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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Maaaacey....., I've got the June edition of "PlayLamb" here.

    Mace: "Ugh ugh grunt "

    *Wheezes his way over to brown paper bag wrapped magazine*

    Quick! Someone grab a look at Maces building plans!

    We've only got a few seconds before he realises its actually a scrapbook of Peng's "Men who wear Tutu's in odd places" yearly gala ball.

    Still, even that may keep Mace occupied for awhile.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

    Pray for me, 'poolers.


    The collective prayers of the 'pool have worked!

    The evil Churchill VIII of Seanichoowey has been dispatched to valhalla by the valiant MKIV of my good self.

    A '13% Hit', 'Low Kill' shot has 'sploded the Brit tin top in lots of pwetty colours.

    Snoopy's left flank is now a little shakey as my MKIV can now lend support to the beleagured infantry that are fighting and dieing for the fatherland in the woods around the left VL.

    Minor skirmishing still occurrs along the rest of the front while his remaining Comet and A/C cannot be goaded out of cover for love nor money as rumour has it..."There's Hetzers in them thar hills!"

  3. Well, this is a little more like it!

    Flying Shell Fish has called out one of the weaker members 'Mace'....."check"

    He appeeeears to have the rudimentary beginnings of 'a pair'......"check"

    The taunt was simple, devoid of toilet humour or thingey references....."check"

    When was the last time a little virgin wannabee knocked on our door in such a manner without falling headfirst into a vat of their own failing?

    Macey old chap, kindly slap this upstart a 'new one' as it were.

    *Punch* *wrestle* *grab*

    Here you go FartingSnotFace, I've removed the low number service ticket from the foppish hand of Uncle joes johnson. You are now head of the que on the front porch.

    Now close the door quietly....

    Mace will be along shortly to deal with you.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

    screaming and clutching at their bottoms. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Obvious opportunity for gratuitious double entandre humour here.....

    Come on you lack wit SSN's, take this ball and run with it!

    Run free! Free as an earless Dalem prancing nakid through a meadow of elderberries, the soft summer wind gently warming the doughnut crumbs adourning his moustache.

    Now that is true freedom, the freedom only a naked man in the wild can truly know.

  5. Speaking of Seanachai, it is my dismal duty to report on the current status of our game.

    Turn 14 of 30 and my Uber sneeeky flanking attack has been blunted by the late arrival of the covering smokescreen which resulted in the loss of a german H/T and the squad it was carrying. Another H/T accompanying it went all Lenins organy when the AI took over and I fear it too will be lost in the opening seconds of the next movie.

    The security of my right flank rests in a duel between my ****tank and Seanies Churchill VIII which are both hull down, I feel I may get the next shot in but it had better count or else I shall have no option other than to round up the crew's families to detention centres.

    Action on the other parts of the front is limited to Snoochyian harassing arty and the odd bit of sniping, both sides content to hold back until the question of the right flank has been resolved.

    Pray for me, 'poolers.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    Let's face it, you're a non-entity here. You didn't manage to make the list of old-timers, and you're being spat on by a newbie like me, so you really should be re-examining whether or not you'er fit for the cess pool!!


    Stalin you annoying pissant.

    Leeo is a registered Squire of the 'pool and a damn fine one at that.

    You on the other hand are nothing, you are less than nothing.

    May the sound of 'ignore' pervade your future postings.

  7. Turdosloppy and Orgasmic Stalin, it will warm my heart to see you two kids eviscerate each other out there on the front porch.

    Fight amongst yourselves for awhile, but don't lose your 'Cesspool Required Application Pamphletts' (CRAP), as you kids have obviously got what it takes to make it straight to kaniggethood without the requirements.

    Why, not since Jochem Peiper got banned have I seen such magical taunting and witty repartee.

    On the other hand, I am a colossal bulls**t artist, so don't beleive what I say.

    Just kill each other in peace and try not to bleed on the Unwelcome mat.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Stuka as the token Australian love interest whose tragic death will be milked for all it is worth<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    But it will be a heroic,dashing ANZAC type of death where I will take all the newbie scum with me and be cheated out of life by a stray shot from a randomly dieing wannabee.

    *Roll credits*

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