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Everything posted by Geier

  1. Gimme a shopping cart, 1000£ and half an hour at Foyles... Please? Anyway, good luck Tommi, we expect a full report once you get back. ------------------ Geier "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  2. Against the computer: "Le Lorey - A hard stand" for battle "A day in the Cavalry" operation PBEM: Haminklein - We start here Note, DO NOT play Haminklein vs the puter as it is incredibly well suited for pbem play. ------------------ Geier "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi: Geier, you had to look up the following phrase? Don't you know it's from the film DDAY? The Allies were anxious to get on with the attack.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes I had to. No I didn't. Neither of the words meliforous or langour are part of my active English vocabulary. They have a nice ring to them though. Seems my English has gotten worse since I obviously misinterpreted Username's post and failed to make any sense. To be honest, making sense has never been on my to-do list. ------------------ Geier "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: And I and others took offense to your "10 percent of CM players are gay" posts. Bad enough BTS puts stock in your chairborne-commando bookworm "knowledge", but could you keep YOUR funky stats off here? Theres no reason for it anymore than bigotry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow. You took offense at someone stating that 10% of a population that you are a part of where gay, but you want to stop this someone from posting since he's a bigot? Bye, ------------------ Geier "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> My heart is wounded with a meliforous langour. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah yes, the meliforous langour. Some kind of easily bored luminous sea serpent no doubt. Thank god I already quit working as a translator or I would have now. When I need a dictionary to look up sarcastic remarks I know I'm in trouble. FYI, the only hit with altavista for melifouros leads to a page concerning "the hypnogogic state of consciousness". Either your smoking something that is illegal or you've been reading too much Flann O'Brien lately. Or both. ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  6. Berlichingen, in any sort of staff position in the nether regions? Hardly, the man seems to be a very polite and generous man. He's let my Conscript Volksturm boys get target practise on his Veteran Paras and when my 13 and 65 year olds discovered they were late for dinner he kindly tried to follow them home. And when I asked him to look for my MLR (since I have misplaced it, possibly even lost it) he politely explained that he had been unable to find it. The winner of this particular battle has yet to be determined though, whatever my opponent thinks. All smilies on this computer has been encased in concrete and dumped in the local harbour. ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  7. I've fired the Carl-Gustaf launcher (which is neither a PF, Psk or a zook I admit) several times and there is no way no how you would fire this weapon with anything at all obstructing the backblast for at least 20 meters. The safety distance in the Swedish Army is 70 meters behind the weapon. The loader is expected to load and then only look backwards and yell "Clear" when the firer has called out "Firing". The firer won't fire until he has heard "clear". Now, the buildings in CM are expected to have interior walls too. So the safety distance of 3 meters for a PF (thanks Paul T Gardner) to the nearest wall would not always be achieved, certainly not for the entire squad. The safety distance would be 6-10 meters for anyone being in the cone directly behind the weapon but I wouldn't crouch there for any money in the world. Firing a backblast weapon from directly in front of a building would generate the same hazard. If you are desperate enough to fire any backblast weapon from inside a building expect any or all of the following to happen: Anyone in the squad that happens to be 0-10 meters behind the weapon (remember, 9 men are in there if a PF is fired) will get hurt/killed. The rest will be pinned at the least. None will need to shave the back of their necks ever again. Anything burnable caught in the jet will be incinerated and/or catch fire. Visibility in the building will be heavily reduced from the dust. The firer must be extremely exposed to fire, basically he'll have to lean out in order to not set fire to the wall surrounding the opening he's firing through. This leads to more squad members running the risk of getting caught in the blast. Everyone in the same room as the firer will get the wind knocked out of them. No one who has ever fired a Carl Gustaf recoilless would dream of doing so from an enclosed space. If the backblast from a Psk is one tenth of a Carl Gustaf it's still far too dangerous. Maybe from a church door firing at a perfect angle so the backblast would travel the length of the church... Maybe. hnh3_cm, if all that is required to "ruin your enjoyment of a large portion of the game" is the inability to get away with firing backblast weapons indoors 100% of the time... well what can I say, to only play battles in a "rural" environment might be the thing. I'm sorry, but you really should take the time to read the responses to your post, I think you have misunderstood how these weapon systems function. Geier
