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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. Everyone can point to my failed heresy and say that Slappy can't succeed but you ignore one cogent fact, Slappy hasn't started another thread. Rather, he's chosen to start a new tradition within the Pool, so it cannot be ignored or locked up. I also think he'll have a better chance of success, being the formost authority on the subject of heresy, as he not only chose a cool name (Mistake number one for me) but he also takes advantage of a serious lull in the quality of the Pool and its participants. You see, some of us think this inclusive, nicy-nice Pool sucks rocks. We may not necessarily want to curse but that doesn't mean we want everyone to be in the gang. The choice is obvious: 1. Lorak and Seanachai's happy fun Pool of happy funness. 2. Anything else. For god's sake, that pansy Lorak has managed to rape the Pool rotten, all the while smiling like he's the kind of guy who wouldn't squash an ant. At the same time, ol' pompous ass Seanachai's waxing poetic on the foolishness of sweet revolution, as if you could argue with a force of nature. What a bunch of sissies you bastards have turned into. As far as I'm concerned, the following sonsofbitches should ditch the old system immediately, based on necessary bile, evil and disregard for humanity: Pawbroon (What the hell does that name mean anyway, you stupid Frog?! You'll have to leave YK2 with the sissies but maybe we can get a good Montague and Capulet suicide murder thing going on) Berli Geier Stuka and MacOGSOBF Peng('Natch) MarkIV The rest of you bastards are the Diet Coke of the Pool and should fall into the La Brea tar pits. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  2. Being a hoodlum and more than a little displeased with that damn Lorak, I'll join on two conditions: 1. I get titles, lots of titles. And they have to sound menacing. This goes hand in hand with the requirement that others don't get no steenking titles without some damn work. 2. You start a website, so that we may keep a tally of our beating of the stupid, moderate, all-inclusive, purple dinosaur, "I love you, you love me, let's be friends", asstacular, anti-French, no place for anything or anyone interesting bunch a' horse puckey Kanniggets that occupy this political correct mockery of a Cesspool. Do these two things and I will be part of your Krewe, which is inherently cool as it has a 'K' instead of a 'c' and I will also bring along Roborat, Hiram and Croda, who adore me and worship me as a god on earth and the personified avatar of CM. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  3. And in the distance, a rooster calls, caring nothing for grogs or inane worthless posting. Signaling only that a new day has come and with it, the dawn... What, praytell, does the number 95 and the number 5 have to do with Slappy? Well, the 95 would be my score and the 5 would be Slappy's. Yes, at the cost of only 17 casualties, I have annihilated Slapdragon. He took 115 (Or so) casualties with another 100 surrendering whole or in part. His MarkIVs, cannon-HTs, mortar(!)-HTs, SMG squads, shrecks, all destroyed in close combat in the snow. Poor Slapdragon, too much book-learning methinks. Poor lad spends all his time reading, so little time doing. Did I mention I did all of this with a pair of M24s, an M8, an M18 (That only fired HE, so poor was Slappy's tactical knowhow) and a ragtag bunch of regular infantry? ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  4. I play everything, all the time and notice no significant difference. Don't make me revisit the Gamey German Tactic of Blitzkrieg post. (Truth be told, I only posted to show off me new sig) ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  5. Hey Slappy, I sent you an E-mail (Where's your ICQ, you caveman?!?!). I gots no CD, you dip, so you'll need to host the game and then I will happily slaughter you as much as you deem necessary. As this is not a taunt or challenge thread, I will now post something on topic: Usenet, to my uneducated eye, appears to suck mightily. I will not use this thing and hope that I will never ever hear of it again. I'm sorry I ever brought the subject up. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  6. Well, isn't that what you use to blow up bunnies? In all seriousness, I was making this post to inquire as to public views of Gunny Bunny's usenet group. Is it worth subscribing to? Are there any others? One, two, five! ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  7. It must take a lot of work to be so painfully stupid, Lewis. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  8. I also want to address a second issue, and that's the case many HA Grogs make for the exclusion of rare and expirimental vehicles. I think more of these should be included because guys like me want to see how they would have handled combat. Otherwise, I feel the mix more resembles 15-10-5, which neglects groups 2 and 3. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  9. Thanks Joe, I have read the link and tend to worry about the implication that everyone who wants CM to improve graphics is like Gunny Bunny (eg Irrational and, well, stupid.). You know, I think that all three categories are related. Well, of course I would, otherwise why would I ever start this post. Look at how I described the gamer's view, "Realistic representation of the battlefield". I feel that showing battles as they truly occured is a laudable goal. Do I want this at the expense of realistic combat or historical accuracy, no, I want it as a compliment to these. I'm not a hardware bigot, despite my promotion of full squad representation and belief that mainstream computers will have more bang for the buck when CM2 (Or II or whatever) is released. I feel that any improvement in graphics can be countermanded by introducing a little button in an options screen that turns said improvement off. I think improved graphics (damage bmps, varied bmps for same-type vehicles in battle, tracks, particle effects, et cetera) would improve the realism of CM, how could it not? For god's sake, that's what the battle was like in real life. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-29-2001).]
