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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. "Now some my berate me..."? Congratulations, Mike-You-Idiot, just when I think you couldn't possibly make any less sense, you go and elevate the subtle art of illiteracy to an all new low. It's bad enough that you can't spell. Now you can't even form a proper sentence? You truly are a pillock of the first order. Papa P.S. By the way, Mike-You-Idiot, in accordance with your so-called "challenge", I'll be sending along a setup momentarily. Me as the glorious forces of Panzer Armee Khann, you as the hapless Brits. (Ever known a Brit that wasn't hapless? Thought not.) Stand to the side, young whelp, lest the fury of my superior tactical awareness injure thy soft and squishy parts.
  2. Wasn't it just yesterday that BeerGut was nowhere to be seen? Yesterday was such a good day. Today was going fine too until something disturbed the wretched "olde" sack of bones enough to wake him. Bother. Papa
  3. dalem, some of us have learned to pause and shudder think before blindly lashing out at our mouse buttons. I realize this is a foreign concept for you. Maybe you could try some form of Pavlovian training? Papa
  4. {serious} YK2, evidently you feel that I have set out to hurt you or malign you. Please know that this was not ever the case. My posts were in jest. No offense was intended. Since offense was obviously taken, I offer my humble apology. I thought we were playing along with each other as members of the Pool. Your last post makes it evident that this was not the case and now I feel really bad about that. The last thing I would want to do is offend somebody. Papa {/serious}
  5. 72F) Boxy takes itself (I will no longer refer to you as having a gender... the pity of it is that I suspect I may be right) WAY too seriously and should either Sod Off or get down to the more serious business of sending it's betters, namely one Papa Khann, a setup file. You've wriggled about in the cess for a bit now without expiring (I was really hoping for that, sigh) so I guess it's time I exercised my superior tactical awareness upon you, should you be up to the challenge. Papa P.S. If Burt Reynolds or Paula Zahn were posting in the MBT, I'd tell them to either Sod Off or send me a setup.
  6. Too late. It's been weeks since I've been able to do more than skim through your bloated posts. Yes, well, this gets to the crux of the matter doesn't it. After all, most of the things I encounter in this world are all about me. Do you hear me! It's all about ME, ME, ME!! I don't. I morph in and out of multiple personalities. Most of us are actually quite chipper individuals. Sensitive and empathic too. Not that you'll ever get to meet any of the nice ones, SomeNachos. For you it's Papa Khann from here to the end of eternity. That would be unfortunate, because I don't think the internet has enough bandwidth available to accomodate TWO such insufferable blowhards. There simply isn't enough room in the pipe. I hadn't looked at it quite that way before. Though now that you mention it, I do like the sound of it. Boxy, please accompany my ego over to that blood soaked altar in the corner? Just so there won't be any misconceptions about this, it isn't actually MY blood soaked altar. But I'm sure Berli won't mind. On the day I burst into a jolly sing song, you all (yes, even you Mike-You-Idiot) have my permission to just shoot me. No, on second thought, set me on fire first, then shoot me. Papa
  7. SomeNachos, you make a point or two worth considering, then as usual venture off to some unkempt corner of your brain where apparently all that IS required to amuse you is the sound of your own effeminate voice. Now I'd be willing to cop to a certain amount of responsibility for this entire outbreak when I very politely, and mind you with the utmost best intentions, pointed out to YK2 that a certain comment she'd made might, just might reflect negatively on her intelligence quotient. (Oh ok I started the whole thing. There. Happy?) But I must ask the question, does this quote remind you of a Lady of the Pool? Or does it rather bring to mind a Madame of the Pool Room? As for Boxy, she herself has stated that she is no Lady of the Pool, and therefore should not be treated as such. Papa P.S. Mike-You-Idiot, I was about to inform you that your taunting is too weak and your forehead too sloped for me to bother sending you a setup, when I remembered that I don't really have any standards. So expect a setup from me whenever I get around to finishing up things that are more important to me than you are. Which, incidentally, is pretty much anything you could think of, Mike-You-Idiot.
