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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itelf." Secondly, as most of us cannot control our bodily functions and those that can use the pit where wildman and stevetherat fight for our enjoyment, Roborat's job as towelboy is of course for the ladies room. It's too bad the bastard blinded himself, not that it'll change his quality of CMmanship but now he can't see what YK2 and Kitty look like when they strip out of their biohazard suits and need their glistening bodies to be toweled off. Well, I'll ruin the suspense and just say, YK2's a 7.5 and Kitty's a strong 7 but makes up for it in bed. Thanks for pointing out the cavscout thing, I'm sorry and I'll never respond to posts like that again. Ever. So dammit, who's going to play my sorry, never played TCP/IP ass? Hunh?! Who?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Cantonese, Vietnamese, Chinese.... what's the difference? They all have names that sound like kitchenware being thrown down a flight of stairs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, it's "Sandra". I really hate those crazy Oriental names. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: As for your TCP/IP game. You couldn't have picked a worse night for it. Unlike you, my Caucasian girlfriend and I are celebrating her putting up with me for a year, so CM will obviously take a back seat tonight or I will die a most horrible death in my sleep. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Caucasian girls can be soooo possessive. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: The future does not bode well for it happening soon either, since I will be out of town this weekend. Sunday night is a possibility, but by then I am sure somebody else will have "popped" your cherry, so to speak (Sit down, Boy!). Not that I relished the job but it would have made a nice title for when I beat you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You would think but it seems everyone is too scared of my power to fight me. So you may still have the chance. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: BTW is that a million dollars in wampum or is it something valuable like cows? And if you marry her do you get it as a dowry? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Technically it's in stock options over a period of 4 years, so it's somewhere between wampum and cows. BTW, don't buy stock in Extreme Networks, as their stock price is not woefully undervalued. I swear. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: What do you think of this new way of responding to people, Elijah? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Frankly, I think it sucks Sparrow saliva.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: As for the squire system, it's a fantastic idea! We should also do Lordships! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. Now that stodgy old Andreas has removed himself entirely from the Pool, we should start fighting Schloss Peng and Peng Asylum and Mt. Peng. Muhahahaa!!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: As for the rich Cantonese girl who likes to give head (did I say that?)...have her read your posts here before she agrees to that whole marriage thing... On a side note...is anyone else surprised that Meeks believes in marriage? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, no and yes. We need to fight, you pussbag, little crack ho. I brought you into the Pool and I can sure as hell still take you out of it.
  4. First of all, she's Cantonese. Secondly, I'm thinking I'm going to marry her. Third, her company just got bought out so she's worth, oh, about a million bucks. Fourthly, if you want to play against me, tonight's the night. I still haven't played a TCP/IP game and want to. I'm getting my nipples torn off by elvis and ol' jd so I wouldn't mind playing a patsy like you. Say, oh, 1500 points, armor, Allied attack? Edited to add: Isn't it amazing that all wildman and stevetherat needed was to be thrown into a pit together for our amusement to become halfway decent additions to the Cesspool? This is why we created the squire system in the first place and I call for it's return, dammit. And Roborat is now officially the towel guy in the bathroom for the entire Pool. I have spoken. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-18-2001).]
  5. No, other than appearance and the fact that the MP44 was the original assault rifle, they are about as far apart as possible, possessing completely different actions. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-18-2001).]
  6. I heard this was a real conversation. Mefinks not.
  7. I'm sorry, dalem, but I think this'll be funny for way more than 5 seconds.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Smoochie smoochie Croda! What I wrote is if you can great someone, so can I. Please learn to read properly. Horse bucky, pig vomit and other disgusting, worthless stuff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can you great me, you sheepshagging nimrod?