  8. Thank you Kevin and Andreas, I wish my library was as good as yours! Kevin, yeah, the map looks VERY cool with snow on it but, and sadly it's a big but, CM turns water to ice when you put snow on the map. If you can walk across the stream, the map becomes impossible to defend. The stream goes from 6 to 1 in elevation (CM scale) so in reality it never becomes frozen enough to walk across. Also, the map needs close to full foliage in order for the battle to be challenging. Andreas, that sounds just like the ticket! Vosges, hmm I'll see what I can find on the net. I was thinking about placing it "Somewhere near the Siegfried line" or "Somewhere in the Huertgenwald". This sounds a lot better. I'll pop you an email tomorrow. Geier
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bil Hardenberger: You can extend a map in any direction... I believe you have to use shift when extending it.. Bil <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you. Saved me a world of grief. Or rather my family who has to listen to my curses. Geier
  10. I've been spending a lot of time this week creating a battle and have some questions: The map is based on the area surrounding my parents house in a hilly, heavily forested region (rural). It is a US attack and when I started on it I decided on using Gebirgsjäger units as primary defenders. Since I wanted some sort of historical acuracy (not necessarily down to exact units and OOB)I went to jpipes excellent site and read up on Gebirgsjäger units. There I found that no Gebirgs Division fought in the WETO. Italy, yes. No problem, I thought, a regiment or battalion could have been thrown in somewhere. Now the question is where? Since the map only is challenging between april-sept because of the foliage on the trees I decided to go with Sept. Now my first question: What places were fighting taking place during Sept 1944 that would apply to my description above? The map has elevations from 1-19 (2.5m /level), a stream or two are in it and the objectives are some small bridges over said streams. The mission of the Gebirgs is to hold on to these bridges (not blow them up) in order to plug a hole in a gap that has opened in the main defensive lines. Question number two: Given the parameters above, would a Fusilier company be more appropriate? Does anyone have some good info on specific actions by these units? I understand that they were used both in a recon role and as "regular" infantry coys. Anyone who has any suggestions, pointers, threats to hand out here? I thought it would be nice to model a Gebirgsjäger battle since these units are in the game and no scenario has them (that I've seen). Regards, ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  11. I'm currently playing it as German (first time) and let's just say i went wtf? when I got the first German setup... Also, let's just say that these guys spotting/ID ability is... questionable so there are several surprises in there for you. Just wanted to say that it's very fun to play as Germans too. The AI is doing a decent job too so far. ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  12. See? See what happens when your opponent decides to come from another direction? Chaos ensues! People die horrible screaming deaths and/or let go of their bladders. Now that I've taught you that lesson could you now please line up and die like ...what? oh yes, sorry my bad. You ARE lined up and dying all over the place. And Mr I-think-you've-set-up-your-pillboxes-the-wrong-way-ooops-I-have-tanks-behind-me... Hah! You're leading (for lack of a better word) PARAS! They usually land BEHIND enemy lines. Therefore, most fixed defenses ARE pointing the other way, that is the whole point of using airborne troops. OK? Otoh, instead of going after each other, maybe we should hunt down and kill Moon for creating this sick, twisted scenario. I may be in love with him. I haven't had this much fun since I ripped the innards out of a smilie. Ten minutes ago. It looked a bit like this ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I will endevor to conform to your expectations in the future,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good. It's tiring to have to teach you these things. Line up and get killed like a real marine. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>as you do deserve at least some small chance at victory. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're right. So far you have lulled me into a false(?) sense of security by walking straight into ambushes and staying in houses that well, they don't build em like they used to, do they? ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  14. Fine, leave me out of it. I've been cleaning my system from smilies with napalm, thus the snail-like pace of my replies. Now on to the taunts: Your little girly men with your big pockets, attacking young boys and old blind men are you? We were sitting around the campfire joking and telling farts (we may be confused but they have given us guns) when you had to come along with your gung-ho, "We start here!" attitude. I squeeze my pimples at you and fart in your general direction. And you were not supposed to come from that direction, you ignorant man. ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  15. I did not. BTS were kind enough to put a "Less than 5$ value" sticker on it. The biggest lie of this century? ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  16. Also in Göteborg, still no CM. Ordered in february. It sucks to be me. Saw the last Pearl Jam concert at Roskilde in 92. A bit chaotic that time too. People seem to have the wrong idea on what's a concert is supposed to deliver. Hope the band lives through it, hardly their fault. Geier