  8. snippage of a bit of Mike's incessant braying What's wrong dear? Can't handle life on your own without being propped up by a grey haired wrinkly Just-a-car?? Bah - the pools gone soft I tell yah! I reckon ewes gals should learn to stand on your own two feet (four in the case of Boxy) and drown like the rest of us!!</font>
  9. That would help move the game along, yes. Might I suggest that it would move even faster if you put down the chips and the remote. Don't fret, the Home Shopping Network isn't going anywhere. I thought it would be a comfort to you, what with you having been put out to pasture and all. Papa
  10. dalem, you insufferable lackwit, you can't decree anything for me ever again. Don't you remember that you released me from fealty when you cast aside your titles and trappings? Idjit Papa
  11. Hiram smiled? Quick, someone with pets check to see if dogs and cats are trying to mate with each other. This may be the end... Papa
  12. Beginning to feel queasy whenever I read your posts. More educated? More educated?!? Well, I suppose hearing this from someone who considers the Home Shopping Network to be educational T.V. shouldn't surprise me. Even now, a setup wings it's glorious way toward your hovel. I shall set loose the minions of Panzer Armee Khann and exercise my superior tactical awareness upon you. Papa
  13. {Serious mode} Hey, Lars, glad to hear that you made it off the lake o.k. {/Serious mode} Papa
  14. OggsF, if I could understand a bleeding word of yours, then I guess I'd be able to understand a bleeding word of yours. And stuff. What I was able to glean from the bits and pieces of gibberish I could make out, was: Am I squired? I was dalem's squire. But the slag heap cast me aside when he renounced his title, his house, and his holdings to pursue knowledge of true hatred. Run him through for me if you will. I've recently run him through upon the field of CM myself, so you'll have to try to find a relatively clean spot upon which to run him through again. Don't use up too much of the dalem real estate though. I'll be running him through again myself shortly and I claim the juiciest bits as my birthright. I also gather that you disapprove of my jesting with YK2, she being of the feminine persuasion and all. You've a point there. If you wear a hat, perhaps no one will notice. Papa [ August 13, 2002, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]
  15. Another? How does this one compare to that whole "woke up, pushed the snoring sailor aside and grabbed the fiver off the nightstand" one you had going last week? Papa
  16. Actually, I hang suspended by my rear claws and type using my front claws. It's not so difficult once you learn to read everything upside down. Technically, I don't believe I ever called you a name. I did purposefully, spitefully, hatefully, vindictively and rudely misspell your name, so we'll let that one slide. And no, you're not my gal. My best shot? My best shot!?! My dear YaketetyYakSquared, my "best shot" can only be solicited in the midst of battle. Much like a performance artist, I require audience participation to work myself into a good frothing-at-the-mouth frenzy. (Some artists work in clays or oils, I work in Cess.) Of course there are some Poolers who can evoke such a reaction from me by their mere presence (Boo-Boo comes to mind... like a recurring nightmare). But you're just standing there taking up space. Couldn't you at least hop around on one foot or something? Papa
  17. <big>AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!</big> THIS is what the MBT has become? In case some of you neanderthals missed it, that was.... <big>AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!</big> I don't. But thanks for thinking of me. Was Joe there? (remainder of post snipped to reduce the likelihood that my head will explode) Papa
  18. Yes, there is a rule. The rule is that you are not supposed to show your face in here. Papa
  19. Yeah it's a head-butt :eek: But on second thoughts I might come off worse so I'll give him a good kick in the nuts instead.</font>
  20. I confess that I have no idea at all what you're talking about. Then again, I imagine you're kind of used to people telling you that. You did however mention the following options: 1) To receive a "Kiss" of some form or other from something that may or may not involve a YK2 2) To "or what" I quote the great Donald Sutherland.... "Number two, Sir!" Papa
  21. And your point (assuming you have one, which I know is a big assumption) is? Or were you just tring to make me feel like computer software? Papa P.S. Never mind posting a reply here, MrPeeper, I think I hear some sirens outside so you'll no doubt be along sniffing the ground for the scent of your next retainer any moment.
  22. Well, Berli, Peng, Persephone, Joe Shaw, Lars, Dalem, Shandorf, and Hanns have all met me in person, and Hiram has spoken with me by phone. So you'll have to ask them to know for sure.</font>
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