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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

    Your old uncle Stukey has done it again.

    Lorak, if you would be so kind as to extract your quill from the cats's ass where you keep it and scribe thus:

    Stukadamus: Glorious victory

    Blowsmice: Utter utter defeat

    An axis tact victory to the order of 68-32 or some such, (I'm at work, a concept foreign to many of you). Blowsey's farm boys have waved the white company dish cloth in the general direction of my troops and forfeited all rights to their hershey bars and nylons.

    It was an infantry only ME, with things starting badly for Blowsey, tailing off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better.

    To Armourbolt, I have no interest in your Sig however I do beleive your scalp may look quite natty hanging from my belt. You may e-mail me personal like to discuss the parameters or your impending dismemberment.

    Nice to see Menschenknokwurst, back amongst the 'cess after the non arrival of his planned divisional reinforcements in our operation led to the complete annihilation of his square heads by my plucky lads.

    Well grego, are ya thirsty for more?

    All my other 'Cess games are coming along nicely, thank you for asking.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I always try to find something good in any member of the Peng Challenge Thread. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Okay, what do you find to be good about...say, Mensch then?.

    Or even, shudder, Peng?.

    I say old boy, here's sport. What say you find something nice about all of the Cesspooligans and report back with a small diatribe on each?

    Leave me out as I already know your thoughts there.

    Now that should'nt take more than, oh, a year or two.

    Ta Ta.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner:

    I seem to have him pinned down on the outskirts of town with all of the VL's well covered....half way through the scenario.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    All the VL's well covered?


    You spotty little hippy, have you no idea of the Fow principle? For while you have been concentrating on my diversionary attack, my other troops have been weaseling their way into the town and currently occupy X uber secret buildings.

    One of which your company HQ unit has blundered into...all by itself. What sort of schmuck leads an advance into town under Arty fire with a Company HQ?

    Oh, tis to laugh.

    Now, if only the kindly Berli has seen fit to supply me with the reinforcements that you seem to have in ample supply, I'll have this one "in the bag", as it were.

    Bite me.

    [ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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