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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: I don't see what fun it would be trying to get a Maus through a narrow European village street - or over a wooden bridge (!) (!) (!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, that's why most of CM is about blowing up tanks, with only limited aspects of CM being related to watching tanks fall into rivers or get stuck on streets or rust in open fields in the South. For the Grogs, you could see if Hitler should have geared the industry toward ubertanks sooner. For the rest of us, you get to see the business end of a 38cm mortar. As for the campaign, you give Pal Woje a couple more months and his CMMC will be fully automated and extensible, at which point BTS will be forced to support it! Muahahhaahah!! Wait, sorry, got a little carried away there. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: The one technical problem with this suggestion (and others for "expansion packs") is that those people who purchased the SWOTL-like CM upgrade would be running a different executable. The additional models, etc. would probably cause problems (PBEM, TCP/IP) with those who don't have this particular "option". It could possibly be worked out, but I believe that the effort required to do this would be more than it's worth. Not to slam the idea of additional vehicles, etc. But there are technical difficulties in implementing any "optional" add-on packs with CM's architecture. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just like any other add-on, you could only play against someone with the add-on. This would prevent guys like me from throwing the T35 into a normal game with some unsuspecting mark. Anyone who wants to play their vanilla CM2 would just run the old executable (Like when you need to play a 1.05 game or somefink now). ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-22-2001).]
  2. Subject stolen gratuitously from Polar's post in the Brumbar thread. This would be cool, as most of these weapons have been presented in ahistorical light, and BTS could clear things up for us. For everyone who's ever wanted: T35s. SturmTigers, SturmTigers, SturmTigers. That honkin' great American 4-tread monster. Maus. E100(?) Panther II Panther/IR Granted, CM2 is in the way, but what a fun expansion this would be afterward. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: I thought Tom Cruise came pretty close once, but that was only once....... The Movie..... " Interview with a Vampire " the character..... " Lestat" yep, he can bite my neck anytime. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I never understood why women find homosexual midgets so attractive. Must be some kind of suicide gene that has decided it must no longer procreate. Jefe, I shall play you tonight. Everyone else: I no longer have my CM cd, this will be the case for a few weeks. I can join TCP/IP games and I can respond, for now, due to the fact that I haven't shut down my CM. And you wonder why California is having an energy crisis. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by medlinke: It's a strange world over there.... I was just browsing their forums...Quite a group of "people?" Their admin for one calls everyone nasty names and such and then answers questions incorrectly... Someone asked if on D-Day ropes were used to scale cliff a la Pont Du Hoc and the moderator was like, "emm no..." So I set him straight... And on top of that...I found the pic I posted here! I don't have a problem with it, I'm not the one who spent the time making the original textures / graphics, but I just wondered what the official policy was on that... There are textures I think would look nice on a website (grass, etc), but I don't use them as backgrounds even though I own the game. Yeah the people who made the mod must have spent a lot of time making it, but really...they could make 3d models of WW2 equip, but couldn't come up with a concrete texture? gimme a break! In conclusion...it was just a quick check to see what the official response was<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My assumption was that they were otherwise a class joint. If they're a bunch of losers, than I'm sure BTS doesn't want their name associated with them.
  5. Hey, whoa, they just make mods (For no money, mind you). Make them credit the work and it will be free advertising for BTS and CM. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WolfLord: Setup the following test: 8 Panther Gs(late) or replace 3 Panthers w/ Tigers, against 5 M36 Jacksons and 5 M18 Hellcats. All regular crews. Make sure they are at least 1000m apart and the terrain empty and flat. Ive ran this test 25 times. The result for all 25 has been the elimation of all German armor w/in the first 2 turns with maybe 3-7 Allied TDs destroyed. Axis armor being knocked out with one hit only...very low rate of ricochets or breaking up. However, as Jeff stated, this may be corrected in the next "tungsten" patch.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First Try I just did this, my results were: 3 immobilized Panthers 1 Knocked Out Panther 1 Abandoned Panther All allied tanks except 1 destroyed in the first round. Second Try 5 Panthers Abandoned or Destroyed. All allied tanks abandoned or destroyed in first round. Third Try 4 Panthers Abandoned or Destroyed. 1 Panther gun damaged All but one allied tanks abandoned or destroyed by the second round. I will update and ammend with results from further tests. Your theory does not hold water. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-21-2001).]
