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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

    I'm still looking for Stuka. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Here I am my pretty!

    So nice to see your well groomed whiskers in the 'pool again. I see your tail is raised in the traditional feline greeting fashion, If I had a tail I'd raise it right back atcha!

    In other news, Seanachai continues to Arty the ****e out of a small wooded area as if the Fuehrer himself were stationed there. Little does he realise the only inhabitants are a chronically depressed dachshund called Colin and a german shepard-boy called Hans who was out looking for his lost flock when it started raining British artillery.

    Retribution is soon to fall upon him in the form of the DLF (Dachsund Liberation Front) who are none too pleased with the rough treatment of Colin by his pimply faced Poms.

    Seanooby also appears to be of the belief that wheat offers protection against bullets and is manooverueuvering some troops around the woods right into the arms of a rather ticked off welcoming comittee.

    Should I emerge victor from this encounter, it is agreed that Seanoobilis will don a sheep costume and spend a night amongst Maces flock....a form of Russian roulette if you will.

    As a side note, I must say that 'Wild Turkey Bourbon is an amazing hangover cure and *Slurrrp*, I feel much better now, thank you.

    Must dash, kiddies. Its friday night and pizza, bourbon and friday night football awaits.......

  2. Obviously it is a kind of 'ethnic cleansing' of the board.

    I have no problem accessing any of the BTS forums. BTS has deemed all of you to be 'not worthy' and has reserved the board for the exclusive use of the 'pure of heart'.

    So, "neener,neener,neener" to all of you Newbies. tongue.gif

  3. Montys double? Thats a sad name isn't it? I always thought Monty was as ugly as sin. I guess theres no accounting for taste, eh? ;)

    Nice to hear your grandaddy survived 'blowing himself up', now theres a story I'm sure we'd all like to hear. smile.gif ]

  4. I recently had a regular German rifle squad (out of command radius as it was night and heavy fog) take out a Hellcat in open ground that came from nowhere out of the gloom and sped by at high speed.

    There wasn't even time for a targetting line to appear, the instant the hellcat appeared the (60m) faust was launched and the dead Hellcat rolled another 30m! Beautifull!

    The squads alert status did not alter either, they just cooley blew the 'cat away at about 10m range and then went on about their business. smile.gif

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