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  1. I'm not sure if this had been brought up before. (Yes, I did a search =)) I played the Viipuri scenario as the finns, and I noticed that the 75mm arty spotter was displayed as german! That is; the unit rank and flag symbol (in the bottom left corner) was german. Is this intentional? Perhaps to represent that the germans supplied the finns with guns and spotters? Or is it plain wrong? I am using the 1.01 version. [ November 25, 2002, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Glyph ]
  2. I've been thinking about giving the campaign rules a go, but it seems really hard to get going (filling out 10 pages of info etc.). So before I decide to start up a campaign I'd like to hear from anyone who tried it. Whats your experience?
  3. Will it be possible to develop some sort of patch that will give the european version the correct unit names and symbols?
  4. As someone mentioned earlier in this thread (I forget who), area fire seems quite ineffective. I recently played the Yelnia Stare (?) scenario as the russians. I had atleast 4-5 maxims and 2 mortars pouring fire into the central german position, and still my troops on the left flank (2 companies) got pinned down and routed by fire from that position. After 15-20 turns of VERY slow progress on my left flank I had at least knocked out 2 at-guns with mortar and mg fire. I now felt confident enough to take bold action with my tanks. Up to that point I had used my tanks for area fire from the rear. I rushed the tank platoon on my left along the extreme left om the map to a position in front of my most forward troops. I gave fire arcs to two of them; one covering the nearby objective and one covering the central flag. The third tank was left to find it's on targets, just in case. On my right flank, where the infantry only had advance to the burning wheat field, I moved the other tank platoon to the forward edge of said field. These tank advaces remedied the situation a bit, but the infantry was still advancing too slow to reach the objectives in time. As a last effort I rushed the tank platoon on my left to within 100m of the central flag. That did the trick! As the tanks started to spot all the german infantry in that area, red targeting lines where appearing in droves! All those squads and mgs that weren't routed suddenly found something to direct their anger at! As the german fire withered, I was able to advance my infantry without too much trouble. The scenario ended with the germans surrendering, and I actually suffered quite few casualties!
  5. As I understand the russian units in CMBB will have some sort of command penalty. This being due to the lack of radios in the russian army and relative inflexibility of said forces. Now, how will this be modeled? By simply giving the russians longer command delays or in some other way?
  6. I know that many people consider using the 7/1 and 7/2 flak vehicles to be gamey. But what if they are used in their "correct" manner, as mobile anti-aircraft vehicles? In my current PBEM game (3000 pts attack) I bought two of them to follow behind my panzers and hopefully keep the enemy jabos at bay. The alternative to this would have been to purchase some stationary flak and leave them in my setup zone for the whole game. Now, is this gamey?
  7. Thanks for the info von Lucke and JasonC! Great answers! I have a new question: Is Jason some sort of living encyclopedia of WWII lore?
  8. I have a couple of questions about the recoilless rifles: What are they? Rocketlaunchers? To wich type of units were they assigned? How many were produced? Were they common on the battlefields of France and Germany? Why were they produced? Lack of resources? Because of their good mobility compared to bigger, same caliber, guns? What are your experiences using them in CM? Offencively? Defencively? Glyph - out.
  9. Obviously I'm not good at expressing myself literally... Let me clarify even more... <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>I assume that the enemy is pinned in some way, by artillery, MG fire or whatever. <LI> My platoon outnumbers the visible enemy troops, by at least 2 to 1. <LI>The purpose of the assault is to drive the enemy away from the woods. <LI>I WANT my troops to get into close combat with the enemy. In short, I believe the assault has a good chance of success. My question is this; what combination of WALK, RUN, SNEAK(etc etc)commands would you give your troops?
  10. Imagine the following... A fresh platoon has just finished deploying in the treeline on on side of an open area. The opposing treeline is known to be held by the enemy and you want your platoon to assault the enemy across the open area. So you pop some smoke to cover the advance...BUT how EXACTLY do you order your troops to assault?? Let me clarify; do you have them RUN all the way, right on top of the enemy? Do you have them run close to the treeline and then have them WALK the last few meters? How would YOU do it? Let me hear your opinion on this...
  11. I'm not saying that the priest is invulnerable, but I DO say that the 50mm extra armor DO increase it's survivability. It's not only a question about armor either, the priest has a 105mm gun, the M8 only 75mm. The point I'm trying to make is that the priest (just an example) is better than the M8, and because of that people tend to buy a priest rather than a M8. And I'm saying that it's more challenging to use the M8. ...but I can see your point too. When reading my original post you can get the impression that I think that the priest can be used without consideration to enemy AT-capabilities, which I of course DO NOT believe.
  12. Being a frequent visitor at this BB, I have read SO many posts concerning peoples favorite tanks/TDs/ACs (and so on). Doesn't anyone share my opinion that it's more fun to use average, or downright BAD, vehicles? This of course only apply to QB games where you can select what vehicles to buy. For example; why buy a Priest to blast buildings apart, when you can buy the M8? Sure the M8 will get popped by anything larger than a rifle bullet but doesn't that make it more interesting? You have to scout ahead, find those AT-guns, pin that 'shreck team, and make the infantry keep their heads down THEN roll up the M8 and blast the enemy out of his positions. The M8 is just an example, but I hope you get my point.
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