  10. At the risk of padding my own thread, I speak only of the amount of time they spend to improve the game, Slapdragon. There have been many people who say they don't want the graphics to improve at all from their current implementation. To iterate, many people DO NOT want better graphics progressively, and say that to do so would be for BTS to alienate their fan base. I don't however, feel that they are a majority, rather they are some of the louder forum participants. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-29-2001).]
  11. This is my point. You are not BTS's only customer. Neither is David Aitken or Elijah Meeks or any other loudmouth. CM is successful because of a proper mix of all these elements, not in spite of it. For the sake of simplicity, we will say that BTS has 30 time units to spend on CM2 (Or II or whatever). All that I'm saying is, they should spend it evenly, 10-10-10, not 14-15-1 or whatever other lopsided view has been proposed so far. As a disclaimer, a time unit is a hypothetical unit, of time, that is used to represent 1/30th of BTS's time used to create CM2 (Or II or whatever) and, therefor, does not exist, nor has it existed nor will it proceed to exist in the future. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  12. I am curious as to the future of the CM franchise, considering there are, at least, three separate groups of CM players, each sharing traits from other groups but still falling in three very distinct camps. For the sake of argument, I posit that they are as follows: 1. Historically Accurate Grog This player wants battles as they occurred in WWII (Or wherever the conflict being simulated occurred) and desires results that match up with those conflicts' historical results. These are the players that despise all the Jumbo v. KT games that go on in CM. 2. Realism Grog This player wants the objects in CM to be modelled as accurately as possible. They vary from the Historically Accurate Grog in that they would like to see perfectly modelled weapon systems and units that were never or rarely used in historic situations, ie the Sturmtiger, snipers, IR Panther, et cetera. Many of these grogs want to engage in what-if scenarios, pondering the effect of a platoon of Maus tanks in 1944 Europe or an integrated sniper element in every company. 3. Gamer This is the player that wants to see explosive combat and as realistic a representation of war as possible. By this I don't mean accurately modelled TO&E or proper penetration for the long 88, I mean turrets flying off tanks or men reduced to bloody pulps or aircraft crashing onto the battlefield. To address the desires of all of these gamers, BTS has managed to create CM, a historically accurate, realistic and fun game. For the HA Grog, there are accurate TO&E and equipment based on time frame and country. The R Grog gets, from what my limited understanding of WWII tech can follow, the most realistic simulation of tactical armor combat ever. The gamer gets to mow down hundreds of men, armor and vehicles with an amazing array of arty, small arms and HE. I consider myself formost a realism grog, considering realistic representation of combat to be the most engrossing, thrilling and fun. I don't much know about the weapon systems or their effect on varied armor but I'm glad other guys are out there keeping BTS honest. What I care about is that the overall combat is a faithful representation of men and their machines at war. I can, however, appreciate the aspects of CM that relate to historical accuracy, especially in the historically accurate scenarios, and I can, of course, appreciate the visceral pleasure of blowing things up. What worries me is that BTS will try to please one or two of these groups while leaving the others with little or no reason to go to CM2 (Or CMII or whatever the heck it's going to be). Of course I want more vehicles, more realistic armor penetration and more realistic equipment but we can't forget that "Graphics Fluff", as some people so snidely dismiss it, is an integral aspect of CM and needs to be treated with as much seriousness as historical accuracy and realism. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  13. I have to exho Bab's sentiments, who, exactly is calling you an anti-semite? Also Tom, how did you ever decide that being a pacifist and supporting those poor oppressed people is the unpopular position? Christ, man, you're riding high on populism and claiming to be a rebel while doing it. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  14. Originally posted by Major Tom: Unfortunately there is a difference that you haven't taken into account here. The Iroquois no longer live in the US, they live in Canada. The Palestinians live either in Isreal or were forcably dispersed to other countries. You make a point regarding the Iroqouis but seem to disregard that the hispanic people living in what they consider occupied territories are treated at a lower standard than the whites. Originally posted by Major Tom: What we are upset about is that this dispersal and land grabbing is CURRENTLY HAPPENING, not something which is long done. We stopped Serbia mistreating Albanians in Kosovo, why are we sitting back and letting Isreal do virtually the same thing to Palestinians? We stomped Serbia because they have a lucrative mine in Kosovo, if I recall the largest coppermine in the region. If we were concerned with oppression, we'd be in there stopping the Albanians from slaughtering Serbs as well as all over Africa. Originally posted by Major Tom: And they will remain poor, oppressed, mysoginist and under-educated if they stay in the un-funded and oppressive state that is Isreal today. No, they will be poor, oppressed, mysoginist and under-educated under the rule of some form of religious or cultural totalitarianism, as is the wont of Arab cultures. Look to Saudi Arabia or Syria or Iraq or Iran if you want to fight oppression. Originally posted by Major Tom: Is your outlook on how the world should run, whoever win's win's and should be left at that? Yes and it's a remarkably consistent world-view, unlike yours, which is full of inconsistencies and must require a great deal of willful ignorance to maintain. Originally posted by Major Tom: Gee, isn't it lucky that your nation never lost a war where they were faced with a crushing occupation? Oddly enough, you're wrong here, as well. My nation was destroyed and obsorbed by the United States over 100 years ago. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch Edited because the QUOTE function seems to be broken and I wanted to remove the ugly little things. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-26-2001).]
