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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. Sing Sing is a prison, you dolt, the phrase you're looking for is, "Sing song", get it right. Also, that's not a song, it's two stanzas and all you did was replace one frickin' word. You're not only stupid and ugly, you're also lazy.
  2. So let me see if I understand, you'll play a TCP/IP game with me but only if the Cantonese girl is there, I pay you money and Saturn is in conjunction with Mercury?
  3. Yar, tis true, I'll have her knocked up before the year is out, so that I may populate the Earth with my dutiful brood. Likely they'll try to kill me but I wouldn't have it any other way. Methinks it's this love and my cavorting that led me to loan out my CM CD and post less, as it's hard to think of venomous comments for the various morons here when all one can think of is flowers and making love in the grass behind the stadium. So now I must work doubly hard, so that I may by day qoute Shakespeare and Addison to my sweet love and at night spew the foulest of vitriol at all of you yellow Elvii. Seanachai, I demand that we play a TCP/IP game. As we have only played one game together and it was such a beautiful waste of life, I resolve that our next game should be Rune's WWI map, that should be right down our alley. Game updates: PeterNZer - Hell, I won't even play the sot when I get my CD back. I despise his username as much as I despise the fact that the Supreme Court compared a military grade thermal imaging unit to a frickin' thermometer. Gee ma, I feel a little sick. Well let me go get the GX8000 out of the pantry, little Jimmy. Elvis - We were playing a game? Haven't you heard of TCP/IP?? Geier - We're going to play and I will kill you. Granted I don't have the time or energy to dismember you and bury the seperate parts one each under a mountain, a river, a widow's grave and the Vatican, so your death will merely be an unpleasant inconvenience, but I will kill you. Everyone else - What's wrong with you, haven't you noticed that there's this little thing called TCP/IP which, oddly enough, allows me to destroy and berate you in real time?!?! Get my ICQ, add it to your list and I will make sure that your relatives are informed of your final moments.
  4. To answer your question, Peng, he can't just not read this thread because doing so would remove a small amount of conflict from his world and, in doing so, would allow the poor soul a slightly more lucid view of his pathetic life. Some minor issues; It's 'Dr. IV', you don't think he went through 13 years of community college to be called 'Mr. IV', do you? Also, it's sammich, with two 'm's. Glad to be of help.
  5. Christ on a stick, both Peng and Seanachai are posting more than I am. Hmmmm, this will be rectified.
  6. Listen, ratboy, that game has been in stupid limbo for ever. If you decide to start it anew with me, I can only play it via TCP/IP for now. Otherwise, wait the interminable wait as I try to get my CD from my idiot cousin and his band of gypsies. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  7. Lorak, I'm not sure if you're paying attention to the other Pool but: Meeks :Draw Hiram :Draw Meeks:Crippling Win Hiram:Pathetic Loss Meeks:Win Croda:Loser, you suck! Boo! Mensch has all ready pointed out that he possesses my soul in a little bag that he likes to poke with a stick. I'm not one to complain but my god, if he doesn't have a little voodoo doll of me, which he pokes and gnashes and spits on, than Steve does. I'm starting to believe that CM checks for the CD and, if it doesn't find it, gives all your rolls a -10 in battle. EDITED TO REMOVE THOSE GODDAMN SMILIES ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect? [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-07-2001).]
  8. Some means you, Lorak, as Rune despises me. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  9. The following people have never played a game against me and I demand that they rectify this situation: Geier - Now the Old Firm and I discussed the possibility of a modern reenactment (Via CM) of the hacky-sack of Krakow. I would like someone to create the following scenario for us, subject to Johan's approval: City full of Green and Regular (Maybe a smattering of Veteran) Polish infantry of all types (Well, as many types as the Poles have), with varying low levels of ammo. Facing them, from all sides, comes a horde of Crack and Elite Germans plus armor plus air support. Lots of ouching ensues. Goanna - Mmmm, Lizard Hakko - I should have played you, as you claimed I was your sycophant long, long ago. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  10. Isn't Andreas comparing the quad 20 to the 8.8cm? Your screen shot from CM doesn't include the 8.8cm.
  11. Anyone who hasn't seen this software is in for a treat. Keep up the good work Pal. (How do you get the 'o' on top of the 'a'?)
  12. Reprinted from the fun board (Edited to be made suitable for consumption by grogs and other humorless morons, cough Andreas cough). Peng Hath Been Defeated Yes, that glorious namesake, that incontinent (Not so bad a word), that (Not a bad word at all), (Very bad word) obsessed Peng has suffered a major topplement. Wait, it gets worse. Peng was not defeated by (Not a really bad word) American Airborne or the well-oiled machine of the British army. No, Peng was beaten down by a multinational force of French, British, Polish and Canadian troops. These men, proving that our fair nations can work together in peace, put a beatdown on Peng so severe that the poor bastard still doesn't comprehend English. Sweet Peng, beaten so bad that MrHappy even cried. (String of obscenities, mostly related to body parts that were never meant to be stuck into toasters) ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  13. Well, people just seem to like to post off topic stuff don't they, BIG?
