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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. due to the strain of trying to read real words.
  2. There's nothing pointless about the top of your head.
  3. If only he could pre-plan all his bodily discharges, WA would be a better place.
  4. I like spicy hot mexican pizza with extra anchovie.
  5. Typical Emrys, always with the bum-region comments. Quite the fixation it seems.
  6. Joe with cleavage is enough to make one take up smoking...again. Right Boo?
  7. Trying to draw attention to yourself by alluding to your own, nefarious silverware drawer incident? Tich, tich, tich...so needy. So desperate for the limelight, are you the Lindsay Lohan of the cesspool?
  8. It is when his hands are shaking from the nicotine withdrawal.
  9. He thought they were raisens. I'd avoid the fruitcake if I were you.
  10. THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!! Your Olde Unca Stukey has been bested in battle! Yes, I know, your collective jaws have all just hit the floor. (except Emrys, who is a jawless idiot) The last time I felt the sting of defeat was...well...hardly ever. Step forward Nidan1 and take a well deserved bow...or curtsy, your choice. All hail the slayer of Stukey!
  11. Au contraire, my little gamey smoke* using opponent. I have sufficient supplies to last another 6 days until Eid Al Fitr is over and the booze souq reopens. Mind, I have 4 bottles of Cachaca so I better buy a couple kg of limes tomorrow so I can Caipirinha my way through the holiday. *apple-ogies to Boo who goes all 'funny' when the 'S' word is mentioned.
  12. So i'm like a cool version of bigfoot?* *cue emrys and some blathering about being hairy and smelly, a topic he is all too familiar with.
  13. and its a bloody good thing that Ramadan ends tomorrow night too! I'm roight out of tequila, only 1/2 bottle of Vodka left, emergency!! emergency!! 111-000-111!!!
  14. Make sure you keep a close eye on that neighbots tree. Probably best to check out the neighpods across the road too.
  15. Is it any of your business? You are so possessive, no wonder herr oberst has split town.
  16. Yes, it is. Leave your donation at the door and go tend to the family letters you have to write for all those GI's you ordered into my sneaksy bocage ambush.
  17. And there'll be you, scratching at your skin to get at the bugs under there while seeing spiders climbing the walls, saying "i'm not a smoker, i'm not a smoker"
  18. For the record i do not get 'stinking drunk'. I get a little tipsy perhaps, a little warm and fuzzy feeling sometimes, but the power of drinking whilst appearing sober is a skill I have crafted over many years. I leave the falling around the floor, throwing up in your own lap activities to people such as yourself.
  19. In other more important news than Boo Radley's bum sandpapering fantasies I can report that Nidan1 is on the cusp of humbling your Olde Unca Stukey. Why, I may have to beat a Ghadaffian style 'tactical retreat' in order to preserve my pixeltruppen from the gamey angst of his 2 evil clankety-type thingamajigs. All hail the slayer of Stukey! (perhaps)
  20. Now that sort of comment I expect from Emrys, but from you I can only put it down to the lack of filthy tar in your system. Perhaps you should lick an ashtray and get some of that good'old time feeli'in back?
  21. Well, perhaps if the finger puppets were made of #30 grit sandpaper and you were hogtied backwards to a chair you might be able to buy a clue.
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