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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Ok I tried the Omega drivers and they offer total stability and smooth vision 2.1 for starters but still no fog or AA in CMBB
  2. ..Just to jump in here. I bought myself a lovely Ti4800SE card last month to find that I couldn't use it with the 30.87 drivers even with the reg hack. So I had to make do with the 41.09's which worked, albeit without AA - Which at the end of the day ruined it for me. You look at smoke in the game without AA. It looks naff. I flogged it to a mate. So I then bought a 9700 NP, which again works perfectly well with everything else I play, other than CMBB. I have to disable AA and there is no fog, even with the latest cats/Omega drivers. It's swings and roundabouts for me. So annoying as CMBB is a totally awesome game.
  3. ... Certainly do not ditch your card for one game, unless that is all you play. It's the best card out there. Something you might consider trying, (I have yet to) is using the latest Omega drivers for the ati chipset. Apparently people are reporting gains in several areas over the 3.2 cats. It might just be that 'fog' has been implemented too.
  4. Nick, you seem to be one of a very select few that aren't having any issues with the drivers. IMHO, ATi have stepped up a gear and have sorted out a lot of issues with their drivers. The support they offer is now better than Nvidia, if you take a look at Rage3d.com you'll see my point. The 9700 is the best card on the market, and it sure beats anything Nvidia can throw it's way, even the new GFFX.. I'm using the Non-pro as it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the Pro variant for slightly less speed. But I've used many many different cards in the past, and I still use a Geforce4 GO in my laptop so I can make comparisons. Also, FWIW, CMBO and CMBB look much better with the 9700 than the do with the Nvidia chipset, bar the fog.
  5. Nick, I don't want to sound disrespectful but I know what I'm doing regards installations and such like. I'm MCSE qualified and I've been in the industry for ten years now. I started with a commodore 64 and have worked my way right up to my latest, a Vapochill system - 2.53ghz overclocked to 3.29ghz running at 175fsb and -10 degrees I never had major problems with the old kit running CMBO - it's just you can't sit still with hardware and respectful drivers - certainly not in the industry I'm in and all I have done is upgraded a few times and now it doesn't work as you'd expect, no matter how many times you format c: I can do all the fudges in the world to get it running, and believe me, it works fine, it's just I want it running how it should run, looking how it was designed to look, and played how it should be played. I'm not asking for much. The problems are driver associated. Sure you can switch in and out of the app and disable AA but I don't want to. I don't need to for the other games I play. I've just purchased a 9700, and once again formatted as you do for a complete overhaul, and it works fine if you're prepared to accept no AA and no fog.
  6. I think you'll be waiting forever for decent drivers that work completely with CMBB. The last several variants of the dets have not worked properly. Nvidia are working on 50.xx series Dets now and will be releasing these this year some time but even they aren't promised to 'fix' the problems associated with CMBB. One can only hope. Until then, I doubt I'll be playing it much.
  7. Indeed. It's because I start out with the best intention to keep it quiet and organised, and by turn 15 I can't be arsed.
  8. I had exactly this problem and it was to do with a borked driver installation. I would recommend using a third party program to remove the drivers completely and then try reinstalling. It sounds like you've still got Nvidia entries in the registry that conflict.
  9. It depends how easily satisfied you are. If you're prepared to run with old cats, and accept no fog, and no AA, it's fine It's annoyed me so much I've uninstalled the game. I just can't play it like it is. It used to be fine with 'old' hardware. ie, My GF3, and 30.87's but we can't live in the past can we. I even bought two copies of the game. The AF looks to dogs however, and if you're prepared to accept no fog, and no AA then it plays like a dream, just without the eye candy that we're used to.
  10. It's pretty bad really that there is no resolve for this. Im ny case anyway. I bought a new Nvidia card just for CMBB to find that the drivers I had to use with it didn't play well. It was a 4800SE and the best drivers for CMBB (30.87's) didn't acknowledge my card at all. I had to make do with later drivers, which were fine for everything else (except the game I bought the card for ). So I managed to ditch the card, and sold it to my mate, and then went and bought an ATI 9700. A top performer this card, in everything except for CMBB.. Arse. Quite comical really.
  11. Would flak guns fire at aircraft in this game? I never knew that!
  12. lol! You marry a rich woman mate that's what you do. Nope, you can't use the 30.82's with the GF4 I've got - see threads pages below. It's a right pain in the arse. I've got it working (to a degree) with the 41.09's. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I know about the ATI no fog thingy, but I'd rather have FSAAx4, AFx16, @ 1600x1200 than having to run my GF4 @ 1024x768 with the FSAA turned off.
  13. I've got two cards now, a GF4 ti4800SE and I'm getting a ATI 9700 non-pro which I'm going to flash to (hopefully) give me the speed of the Pro version. What drivers shall I use?
  14. Hi,I've sort of accepted that as long as I keep AA off on both my systems, I can play a decent game of CM. Bit of a shame, and annoying in the fact that this is one of a very few select games where this is a problem.
  15. That's a great shame I was rather hoping the 3.2's would introduce some stability as far as CM was concerned. Just as well I downgraded to a GF4. Now all I need is working 43.30's Incidentally, IL2 FB?? It's not out until the 21st??
  16. That's a great shame I was rather hoping the 3.2's would introduce some stability as far as CM was concerned. Just as well I downgraded to a GF4. Now all I need is working 43.30's
  17. I just played a QB where I was given 3 Marders. (Ouch was my first thought..) I used them in a 'semi-defensive' position and tried where possible to keep them hull-down and they faired remarkably well. The 76.2mm knocked out a t34, and the 75mm knocked out several halftracks and BA's without a single casualty themselves. The 75mm then went on to ground-pound the troops. All in all a good days work The ai even tried to ko them with arty before finally dropping arms and running.
  18. I don't know all the 'ins and outs' of it, but could you do something like Oleg Maddox is doing for IL2. A sort of 'open-source' 3d modelling. There's a big modding community out there for them and some 3rd parties have produced quality models.
  19. I've had good and bad experiences. I once had one attack take out a hidden platoon (or more) of halftracks and relevant support equipment. Certainly made life easier for me, although the ai doesn't make the best use of them anyway That was the most successful result, but I've also taken plenty of friendly fire too. One fighter just kept straffing his own side - Comical. I haven't used air support in 1.02 so I don't know if it's been tweaked at all. Moving targets (especially tanks) seem to make the most obvious targets IMHO and I've seen plenty immobilised or worse with single strikes.
  20. That is the best news, I was only thinking about new sound mods just this morning What with this and the pending CMMOS uniforms, we're laughing.. (MikeT, eta? )
  21. I think you're wrong mate, the 4200 is a GF4 clocked slower than the 4800. The 4800 is clocked the same as the 4600 but with AGP8x support.
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