  9. Guy, I'll take it one step further and say that all death is justified as it is a necessary part of life. Our mortality defines us, sir, and without the countless vagaries of mankind, life would be nothing more than working in a cubicle and eating at McDonalds.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Crap. And here's a 'wazzapp' out to my boy shandorffffff who grow's wittier by the millenium. Call him a poor man's Chupacabra, but he's allright in my book. Crap. And more crap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's "all right", you illiterate ape-man. Not "alright" and absolutely not, "allright". Stop butchering my language and get your head out of that little misqouting harlot's bottom. Edited to add: Hell, I didn't even notice the blatant abuse of apostrophes. You bastard. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-17-2001).]
  11. This is the semi that ran into the state capitol building. I thought Deisel fuel wasn't so combustive, flammable, etc. Any idea why it would do this? [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-17-2001).]
  12. Steve, edit that post please. This is an emotional issue and you had good points but we shouldn't let this devolve into a screaming match. Besides, it's bad form, you give your debate opponents the chance to say you're a brainless rat and ignore your argument.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun: No such thing as good or evil eh? You wouldn't happen to be one of those high school students I heard about awhile back that LAUGHED at the nude women wailing in fear as they were stuffed into gas chambers in Schindler's List? Or the colledge students who said that the belief that the holocaust was wrong is just a moral question? It is evil/wrong/unjust/whatever to MURDER. Murdering is not killing enemy soldiers in war. Murdering is not defending your home/family/nation with deadly force. And to me Murder is not putting an end to the life of those who do murder. Murdering is what the Nazis did. Murder often takes place during war, and those people are war criminals and should be hung.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Guy, once you take a position such as this, you spend the rest of your life justifying and making exceptions. According to your beliefs, murder is evil. According to my beliefs, telling someone what to think is evil. According to a vegan's beliefs, eating cheese is evil. Moral absolutism has been discounted since people started thinking, from Sumeria to Greece to Rome to China to Venice to America.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: My opinion is no offense versus soldiers of any nation who has fought in war (my father was one of them). America has started or intervened in many wars, always saying they're fighting for the freedom of the world. Of course, that what America told to be freedom. Fact is: America has won the war vs Germany, so Germany was the guilty. America has won the war vs Russia, so Russia was the offender. History is always and only written by the winners. Something else: Germany has murdered 6 millions of yews. And 20 Million Russians. What have the yews learned from their own history? They go to Palestine, what's okay. They take the land from the people who lived there. Some of them see themselves as God's chosen peoples. I guess they have learned a lot from us Germans. But not the right things. Well, sorry for the sermon. I should better do some games then to talk about things I don't understand in a language that is not my own. Cheers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And it's not that simple, Scipio. The American Ideal won the war, so America is wrong (Or haven't you noticed how much we've criticized ourselves for our conduct with Hiroshima, the Phillipines, the indigenous peoples of the Americas, minorities, et cetera.) We've bashed ourselves more than the combined intellectual elite of Europe could in 100 years.
  15. Oh come on people, there is no such thing as good or evil. Those are judgement calls made up to suit the times. One of the amazing things to remember is that before WWII, it was accepted practice to do just what the Nazis did. We Americans (And the British) neutered mentally handicapped people and eugenics was not a dirty word. Wholesale slaughter of people happened ALL THE TIME (Christians in Azerbaijan during WWI being an oft pointed to example). Racism was well established and scientificly backed up. Et cetera, et cetera. WWII made these things evil in popular opinion. It did this because the allies put together a campaign to sway public opinion just as surely as they put together a campaign to defeat the Axis. The result of this was a change in public opinion leading to the emancipation of India, the Civil Rights crusades of the US and the entire political correct movement.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Woefully pedantic dissertation on the Meaning of Peng. And Meeks, after being subjected to an excess of cold, got the name wrong when he started this Thread up. It should have been, "Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on the Peng Challenge Thread". But there, what can you do. The poor lad had recently worked his way through the GI tract of an arctic bear. Now, either stop acting like a particularly dim tourist and taunt someone, or sod off. