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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. AAAOOGAH! AAAOOGAHH! You like that sound don't you Joe? Takes you back to your early old age in the '20's. Anyhoos, enough of toying with OFJ (who really is much younger than he appears or smells) but your blessed and revered Old Unca Stukey has another victory to announce. (see you can do these things when you play the game Boo, although you'd be more likely to announce humilating defeats, but whatever) This time Grand Vice Admiral of Northern Tasmania Speedy has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous AI victory conditions and followed the letter of his briefing to a tactical defeat by my stout and hardy defenders of...some bridges. Well gosh darn it AND tarnation, this must take your Old Unca Stukey to an 11 or 12/1 win loss ratio. W00T! Anyone seen that big-talking, greenhorn Schluzjaw? The newbie swanning about town threatening taunts to his betters? I heard he high-tailed it oughtta town on the 5.30 stage coach dressed as a lady of easy virtue to avoid my wrath. It is to be expected.
  2. Shush Boo Radley! You are speaking in the presence of those who PLAY THE GAME. Go sit in the corner with Emrys.
  3. An additional scalp has been added to my belt in the form of another Nidan1 surrender. It is not a scalp I wear proudly, I mean, I have so many of the damn things i've had to open 'Unca Stuky's used Nidan1 Pelt Emporium'. Business was brisk until customers complained of the mites, ticks and fleas associated with the scalps. So bundle up your skirt and attempt to conjur a challenge young Skuzzball, try to avoid Emrysian toilet humor if at all possible and I may just accept. Most likely you'll be refused of course as by nature I am far and away your superior however I am in a mood of patience and pity for the lesser beings today and may deign to grant you this one time, a chance to bask in the glory that is my shadow. Destiny awaits!
  4. Never mind the underclass Speedy, come...we have matters of state to discuss.
  5. Says Emrys, undefeated New England needlework champion 1836 thru 1839. Good times...good times.
  6. Boo doesn't do PBEMs. He's still battling with those Dorset cows in the tutorial.
  7. Apropos is the Greek God of 'dieing alot at the hands of M8 mobile artillery'. He must be your patron saint Nidan1.
  8. The 'Pocket Rocket of the MBT', now that has a ring to it!
  9. I am the life blood of the MBT and you would do well to remember that! Actually you'd do well to remember to remove your pants before your morning oblutions but we can't expect miracles.
  10. Forgive me for using conversational English. Would you prefer subtitles in Retardio Ohioan?
  11. Emrys models for the 'after' shots in the VD advertisements, which is ironic given that he is a 76 year old virgin.
  12. Speedy gamely attacks with tank crews and mortar ammo bearers...a Gentleman would simply admit defeat but in this case...Nooooo.
  13. Very much unlike you who. Have you been snorting cat litter again?
  14. You are a loon whose command of english falls slightly behind grunting, chirping and scratching one's arse with a stick.
  15. Illogical grammatical construction. Ergo, you fail. Off to remedial english class for you...again.
  16. No, my brow was furrowed with concern for the plight of the lesser beings amongst us. (psst...that's YOU, Boo)
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