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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Yeah, like Wow...who hasn't been on TV before?

    Me, I get like sooo bored whenever I'm on TV. It was ok the first few hundred times but then you get recognised in the street and complete strangers want to come up to you and day stuff like. "You raced really well last night, can you sign this? Can I have my picture taken with you?"

    Hey PeterNzzzzz, I bet you never had your own Fan club huh? Chock-a-block to the gills with easily led, nubile young chicky babes.

    UberStardom is such a drag.

  2. Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Try living here for over three years

    I have actually lived in the UK for a 3 year stint, back when I was a motorcycle racing uberStar. (and didn't the girlies love it)

    Honestly, it is a bit of a dump, I can see why you like it so much.

    BTW, is this the same germanboy who so recently spat fire and brimstone at me? Have the dark clouds parted? Has a little ray of sunshine entered your grey existence? Why, you seem almost..*sniff*..humorous today.

    I might have to give some thought to the continuance of our game.....ahh yes, here it is.... *picks game out of trash can and blows dust off*

  3. Andreas, Andreas, Andreas....

    Tut tut, such genuine anger in the pool, this will never do.

    If you would take the time to read my profile you would see that a hobby of mine is to take "bugger all serious". In light of this it does not take a Nobel prize winner to deduce that my accusations of your 'gameyness' were in fact jokes *Gasp!*.

    For you I will turn the serious mode "on".

    I am well aware of the spotting incapabilities of fast moving vehicles and I do wonder at the reasoning of someone who will race four (essentially blind) vehicles through an enemy held town. Of course its not gamey, its just stupid.

    On the second matter of your turn being spoiled, well, I saw the predicament your A/C was in, I returned the file with a "giggle, I can't wait to tell the 'pool this one" message, you then returned the move with some drivel about not finding the gearshift to whit I assumed you'd seen the movie and declined to comment on it. I could apologise but this is the cesspool after all.

    S**t happens, deal with it.

    If you are that inclined to take your bat and ball and go home then so be it, I'm here to have fun, believe it or not.

    However bear in mind that brother Berli went to the trouble of concocting this lovely little map for us, are you that rude as to throw that back at him? On the subject of rudeness, you now hold the dubious honour of being the only opponent in almost a year of CMing to return a file with not even a "hello" or a "get stuffed", either of which would be preferable to silence.

    In the matter of your 'education' I feel that you should know that I hold two Bachelor degrees, an Associate diploma and am currently studying for my Master's Degree. The letters I could put after my name would cause you to have to page over twice!

    Unlike yourself Andy old buddy, I have a fairly happy outlook on life, I wake up every day with the sun shining, the birds singing and my lovely wife beside me. You on the other hand, wake up under a permanent black cloud which follows you around all day.

    I actually took Mensch's word that you were an OK guy to play, boy, you sure have him suckered don't you.

    *Serious mode off*

    Hows about a virtual group hug and male bonding session?

    I extend to you the Hamster of freindship, will you take it? *bats eyelids*

  4. Ahh Berli, Battle setterupperer extraordinaire! I really should thank you, I won't, but I should.

    I have spent the best part of an hour rolling on the floor laughing at the demise of a GermyBoy armoured car.

    Let me set the scene:

    A foggy French township in a vineyard on a map concocted by the mind of the Evil One. Reinforcements are turning up every turn or so and not before time too, as the speed demon A/C's of the "I'm not gamey" Germanboy, are racing through town at breakneck speed, scouting out whatever they can see. Confident in his ability to use speed to save his worthless arse, Germy has cunningly sped an A/C through town and up to a hillock overlooking the said township. His cruel germanic mind already plotting the bombardment of my poor troops as they move to protect their homes. The only fly in the ointment here, gentle reader, is that the Uber-Genius has parked right in the same picnic area that the legend himself (thats Berli) has plotted for my next band of reinforcements to arrive....Ho Ho ho, oh how I did snigger as I hit the "reinforcements have arrived button" in order to see germy's A/C stuck smack bang in the middle of an Allied armoured column!

    How I did giggle as I hit the "play" button, to see the A/C targetted simultaneously by numerous sharp, pointy things. The only contribution to the war effort Germy's A/C made was a loud pfuuurt! from the direction of the commander's lederhosen an instant before the A/C was ventilated.

    So far Squirmingirl has lost two A/Cs and a H/T. Me? Well, one of my men is a tad miffed as the explosion from the A/C made him drop his baguette, and now its got dust on it.

    For this you will pay Andreas, you will pay dearly.

  5. Originally posted by Roborat:

    Hard to post witty action reports if there is no action.

    You really haven't a clue have you, you spotty teenager.

    In the absence of any 'action'.......you lie!.... You make stuff up!....You conjur complete bollocks from the depths of some drug induced thought process and post it as actual fact and make us all laugh!

    Get it!?

    *Sigh* No, didn't think you would.

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