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Everything posted by Geier

  1. What does a Marine need? The ability to "forget" that running ashore toward machinegun fire and minefields is generally not a very good idea? Poor bastards indeed. Snow is not a problem in itself. Severe cold without snow is far worse than severe cold with snow. And I've got the toes to prove it. That was beautiful. I'll write it on your tombstone and leave some GrogPorn by the rotting roses after I've ... well, killed you again. (I'm guessing you're on your fourth Laphroggedy now. Andreas will soon appear and claim Talisker (or other) is better anyhoo.) Johan [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 02-03-2001).]
  2. Yes yes I knew all that. I was hoping you would make an exception for someone as pleasant as me. Besides I always enjoy forcing you to make up apologies for evading me. And they are becoming quite elaborate these days. Still, slime eels do not notice the passage of time apparently as long as they are eating somethings insides out (yes you read that right). 19th of February it is then, don't be late and try not to breathe. Toodles, Johan
  3. Let's dance. You got my number and I've slaughtered you before. One really good thing about the features of this new board is that I could just skip the previous page and get on with life. Life=The Thread The Meaning of Life is quite possibly the Mother Beautiful Thread That Will Always Be There Whether You Get It Or Not. Johan
  4. When someone finally appears to make some perfect sense it turns out it's the ol´ Hakko-wakko. Stop making sense. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  5. Can't argue with that. Believe me, I can blame you for anything. Have fun with your title given by someone who thinks the Avignon papacy was a great success. And don't forget to play in traffic. Hugs, Johan
  6. Woopee! Another mac jesuit. You're so cute and adorable. And you come in different colors too. Btw, the Only Really Good Games ever just might be CM and Fallout. On any platform. Time for a sing-song: Maybe, you'll think of me... (I fully expect FrenchPersoon to search, copy and paste the full lyrics somewhere below. Search for "Ink Spots", "lyrics" and "Maybe", ya french... individual.) Off to rip out the innards of my evil and corrupted pc. Johan
  7. Slappbladder: A Krew of Wawwiors. How cute. And utterly and mindnumbingly boring too. Now go play in traffic. The Meek: You are so predictable it's not even remotely funny. - I wanna wule! I wanna wule! - OK, bugger off to the Arctic for a while. Then you can rule. (passage of time) - I wanna change everyfink! I wanna change everyfink and make everyone play by the scwipt I have! - Here's the keys, run along and "rule" for a bit. - Hahaaa. I wule! Hmmm. This sucks. I wanna change everyfink and not use the pool anymowe! - Fine. You sucked as proprietor and host anyway. We're giving it back to the Delusional Bard. He's still not Irish, you know. Heh. - I wanna wule! I wanna wule! And I only wanna pway with people I think are cool. And so on, and so forth. yawn
  8. Ah yes, what a great couple of guys he is. Easy to comprehend too. rexford? Shurely you mean Two Sheds? The great couple of guys from Latvia. Where is the GrogPorn? We wants it and its not in the sheds, we have looked all, over. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  9. What I would really like to know is if it's gamey to play CM? I would also like to know exactly what I can do and can't do because I've heard that there are things you can do that are gamey. I think doing gamey things is bad and you really shouldn't do them. Because they are gamey. Is it gamey to drive jeeps, you know, like really really fast? Is artillery gamey? I think it is sometimes but sometimes it is not gamey. And smoke. Smoke is not gamey except sometimes when someone is using more than they did in reality. Then smoke is gamey. Maybe German tanks are gamey too, you know the big ones? King Tigers are gamey. And really fast jeeps. And the KIA numbers are random. And maybe gamey. And if someone does gamey things you shouldn't play against them. At least not again. But maybe you should say that they did a gamey thing and that they shouldn't do gamey things. Because sometimes they don't know that it was a gamey thing that they did. I play wargames because I like them. And history. There, a summary of the top hundred topics from Outside of the Pool during the last few months brought to you by someone who has had enough. Sod (gently) off, Johan P.S FrenchPersooon. Whatever it is you're smoking, it is illegal and I want some of it.
