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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. SturmTiger! Blah blah blah rarity, blah blah blah. SturmTiger SturmTiger SturmTiger!!! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  2. Wow, I thought this was a feature as well and, I must admit, I love it. I think your guys just here reverberating echoes throughout the battlefield until a tank pops out of the mist. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  3. Bates, Are you talking about Sound Contacts? These have been known to skip around as your men try to get a bearing on them. As to actual, spotted units, I have never seen, in 1000s of games, a single spotted unit move in any sort of way as to make me think the game had issues remotely like what you're describing. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Hehe... Lewis, you are a real piece of work. Question... why are you wasting your precious game development time with our gamey modeling and poorly thought out abstractions? This must putting your game far behind schedule. And that means I have to wait longer to get my chance to get in a good laugh Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dammit Steve, you plagiarized my work! And my post was much more succinct, too. In fact, if you had implemented the points in my post into your post, your post would have been, at least, 150% better. This, of course, is based on my post, and I haven't really studied how long it would take to integrate it into your post, though I think the regression testing would be negligible. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: Steve 1. This paragraph is supposed to be clear? I am also judging the wisdom of your design not by what I see in front of me now (I guess you mean CMBO) but by what I have designed in my own game. I then thought, hey, why didnt they do this? Its not hardly gamey and helps realism.. So CM2 wont likely have it. Great. I agree that its a fundamental change. And in my threads I usually say that tweaks are OK and fundamental changes get the list treatment. I actually suggested 'respotting' or having the game check LOS and spotting once a unit decides to fire but forget it. So the orders phase 'spotting situation' derives from the resolution phase (end?) I gather. I guess we'll see how BTS's russian front game differs if at all from CMBO. I am getting the feeling its going to be very similar. And again, your welcome from us vets for the tweak info. Gamey tactics come from gamey modeling and good abstractions can wisely keep them in check. Lewis<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lewis, From someone who has managed and implemented software design and worked with major entertainment software companies I have to say that your attitude comes off as that of an insufferable prat. I'm amazed that BTS has the patience to respond to each of your posts, as it's obvious that while you have some grasp of logic, you do not understand the basic foundations of software development. Your tendency to harp about abstractions clouds the issue, as everyone knows that any software program is an abstraction. Your remarks about how you've solved something in your game are a joke. Not only is your game a seperate piece of code, (Which I would lay odds is not 1/100 as complex as CM) but it is also non-existent. It is, for lack of a better metaphor, the girlfriend in Canada (No offense to all you Canucks). It is everything that you want it to be with no flaws. Finally, this superior attitude of yours, as demonstrated in many other posts besides these, is completely unfounded. Your lack of humility shows no respect and lays bare your naivette. Frankly, and here's the quotable sentence, I find myself clenching my jaw every time I read your inane and redundant posts. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  6. Favorite quote from the CC5 preview: "Each soldier is armed with a historically accurate weapon, and Atomic seems pretty skilled at assigning valid values to these tools of the trade. You're not likely to find anything grossly out of whack here. Of course, you have to take a lot of the research on faith. It's usually a bit hazy how each weapon affects its target. You'll have to rely on general rules like "machine guns do a good job of killing infantry" and "the 75mm AT gun is better against tanks than the 37mm AT gun," rather than memorizing a chart of attack and defense values—there isn't one." ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  7. Keep in mind we haven't heard an update since that last one. As a disclaimer, we is me. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  8. I'll be sending you a turn, soon me laddie, then you'll see who's begging for decaf!!!!! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  9. Rat testicles!!! You see what the whupping I've put on you has done, you can't just take it like a man, can ya! You think you can just walk away and create some kinda cutesy, dainty, little-Polly-teapot thread that has kind, warm-hearted PBEM challenges?!! EH!?!?!? Well you've got another think coming, laddie! That's right! See this game ain't about no hugging and kissing and Momma's-gonna-make-it-all-better, noooo! This is about killing and penetrating and destroying your pathetic opponent! It's about making the poor sap do what you want despite his pathetic desires! It's about taking a company of Frenchies and shoving it right up your enemy's proverbial arse! So turn right around and get back to the Cesspool you lily-livered, chastity-belt wearing, frilly topped bastard, and the rest of you, who in their right minds would post anything but the preceding to such a sappy thread? Hunh!?! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  10. I think, it'll be CM:5, but don't qoute me on it. That puts it half a decade in the future but until then, you get the Russian Front, the Italian Campaign and the Early War to keep you occupied. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  11. He set the battle up using the scenario creator. That way you can have any mix of troops. