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Everything posted by Geier

  1. Someone wanted a Blood Hamster done? We have a special offer(ing) this minute. Anyone not accepting the New Form of It's a Mutha Beautiful Thread And It Will Always Be There-thread will get a full treatment of the Blood Hamster PLUS an interesting idea we came up with in... 1653 AD I believe, free of charge. For rodents with multiple personalities... it is being taken care of. Good night. The Old Firm ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: The pool it is gone rotten stench wafts a last time vultures come to feast now <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Right then, so where's the grub? And I do believe I owe some soon-to-be-Dead Things a file. Btw, Andy-pandy, my CO is alive and killing still. Thought you would like to know. Which reminds me that I must write a lovely little novelette called "The Death of Every Gerbil under Gerbiltoys command" soon. Very soon. And since Seanatjoo has this democracy thing going (I must ask Satan and Peng for permission yadda yadda) right now I will post it here unless a new, more foul-smelling thread hasn't been started by then. So there. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holdit: There's also an RAF museum at Hendon which is worth the trip.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll second that motion. Great place. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  4. ...And behind the V-2, hanging from the roof is (I believe) an RE8 or Harry Tate scout/bomber two-seater (WW1). An other great example of useless British design. Took real courage to go up in one of those. "Let's see, we've got balsa wood, some wires and an engine and to be sure of your eventual death we've painted the whole thing in highly flammable dope. Any takers? It´s really slow too." God you guys look even worse than I imagined possible. Where´s the Focke-Wulfe you bastards? Great pics and initiative boys. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  5. Sits down, opens up some Carlsberg Hof, points vaguely south, makes a sweeping gesture, let´s out a loud burp. -We got it covered now, no way they can get through. -What do you mean? -Mines. Lots and lots and lots. We planted them everywhere, Tellers, S-mines, AT-mines, tripwires, you name it. I doubt even a chinchilla could get through. -Do you have the diagram with you then, we might not want to stay here forever you know? -Course I got a bloody diagram, what do you take me for, some kind of newbie? -No, no, of course not, my apologies. -Well, here it is. Have a look for yourself, since you didn't believe me. {several inquisitve eyes study the neatly done diagram, complete with elevations, blast radii, type of mine asf} -But, but... -What is it now? We worked like hell with this one. Best minefield ever if you ask me. -But... We are in the middle of it! -So? -How do we get out? -No one said anything about getting out. I thought that was the beauty of it. I mean, it wasn't as if I got instructions to mine the western or eastern approach. Y'all just said "Put up a minefield" and I put up a mother-beautiful minefield and what do I get? Tons of negative waves. -He's right you know. We were going to fight it out here. -Besides there is a way, if you wanna stretch your legs and take a stroll or soemthing. I wouldn't recommend it, but it's there anyway. -You don't mean...? -S'right. Down through the Cesspool. -Crap.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Besides, after watching Winter War, I wanna re-create some of those mass wave assualts...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good movie huh? Oh yeah, the Germans is what I want to play first and foremost. Kharkov, Prokhorovka and other nice places. And the Finns. And any side with ski troops. I wonder if cavalry will be in? Probably not. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: Anyone notice that the CM Borg has developed quite a personality?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No.
  8. I believe there is a phrase I read about that would be rather apt here, I believe it is used over in that territory you call home... let's see, must get the pronounciation right, I hope shouting is alright. Ok here goes: YOU DA MAN! Came out rather well I thought. I'll be over in the Cesspool if you need anything. Bye. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  9. Hello Malmviq, I liked your site and I think it is a good idea to have it in Danish. I was thinking about doing a Swedish site but came to the conclusion that if you played CM, you knew English. OTOH, if you´re not good at English something like your site is excellent as it can help people who would be interested in purchasing if only they knew about it. Buying stuff over the net has become more and more common here in Sweden. Good work Sessine on getting into Politiken. The political climate in Sweden probably doesn´t allow for reviews of accurate depictions of actual war. I probably should give it a try though. Johan sigh
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: I was wondering what you fellows think is the best or simply your favorite infantry type.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Any squad with an organic ranged AT-weapon is fine. That means the Germans. For sheer fp, you can´t beat the Gebirgsjägers. Nasty things. OTOH, Sturmtruppen are nice with 13 men/squad which also makes a US Pioneer squad (12/squad) pretty awful to run into. The brit paras look cool, as does the fallschirmjägers. Sorry, I don´t have one favorite, it depends on what I want them to do and in what terrain I want them to do it. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  11. I´m only interesting. In a hamster-like sort of way. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AnttiRokka: Does anyone know have anyone made scenario from The Finnish Winterwar 1939-1940 against Russian?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rokka. Nice stop of that russian flanking maneouver. You will have to wait for CM2 to come out for Finns vs Russians, the Winter War might not be included but will definately be featured in CM4. CM is West Front 1944-45 only. Johan
  13. I´m sorry Doctor, but you really don´t have a clue. Nobody in his right mind would have a problem with your opinions on Nazis. OTOH, nobody in his right mind would call people with a certain kind of passport evil either. FYI, a Germanophile would be a person who is very interested in the country Germany, it´s language, culture, history asf. It has nothing to do with Fascism, Nazism or racism. You also have no intention of discussing CM here. You just want attention. Now go away and ponder if my nickname doesn´t offend you. It looks like German, it walks like a German and it sounds like a German. Hence, it is a Nazi war criminal. Johan
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: I only have one problem with the show... Why the hell did they call it Survivor? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MUUAHAAAHAHAHAAAA! YES! Our scheme is working. The fools of the most powerful nation in the world has fallen to the Master Plan. We invented the "Survivor" show and they fell for it. Soon the world will be ours for the taking as everyone and the kitchen sink will become addicted to "Survivor" (we called it Robinson but I guess the americans need more drama). Production and supply will plummet, we will take over the world hehehehehe. The Swedes