  15. I don't know about BTS but Lorak speaks for the trees. With that kind of authority and professional experience, I'm sure he'd be a perfect candidate to speak for BTS. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  16. What, are you people insane?!?! Haven't you heard of the word, "Optional"? Optional, optional, optional! Don't like T&L? Can't use it? Turn it off. Resolution too high? Too many polygons? Scale them down. All BTS has to do is make all the whiz-bang graphics improvements optional and everything's fine. Now some of you will say that BTS shouldn't waste their time on graphics, to which I say, tough luck, buddy. BTS isn't just catering to the hardcore grog (Otherwise we'd all be in the TacOps forum), they're also catering to the Patton-watching, eye-candy loving, semi-grog like me. You're being selfish when you say that BTS should only spend time on what you think is important to the improvement of CM. I'll think CM2 or CMII or whatever it's called will be great with dust, dynamic lighting, high-poly models, et cetera. You'll think it's great when you turn off all that extraneous crap and see the realisticly modeled physics, armor penetration, TO&E, et cetera. Of course, that's a gross mischaracterization itself. In reality most of us will love the graphics AND love the realism and we'll leave the harping to the graphics junkies and the hardcore grogs. JUST MAKE IT OPTIONAL! ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-26-2001).]
  17. Gee, whiz, John, isn't all land occupied land? Do you agree with repatriation of California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona to Mexico? Do you think the Iriqouis should be paid, what is it?, $500 billion? So the Palestinians were on the wrong side of the ouch-stick, tough luck. So the Arab states are terrible at war and stupid enough to start them, tough luck. You lambast Bab's "Politics of victimization" and yet the Israelis aren't the victims, they are the victors. The people who are being victimized and acting like it are your poor, oppressed, mysoginist and under-educated Palestinians, Libyans and Syrians. I suppose you thought King Hussein was a victim, too, right? ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  18. The following is a public service announcement to remind all of you that PG taunting and lameass Vampire (Bad RPG, terrible movie, awful TV series, rotten books and stupid, ugly kids running around pretending to be hemophiliacs) references are for women and cripples. ----- ----- Oberst, you sorry excuse for a scurvy-riddled, lilly-livered, squint-eyed, pre-pubescent, half-pint, proto-homonid! You dare challenge Croda The Great! Croda The Mighty! Croda The Magnificent! Croda The Loquacious! Croda The Effervescent! I will not only send you the most vile and tormentuous setup ever seen by human civilization, but I will use said setup to denounce, destroy, and otherwise defile and de-kidney you! You have only a few hours to repent...once the sacred setup is sent, there is no quarter given! ----- Peng: "Oh, I know all about that. Personal communication with the Lizard King himself! Yup, seems our boy ELVIS, THE CLOTH-EARED, NARCOTIC MUNCHING, MONKEYSPANKING, BOOGEREATING, SISTERBANGING RETARD DIDN'T INCLUDE GOANNA'S TROOPS WHEN HE DID THE TOURNAMENT SAVE!!! HOWS THAT FOR IDIOCY!" ----- Well it's alright for some peop...floaters isn't it? Do this! Do that! What no blood yet? I've got a gaggle of flat-footed, obese 86 year old home guard hamsters who couldn't run up a tab at the local pub let alone charge across a map the size of Whitney's mouth. Hiram ben Bum Sidai can't even find the bloody village. Meanwhile, back in the bordering bog I have myopic Arty Spotters peering into the gloom wondering where in heaven's name the 240 150mm rockets are gonna land, if the "estimated time to arrival" will ever stop increasing instead of decreasing with each turn. So then, Snatchy the Whinger, is your sound tactical advice to herd my rabble of flatulant Wal-mart Greeters into the village just in time for the rocket barrage to splatter down upon and around them? I suppose I should make sure I tow the clapped out training tanks up there at the same time? ----- Hey Germanboy, who pissed in your corn flakes, eh? And why, pray tell, do you insist on a seperate post for every rambling thought in your head? I get a bowl of cereal and say, "Oh look, more posts!" But what are they? A bunch of Germanboy crap thrown all over the Cesspool. Every now and again someone else gets a peep in but mostly it's just Germanboy, extolling the virtues of this marital aid over another or Germanboy telling us just exactly how to use that anal prophalactive or Germanboy telling some poor schmuck that he's not worh Germanboys time (But hey, it's an excuse for