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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: [QB]Yes, I realize that TTFN means ta ta for now, does this make me gay or English? You decide.[QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gamey? Gamey!?! It is an abstract rendition of the vagaries of war, dammit. Gamey? GAMEY?!?! What the bloody freaking hell is this limited vocabulary you have? It's desperate, it's chaotic, it's bloody, it's war, you mook, there's a thousand adjectives that describe it and 'gamey' isn't one of them. Oh and 'The Universe of Battle' isn't some kind of hokie sci-fi name for it, rather it's a phrase from the American Civil War referring to the period during which there was constant fighting with no let up.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: Is that wheat?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yup, you know what they say, ya makes do with what ya's got. Why didn't CMBO include sand/beach as a texture, anyway?
  3. I have just created the greatest scenario ever conceived. It is not a Crodaburgian nightmare or some Grogfest with accurate TO&E, rather it is a finely crafted model of war. I was inspired by Berli's request for a battle, so I shall send it to him, anyone else who wants it should send me an E-mail or beseech me publicly here in the Pool.
  4. I will happily create a scenario for Berli and what's his name, there's an idea I've been meaning to try. Let me know if you want such a thing, oh dark one.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump: [QB]I suppose that I should be falling down on my knees in gratitude.[QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow, I knew newbies were accomodating but not that accomodating. Let's see, first I'd like to apologize for my lack of postings, well, I'd like to but you sorry lot of boobs don't deserve that kind of sentiment. What's that, Bauhaus? What do you deserve? You deserve to be run over by cowboys on acid, to be raped by nuns with matronly arms, to be cornholed by the proverbial rhino. Put simply, all but 6 or maybe 7 of you ignorant savages should be put down for the greater good of humanity. It's ungodly the amount of high-octane crap that gets shoveled in here on a too regular basis, what with idiot newbies and senile old-timers. And my cousin, my goddamn, hippie-ass, transgeneticly pig-cloned son of a, well, he's family so we shouldn't talk about that. Anyone who thinks Harpoontang is me should be raped by mule deer. Updates: Stukes continues to chew up my men, which are him, which is damned confusing. So who wins if he holds the victory flags but also lies dead on the field in the hundreds? Aitken is sniping my men with a pair of putrid pumas, alliteratively actuated across an almost assinine area. Abbott isn't even part of the Pool, anymore, is he? Frenchie is preparing to kill my many hundreds of Stukas. Seanachai is being assaulted by ubertanks. This battle will be over once my men pick the little bits of Brit out of their tracks. MarkIV's plucky little Stuart just had dessert. You can't properly digest all the iron in spinach without a good dose of 75mm HEAT. I have an entire platoon holding the first victory flag that he assaulted, still holding the flag and doing such a fine job that ol' Outdated Panzer himself has given up and moved on. PeterNZer has been mugged, repeatedly. Five crack and elite tigers defeated by a bunch of green (Some without ammo, even) Cromwells and Stuarts. The rest of the battle will consist of blowing up the abandoned Tigers and gunning down the crews because, you see, this is an operation and you must be thorough. Jefe, if you're still alive, I say, please resend the turn! Jd is finding out what happens when I think an Attack is a Meeting Engagement. It wasn't until the fifth or sixth file that I realized the flags were way too far back. Fortuneately, my masterful gunners on my Stuarts, utilizing that fine piece of weaponry, the Ubercannon itself, the 37mm, have managed to make up for my tactical errors by lighting two of his PZIVs on fire. Did I forget anyone? Oh, yes, Mensch, send a setup.
  6. All hail the bald one! I have my account back, I have my account back! Yee ha!
  7. Shouldn't BTS release a 1.12 demo, that allows players to play against each other via TCP/IP (Only Chance Encounter and VoT, naturally). Plus, who knows how many customers have been turned off by the inaccurately modelled mantlet armor on the Tiger.
  8. For an extra 500USD, a Cesspool resident will come to your house/school/work, set up a small stand with a sign that says, "Crazy Peng's House o' Software" and sell you the game. For 100USD. Plus tax. Plus tip (mandatory 25%, you stingy rat). Plus expenses. Plus one of those little umbrellas they put in drinks. Plus your firstborn.
  9. Well at least no one has brought up the fact that this guy is using the wrong web site to find non-glistening bushes.
  10. Five pages and nothing, NOTHING! Well, except for Aitken, I thought he was killed by the SPAZI. And what the hell is a dalem, anyway?
  11. Christ on crack, you people post like Fat Albert after a box of Lucky Charms (Matt loves his purple horseshoes). I was off skiing, so I missed this gem (Excerpted from Jefe Ebonics 101): You see Croda use to be my whippin' boy but then it just got to be no fun beatin' him like some chained mutt at my side. Well, I'm out of statements of exclamation, Jefe, so you'll just have to settle for an old one. Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiitttttttt honkey! What kinda jive talk is that? Jd and Seanachai are chatting up a storm, barely covering their unrelenting fear of my forces on the field of battle. Woe, woe is my opponent. Ok, I'm reading page 7(!), so I'll get back to you scurvy dogs when I'm done.
