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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. These must be beta, or at least uncertified drivers, when you look at what it's installed it's a mish mash of old and new. That aside, it works a hell of a lot better than the previous ones.
  2. This is bloody good news. I've just installed the 44.10's, and the game runs smooth once again! I still have to alt-tab when I have FSAA on but I can live with that. Gonna experiment now. The install hasn't worked totally, so I'm going to completely clean the registry now and retry.
  3. Ok, if that is the case then I would try the 30.87's if you intend to play CMBB most of the time. However, because you've got the SE variant of the card you might also find that these drivers won't recognise your card, in which case you're back to square one like the rest of us. Go with the 41.04's in that case.
  4. If your new card is AGPx8 then you won't be able to use the 30.82 or 30.87 drivers. You'll have to use a later set. I think the 41.04 is the best for cmbb.
  5. I'm using my Geforce4 Ti4200, with 43.51 drivers. I've seen the slow-frame rate issue. Not 100% sure what we can do about it TBH, and my faith is wavering too. I *think* I'm going to invest in the 5900FX when it hits our shores. I'm sure it won't fix the problem we're experiencing here, but it will certainly look good
  6. From what you've said it suggests that the problem might be to do with the integrated vga, or the drivers, in particular. I'm running CMBB on a Tecra and it wasn't exactly what you'd call smooth to start with, but then I was running it under WinXP.
  7. How was it before you introduced the 9700? It might be a conflict of sorts.
  8. FWIW the NV35 has been tested with DoomIII and it's actually a lot faster than the ATi 9800 like for like. It looks like a nice card indeed, just hope it doesn't cost the earth. [ May 19, 2003, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  9. ?? Odd in the extreme. Ok AA doesn't work, but have you tried using AF set to a medium-high level. It looks great. What monitor are you using?
  10. Obviously it's the buyers decision, but IMHO, the ATi series of cards, from the 9000 right up to the 9800 Pro are the best cards on the planet for this sort of thing. Ok, they're not perfect due to driver support, but take a look at the problems Nvidia users (including myself) are facing. Just as bad if you ask me. The ATi cards are more powerful like for like, and produce better quality FSAA than the Nvidia cards. I currently own a 9700 Pro, and a Nvidia Ti4200. I use both for CMBB, but I find the Ati card much better for it, even with the poor driver support.
  11. Rune, if they show as 43.51 then they haven't installed properly. What method of uninstallation do you use? I'd recommend something called drive cleaner, which clears out the registry entries. Might be worth another go??
  12. www.guru3d.com. Be warned, these drivers will only work with AGP 4x cards and not the newer AGP 8x cards.
  13. Absolutely! My secondary system will be for CM**. This will be home to the Ti4200.
  14. You only really notice the difference in larger engagements I find.
  15. You only really notice the difference in larger engagements I find.
  16. from ear to ear.. I've got one of these new 3.0C 800mhz fsb P4's. I've managed to get it running 600mhz faster, and that's on air! Mightily impressed so far. The only bottleneck I'm hitting is the memory bandwidth and until faster specified memory hits the market there's nothing we can do about it. Should be great with CMBB and CMAK when it shows. Now.. do I run with the 9700 Pro or the Ti4200?? Hmmm...
  17. It very much depends on the resolution you run. For instance, run at 1024x768 with both cards and whatever sized engagement you play both cards will run pretty quick. You knock the res up and both cards take a framerate hit. The Nvidia certainly can't keep up with the ATi (at present). I tested this with two large 5000 point scenarios at different resolutions. The ATi was definitely the winner. As for your overclocking issue, the racing sim will be using DirectX or OpenGL in a different way to CM and this is reflected by the performance gain.
  18. Hate to say it mate, but you need a new card. For starters, even the best card in a pci slot will run like a dog with cmbb. You really need to upgrade to an agp card of some sorts like an Nvidia Geforce 3 or later. That's providing you've got a agp slot?? Secondly, the Kyro chipset is a no-no as far as CM** goes. You'll get all the layering and texture problems you mentioned no matter what driver you use. [ May 10, 2003, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  19. I am in the middle of one op at the mo. What I dislike is the way when you start a new battle in the op the enemy positions might only be a stones throw away. I always start a new battle with the majority of my forces way back on the map because of this, and have to push forward again.
  20. As you have stated, the cpu is definitely one of the bottlenecks, however, more importantly IMHO is memory bandwidth of the graphics card. You try a 1000 point scenario with an Nvidia card, and then the same engagement on the same system with an ATi 9700 Pro. The ATi wins hands down, and looks better at that, albeit without the fog!
  21. Yes, a dual boot is the only solution I can think of off the top of my head. The hardware profile option won't work I don't think??
  22. Tolga yes that is correct. You make the change in CMMOS and then you restart the game. I will open up a game, save it, quit to the menu. Alt-tab to the desktop, make the changes in cmmos and then alt-tab back. Works a treat.
  23. You live and learn. Actually, thinking about it, I think it might have been 'domain' networking that doesn't work with XP Home.
  24. Doug, correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression you can't network XP Home to 98SE clients. This is one of the advantages of XP Pro.
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