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Everything posted by PD

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I'm not sure about this ... are you calling me a bastard? If so I deny it and can prove it. That's if you're using the term in the traditional sense. If you're using it in the informal sense then I admit I haven't always been the nicest of guys but I do try. If you're calling me a dick in general, see the above. If you're calling me a bee's dick ... I don't know where to go with that one. And finally if you're calling me a turd, see the above but then you go and make it a Gold Plated turd ... I'M SO CONFUSED! Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For the Aussie - American translation: Stuka was bemoaning the fact that he missed the 2000th post. The expression "Bee's dick" refers to the margin he missed by. Micrometer required. Bastard is a term used widely. Means nothing, seemt to upset furriners. Septics esp. Seeya!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad: Crossbar, I already have a person waiting to fill a spot, but if they cannot participate then your friend could definitely join in. This other person e-mailed me about a week ago. Another guy asked before him but I can't recover the E-mail he sent. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bugger, that would've been me.. after you posted the matchups. Oh well, next drop out you get, I'm still happy to jump in! Seeya!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, Any of you want o play test my new senerio? (probaly not, seeing how every one who posts this type of massage gets totally ignored....) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Send it to pdwyer@ecn.net.au Either side. Seeeya!
  4. I'm looking for borede PBEM players. Unknown level of profiency, I win some I lose some. No force preference. email is pdwyer@ecn.net.au I can play at least one move per day. Seeya!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo: "It seemed to be a bit of a trait of the Poms to try to blame some of their disasters on the Aussies. " Actually I have seen the opposite to be true. Gallipoli is a good case in point, most Aussies to this day are convinced they took the worst casualties in this operation (they didnt the lancs did). There is also the theory that Aussie troops were "thrown away" wheras in fact the Brit high command sent the Australian Troops to Gallipoli to avoid the meat grinder of the Western Front. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I don't know about avoiding the meat grinder The reason most Australians celebrate Gallipoli is that the fight for the peninsula was where the different stated fought together as one nation. Not that the Poms were smacked out worse or better. The only thing most people agree on Gallipoli is that it was a pretty operation. Australia is a nation of states, that federated in 1901. Until 1915, this country felt more a part of Britain, than a cohesive whole. Gallipoli showed us that we were one people, who could stand up and fight and die together, the Victorians didn't run away, neither the NSW'ers or the Queenslanders. That's why we remember Gallipoli. It's not an anti-british thing.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: Oh, NEVER do anything gamey unless your opponent is OK with gamey tactics. NOTHING destroys the chance of a rematch more quickly than a gamey tactic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But what do you classify as gamey tactic? I thought the idea of trying to kill/shatter your opponent as quick as possible was the aim? I can't think of a gamey tactic except to screw around buying lots of 210mm and plastering your opponent so your one squad can survive in the corner? This what you mean?
  7. ** ** Spoilers ** ** <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: There was a small problem for those playing the Elsdorf scenario. The German reinforcements were not well placed and did not last more than a turn or two. And that is rough when they are Tiger tanks . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Bill, I played V1.00 last night, and kept two of my tigers.. The AI had bunched upo too much in the centre of the map for the two pershings (one on my left flank) to come to bear before the four tigers began creating a screen of burning american vehicles I still lost two, because I had this close range duel going on with a 105mm Sherman, ending with it's gun damaged, and giving it a rear ender when it ran away. I managed to win a tactical victory. If you hadn't of supplied the extra platoon, my holding action with the King Tiget and Panzer IV on the left of the villiage wouldn't of held those yankee troops. This was one hell of a battle. I really thought I was dead, and that those guys wouldn't hold. And that bloody 75 only fired once. Everyone else (amercian) walked aroud him, not even bothering to put him out of his misery
  8. Spoilers I've just finished this op as the germans, my first Op and I managed to only fight eight of the nine battles. I ended up with 220 casualties as opposed to 800, and only lost 1 Stug iV, and a few lesser vehicles. I played pretty cautiously the first couple of battles, chewing up whatever came near, and began actively counterattacking during Battle 4. I found the AI to appear fairly realistic, probing for weak points, and assaulting along what it thought were great axes of attack. Battle 7 had me ******* myself with the arrival of 5 Shermans, but the use of one Stug, a few hedgerows and two shreck teams later they were all gone. The size of this op is what staggered me. I'd spend almost half an hour stting up at the start of a battle, trying to guess ahead at what the AI would do, I was petrified that there would be this enormous American assault along my entire front So I only plaed one battle a day.. How did anyone else do withthis one? Seeya!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi: PD wrote: Ah, young grasshopper, you are mistaken. All you need to do is hit 'Printscreen' on a PC to get a screenshot. Jason <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is my face red Is that in the manual? (Havn't read ALL of it yet) (Obviously). Thanks
  10. Well, I've just finished the Carentan Operation (No spoilers). Each battle took one sitting. I couldn't do two in a row, because of the amount of planning I went into, and attention to positions, firing arcs and cover. I ended up one battle short, with a 4:1 advantage in casualties. And a new contempt for tanks Because CM doesn't have an ingame screen capture (can't have everything), I can't show you some of the close quarters fighting that took place when a desparate AI ran troops into the wrong place... Those body markers can stack up. But when I finally finished tonight, I know when I fire it up tomorrow I'll probably do three DYO's Seeya!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nikib: Fellas, I kind of reckon that it is tied up in the post somewhere. Don't know if it is MIA, however, I think I will give it until Saturday and then contact BTS. Nik<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can't find by little bag, but when it got to Brisbane, I'd swear there was this Amesterdam stamp on it.. maybe yours has just gone for another trip around? I was a post beta preorder, & I've had mine for a fortnight.. I'd pop in a quick email if I was you. Seeya!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: Haven't seen it happen in a long while, but there were earlier reports (and one experience) of Tanks being immobilized by a sharpshooter, presumably with a driver hit. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have managed to cause 'shocked' tanks by using sharpshooters. The tanks button up and occasionally bolt backwards I've also lost a commander moving fast in woods. I think he met a tree Seeya!