  17. vH moving in with Rother? Capt Man.. at Rookie's house? Hehehe. Each would have the life-expectancy of a smilie in a MrPeng post. Oh wait, have I told you guys I'm from Sweden? Uhh, I'm not actually, I live in ... Ingushia! Yes, that's it. Up in the Caucasus with lots of goats and ... stuff. And Rother, you can send me a setup when you feel like it and I'll get back to you as soon as I get my copy. Mail travels slowly to uh, Ingushia. ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  18. Finns, any airborne troops and any dedicated tank-hunter/AT formation. Am at the moment tired of playing US troops. Gonna set up Polish, French, Canadian and Fallschirmjäger battles first thing. And Gebirgsjägers. Nothing like stirring up memories of reading Jack Higgins (Who always included a noble fallschirmjäger called Kurt Steiner in everything he wrote) and Alistair Maclean (who had a penchant for Gebirgsjägers) during my teens. And I'm gonna whip Ghost Dog in the CM version of ASL scenario Defiance on hill 30 whenever someone (him, me or anyone else) creates it. I must've played that scenario ten times, at least. Geier ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marcusm: I was dissapointed to hear that there are no Commandoes in the game. It would have been cool with distinguised Scottish units too. Marcus<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Still looking for a way to hear those bagpipes eh? (Sorry, I lurk in some newsgroups too). How about some dragspelsmusik? Sorry. Too much caffeine. Geier
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fangorn: Perhaps you guys wanna know that there's no VAT tax here in Brazil. No, sir, just a 60% importation tax. Perhaps know you will be a little happier with your taxes. And Sweden being the top country on taxes, last time I checked it was German, followed by my great country.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Check again. Germany hasn't, and has never had, more tax-pressure than Sweden. Minimum income tax is 32%. On gas, 74% of price is tax (only Norway has more I think). We luckily don't have a 60% import tax. Don't give us any ideas though. Note, this is with a stable low inflation rate. Brazil, if memory serves me, has trouble with inflation? Hence the import tax. Geier
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MacAuliff: Got that Geier !! In Belgium VAT amounts up to 21 %. But what I actually wanted to know is when and how do I pay this. Is this amount also deducted from my CC or do I have to pay at the post-office upon collection ? Sorry, but it's the first time I order on-line and want to anticipate problems. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You pay it at the post-office, at least you do here. Hope this helps. Geier
  22. Anyone want to know how to pay more than double the price for CM? Here's what you do: 1. Live in Sweden. We are numero uno on taxes. VAT is 25%. VAT is added on everything. When you import an item you in most cases get to pay VAT on shipping too, ain't it wonderful. 2. Pay by IMO. The cost for an IMO can be as high as 10£ (UK pounds). 3.Make sure the dollar is really high vs SEK (Swedish krona) when you pay the IMO. You might otherwise not spend as much as you would want to. The really great thing is that only half of this money reaches the guys who made the game. The rest of the cost is a bonus, which you are happy to pay because you get to live here in Sweden. Which, according to some, is better than living somewhere else. And we get our grief over with quickly when it comes to international soccer-tourneys too. No use in delaying the inevitable I always say. (All present smilies has been converted to Swedish tax-collectors and let loose in Utah. They will not return.) Geier
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jgdpzr: Damn funny movie, eh Geier? Although nothing can compare to the Coen's magnum opus starring everyone's favorite Warthog from Hell. "That there's what it is!"--H.I. McDunnough<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A trick statement? "Everyone's favourite warthog from Hell" and "magnum opus" got me to Barton Fink (John Goodmans best part), which is my personal fav, along with Big Lebowski, but you have Raising Arizona as your fav. If I remember correctly H.I. McDunnough is the name of Nicholas Cages character? Damn fine film too, must see it again soon. To bring this back on topic, "Barton Fink" actually (not kidding) has the best faucet scene ever portrayed on film. I recommend all faucet grognards to rent it. "People can be so cruel" - Charlie Meadows Geier
  24. Will orders paid by IMO receive a shipping notice by email? Are we handled any differently than credit card buyers? Thanks, ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay: Ok, I know that most of you guys out there like this game, but how many of you really are happy about it? Ray <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I stated about the beta demo that it was the best piece of gaming/simulation software I had ever installed. I see no reason to detract or refrain from that statement, since it has only been topped by the Gold demo. ------------------ Geier, formerly Kettle Black. "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 06-14-2000).]
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