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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I had the 9700 and fog wouldn't work at all. Are you sure FSAA doesn't work? I've tried some tests and it appears to show on mine? Of course it might just be me Agreed that the ATI card is the best on the market. It's certainly a lot faster than anything Nvidia is offering at the moment, but I wanted fog desperately so I sold it and got myself a 4600.
  2. ..and what is the outcome? I'm using 30.87 because they work perfectly with CMBB but obviously if there is something bigger and better around the corner..
  3. Haven't BTS 'fixed it' in the patch to make the process 25% faster or something like that? I'm running a PIV at 2.82ghz with a 4600 and it crawls along in the bigger battles. I would second that opinion that there is something untoward going on there.
  4. I'm not sure about that. I've just played a scenario where the plane was more of a nuisance than anything else. He would keep me searching for cover and slowing me down. Ok his cannon was pretty accurate but his bomb load was way off. I love the way infantry automatically disembark from HT's when they hear the aircraft now.. Pretty cool.
  5. ok it appears to be the blitz.exe that doesn't work at all on mine. I don't hear the beeps. I have managed to get the v2.exe to work bit now I want to edit the wait file so I don't have to sit around for ages. What is a good figure to change it to? I've tried 10000 and it doesn't work - 20000 does but it's still slow. WinXP sp1
  6. I do wait for the box to close, but my copy of cm takes about 5 seconds to load if that, if I click on the CDV splash screen. I've got a PentiumIV running at nearly 3ghz with ATA133 drives.
  7. I did wait mate for the two beeps and still no joy. As a matter of interest, what can I change the wait.txt file to as a minimum?
  8. Yeah I am running from the batch file. I hear the two beeps which signifies it is loaded in memory but I still get WG. The only thing I have done is change the wait state. I will change it back and see if it makes any difference. Unlikely though. I am understanding this right, in QB setup, when you choose your force, WG should appear as SS yeah?
  9. Hi, have just installed this with the UK version of CMBB and I can't get it to work. I have followed the instructions, and I still get WG appearing in the QB setup screen etc.
  10. Funny you mention it because I did comment on that to my mate. I said to him that even though I had superiority I actually didn't do a lot to the guys dug-in. BTS have obviously worked on this.
  11. Yes - run like hell Just completed this one myself against a friend and it was an absolute nightmare. I got well and truly stuffed. I had 6 PZIV's bounce about twenty AP rounds off one KV2 at 100m approx! The only way I got him was somewhat flukey, I managed to immobilise him with a simple hand grenade and the crew bailed. Another got KO'd by a fighter bomber and the third died a lonely death on the steppe. I think it got stuck. Very difficult!
  12. okay thanks Rune. I'm going to download the 30.82's then but I don't like the idea of having to go back to these, there's all sorts of issues with them. I might just wait and see if the new drivers fix it.
  13. It seems pretty accurate to me. I've been playing tcp and I'm up against three of four KV2's and they're killing me. I've lost loads of infantry to them and now he's knocking my PZIII's out. I just can't touch 'em. How have you been playing as a matter of interest? Against the AI or via tcp?
  14. I've had this error once in a QB and it kicked me back to desktop. I haven't seen it since so thought it was a one off. I also have some issues with cmbb asking for the cd when it is already in the drive. Odd.
  15. Using the latest official dets from Nvidia 40.72 on a WinXP SP1 machine. I recently sold my 9700 in favour of a GF4 Ti4600 because I wanted fog! If you enable AA of any flavour you can't see the menu text full stop, unless you tab back to desktop. Is there a fix for this please?
  16. Manx et al, IMHO Yahoo Groups won't work in our favour. In principal the idea is good, but you get a very common time out issue when downloading, especially for guys in my situation with analogue modems, and when the downloads are popular. Plus there is a limit on what you can download and when. It's a nightmare. What we really need is a 'friendly resource' with a server and a broadband connection.. To add, I gave up downloading the T34's hosted on Yahoo Groups. One timed out and the other said it had reached it's limit. [ October 19, 2002, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  17. Isn't there a upper limit on the amount of units on the map at any one time?
  18. I was only joking buddy no hard feelings. It's not a big deal no, but it's sort of like this. People complain when there is something factually wrong with the data, and it gets patched, however minor it seems to get fixed thanks to BTS. So why can't this get fixed. Why is it such a big deal not to get it fixed? [ October 17, 2002, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  19. Well.. I feel like an argument so come on guys bring it on !!!!
  20. Well I'm on GMT and obviously a lot happens on this board when I'm asleep, so I have obviously missed something here, but I was under the impression that someone was working on a patch. My mistake.
  21. Priest, yes I have the 'mod' as such that replaces the icons, but I'm after the patch that rectifies the code yeah? Maybe I wasn't clear.
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