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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Some half arsed dig at champion Australia<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Typical poms eh?

    "Oh look, somebody is enjoying themselves, we must put a stop to this!"

    You'd think they already had enough to worry about with their 3rd world, decaying country and all.

    Not to mention their Silly Cow disease, and the crap weather, and their unwashed woman folk, and the price of fuel, and their penchant for Australian soap operas.

    Have you ever seen an English TV 'comedy'? How many sniggering remarks about 'toilets' can an entertainment genre come up with?

    Oh, by the way. "Morning Team!"

  2. Game Result just to hand!

    The sauerkraut munching forces of OGSF have failed miserably in their efforts to wrest a small township away from the hands of the US liberation forces of yours truely.

    Despite his use of a Jagdtiger thingey in a gross display of ubertankmanship, the voweled one has been thwarted, thanks in part to a plucky M10, which accounted for 3 Panthers and a teeny widdle M8 that has a PZIV and some damned A/C to its name.

    OberGroobyStoobyDooby threw caution, tactics and intelligence to the wind in this battle by:

    (a) Letting me take the VL's unopposed and

    (B) Then sitting back, scratching his head and saying "feck, how do I remove him from those VL's now?"

    Lorak, if you will....

    Stuka: Winner! 60

    OGSF: Looooser! 40

    Yes, yes, I know its not the complete drubbing you would normally expect to see handed out from your old Uncle Stukey, but he had that steeenky jagdwotsit and the are a trifle hard to kill.

    (damned thing had 2 pershings, an M10, a field gun and a bunch of infantry on its scorecard. Its a good thing they are slower moving than Mensch on Drano.)

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

    you can be forgiven a lack of knowledge of the finer points of fruit products that one puts on toast in the morning. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Forgive me, Cristinel for I was traumatized as a child by the evil Ernie & Bert on 'Sesame street', who appeared to live on the Amuuuurkin staple diet of "peanut butter and jelly sandwiches"

    I remember thinking (as an 8 yr old child), "what kind of sick society puts jello and peanut butter together in a sandwich?"

    And I've hated Amurikans ever since.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Beer is too important for personal prejudices.


    Quite right, which is why I am inviting all of you (except the SSN's/FAGGIT's/FNG's) around to my place to sample the best beer on the planet.

    My own special Home Brew.......!

    Oh yes, you can forget your Wild Turkey 101, this nectar is for gods.

    With 11 secret herbs and spices (well kinda) and aged the appropriate time in my uber secret beer shed under controlled conditions (ie dark and thats about it) the result is a beer that gives a taste sensation similar to an angel dancing on your taste buds and a knee to the groin/Liverpool kiss kind of sensation to your brain.

    Its made me the man I am today.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    All within 30 turns....'tis a beautiful thing


    What the Sheepish one fails to mention is the Tiger, 2 Pzkw IV's, Whirblewind, 2 or 3 Puma's and about 7 H/T's that I had to defend against with 3 guns and 1 aircraft. (none of which actually killed anything)

    All the hard work was done by the PBI (poor bloody infantry) and they did his majesty proud.

    Oh yeah, Mace also used plenty of Feck'in big arty too. Baasstarrrd!

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