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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. What about now with the latest drivers? I'm really in two minds what to do. I'm thinking about getting a Ti4200 just so I can see the fog!
  2. Hi guys it's been a while since I've been here. I can't seem to find any CMMOS uniform mods. I'm sure I've seen some in the past. What's been going on then?
  3. Hmmm. Comparing Close Combat to CMBB is like comparing an apple to an orange - They are both games based on the Russian Front, but both are miles apart. Agreed that the CC series is/was fun, until SSI took over. [ December 18, 2002, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  4. Any news chaps? We need some good terrain to go with the really really good mods
  5. Dial-up @ 31.2k if I'm lucky! Downloading the latest CMMOS mods as I type, I expect these to be finished by much later tonight.
  6. Sorry for the confusing post. It is not the in-game gamma that is for sure, but it's most odd. I remember being able to turn it up and down in game originally, but it's not the Alt-G combination so I don't know what is causing it.
  7. I pressed a combination of keys when in the game proper, and for the life of me I can't remember what I did, but I thought I had changed the gamma. It's only when it boots though, when the game loads it's fine. I've deleted the prefs file to no avail. Very odd! It wasn't the gamma, by the way. Now I'm forced with another reinstall..
  8. 68mb?? wowsers.. So will it work with the UK CDV version then?
  9. Gordon, any ETA as yet? waiting expectantly.. Thankyou.
  10. Jesus guys this is VERY bad news. I have a 15" TFT and thankfully it runs ok, but to spend that sort of money on the 18" and to get the lack of support like that is quite frankly out of order. On the plus side, Nvidia seem to release driver updates every two weeks or so and as this is such a pressing issue I'm sure they will rectify it. I'm getting my 9700 Pro today, and I'll be without fog, but I'm going to live with it. Being able to play 1600x1200 6xFSAA smoothly, on my 22" crt will make all the difference.
  11. Fog would be nice! It's down to ATI though. That said, I'm still getting my 9700 Pro next week. CM looks fantastic at 6x FSAA and AF. [ November 02, 2002, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  12. Gordon, a truly outstanding piece of work. If you have a paypal or nochex account I will make a donation right now! One question for you. Is this 'the' winter effect for the units or will their be others like there was with the last incarnation? Ie, will their be 'frosted' variants, that looked so cool in CMBO. I always used that particular effect it looked so realistic. These mods look almost surreal with their white washes. I'm no expert so don't flame me, and I will definitely be using these.. Although alas, I'm on 56k. Ouch
  13. Very good to see you back sir. Hope to be using some of your work very soon
  14. That's an excellent score from a British mainstream mag.
  15. I can get it to work everytime now but it took some messing. First of all, set the wait.txt file to 10000 and use the v2.exe, not the others. Then when you get the CDV splash screen immediately click it off and you are presented with the main screen. Wait for the first beep (quick) then wait a few seconds for the second. Wait for both beeps BEFORE entering any other screen. This works for me now, but it doesn't work when I change the wait state to anything else! weird or what??
  16. God I didn't want to pay for it! (joke) How much do you think shipping would cost approx then?
  17. I don't mean to pester, but with the influx of mods coming our way I think we're in need of our fine mod organising friend cmmos to make an appearance. Is there an eta at all?
  18. I currently own CDV version (UK) and really want to get my hands on the US version for obvious reasons. Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance.
  19. Thanks for the reply. It appears to be every other scenario, there doesn't appear to be a pattern to this. It says DirectX 8.1b is for 98,ME, and 2000. For XP you need SP1, which I already have installed. I will download this anyway just in case.
  20. I keep getting constant unhandled exception errors when editing the parameters for QB's. Unhandled exception: c0000005 At address: 00576575 The same error code every time. Running a WinXP sp1 rig, 512mb ddr, 2.8ghz, Geforce 4 ti4600.
  21. Any ETA on this Mr Noobie? Thanks for all your hard work. They look cool.
  22. Interesting. I'm using 30.87 and FSAA works for me too.
  23. Well according to BTS it's a driver issue and according to ATI it's a lack of support in the game.
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