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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    I am currently crushing your master, Stuka and i shall crush you.

    Hmmm, Peter you seem to have an interesting slant on reality. Sustained aerosol abuse will do that to you I suppose.

    As I see it, my attack is going swimmingly. As you see it, well you can't see it can you? Thats a champion smokescreen I'm laying isn't it?

    I must admit your arty is rather heavy and has frightened Colin the company dachshund. But as it is indirect and my troops are spred throughout the woods under direct company and platoon command, they are doing quite nicely thank you very much.

    The worst is yet to come for you, Herr PenileNZ

  2. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Well, clearly the Honeymoon is over, and the weirdness has reached disturbing levels. Here, one of the young, well-groomed, and attractive members of the Thread stand by to console Stuka's wife when this comes out in court.

    Oh, did I say Peng? I meant to say 'napalm'

    I was being ultra groggy there for a minute in an attempt to appease my new grog cyber boyfriend (and you know who you are, Andy) to ensure our game continues, as his early losses have perhaps given rise to a conspicious absence from my in-box.


  3. Originally posted by Leeo:

    Was that good, boss? Huh, was it? Didn't I do good, Sire, Didn't I?

    A damn fine piece of grovelling there, young squire...yes fine indeed!

    As for your bold attempt to start a new Peng thread...Well, paint me purple and call me Priscilla! I don't know wether to slap you down like the impudent pup you are or fit you up for a bigger cod piece. Those must be mighty large Cajoolies your'e swinging around there to have the nerve to attempt a coup de etat like that.

    Of course no Knigget would ever post to a squires thread, but you are to be acknowledged at least for your audacity if not for your stupidity.

    Remember your place M'lad.

    Now fetch the piss bucket with all speed!

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