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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. PIV 3.2 @ 4.2ghz. 1024mb PC3500 with tight timings. ATi 9800Pro with cat 3.9's. Get this, it appears to run slower than CMBB. Maybe it's just me, but I intend to look into this. I've got a Nvidia 5950 here to test, and I will install this and try it out. I'm wondering if it's the cats causing the problems as they have done with other games.
  2. This demo is awesome - totally awesome - well done. The sounds effects really make it for me - even if they are downsampled, they seem somewhat better than the sounds in CMBB.
  3. Is it possible to download these all in one go? No disrespect to ColumbusG but having to select each individual mod, and then choose to download it is taking me forever. Plus the site's running real slow again.. I'm supposed to be doing my work
  4. Was in the middle of downloading some mods and the site died on me agai. I have refreshed the page a few times - it's not having any of it :confused:
  5. ..thanks Cog. Appreciate your effort. I downloaded PM's interface earlier and got 65k a second. Very very good. Only used to around 14k in the past.
  6. Plextor offer a very good returns warranty too should something go wrong with the drive. I've got Samsung drives in my machine at the mo - they're not bad but I've noticed the CDRW is a little noisy sometimes.
  7. I'd agree with that. There's something very inspiring about his mods. They are works of art.
  8. Whilst on the subject, I'm looking for some dunkelgelb ht's. I can't find any at all! Wish Cmmods was back online
  9. With the recent implosion of cmmods does anyone know where current CMBB mods are hosted? I'm trying to find some dunkelgelb halftracks.. TIA.
  10. Very very good. I'm wanting to play this game more than CMBB now
  11. Very very good. I'm wanting to play this game more than CMBB now
  12. I am really interested, but it's my sisters burthday in the first week and my services are required. hmmm...
  13. I do think that it is VERY good of you Columbus, to do all this off your own back so to speak. I know from my time developing sites how time consuming it can be, especially if you run into problems. As Michael says, look to the future. If all is lost, the next incarnation will be bigger and better. Good luck.
  14. I'm currently using a 9800Pro, with the latest Omega drivers, and although fog is AWOL, the effect of AF is amazing. It's also a LOT faster on the redraw than the Nvidia offering, and scrolling around the screen in the larger battles is no longer an issue. I've just upgraded from a 5900FX to this Crucial Radeon. It's just a shame they can't incorporate the best bits from both into a single design.
  15. They are excellent screenies. I was dubious at first - playing in the desert never really appealed. I was imagining it being a very short lived experience as you have tank battles stretched over miles of terrain - but they have proven me wrong I'm glad to say - I'm looking forward to this on the most. I take it we're still looking at a christmas ETA ??
  16. It's easy - give yourself 200% advantage and then flood the fields with men.. Ok, most get gunned down immediately, but in the mean time you can take your twenty vehicles and shoot the hell out of the spotted ones..
  17. I was under the impression it was purely a software thang?? Get a GF FX mate, like I've just done. Runs without hassle.
  18. What a stonking performance from this beast of a card.. I got one imported yesterday fron Norway. It runs sweet with the 44.65 dets. Still get the usual problem with the text not appearing until you switch to the desktop but no such problem with FSAA... Set to 12x.. and AF set to 8x.. Wow CMBB never looked so good guys. I'm adding a Prometeia MachII into the equation shortly and will see what I can get out of her then..
  19. Dan, what engine do you intend to use for this, or can't you say at the moment?
  20. Don't get me wrong - I'm looking forward to this like everyone else on this forum.. I'm sort of expecting it to look 'ultra modern' by the time it comes out, and resembling a cross between battlefield command and panzer elite. If you just sit back and imagine something like that, but twenty times bigger, on a massive battlefield, with a new physics model, and new graphics, and real-time shadows, and... the potential list goes on. It's obviously going to be a truly massive project. It's going to be such a step forward from what we have already. I can't wait I'm trying to picture how the gameplay will go.. Will it be like it is now, with a birds-eye view of the overall battle, or will it scale right down to individual units and turn into a FPS?? When I hear 'war-game' I see this game much like CMBO/CMBB/CMAK is/will be. I can't imagine anything else, with all the complexity we know and love. Sorry to waffle on, hope it makes sense!
  21. double post.. [ June 13, 2003, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
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