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  12. Joe, The Athlons with the Thunderbird core are going to be around a while, so yes you could upgrade to a 1.3ghz some time. However, you will need to upgrade your RAM and motherboard if the chip is based on a 133mhz bus. With a PIII, you can grab one now with the 133mhz bus and upgrade well into Q4 2001. I must say, though, I don't look into hardware with upgradability in mind. Generally when you upgrade, one thing leads to another and you end up pulling the M/B, the RAM, etc. when all you wanted to do was up the processor. One other caveat, the Athlon processors are significantly cheaper than the Pentium processors. Go to www.sharkyextreme.com and you can see price lists, performance tests, and buyer guides, they're not bad. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  13. Joe, Pound for pound the PIII is a better processor so if the mhz ratings are the same, go Pentium. Try to get one of the chips with a 133mhz bus (These used to require RAMBUS memory but now there are chipsets that support 133mhz), it's not that big a deal but it helps. Don't settle for anything less than a GeForce Lite (I can't remember what their actual name is) or an equivelent ATi. Baseline should be something like this: ~800Mhz Processor 32MB+ Vid Card (I recommend GeForce, GeForce2 if you have the cash) 256MB RAM (You can start with 128MB and upgrade later but 256 is best) The rest, to me, is personal preference. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  14. Scott, The onus of proof is on you. Steve does not, indeed can not, prove a lack of use. What evidence would there be? Letters from HQ telling commanders not to use mines in roads? Pictures of Waffen SS officers telling soldiers to dig up the mines they put in roads? Rather, you need to produce evidence that this did happen more than once or twice. On to more important things, I want to hear about this Bovine MG42 Sponge. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  15. Ahem, Steve is saying, "This feature will be implemented in CM2 so bugger off and go argue about something else!!!!!" Too obtuse? Not enough cardboard? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  16. A HA! They just happen to be on the same drugs, eh? Well, that just about proves it, as any sane man would agree... ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  17. This is getting too sweet and loving. Wait a minute, could it be that, suffering from post-surgical psychosis and not satisfied with the scores of "We Love Madmatt" postings, Madmatt actually created the persona of Pham just to fish for compliments?!?!?! The dastardly fiend! How could you Madmatt, after all we'd done for you. Didn't we sing your praises. Did we not name our children after you. To go out and do such a thing, just so you could get another topic full of your laurels, why, it makes me ashamed to be alive. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  18. Scott, For what it's worth, I take posts less seriously whenever I see smileys, especially smileys sticking their tongues out or rolling their eyes. I find them to be pedantic and it makes me read the post as something directed at a 12 year old. This is a criticism, though not a big one, and I thought I'd make it because this may be some of what's setting people off. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  19. Well, I'm not sure if my perjorative would be considered slander or libel, as it is printed and not literally spoken, but I'm not afraid of lawsuits as one of the two cast-iron defenses against libel and slander is that it is not such if it's true. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  20. Random thoughts? While others got caught up on the contractual aspect that Madmatt presented, I responded to your issues, Pham. The gist of my statements is this: If the modmakers and scenario makers don't like it, then they don't have to post their work on CMHQ. Nothing is making them, there is no implicit or explicit agreement between Madmatt and them. You, someone who neither makes scenarios nor mods, jumping in here to "Champion their cause", is an act not of charity but of trolling. The funny thing is, I gave you the response you wanted (e.g. "You're an idiot.") and then I approached the issues you presented. Your response, to ignore my actual destruction of your case and focus on the slander, literally saying that they were random thoughts, just demonstrates that you're not out for any kind of discussion, you just want to be flamed. Well, here's some more attention for you. You are still an idiot. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  21. Toad, this topic has been discussed a number of times, next time use the search tool, you twit. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  22. Pham, You're an idiot. If Maximus and Tiger want top billing, they can open their own web sites. If all the scenario designers want ad money, they can try their hand at it. If you think Madmatt should be faced with a decision between making no money or making money for everyone, then you're an idiot. Let Madmatt worry about his own situation and others handle theirs. And for all of you who think I'm being too harsh to Pham, his posts have shown a prediliction toward the dumb and the flammable. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  23. I have to disagree with David, as the ability to have seperately controlled allied forces would be a great feature, though I think it would be better to have it for multiplayer, not single player. I'm surprised you can't see how much fun it would be to play as one company commander working with another company commander to take a position. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  24. The grenade throw animation represents a squad close assaulting your beloved JagdTiger. Looks like Jackson just dropped a grenade down your tailpipe. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  25. Duuuuuuuuuude, that is so deep. Now quit bogarting the Koenigstiger! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
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