree, the axe is hurt as well as the tree. When we limit speech, we get caught in the inevitable inconsistencies demanded by the mewling of people who want a world more safe than you. eg Well if we can't advocate the extermination of Jews, we definitely can't discuss the misogynist tenants inherent in the Muslim religion, as that's just as bad. Racism, sexism, hate and evil all become straw men and slippery slopes until we're putting the same weight on off-topic posts, speed limits, bicycle riding and football games. In sum, we cannot be expected to think for ourselves if we put effort into the creation of a society that expressly forbids the act of speaking for ourselves, as the conscious creation of these morays and taboos not only retards society, it damages the individual. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  18. A burning bush told me. Seriously, though, I heard about it on sharkyextreme.com on a column called, well something, I can't remember now. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  19. Happy birthday from all of us to all of you! Being the egomaniacal bastard I am, my present to you is this moment of my time, which is considered priceless in at least 13 seperate cultures (Including the French). ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: My friends father served in Pattons army during WWII. He loved to tell the story of how his recon unit was supported by a tank unit with black tankers. He claimed the germans KO'd a tank and the tankers left their asses hanging in the breeze. They extricated themselves and went back and found the unit. He claimed they pulled the TCs out of the turrets and beat them down till their helmets bent in. Bn officers from both units had to intervene before people got killed. He also tells a story about black intel officers coming in a jeep and his unit refusing to turn over the germans (they were all from wisconsin and spoke german) to them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> (Bold added to point out the parts of this statement I have issues with) I don't agree with the conclusion Slapdragon makes from Lewis's various statements. I think, based on the language used, that Lewis made this up just to smear black soldiers. I'm no military historian but I know how the language works and you don't gleefully talk about beating a man until his helmet bends in without meaning something. I know I'm late on the subject and I appreciate the education on Jackie Robinson, I just thought he played baseball, but I think we're all being a little too forgiving of some pretty nasty statements. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  21. Stuka! This is a new and exciting time and you may earn your knighthood if you convert enough heathens but realize now, and this goes for the lot of you squires looking for the quick road to knighthood, you can say whatever you want in the heathen lands but you are not a knight until you have been declared such. Now go out there and knock some heathen heads in! ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  22. I feel invigorated! Come on people, we need to expand our beachhead and post, post, post in the Peng Thread on the CC5 forum. Quickly, people, or the opportunity will be lost. Now, my glorious Pengers, we stand on the verge of defeating the CC5 forum, our ancient oppressors. Download the demo, man the Thread and remember, the girls at home are watching! We cannot be defeated! We cannot be defeated! http://www.clubssi.com/ubb/Forum23/HTML/000843.html ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-05-2000).]
  23. Lorak! I call you forth to record the results of my match with JDMorse. It seems that despite the help of all the gods of Mt. Olympus, he was only able to achieve a draw against me. It's kinda sad, I've been out of material since the afternoon. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  24. Oh that's just silly, ASL, does that mean we shouldn't play CM because it trivializes WWII? ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: This just in from the Meeks/Elvis game. He wanted me to pass this on. He insisted I post this. He said to me: "I am a boob." (the I being Meeks of course) He has also hinted to the fact that he will soon surrender. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is true. Jitbag Goebbels, as I like to call him, twisted my words and cut and pasted until he managed to pick those words out of it. I will post about my victory once I have enough of Jitbag's command, as it will be such a massive victory as to require lots and lots of blood, ground German intestines and brain matter to write about the whole thing. ------------------ I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve. -Meeks You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve. -Chrisl
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