  12. Bwahahahaha! Mensch called me a gamey bastard! Wa ha, wa ha, wa ha ha ha! You pathetic bastard, woe is the man that brings such ruin upon his house by using these words. Let's keep in mind two things. One, that the Fallschirmjagers, near the end of the war, were often accompanied by a veteran Jagdtiger while on patrol for silly British gits. Thirdly, that the standard weapons complement for a Fallschirmjager platoon, according to this handy book in front of me, Der Schnitzel unt Der Veapons ov Ze Schtandard Fallschirmjager Platoon April 1945, states clearly, "2 Heer 75mm AT guns and 1 Heer 50mm AT gun". Zed, Your boys never even hit my tank, so it didn't matter if it had 250mm of 15deg sloped armor or 15mm of 250deg sloped armor, the results would have been the same. Postumously, you neglected to mention the score of the final game, which was, rougly 8 jillion to 10. This, averaged with the game where I managed to barely overcome your gamey/lucky/ugly tactics (Using Panzershrecks as AT assets, that's just sick!), equals a pair of total, absolute topplements. And I'm winning this other game, too, you just don't know it yet. In other news (Funny skit, Andreas, except for the "Imagine 10 more minutes of this" line, which makes it sound more like a story you're telling us and not a joke.): Armornut has discovered that I like Jabos. The moron won't even talk to me now that one has bombed a pair of his tanks. Seanachai still hasn't sent his turn, he's probably still in mourning over the breakup of the Jackson Five. Don't worry, buddy, Michael and Tito have both had respectable careers since then. Jd and I are now about to engage in a game of, "Kill the British tank" as we're playing on some pool table in western Europe, me with the tin-sided monsters and he with what appears to be four KTs and three JTs, with a late-war Maus on loan from Charles just for this game. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  13. Lorak, please record my topplements of Mensch, all his topplement belong to us. That's TWO topplements for me. Meeks: Win after masterful win. Mensch: Plays CM like a one legged dog with leprosy. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  14. Well I'm glad somebody took care of the little chumchuck. As to the flag, what's the difference? Kind of sad, really, the British Empire is now just two islands and a rock (Or is it two rocks and an island?). ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-27-2001).]
  15. I don't even know how to write that character, much less what it means. Care to explain, oh weird-ass Norweigian guy? ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  16. Lorak: Main screen turn on! Meeks: Hello Gentlemen. Lorak: It's you! Meeks: All Mensch's bases belong to us, twice. Lorak: What you say?! Meeks: Mensch has no chance, scribe his losses. Meeks: Ha ha ha ha! ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  17. I prefer Joe Shaw's Rule of 76, myself. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  18. It is true that tank-running-over-jeep/infantry/etc should be modelled, but it's not like it happened a lot (Regardless of what the German Panzer manuals might suggest) and it's absence isn't that big a deal. I'd rather see a Sturmtiger first. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  19. Yes, I did agree to play Armornut. Heck, I even set up a little game against the git. However, I never agreed to play a fair game against the poor child. The setup is in the mail for our game, taking advantage of our beautiful new, 'unrestricted' purchase option. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  20. Seanachai, if you're not too busy beating up on squires, I would like to engage you in a simple game of Combat Mission. Seeing as how our sole game consisted of my total domination of your pathetic pixelly poltroons, one would wonder why I would want a rematch. It's a good question, really, as playing you just to win is like flying to London for the free peanuts, it's not the point of the matter. No I don't care how much I win by, rather I care about the amount of humiliating situations I can place your wee little men in. I'm not sure that CM models Platoon commanders weeping like little girls but I'm very interested in finding out. Hopefully, I'll be able to take advantage of the rare, "Mercy Killing" command. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  21. Humbling, bah. My sole purpose for being on Earth is to maniacally rant on Peng threads. Humbling, ha! Zig *twitch* Zig ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  22. I'm afraid you've got it wrong, Babs, it's someBODY. For great justice! Edited for dear Joe Shaw, the creator of the funny. http://www.detonate.net/newsitems/01021601/ayb.swf [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-27-2001).]
  23. What isn't funny is that your quote isn't your quote, you double-digit IQ, it's Kryten's quote. Attribute properly or suffer the fate of a thousand Mormans, you persnickity idgit. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
  24. In AD 1945, War was beginning Armornut: What happen? Armornut's Little Main Screen Operating Whore: Somebody set up us the bomb! Armornut's Little Main Screen Operating Whore: We get signal. Armornut: What! Armornut's Little Main Screen Operating Whore: Main Screen turn on. Armornut: It's you! Meeks: How are you gentlemen? Meeks: All your base are belong to us. Meeks: You are on your way to destruction. Armornut: What you say? Meeks: You have no chance to survive, make your time. Meeks: Ha ha ha ha. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-27-2001).]
  25. And in a way that us native English speakers could understand, as well. ------------------ Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points. -Joe Shaw
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