  7. No, I haven't noticed this. In fact, I just played one of Rune's scenarios and the German armor was only defeated via side impacts, unless it was the 17 pounder on the Firefly. I don't understand where this whole rumor started, as it has no basis in fact in any game I've recently played. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Various Rat Bastards: How could you possibly not know who Bobby Peru is? Oh, you silly, silly man. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know what the difference is between someone with a 50 IQ and someone with a 100 IQ? Somebody with a 50 IQ can't even feed themselves. Keep that in mind. Sir Elijah the Meeks, Keeper of the Pool, Lord of the Squishy Things, Conqueror of the French, Holder of the Hot Cantonese Girlfriend, Possessing of the Amazing Intellect, Avatar of the Living God, The Splitter, The Uniter, The Return, Wielder of the Preternatural Wit and Bringer of Topplements. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-21-2001).]
  9. Being the avatar of the Living God, I have to answer a lot of questions of a lot of people, every last one of them far more important than any one of you, except for Geier due to his historical significance and Berli due to his religious significance. In fact, the reason I haven't addressed the issues brought up by the ugly but redeemably stupid Dalem and the, "I was a teenage CM player" Kitty was because I was busying myself with truly urgent questions such as, "God, why is the world unfair?" and "God, why did my daddy go away?" and "God, why do I need to eat liver and onions?". (The answers, for those who are curious, are, "That's life you little biter.", "Because he ate too much bacon you moron." and, "Stop being so damn British, Chup, you need the vitamins and minerals or you'll never be able to kick Andreas's ass.") So, now that I've fulfilled my ceremonial duties as the Avatar of the Living God, I can turn my attention to less important and less intelligent matters, to whit: 1. Dalem, you imbecile, I still don't know what a dalem is and I won't be fighting you unless you develop an as-yet-unseen wittiness and tauntability. Your topplement would take all of ten minutes for me to engineer but I would rather spend that ten minutes walking on the sharpened bones of my sacred ancestors than spend it interacting with you. 2. Kitty. It's hard for me to snicker as loudly at you as I do at everyone else as you are female and, therefor, easily frustrated, angered, knocked up, et cetera. All I can say is that you are a mook, gender notwithstanding. And who the hell is Bobby Peru? ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-21-2001).]
  10. There should be a note regarding the game you're playing, so that Operation Lizard can't occur or the player just lies about the settings. However, this won't happen, if it does, until CM2, so the best way to stop this is to play with people that you trust. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  11. I'm back to inform the Pool of further spankery. Lorak! Please note that I beat Frenchie so bad it crashed his machine! He only had an MG team left, so we can assume the score was, roughly 100 - 0 in my favor. Yes, we have witnessed the first perfect score! It's too bad the game crashed. Oh well. Pawbroon: He's French, what'd'ya expect? Meeks: VICTORY!!!!!!!! Meeks ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-21-2001).]
