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Everything posted by thewood

  1. I'd rather see a graph of the CPU temperature as the game goes on.
  2. I thought all you Peng guys knew how to use the search function...
  3. Am I not allowed to ask the question? I was curious. I am sure glad Steve has all these gatekeepers to keep from the likes of curious fans like me. just so you guys feel better, I got a QB with some T55s and some piss poor infantry that had to slog across almost a km of map to an objective with no transport. They had 30 minutes to do it. Just thought it would be useful to get them part way there.
  4. No I didn't specify. My answer covered everything I wanted to know. I never said what is US SOP. My question stands. You also spoke by applying specific experience as a general question. You said never ever ride on a tank. I asked specifically if it was doctrine or programming. I was looking for an answer from someone with knowledge of why BFC made the decision they did.
  5. I agree on BFC and Syrians...that was the answer I was looking for. If BFC says they don't do it based on research, fine. I am just pointing out that some armies do it, whether they have SOP or not. The main reason I am asking is I just don't know if the Syrians have enough transport to get infantry where they are needed. It would give some tactical flexibility to be able use it. Once again the question is whether its doctrine or computing resources.
  6. Yeah, but they do it. The rules in Afgan. are obviously different than for the US Army. That is sometimes my pet peeves for wargames developed in the US. They build foreign armies on preconceptions based on US SOP and culture.
  7. Don't mean to be a smart ass, but probably coming across as one: It is his forum. I think Steve is not the best PR person in the world, but he sure can be very patient and tolerent of people going postal on his life's work. No offense to Steve or postal workers of the world.
  8. I was watching a video of the war in Afganistan and saw a lot of Northern Alliance and Taliban soldiers riding them. I can understand the US not doing it, but I would think an army lacking mobility would use it.
  9. Steve, I grew up in Hartland (only a few towns over from where I think you live now). The people seething are the ones that realize you are from away and screwing up thier system. btw, I was one of the biggest complainers about the shooting through terrain thing after 1.03. I see it less in 1.04. What does that say about me? I am still annoyed at it, but BFC has shown it can be improved. I really thought is was a "fundamental" flaw. BFC has shown me it can be tweaked, fixed, squashed...whatever you call it. That allows me to move on to something else to complain about knowing Charles is tanking up on Red Bull and plugging away. [ October 03, 2007, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  10. Adam, I think you're heading for one of those metdowns again. Maybe you should start trying out Adam2?
  11. Since 1.04, I have very good success with WEGO, as long as its not a tight urban environment. If it is urban, you really have to move in small, well planned steps. I find the opposite in RT. If infantry are involved, I am pausing much more often than in WEGO. I played Wadi Scouts in WEGO and it took maybe 90 minutes. Played in RT and it actually took a little longer.
  12. That was actuall a complaint from 1.01 also.
  13. Is it a technical or doctrinal reason for no tank riders? Hopefully no one notices the double post.
  14. Is it a technical or doctrinal reason for no tank riders?
  15. I was actually commenting on how it can happen in real life also. Unless BFS is fixing or sumfink real-life.
  16. I have come around, although not completely, to Steve's view of CM1 compared to CM2. It is only because of 1.04. Before that, I did think there were some "fundamental" problems with CMSF. I see significant progess being made, even in LOS/LOF issues. Right now, I can march a troop of scouts down a road, get ambushed and see results similar to what I would expect in CMAK. Adam,, out of curiosity, I would like to know what you think the fundamental errors are in CM1, or is it perfect? I think CMSF is at about the technical maturity of CMBO at release. So compare it to that.
  17. I have a crappy old laptop and that looks like mine...
  18. I don't dare comment with any intelligence on your specific scenario, but in tank v tank battles, you can always find situations where a tank can fire on another tanks that can't fire back. I would think that could be a real problem hiding behind a wreck and part of the tank sticking out. just two cents.
  19. //sucking up on Steve, after all this, you really should go into politics. That's not an insult. You are very good at arguing your points. //sucking up off Now get back to massaging Charles.
  20. Its because of the demand that BFC is under to please me, Thewood. Thier entire existence is based upon pleasing me, Thewood. Those of you not interested in centering your lives around me, Thewood, please leave the forum in an orderly fashion.
  21. Is it just Hammertime that has the majority of problems. I stopped playing 1.03 becuase these things were popping up constantly. I have had it happen only once in Hammertime and haven't seen it any of the others. edit: I should say 1.04 now seems more like CM to me and I really like it. TacAI is finally closer to what it should be. [ October 03, 2007, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: thewood ]
  22. Take that you board edge creeping bastages!
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