  15. One word. Prokhorovka. Let´s find out what really happened. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 08-22-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hans: When Cm2 will be out and whether a 1939-40 (early war)verison is planned? Is a North African/Italy version planned? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I see you've been assimilated, that wasn't so bad now was it? Welcome aboard. To follow up on unca Pathy's response: I have seen no indication of when CM2 will be out. As I understand it, it will cover the whole period from Barbarrossa to Berlin. That should keep BTS busy for awhile. CM3 is going to be North Africa/Italy and CM4 will be the early war that you asked about. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ghost Dog: Every hamster has its day.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In ol´ Skorzyhamsters case it was more like 38 mins. If that. Ausgezeichnet, Professor Biermann! Well done indeed, Andreas. Johan
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Guys, guys, guys... everyone knows what the worst WW2 movie ever is... Battle Of The Bulge<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ditto. I own it so I should know... (sigh) Johan
  19. Thanks for that info. Is this from the new Detonator 3 driver upgrade? Johan
  20. I'm currently playing Andreas (Germanboy) on a map which is covered 90% by woods and tall pines. Terrain is extremely elevated with no less than 5 major hills, we have fog, maybe 3 houses total, no roads and no LOS basically. It probably takes an iBook dedicated to Satan (ie Andreas) to create such an awful map. Why do we play on such a map you may ask? Because it´s there! ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Philistine: The rationale is really explanation for an abstraction. Although the suggestion allows the placement of a "hull down marker" out of LOS, this is no different than what is happening now--i.e. players are manually picking their hull down positions in many cases with respect to territory over which they had no LOS... --Philistine<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I understand your reasoning and partly agree. However, I feel that the move to an actual hulldown position vs an area is potentially very beneficial. It should be. In fact, I think it is so beneficial that it can be compared to the FO LOS issue. Ie no accuracy if no LOS. A hulldown move requires accuracy imo or we should do what we do now, that is approximate a hulldown position from the graphical representaion. With lesser overall accuracy as a result. To be clear, I´m fine with the way it works now. But I can see the use of this command to raise the level of accuracy in this simulation, esp for the East Front. I am certainly not claiming to be the keeper of BTS vision, this is an issue that they will decide to do or not to do. I think it would make the sim even more accurate and reward those with sound tactical knowledge a little, tiny bit more. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WendellM: I've both "suggested" my opponent move by dropping 81mm rounds on him and "accepted his suggestion" when he dropped 81mm on me. It's a very powerful "invitation"! We both agree that we hate 81mm "rain"! Wendell<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, moving when the barrage has already begun to rain is a very good way to get killed. If you are already receiving fire, hide (ie make em put their heads down) your targeted troops until it stops. Standing up and walking out of a barrage is very rarely a good idea. The trick is rather to no longer be there when the shells come in, or even better, to kill the FO. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  23. 1. The TC (separate LOS entity) has LOS of area he wants to be hulldown to. 2. TC puts an Ambush (similar) marker on this area. 3. A direction of travel is plotted. Cannot extend more than x meters. 4. When Gunner (separate LOS entity) sees the marker, continous Driver LOS checks begin. 5. When Gunner has LOS to marker and Driver hasn't the vehicle stops and rotates toward marker. 6. If no such position (Gunner=YES+Driver=NO hehe)is found along the line of travel the vehicle stops at the end point and rotates toward marker. 7. During Defensive setup, Hulldown info is displayed on-screen and the command can be used to "place" the vehicle in a hulldown pos relative to marker. Possible oh-****s: High priority target shows up and nails the vehicle because the TC, gunner and driver are busy looking at/for marker. Reaction time is long. Position is found but the gun cannot be "pointed down" (I know there is a term for this, opposed to elevated) enough to target the area. Probably several others. This is probably complicated as hell but might please the no-automatic-commands proponents and possibly others. You still have an element of skill involved, there are dangers to using the command and it would appear to be, imo, in line with BTS vision. Seems like an awful lot of work though, but I'm certainly no coder. Philistine, I am doubtful that every TC in every engagement had access to maps during WW2. I don't know this, but it seems unlikely to me. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 08-14-2000).]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: HQs up to the regimental level were responsible for AT defense. IF ANYONE WOULD BE TOTING A FAUST IT WOULD BE A PLATOON HQ!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh really, I thought that HQ's were responsible for all elements of the unit they command. But AT-defense was their primary role I see. Given your logic, the HQ´s should have some HMG's (they are responsible for infantry defense too, I take it?), all AT-guns in the unit (they are responsible) yadda yadda. But it was just a joke, wasn't it? Good one. Not very. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I know, I know, "So little marmalade, so many rodents," but that doesn't excuse the way he herded those poor minks into those traps. A ploy, I hasten to add, for which Hamsters would never have tumbled. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pferdescheisse! my good man, pure and simple. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of hamsters (I bet you haven´t even read Slyngel Grodowitz "Hamsters in Hell, the 3rd Fallschirmhamster Regiment in Diepscheiss, THE book on Hamster gullibility), knows that hamsters will indeed fall for anything, ploy or no ploy. Your description that "minks" (as if any nation used them in WW2, the first prototype was developed by the Färö Islands in 1952 for chrissakes) were the victims of the Marmalade Massacre lends me to believe that you have read posts by Verminboy and believed in them. How sad. The victims of the Marmalade Massacre were mole rats of the 5th Pengish Bragoons and the ploy with the cages was developed and executed by Schlangenfuhrer Väsel, CO of a Hamsterburger company attached to Chinchillagruppe Schutz. That you have not grasped that the expression "a plan so cunning that you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel" in fact stems from the cage ploy of Väsels and Americans total inability to pronounce any foreign word. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
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