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Eh? Dim tourist?? That insult doesn't even have a basis in reality. You've gone off the deep end, you have. Methinks the brick has turned, old chappie. And what the hell are you doing answering that saps question? I had to create a whole new persona AND post 30-40 side-splitting, epic and sage posts before anyone would respond to me. That's right, you bastards, I was the original newbie. No one wanted anything to do with me until I started rousing the rabble in the main forum. Then you started listening, oh yes, you all listened!!! But then there was the brick. Ohhhh, the brick was baaaaaaaad. And then there was the schism. But only that twit Hiram followed me and that was baaaaaaad. But now I reign supreme, like Tenacious D on a gold-plated octopus! Ya HA! As to taunts, I will say this. Now that I have conquered the Pool, I will conquer death itself. It's time for nipple-tearing, boys, and I'm going after the fire and brimstone vestigal pointies of the Devil Himself. That's right, Berli, I want to season my 1.1 TCP/IP whosamawhatsit with the sulfar-smelling blood of your foul innards. When I'm done with you, I'll parade your pitiful corpse around the Pool, showing all that the only thing to fear is a speeding train, and those damn Harlem Globetrotters. I'll bet that underneath that imposing black armor, you're a decrepit, pasty white bald guy. You'll fold like a poor farmer, foreclosed on by the bank after a drought. You'll give it up like a drunken sorority girl. You'll die worse than Guerilla #7 in the Arnold Schwarzenigger epic Commando. I'm going to mix your blood with cement so that I can keep extra-planar creatures from passing into my rec-room. I'll put your eyes on little toothpicks and serve them as hors-de-ouvres at Peng's welcome back party. I'll bronze your bits for use as dice. I'll grind your bones into powder and make a cake out of it. I'll send your toenails to the Orient, for use as a potent aphrodesiac. I'll bake up your liver in a pie. I'll make a throw rug outta ya. I'll murderate ya. You is dead, muddafudda! You goin' down!!
  17. Poor Croda. Poor, poor croda. Whoa is he that was sent away from the Pool, ignored in his absence and spat upon on his return. Yes, we spat right upon your return! HA! Ahem, as I was saying. Dear, sweet Croda. He's added so much to this place, what with his meandering, Seanachai-quality ramblings and his Hiram-style self pity and his Andreas-style self-importance and his Peng-style hatred of all life. Croda is the Pool's inner croda, after all. If, one day, each member of the Pool were to conquer his own little battle. Were Lorak to one day defeat me or Shandorf to one day become witty or, god forbid, wildman or stevetherat become interesting, we would see Croda (our mutual inner croda) become a better person. Yes, if the Pool is some kind of twisted, e-life, with a lifespan, with evolutionary changes, with antibodies that fend off invasions by infectious (And stupid) agents. If it is alive, than Croda is it's soul. And we never missed him. What does that tell you about us? We're godawful, heartless (Don't even get me started on the Sick Peng/Sick Heart analogy), evil sobs and we should all be ashamed of ourselves. Yes indeedy. Oh and jd, I grew up in South Carolina. So I know what'ch'all're talkin' 'bout. I love the ' key. Croda, send me a 1.1 setup so that I may renew my ownership of your soul. Perhaps we could bet sigs, as yours sucks and mine is nonexistent. (Nice try Mensch, but not good enough) And Berli, do you want me to look for my old game against you or do you want to start anew? And PeterNZer, I'm not going to play a game with you, as you are a waste of time, space and belly-button lint.
  18. I have now sent files to dear Elvis and the evil lawyer, who I refuse to call jd because it makes me feel like he's my southern cousin or something. Yo, jd! Get me another Coors, man. Hey, jd! You still sleepin' with your sister? Well I'll be damned, jd! How y'all doin'? Holy jehusefat!!! Wait, that last one isn't true. No, neither is this one. As this was directed at a lawyer and I do not want to be sued for libel, I will not issue my legal disclaimer: Ergo chumchuck fatbat whosawald, ipso facto walla walla, washington, wapakenucket and winniebago. Past performance is not indicative of a damn thing. Don't read this while having sex, unless she's cantonese, in which case she'll find it hot. Never pet a burning dog. Don't eat lead. Do not mix Hirams with antidepressants, nor should you operate a dalem while under the influence of anything except the unconditional love of your mother. Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what the hell is Kevin Costner doing for me. Void where prohibited by law, thought to be prohibited by law or necessitating the murder of the dictator of any former Belgiumic territory to be considered legal.