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smack: PD... You seem to forget that many other countries also shine brightly, you say that America shows the world the best example of how to live, isn't right. I know you think that your country is better, but in many cases it's not. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Eh? I consider my country streets ahead of the USA, I'm Australian What I mean is that the USA has the loudest anti-war sentiment around (along with the most militaristic). I think most (another generalisation) non-americans probably believe that the 'popular version' americans don't deserve to live in America
  14. I've seen a few things about the Yanks in Yugoslavia, initial & Kosovo, that show up the situation as EuroPolitik & Nato, wirh no garlands to be handed out for anyone's behaviour. The best in American Foreign Policy was to be seen with George Bush's apparent triumph in the UN, dominating Russia over continued aid payments in response for security council concessions. George was so happy he proclaimed the USA's new hegemony as the New World Order. He believed that the US was now the premier world power, and could act in it's own best interests. This is where american generosity shone brightly. As the world leader they went to Somalia as the World's policemen, George's vision of a bright american future. Unfortunately, UN and US command differences (did you see that stage managed landing?) led to poor intel & a scrubbed mission. So ended the New World Order, one failed mission and it fell in a heap, leaving no aid for Rwanda. Gloomy? As has been said, the USA government acts for virtually no interests but it's own. What makes america different from most other countries are it's citizens. The wierd, the whacky, the mentally challenged all exist, but for ratings sake, shine brightly in the USA. A country where people make millions, and aren't shy about giving some away. Where people signed up to spend part of their lives building infrastructure overseas, just for the chance to experience the world. Despite all of the negative publicity about the American government being used as an extension of corporate america, it is the american people, who believe in not killing each other, who provide the world with the best example of how the world should live.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Screaming Demon: I know there arent many in WA waiting for this game but its finally here, shipped 06/21/00 arrived 07/10/00. Thanks!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Also arrived in Brisbane today! @ 1440
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: It's gonna be a bit hard to concentrate on that with a whole world of new scenarios to explore. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Given the pace, I think we could play more than one <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>all I could do was watch in horror when WHAM! that lovely anti tank gun fired 1 shot only and nailed him a beauty! God I can hardly wait for the next turn! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exciting isn't it? I could swear he was out of your firing arc (the reason for the hurry), I guess it doesn't pay to underestimate that bunker.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Hiya guys. Just thought youd all like to know that apparently I have recieved my full version of CM today. I *believe* that my version was sent out about the same time as you guys had yours sent out (well, if you were in the first run, which should be all pre-orders from what Ive read), so Id expect to see if soon if you dont recieve it today. Yay <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmm, given that you're on the Coast, I'd expect we should get ours within the next two days. Just think, you're only an hour and a half away from Stuka and me. Hope we get it by the weekend Otherwise you might get some people peering through your windows.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: Just saw "The Patriot", and so of course thought this was another thread complaining how American movies slam the Brits...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's obviously some kind of complex conspiracy, where Americans are tripping over copies of CM in the streets, and all of Englands colonies are denied even a photocopy of the manual's cover. Canada, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, all read like a list from some demented postman's final revenge after being flamed over the accuracy of Empire as a wargame.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crocky: Hey Stuka Dont know of any other kiwis that have got it yet either I just must be lucky Tho I ordered august 99 Sent 22/06 recieved 28/06 in christchurch<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was bloody sure when I saw your message I'd only have a day or two before my CD arrived. At least if someone from Sydney gets it first, we'll only have a day or two to wait in Brisbane. I Hope.
  20. PD <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Surely I can't be the only one? Come on, identify yourselves <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm in Brisbane! I thought I'd get my copy by the 6th, if it's earlier, then that's even better
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