another post). I know now how you got 1700+ posts to your credit. Oh and Croda, at least you return turns, Seanachai is losing so bad he refuses to continue the game, hoping that BTS, with their emphasis on realism, has modeled morale effects on troops so bored that they up and walk out of the game. ----- In the meantime you can pull your foreskin over your head and whistle "White Cliffs of Dover" down the hole. ----- I am going out tonight with a young woman (but sadly, will be home later, alone... I do not believe that anyone here would find this surprising... well maybe the whole 'young woman' part, but the rest seems to fit. ----- It really surprises me that I even remembered you exist. ----- But Croda does need a sponsor. What sort of sick bastard would take that mewling man-child is beyond me, though. ----- As for my temporary dissapearance, just let me ask this: What kind of bloody charge is 'Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter'? I mean, either you run the swine over and you get a nice, credited kill of 'Vehicular Manslaughter', or you miss, and that's easily dismissed and belittled as sheer clumsiness and inability to aim properly. But 'Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter'? ----- What kind of bloody charge is 'Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter'? Isn't modeled, and sounds gamey. Run that past the judge. ----- ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-25-2001).]
  19. Ghandi felt that pacifism was necessarily the best course of action because resistance harms the resistor. The most common metaphor is the axe used to chop down the tree, because in the act it becomes dull itself. Such talk, of course, is hogwash. Violence is a tool, no more evil or wrong than any other. If you disagree with someone and they refuse to change their ways and the continuance of their actions will cause you some sort of hindrance, by all means displace them. If this means you need to kill 10 million people to free 1 billion, do it. People who are pacifists are too busy wanting to save everyone to actually save anyone. In reality, murder and destruction displaced Hitler's regime in Germany. Murder and destruction displaced the British regime in America (Some would argue India, as well, but the inherent contradictions of pacifism demonstrated in Ghandi's resistance is a different topic). I take the political correct road of supporting the toppling of ideals and regimes that disagree with the commonly held notion of freedom. In the ugly real world, this is also dynamic. One person's religion is another person's oppression. One man's freedom is another man's perversion. By all rights, half the nations of the world should be at each other's throats and we'd be better off for it. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  20. I remember that game! I played that on the Commodore64!!!! I remember that! As to MoM2, that game has been killed more times than a zombie in a Bruce Campbell movie. If it is made... Oh, the humanity. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  21. Where'd you hear this, Polar? I'd heard it started but Hasbro whacked the studio (Same time they cut support for Falcon 4.0). ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  22. Only one game and that was Master of Magic. That and CM are the penultimate computer games. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  23. I know it's rarely used but the thing looks terrible next to all the High-Res bad boys. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Offal. Note that I am not helping Meeks disarm the cobalt bomb that SMERSH has placed at the South Pole. Frankly, I'm surprised that he needed help with something that basic. More offal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Get off your high horse. All reputable sources said they were using enriched Zinc. Christ, who thought they'd be stupid enough to use Co-59. ------------------ "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization." -Eugene Rabinowitch
  25. Lorak, you Frenchophile! You left out my second, 100 - 0, win against Pawbroon!!! How dare you, you revisionist! Or maybe you left out my first, more mundane win! That's bad, as well!!! Now fix it! And I challenge you, herr Lorak, for your title as the only Lord!!!!! That's right, this is the first time I've looked at your rotten Pool Page since I've been back! Yes, so it is said, so shall it be done!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya HA! Oh, and you might as well mark a win for me and a loss for Jefe, as the poor bastard will be playing me tonight and we all know that this will result in his downfall!!! That's it! ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
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