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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Erm yes I have thanks very much and it doesn't actually help. I ready here that a file had been released that allows the change, and I can't find it simple as that. I've tried a search too. So there's no need to be so SARCASTIC.
  2. I think that's a bit unfair of you Priest. I too want to know if a file has been released that will convert these things.
  3. Ok I was wondering whether that would be the case. I seem to remember these things being used in Close Combat 3 too thinking about it..
  4. Are they used against armour or fortifications and men or both?? and how are they deployed in the game? ie. do you have to be on the target to use them, or can they be lobbed much like standard grenades. I've not seen any used yet. I imagine they have a similar impact to satchel charges yeah?
  5. It's totally excellent stuff. Much more of a simulation than CMBO (IMHO).
  6. Definitely a very good idea. Then we know where to find them..
  7. I've just got my hands on the UK edition of CMBB (thanks guys it's excellent) and am happily running at 1600x1200x85hz on my 22" Mitsubishi. I've heard that the 'fog' problem might not have been fixed yet. What's the score with this? I'm not able to test it yet. If that's the case it seems a little extreme but I might have to ditch the 9700 in favour of a 4600. Not something I'm really wanting to do, as the clarity of 2d and the quality of dvd playback currently out performs anything Nvidia can throw my way.
  8. Are there any weather effects in the demo? I'm using the 9700 Pro and I don't have any issues so far.
  9. I agree the AI has been improved, I'm not saying it's a pants game, I'm just saying it hasn't taken me by the handles and made sweet love like it should have done..
  10. Gpig, I see your point to a degree, but I remember playing Close Combat A bridge too far, and then getting Close Combat III and thinking "oh my god this is amazing". It was more than an "add-on", it was a completely new game, based on a tried and tested technique. This is what I was expecting to feel again. But it just hasn't hit me the same way.
  11. Please, don't flame me for this, but I've sat and played the demo for a bit now, and I just can't feel the atmosphere like you could in CMBO. It might be because it's the demo, and it's such a vast improvement over the original it's come as a bit of a shock.. It might also be because I can't relate to the sides in the game, like you can with the Brits/Americans etc. I don't know it just doesn't feel quite right at the mo. Anyone noticed this or is it me?
  12. The main reason for me contemplating getting a 9700 Pro is its 2d quality which out performs the GF4 cards. This card is on par with Matrox, which hold the crown in that department and have done for years. 3d doesn't really come into it as far as CMBB is concerned. Also, 16x FSAA (playable too!) will be staggering. The fog issue bothers me though. Has this card been tested with CMBB? (unlikely.) I would imagine it would have problems with fog table emulation much like it's older brothers which really puts me off.
  13. Otime, download the bergman_all_US_FF_m4_HR.zip from cmhq. This just sorted out my texture problems I was having with the Shermans. It makes me wonder how many other textures there are out there that I'm missing!
  14. Ok, I selected BTS default BMP's and pointed cmmos to the cd. Finally I have gone back to the default textures. Which is all fine and dandy. However, the only mod textures that now appear to work are the olive/drab camo ones for the allied shermans? Which implies these are the only ones that I have installed or these are the only ones that exist - which isn't the case is it? I have every mod installed from the cmmos support page list on cmhq.
  15. I don't think I have a mod missing, I think it might be the way they're installed. I've tried it again on my second system and it appears to work ok, although I have other problems with this.. Could it be something to do with the Firefly mod I'm using? I just noticed I installed a seperate mod for this, and it uses the same camo base as for the Shermans, does it not?? [ August 05, 2002, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  16. Without having to completely reinstall my mods and the cmmmos software is there anything else I can do? The Allied sherman textures for spring/summer/fall are always camo whatever I select.
  17. aha! The mainboard uses a SiS735 chipset. I'm going to see if I can get a bios upgrade for it. However, I'm wondering if I need to reformat again as I have installed the 4in1's? Hmm. I have updated the bios to the latest revision. I have also discovered that this board does use a via chipset as the manual has instructions for installing them in Win98. [ August 05, 2002, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  18. Ok, I've set AGP to 2x rather than 4x. Fast Writes isn't an option in my bios. I've checked Dxdiag and the agp texture acceleration is greyed out. Is this normal with this card? The monitor has been detected correctly and 75Hz is the maximum it will allow at 1024x768. When running CM for the first time it takes approx ten minutes!! to run through a whole load of resolutions and finally sets me up with 640x480@75. Very odd! I can fudge it slightly but it doesn't work correctly. When first running, it detects the screen res at 1024x768@75. If I click on the button (guessing where it is on screen!) it appears to work ok. Only when you attempt to start a game does it hang at the 3d graphics bit I explained before. I'm at a loss. But thanks for your time. [ August 04, 2002, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  19. I've reformatted my machine, reinstalled XP Pro, installed the latest official 4in1's and have installed the latest set of drivers from PowerVR. I can now run CM 1.12 at 640x480 Software mode at 75mhz. I can't run it at any other resolution. What is going on here? Any ideas? It must be something to do with the KyroII.
  20. I managed to install DirectX 8.1 with the Soldier of Fortune II cd I have. I also thought it was DX related, originally. I'm not sure now. I haven't installed the complete 4in1's yet as XP apparently doesn't need them?? I'm not that close to the install, I can easily trash it, but taking into account this is a clean install alerady what gives. Very odd if you ask me. I'm wondering if it is a fudged driver install or something along those lines.
  21. I got so fed up with the cd living in my drive I "found" a patch that removes the cd protection. Don't ask for it though. It's for my use only.
  22. So far then I have managed to get the game to boot, but now, when I run a QB or a pre-defined scenario/op it takes me to the "Loading 3d graphics" spalsh screen and appears to hang. I'm clueless. It's a half decent machine, an xp1800 with 256mb pc2100 ram.
  23. I let it run, and eventually, after about 5 minutes, the CMBO splash screen appears and all works as expected. However, when I then quit and restart, it runs at a refresh rate that isn't supported by my monitor. I have to Alt F4 to quit back to desktop. Delete the config file and start again.
  24. I'm using the latest drivers from the PowerVR site. I'm also using a 15" tft monitor and the refresh business you mention might possibly be the cause. I need to delete the config file and start over at 60 Hertz. The problem is because the game hasn't been able to start properly there is no config file to delete. [ July 30, 2002, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  25. I've just been searching through this forum regards fixes for the problem with the KyroII chipset. I recently purchased one of these cards for my second system, an XP1800 rig running Win XP Pro. I can't even get to the splash screen of CMBO. It pops up with the screen settings test and is so garbled that I can't even make out where the buttons are. Bit of a shame as I was going to go head to head with myself (???? ) using my other workstation.
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