  12. They look great but they're the wrong color. Shouldn't they be butternut or grey? ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  13. Lorak! Let it be known that I have informed Roborat of his place in the Squire-Knight food chain. The poor lass was wiped off the face of the Earth. His topplement was the kind of legend. 76-24 but it wasn't nearly that close. His poor Allied fools never knew what hit him. I figure with 3000-4000 more games, he may be able to improve his skill such so as to hold me to only a minor victory. This assumes I don't play any CM in that span of time, get hit by a car and my computer acquires a rare virus that forces CM to only be displayed in Farsi. Roborat: Disheartening, total loss. Meeks: VICTORY! ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: I was flipping through channels the other day and was presented with something that, for once, confused me, and you lot here seem to be just the folks to answer this important question: How come Xena is good on Xena, but when I saw her on a Hercules show, she was evil?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh god. Must keep taunts rated PG. Must not verbally decapitate dalem. Must observe dalem's right to be a moron. AAAAAAAAARGGGHH!! Look, she was just a bit character on Herc, ok, but she was popular, so they redeemed her and gave her her own show. How do you not know that?!?!? ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  15. Hey bastables, keep the world safe for liberty, all right! Game update, I'm in the middle of handing my dear squire his ass. Poor Roborat, he needs a lot of work and I'm the man who's gonna give it to him. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  16. So, Peter, you haven't been paying any attention at all to the recent postings by the management, have you? Back in the Pool, Kiwi! ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  17. Lutfisk, what the monkey is that? GITom, you shut your pie hole, if you look outside there were lots of Poolers posting crud all over the forum. Wait, that's not true. Still, you know you like it. I return from annihilating Elvis. Totally, utterly and in all ways. The poor guy couldn't've done any worse if he'd been armed with primative black powder rifles and a basic understanding of quantum physics. 84 to something. Very, very sad. Chalk it up Lorak! ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergeant Huang: To Madmatt : You just need 45 seconds to drop your 105mm arty shells on your targeting area if your arty spotter has LOS, do you know that ?? How ?? Buy yourself target reference point and put it at where you want to bomb (or shell) !! Even in the attacker's deployment area. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huang, I've done this a few times, you know what generally happens? Your TRPs are put in the wrong place and you end up wasting the cost. It's a crap shoot, trying to guess where the enemy is going to stage. Also, if you have LOS to his staging area, he's not picking a good staging area. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  19. Now listen here, the whole lot of ya. I've always ran amok in the forum and I didn't realize that somehow I represented an authority figure now. I will stop. Any posts you see by me on the forum will involve only CM-related posting with the occasional philosophical debate but only when someone else starts it. I will also make sure to round up any Poolers that go AWOL, as is I suppose my duty. Finally, I will, and I hope everyone else does to, tone down the primitive venom we have fallen into in the Pool. No more cursing for me, from here on I will spend more thought when designing my taunts. I realize I'm the biggest offender here, so the fact that I've turned a new leaf should reduce the Pool leakage to a steady drip. And Geier, you cannot just walk in and declare a window closed that was never open! I'm here right now, I'm on ICQ, I have E-mail, you send me a steenkin' setup or arrange a TCP/IP game and I'll bring your Old Firm right into the 21st century, buddy. And Mace lies like a cheap rug. How does a cheap rug lie? Poorly. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Meeks you coward!!!! How do I find you online? What is your AIM name or ICQ #...I am happy to finish this via TCP/IP and this is the perfect weekend to do it. It's swine like you that give swine like me a bad name. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know, Elvis. Guys like you make guys like me hate guys like you. My ICQ is on my verdamnt profile, you dirty rotten son of a bitch. ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  21. Hiram and Andreas, you've spurned us, probably just me, but it needn't be like that. We can bribe you with cheesecake shots of the only girls that play CM. We could give you first dibs on moron bashing! We promise to listen and respect your opinions!!! Come on boys, turn that frown upside down! ------------------ "My mortar refuses to fire! He's Yellow!" -Me "Send him to CM2." -Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: Yap yap yap! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You seem to have mistaken "pithy" for "Uncommonly dull and slow-witted". My comment was "pithy" while your retort was "unimaginative". I will give you a ten minute lead so that you may look up said words. ------------------ It is your responsibility to keep your profile information up-to-date. Do not ask the administrator or moderators to do this for you. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-20-2001).]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: Come on. stfuaga? I tend not to get involved in these ugly, hateful threads, but 'poolers please... is it really your collective contention that players new to CM should only post threads that fall within your narrow definitions of relevancy. And even then, not to post at all if their point isn't driven home with rapier wit? By all means you should trounce the greenie who ventures into the current incarnation of the Peng thread with nothing but oafish SPR anecdotes or concerns over an incorrect lug nut pattern on a Puma's wheels. But if you really want to avoid "uncommonly boring and slow-witted" posts, then jump back in the pool, and sharpen your teeth on the other cess-poolers. Guys who know you and know that it's in fun. Guys who won't get turned off to the CM community and CM in general by the often aggressive nature of cess. Do you really want them to "go away"? Clubfoot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JoePrivate: What's this? The Old Guard marching out to support one of their own because a relative newcomer has the audacity to speak his mind? Boohoo, yes let's all be of One mind and have an intellectual discussion...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> About what? First ammendment rights for foreigners on the Internet? This is a yappy dog post, Joe, so get yourself a yappin. ------------------ It is your responsibility to keep your profile information up-to-date. Do not ask the administrator or moderators to do this for you.
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