  14. Look you idjit, keep me out of your little prison love fantasies. I only raped Andreas once and that was metaphorically. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect? [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-01-2001).]
  15. Well, Lorak is defeated and handily I might add. Major victory, naturally. Probably would've been a tougher battle but his men didn't seem to have any fight in 'em, seems they just wanted to talk over the dispute and kept trying to get me to look at their pictures and yell at my men for cussing. Of course, we killed them all and fed them to our dogs, using their bones to fashion a primitive shelter from the elements. Edited to point out that after killing Lorak I proceeded to murderate him a second time. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect? [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-01-2001).]
  16. I was wondering what BTS was going to do regarding dissimilar units of the same type in CM2/II. The primary example would, of course, be multiple pieces of the same armor with different camo schemes. However, I also wonder if they plan to code minor variation between units of the same type to represent the variation that exists in real life, eg slightly more accurate teams, slightly worse armor on tanks (Due to poor manufacturing), et cetera. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  17. I thought that was called murder or racism? What does that have to do with National Socialism? ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  18. Dammit, Tank, you may be a highly decorated CPX commander but I think we're all gamers. We can't seriously debate that some of us are more fun than others, can we? Well, maybe some of us. As to your idea that we couldn't model ballistics more correctly, can't we move forward without going all the way to on-the-fly physics? Isn't there some kind of compromise between what we have now and the Cray-Necessary Armor Resolution System? (Not to be confused with the E10K Necessary Graphics System proposed by certain rodents) ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  19. Deanco, it is not the definition of group 3 that you disagree with, it's the title I chose for it. If you would prefer to refer to them as "Graphics Hound" or some other term that sounds more appropriate to you, so be it. The definition, however, does describe a main aspect of CM's appeal, regardless of whether you like the title. In my often wrong opinion, you sound like you're bigger on catagory 2 than anything else. Maybe we should just lose the titles and refer to them as catagory 1, 2 and 3. Also, this wasn't meant to be another graphics debate, there is a much more interesting debate regarding rare and exotic vehicles brewing. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  20. Yes, that's true, I should have used an 'or'. However, I think that, considering I spent the time to split these into three distinct groups as well as my post on future division of labor (10-10-10), my original meaning was not lost on most, if not all, readers. To clarify, I think that Graphics = Historical Accuracy = Realism. And if I had standard time units to assign, I would assign them 10 - 10 - 10. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  21. You see, misquoting someone is only funny if you do it and then respond to what they actually said. Anyone can make up a quote and then make fun of somebody for it but where's the humor? Where's the creativity? For example: ------------ Oh ha ha ha! Look at what ol' Geier said! Oh, gee, Geier, you sure put your foot in it that time!!! ------------ See, not funny. Unless you're Andreas, in which case: Is not only funny but apropros. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  22. First of all, Andreas, I've run a software company, so stuff it. Secondly, he does an excellent job of shooting down T&L, which is fine, as I never supported it. Third, your previous post said I thought graphics were half the game, this is either a baldfaced lie, poor debate or merely proof that you don't read my posts. Either way, there's not much point in continuing this discussion. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  23. Now listen here you ignorant, crotchety old son of bitch. I refute your points one by one: I never wanted to rule and the original schism was the result of the Pool exploding, which was anything but predictable. When I came back, I was drafted by that stupid, bald son of a bitch, I didn't want my thread to be the new Pool. I brought everyone back, I got them posting like men and now that we're back in Seanachai's digs they open the floodgates and start talking about how cute everyone looks. Can you blame me for wanting to change that? And I don't rule anything now, either, you imbecile, I'm just titled. Oh and Berli, thanks for being so, well, Berli. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?
  24. As to your points: 1. Why would there need to be mention of BTS's drive? I wasn't writing an autobiography, Andreas, merely analyzing one aspect of the CM franchise. I characterize BTS's business options and decisions with business terminology, I think it is the most clear and efficient way to do so. 2. No, Steve did not say as much in the GB thread. Steve berated an annoying child and then went on to say that graphics will not be ignored in CM2 and will be further updated in CMII (Right order? Need a little help here, people). The reason I never posted to that thread is because you have the straw man of GunnyBunny, who nobody likes, representing that side of the argument. I have posted trying to put a more rational argument forward and would be remiss if I didn't point out that your response was pushy and arrogant. No one here is arguing for graphics to get more than their fair share or to be updated at the cost of realism or historical accuracy. 3. If you feel that CM's rendition of rare or exotic vehicles, infantry and armor is a poor one, prove them wrong. That's what we do with common vehicles, infantry and armor. Andreas, if you think that the mere existence of exotics bothers you, make sure to turn that option off. If you think that BTS spent more time on graphics than you wanted, tone them down. But don't act like your viewpoint is the end-all, be-all. No one is suggesting that we enhance any of these things at the cost of realism, far from it, all that's said is to treat each equally. ------------------ Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?! No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect? [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-30-2001).]
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