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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. You want a harsh accusation do you? DO YOU?? Well come on, do you?
  2. I bet you could really go one of these smoooth, flavorsome little fellas right now hey Boo? Just light up...lay back and enjoy that feeling only kewl smokers know. Plus you might become less of a tetchy jackass too so it's a win-win.
  3. Yeah, classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms. I bet you haven't fondled a cat lately either.
  4. No wonder your'e so angry and incapable of setups.
  5. Was Boo even interested in the opposite sex? Judging by this photo I'd say he was seriously wavering in his decision. Or perhaps that cigarette was so heavy it caused the limp wrist? Fortunately for Boo, the Good lady Rose arrived on the scene and smacked him upside the head enough to put him on the straight and narrow.
  6. reference librarians rock! or is that tequila...I forget.
  7. Maybe he's in prison in Florida? Where experiences with things brown are somewhat removed from noses.
  8. But Boo has the girth...or so I read on a bathroom wall somewhere.
  9. And so you should, must we rub your nose in it again? When will you learn to use your litter tray?
  10. It was hiding! How sneeksy do you want it to be?
  11. Hello Pinochio, nice of you to turn up. You know damn well there was the hidden 75mm that I 'sploded while it was still hidden and there was also the hidden 50mm that I 'sploded after it had sneeksily, gamely assassinated a poor, innocent Sherman with malice aforethought. Perhaps you have developed pox on the brain? Now I don't know where (or if) you ever went to school but you can take it on good advice that 1 A/T gun + 1 A/T gun = 2 A/T guns.
  12. Only 4, not too bad really out of a total complement of 10. Especially considering Speedy had 2 sneeksy, hidden Jagdpanzer thingos and 2 sneeksy, hidden A/T gun thingos plus hidden, sneeksy Panzerschrecko thingos and I had to send part of the armor in through forested areas. I have no doubt that were [sneer]you[/sneer] to be in the same situation, the losses would be far higher. However I expect you are still farkling around with the training scenarios. You should be manning up and sending a setup my way soon you know, my win/loss ratio is 10-0 and I would so like for you to take a tilt at me, Don Booixote. You should hurry, as Nidan1 is sounding all confident in our new game and i'm worried...oh so worried. (he's just managed to drop arty on his own troops, so I'm worried about who's going to clean up the mess)
  13. AAOOOGAHH! AAOOGAHH!! Unca Stukey invincibility report coming right at'cha! Speedian forces have surrendered after an hour of gamey, sneeksy, tricksy, LOW tactics of ambush, retreat, ambush, retreat through the wooded hills of Bois de Baugin. Casualties were heavy as every metre of ground practically guaranteed a volley of fire and a grenade but fortunately my plucky, stalwart boys were't idle Ohian recruits or slackers from Minnescrota...they were NOO YAWKERS! Time and again I would round them up and rattled, broken or whatever, send them back into the fight until finally Speedy ran out of real estate and found himself in open ground where the turkey shoot began. Highlight of the battle was taking out a 75mm A/T gun before it had even un-hid thanks to sharp observation and a Sherman that was just out of LOS of the gun but close enough to land some HE in the gun's position. Oh how i did LARF! Oh how Speedy did squeek in protest. Good times, good times.
  14. It is fun for a day or two but by then the ring of detritus that forms around him has even the cockroaches fleeing.
  15. I thought nurse took care of that seeing as the kitchen area is out of bounds to the 'residents'.
  16. That was neither witty, scathing, amusing or clever. It was just dull. Why do you even bother posting?
  17. Never mind the fact that Nidan1 has picked most of our games. Oh no, never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
  18. In other news, Nidan1 has surrendered again. My Uber Panther proving invincible with 23 casualties, 6 Shermans and 2 jeeps to its credit. I think thats 8-0 to me in the cesspool CMBN stakes..or is it 9-0?? Me forgets when theres beers involved...Anyhoos, i'm orf to the fridge again for more beer...toodles.
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