  19. All right you savages. Someone better have a 1.1 setup waiting for me when I get home (In, roughly, 32 minutes), so that I may trounce their sorry behinds. Otherwise I'll be forced to catch up on my old 1.05 games. And nobody wants that. Help, I need a new sig!!!
  20. Jumbo, At the risk of throwing fuel on the fire, your vitriolic statements are in line with those supported by the culture that you condemn. You're correct that the photo's only purpose is humor, so what? Humor is a laudable goal and should be pursued. Your implication is that human beings are simplistic enough to hold only one thought about one person in their tiny minds. This, in itself, is simplistic. (Gee, Marv, I used to hate that Hitler guy, now I think he's a hoot.)
  21. http://www.sharkygames.com/games/articles/extreme_game_winner_2000/3.shtml http://www.sharkygames.com/games/articles/extreme_game_winner_2000/4.shtml
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Yap yap yap. Eek! Yap yap yap!!! Craptacular yaposity, dudes! Blah blah blah, whine bitch, blah blah blah. I disliked you before, but now I abhor you more that I hate Meeks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And that's a lot.
  23. All right, all right. Now that the thread has gone to Poughkeepsie and back, it's time to get serious. As most of you know, the amount of actual brain activity I can accomplish on a regular basis is as close to nil as possible, what with the ol' brick-to-head thing. Keeping this in mind, I have managed to schedule some good thinking time after work today so that I may try out my, DUM DUM DUM, very first TCP/IP game. As befits my place as Lord of the Peng Thread and Keeper of the Faith, I set these conditions: Said game must be quick. Said game must be small. Said game should be on a map put together by loony people, preferably French or German. Said game must be against one of the loony old timers. Sorry dalem, wildman, stevetherat and hiram. Said game must include lots of death and preferably a large amount of destruction. Yar! Sincerely, Elijah Meeks He of the titles so many that to list them would cause a new Pengnarock.
  24. Welcome back Peng. I'm still pissed at you for ignoring your ICQ that night. However, considering you just suffered through hell, I'm willing to forgive you. ------------------ ‘I don’t believe in a Jaberwocke, Vanya. If the thing existed, it would have killed us years ago. At the very least, it would have killed the fat beavers and deer. More likely, there is a great, invisible rabbit, that stalks us even now, biding its time.’ Seanachai continued with a chuckle, ‘Yes, I would as much believe in a terrible rabbit of doom as the Jaberwocke.’
  25. Here we all post, long the Cesspoolhanna, Here we all post while the newbies balk, Taunting them fools from the dawn till sunset, Getting no rest till the Peng - na - rooock, Take me way from the Cesspoolhanna, Take me way from the dumb newbie, There was once here such a Cesspool, That's a place where I'd like - to - beeeee, Old first Cesspool, That old first Cesspool, It must be out there, But sure seems nowhere, It just keeps rolling, It keeps on rolling along. It don't make **** jokes, There's no bad posters, And them that were there, Threw newbies in roasters. It just keeps rolling, It keeps on rolling, along. You and me, We sweat and strain, Posting witty comments, But all in vain. Tell Bauhaus to sit, Kill that newbie, You heads of to the Arctic, And the morons get free. And as I'm posting, The taunts get sweeter, I'll brag 'bout topplements, And lose to cheaters. And old man Cesspool, He'll just keep rolling, He keeps on rolling, along. ------------------ ‘I don’t believe in a Jaberwocke, Vanya. If the thing existed, it would have killed us years ago. At the very least, it would have killed the fat beavers and deer. More likely, there is a great, invisible rabbit, that stalks us even now, biding its time.’ Seanachai continued with a chuckle, ‘Yes, I would as much believe in a terrible rabbit of doom as the Jaberwocke.’
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