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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Oh no! *wimper*, not a.......French peng thread.

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the 'cess, someone excavates the deep end and all the chunky bits settle in it.

    Goodness me, is that Seanachies head I'm standing on?

    Why yes it is, *kick*, stop wriggling man! Your constant expulsion of hot air is what keeps the jacuzzi going and your'e going to fulfill your contract or we'll set Mensch onto you and nobody wants that, with the possible exception of Bauhaus (but thats another story)

    While we are all talking about me and how marvellous it is to be me, I feel it prudent to inform the paparazzi that the first game of the 2 game final of the original Not so Superbowl (anyone remember that?) has been decided firmly in your old Uncle Stukey's favour with a crushing 80-20 total Axis victory over the non-pooler "Ted".

    Ted earns his bolding stripes courtesy of the fact that he chose humiliating surrender over fighting on and possibly winning in our little stoush.

    I won't regurgitate a blow by blow description of the battle, suffice to say I was great.

    In current cess-news, Seanachie and I have completed set ups and the noisy stuff is about to commence. I will keep you all informed of how great i'm doing roight up to the point where it all starts to go a bit 'pear shaped', at which time I'll simply resort to lieing.

    Harpooner seems to think that occupying buildings adjacent to a TRP is a good thing and that steel helmets provide all the protection a soldier needs against 105mm arty. Who am I to argue?

    Peternz has decided the best way he can win our battle is to not return files, in the hope that the universe will eventually reach its utmost expansion, begin contraction and then when time flows backwards past this particular point, he will resume the battle when things should start going his way, a little.

    OGSF has rewritten the book on "new and interesting ways to die". I should be putting the final touches to this one any day now.

    Mace, well Mother always said if you can't say anything nice about someone, say nothing at all. Good advice.

    Armornut had a moan about being french in his set up and has not been heard of since.

    Further updates when I can be bothered.....

    edited for one teensy little spelling mistake.

    [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

  2. Did I mention that, while watching SPR again as per the little woman's request, she asks me "are those beach obstacles still there?"

    "No, I'd say theyr'e all gone by now, honey" replies I.

    "What about the concrete gun emplacements?" she enquires.

    "Yes, I beleive some of them are still there' I reply.

    "We should go visit them some day" she says.

    Hows that for kewl eh guys 'n gals?

    I just thought you'd like to share in my good fortune, as I know you all care, really you do.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I must send a setup to the man desperately dog-paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool, Stuka.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, come on then.

    Step lively m'boy!

    You think I've got all night to sit here waiting for your set up?

    I've got to go cut the muffler off of one of my motorcycles so I can ride past your house at 2 am, in first gear and at full throttle.

    (I may even smash a beer bottle on your footpath, but I'm not sure about that yet as I use the empties for my home brew, ahhh decisions, decisions)

  4. Urgent message, Urgent message!

    I am interrupting my playing of CM turns to bring you all this message of joy.

    (especially dedicated to those of you who have seen fit to mention my lovely wife in despatchs)

    She who must be obeyed has just this minute arrived home from work, strode purposely into my computer room and announced......"theres nothing on TV tonight, how about we watch Saving Private Ryan again?"

    Yes Yes, I know its great to be me.

    Now back to your horrid little lives.

    Shoo! Shoo!

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    payback for your sometimes nasty handling of Peng Challenge stalwarts.


    Oh, back to that again are we?

    I would have thought that 'he of whom we speak' could fight his own battles without his uncle Seanoochy doing it for him. However that is all in the distant past and I feel all the better for it as my dance card is now filling out nicely.

    "Lest old acquaintence be forgot"...or sumfink.

    On another, brighter note. It was not a bunny, it was an elephant. What sort of school did you go to anyway?

    I now maneuoveur over my in-box with glee, blunting my sabre in the process 'till it is too dull to sever your limbs and I must resort to clubbing you to death with the heavy end.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Stuka's ISP has not cut him off, but his wife apparently has. Shame on both counts.


    Oh, so you want some too do you, fat boy?

    Come get some! (Isn't that what the tough Marines' say. They did in "Aliens" anyway)

    Man, I'm gonna have to get me a bigger mantlepiece. Waiting...waiting, no, no double entandre there, Bauhaus you may carry on.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    My 'missing in action' threesome. That is, Croda, Meeks, and OGSF.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Loathe as I am to agree with you on any point, your bombasticness. I must concur with the lack of action eminating from the recess' {down.....}, of both Meeks and OGSF.

    As I have 3 games going with OGSF and 1 with Meeks, I find a substantial opening {don't make me repeat myself....}, in my dance card.

    I seem to recall sometime in the recent future past that you called some sort of a blood hamster on all Antipodeons. I call you out for the kind of slapping that PeterNZ, often received from his step mother.

    Bauhaus' skull has been neatly mounted on the mantlepiece above my fire and I have a small 'reserved' sign in the space adjacent.

    Should you choose to die eloquently and by the numbers, I may even relocate one of my skydiving trophies from the space above, in which to present your gleaming bonce.

    I could go on and on but that is not my way.

    In short, the finger points at you!

    The spotlight is on and the fans are staring.

    Now watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when Stukey comes for you?

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DerKinkyFerkle:

    Any Kinnegit worthy of the title would leap to defend his good/bad name and Stuka you are definitely NOT worthy.


    Good Peng man!

    That has to earn you the Cesspool award for "weakest taunt since Abbott said bumpity".

    Not worthy, NOT worthy?, oh my good sir, you wound me mortally.

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or be called 'not worthy', I'll take a sling to the eustachian tubes and an arrow to the pituitary gland ahead of your, *Sniff*, most vicious and hurtful taunts.

    You snivelling microbe!

    Best you have your wrists set in plaster as with your foppish delivery of *giggle* 'taunts', the limp little things may well simply drop off.

    My erstwhile squire has squeezed pimples with more zest and verve than you my lad.

    May I suggest you find yourself a mirror and take a good, hard look at yourself. The question you need to ask here is, "do I have what it takes?"

    My vote is in the negative.

    Try to prove me wrong, Fishlips.

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