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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. Yes, whenever I get the MG jeep driven by Corporal T., I send that baby right at the nearest Jagdtiger. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  2. Thank you, MarkIV, naturally we will keep the forum from degrading into talk about armor, nebelwerfers, mods and other bupkiss that takes valuable time and space away from proper discussions about removing Gunny Bunny's spleen with a spork, how Armornut kind find his own derriere with the help of an entire recon company and what we should do with this gross of hypodermic needles loaded with Drano (Extra Strength!). ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-25-2001).]
  3. Dean, you're talking about making the menu less intrusive, can't you make it just the orders, no background at all (That pink see-through color for the background would make it transparent, right?) ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  4. Well so be it, Armornut I shall send you a setup tonight, or would you prefer a TCP/IP game? ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  5. Actually Panzer, it was not Leonidas who spoke that line but rather some guy who's name eludes me right now but begins with a 'D'. And Xerxes never saw Leonidas until his body was brought to him and chopped into bits. As to the gamey debate, keep in mind that there are enough pieces of entertainment software that try to be nothing but visceral entertainment, we're looking for something a bit more realistic. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  6. Bad luck as to the .50 and baz (What are you doing letting that man fire at 200m?!?!). I don't know about the sharpshooter but the Sd/Kfz is taken out quite easily via small arms and especially Ma Deuce. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  7. I nearly kicked Mensch's butt with a platoon of Hotchkii. You just have to find the right opponents. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  8. On a serious note, Numbnut, you should be a little less graphic in the Pool, we've been told not to be too crude. If you want to post your vulgarities, do so on the censor-free Crodaboard (Not to be confused with the despised Crodaburg). As to playing you, what on Earth would I be scared of? You cannot contract any communicable diseases via playing CM though I suppose I could laugh so hard at your pathetic grasp of tactics as to throw my back out. You see, you're a simple sot and I only play CM with interesting people (And Andreas once) or, at the very least, cursed space-monkeys using cheat codes, cough Mensch cough. Being neither, I will wait until you develop some kind of primative cortex before engaging you in a game of CM. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  9. I mean, look at this sig, it's the funniest thing I've read since Gary Larson retired. Anyone who thinks they have a sig that matches the boundless humor of this one is challenged to post it. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  10. I will have my CD tomorrow, so quake with fear you sorry bastards. As far as I can tell, I owe games to: Goanna jd Chrisl And turns to: Lorak PeterNZer (Who I shall not send any turns to, as he is a twit of the 12th order and deserves to suffer) If I missed anyone, let me know. I think Seanachai mentioned something about possibly playing me sometime in the not too distant future. And Armornut, I will play you when Berli comes in with icicles hanging from his horns. Kiss your wife for me, I'll be back for breakfast. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  11. If we're going to do a production, it should be a musical, like Into the Woods or Les Miserables. Berli would make the perfect Javert and Peng is Monseur Thenardier. Yes, yes I can see it now! Quickly, we must rehearse! ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  12. In answer to the only pertinent question, you jello-spouting whore, I have not and can not be banned from the forum because I am as a god here. Steve, Charles, Madmatt and Kwazy all have little altars for me in their houses and occasionally ask that I influence events in their favor, such as dice rolls, women's responses and the occasional marshmallow mix in their Lucky Charms (Madmatt sure loves his purple horseshoes). I cannot be banned from the human race because, unfortuneately, my vote counts for, roughly 5.5 billion votes from normal people, like you. As we all know, the Chinese would never vote against me because they love me, so I cannot be voted off the island, you Survivor fanatic. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw [Edited to capitalize Survivor which, though a craptacular show, is a proper noun] [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-22-2001).]
  13. I think it's a matter of perspective. I always figure it's the radioman that performs the heroic act, while the Lt. is shivering with fear and looking for the nearest Officer's Club.
  14. Ok, so 8, I've got that, and uh, 4. And 1. Um... Yep, looks like 283 times as smart. Let me check that on my computronator. Yep, all the numbers are there, good. Glad we could agree on something Berli. Oh, and there's a significant difference in the meanings of the words, 'to' and 'too'. ------------------ Woot! Woot! The dip**** just got banned. -Source Unknown
  15. Good god, Commissar, just from reading your butchered English I've lost 4 IQ points, reducing me to only 283 times as smart as you. I demand you return to the outer forum and post your Russian-lovin' there from now on. Oh and I'll say it again, the art of misquoting someone is to put embarassing words in their mouths and then respond to what they actually said, otherwise you end up looking like, well, a stupid Bolshevik.
  16. I'm afraid there aren't any German armored vehicles that mount a 76mm gun, Pete. Stick with role-playing, you seem to have a better grasp of it.
  17. Ok, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, descendent of Isildur, who cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand. You're not wanted here, buddy. Not in this pansy-ass, plagiaristic, no-freakin-originality form, at least. See, here in the thread we're not playing characters. We're not pretending to be smart or vicious or hateful or hopeful, we really are that way. I really do hate so many of you cloying halfwits who think it's about putting on a costume or spewing drivel or grabbing a thesaurus so that you can call me a pusillanimous thumbtack of a man, Berli really is evil, Peng really does think people who use smilies are a disgrace to humanity, Andreas and I really don't like each other and Seanachai really does have hope for humanity. The Pool isn't about pretending at all, you chumchuck, it's about being as honest as possible. Every time one of you morons comes in here and pretends to be smart or witty or creative you just come across as boring, meat fisted and pathetic. This isn't some kind of freeform theatre of the mind, where we're all required to pretend to be superheroes or plants or Titus Augustus, rather it's more of a fraternal organization of eccentric individuals. If you're neither eccentric nor individualistic but rather a needy, whiny, pathetic sheep than the only place for you is in Mace's harem. ------------------ Woot! Woot! The dip**** just got banned. -Source Unknown [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-21-2001).]
  18. Listen, you twit, Chrisl claims to have killed the first Peng thread because the thing exploded not because it was locked down. I thank you, though, for being just annoying enough to get everyone's blood boiling for this new incarnation of the everliving Peng thread. I can only pray that immediately after posting that idiotic tripe, you were subjected to the beating of your life from a man named Guido.
  19. Yahoo does use Google so any search on Yahoo is a search on Google (After Yahoo's initial listings).
  20. May I recommend, as our next destination, Trinidad? I've always wanted to go to Trinidad. The sun, the surf, the chicks. And Mensch has not shown up to fight me, thereby proving himself to be a wife-calling liar, so someone get on-line and set up a TCP/IP game, dammit.
  21. You're telling me you don't find it the least bit ironic that a modern society managed to blame all it's ills on minorities and the underprivileged even though, by definition, these people had the least power. Life sucks, Space Thing, there's suffering and ineqaulity all over, the good guys lose, evil goes unpunished and nobody cares. If you can't laugh at the absurdity of it, than you're not going to enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it than why the hell are you still here?
  22. Oh come on, everything's funny. If you can't see the humor in the absurdity of the situation (Pixels executing pixels out of pixellated rage, for god's sake), then you need to reexamine the situation.
  23. Hey, you dip, I'll be happy to teach you some manners as soon as you D/L 1.12. Oh, and don't you realize that it's 2k+1 now?
  24. Oh please, this is a cute quasi-feature of CM. Sometimes your POWs will "escape" in the middle of your troops and it looks like you're shooting prisoners. I think it adds flavor.
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