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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Lets ease up on GayBoy_Recon. Its not his fault he has an inferiority complex as he is from 'Buuurminkham' after all.

    As I recall once driving through 'Buuurmingkham' (with a peg on my nose to avoid the stench) I observed that the place is a complete and utter ****ehole.

    (If ever the world needs an enema, they can insert it in 'Biirrmikgham')

    To make matters worse, the incontinent buffoon claims to be in local government.

    * Shudder*

    This serves as a reminder that, no matter how far down the social and evolutionary ladder you look, there is always someone further down.

    BumBoy_Recon, you are the weakest link, goodbye.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Don't pull age on a woman.


    If only you knew the facts david.

    I was a victim of a gamey, reverse slope, premeditated and unsuspected ambush more sinister and under handed than Pearl harbour, and much like the final episode to that little bun-fight, I also went the way of the A-bomb.

    Harsh but fair under the circumstances I'd wager.

    (the age thing, not the A-bomb)

    [ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I'd say our best bet is someone slightly fatherly, but deeply disturbed, filled with a kind of folksy wisdom while lusting after teenage girls sort of figure.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well golly, THAT narrows it down to everyone except Stuka and after he's been married for another six months he'll qualify too.

    Umm, I'd like to interject here and state quite catergorically, that I have always been, currently am, and will continue to be, interested in teenage girls.

    Which reminds me of an amusing anecdote.

    When I first starting dating the new wifey, she was still just short of her 20th birthday and me, well I had just seen the big 3'O' go by.....

    *Raises hands in a quietening gesture over the raptourous applause from the 'pool*

    Yes yes, I know, thank you all, thank you very much. {Bauhaus! stop licking the floor!}

    Any hoos, for 4 months (until she turned 20) this was the state of things and as I strode manfully around (well not so much strode as was carried aloft on the shoulders of my adoring army of co-workers and freinds) I was a symbol to many, a deity if you will, of what is possible in life.

    Funny thing is though, when I tried to explain my new found happiness with my (same age as me) ex over the 'phone one day, she called me a "sick f**k" and hung up!

    Wierd or what?

    Perhaps one of the 'poolers (who doesn't like young girls) would care to explain to me what I did wrong as I'm buggered if I can see a problem with it.

    P.S. Theres other good reasons for going out with teenage girls, but you'd better head over to the 'other' pool to find out what.

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