  10. I'll just post it once and I'll just post it here. Read it like you cared. Due to my own overwhelming presence and also due to the nature of my overwhelming presence, my computer has now become so corrupt that it personally called up Prof Dr Hamster X and asked for a raise. This amused me at first but has now become inconvenient. As with all things that I find inconvenient I ripped its lungs out, chewed its face off and made it eat some very suspicious looking sausages. Tomorrow I will write the unholy words, the only DOS command you will ever need: format c: In other words, turns will be later than usual. But from then on you will die in more effective ways as we have recently downsized, implemented and strengthened our brand in the global market. At least I think that's what he said. Before it became unintelligible. Anyway, someone give us a sing-song. Yeah, I feel the same way about you. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  11. AND I can cook, clean and blow things up. Your place or my place? Love your car btw. (Also, I noted the fact that Hakkos cat is fatter than mine. Draw your own conclusions ...) ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  12. They seem to become corrupted during the file creation process. I might need to do the ol' format c: routine and do a total reinstall, there might be something very wrong with my sys as you suggested. Thanks for taking the time, Johan
  13. OK, I have a problem. I've been playing pbem games for about a year now and once in a blue moon I would send a file that my opponent was unable to open (I don't recall that happening with the beta or gold demos but not 100% sure), in july/august I got a new system: W2K Pro SBLive! WinFast GeForce 32mb 128 mb RAM Now the corruption started happening once every full moon, ie not very often. Recently, however, the majority of my pbem files become corrupted. Now the way they are corrupt is interesting: I've had one file which contained data from a CRPG (Icewind Dale). I've had another file contain MS legalese and help text. The file with IWD data was sent to BTS but I've had no response from them. Why and from where this data is imported I don't know. It's now gotten so bad that I've put all my games on hold until I come up with something, plotting movement for a battalion over and over gets old real fast. According to Fprot (with two months old drivers) I don't have a virus in my sys. I only have MDMP2 installed along with CM 1.1 and a separate exe for 1.05. I use numbered files, no overwriting. I have a separate folder for incoming files. Anyone have a suggestion here? Reinstall? Not play 1.05 games? Buy a mac? (I won't.) Sacrifice a black bull to Mr Gates? Run everything from DOS? Do a search? (I did) Johan
  14. Are you saying that Switzerland and Sweden is not the same country? Not even to a Kalifornian? I gotta read more euro history written by americans, far more interesting than those dull facts they teach over here. Game updates: I'm upset. My puter does something terrible to the pbem files it generates. I'm so upset that I will post on the outer forum about it. Or even do a search. Sheepshagger: Has the memory capacity of a ladybug. One more time: I am unable to upgrade our game to 1.1. Now tell me what part of that you can't understand. Germanboy: This one is great fun. His troops are dying from 9mm and 6.5mm rounds. Mine are dying from 75mm to 105mm. He doesn't have a chance. Hakko Peru: Really believes he's winning. He isn't. In spite of the fact that whoever "upgraded" Fertile Ground thought that "all German crews were really really good" (His tank crews are Elite and Crack), "Germans generally had more artillery. In fact they had bucketloads", is yet another theory used. The final one is "Hey, that vanilla Sherman is a pretty good tank, you know? About as effective as the MkIVH". Sure, as long as it remains hidden from anything carrying a gun. Moriarty: Is already desperately trying to lose in our Historically Accurate depiction of The Battle for ****sville. He will, as he is wont of doing, succeed. Now gently sod off pwetty please with valium on top, Johan
  15. Just wanted to add that I sent one of the very few photographs of my mug to the deranged elf king. And there is nothing you can do about it. Johan
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: So, Seanachai is the descendant of a revoked herring with a fermented passport? Inquiring minds want to know. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, those inquiring minds will have to do their own bloody lineage research. It seems probable though, the passport bit, they let him into Kanada didn't they? And why is there english names for all sorts of places in Germany? Bavaria? Bohemia? Prussia? Bayern, Böhmen and Preussen. I know why actually, but it still irks me. Do something about it will you? Now bug off, I have to go and eat something disgusting. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu: Clear the bar, boys *followed by one The Kings Lesser Songs not even featured in Wild at Heart* <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was ... simply awful. Nice jacket though. And no, you're not getting any file today either. I'm busy with my new upcoming impersonation of that thing with red eyes that lives in Pengs closet. And I'm working too. No files today folks. Live (or preferably die) with it. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: And who the hell is Bobby Peru?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean you never heard them deep sounds coming out of Bobby Peru? I think you have the same dentist though. Johan
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai regarding lutfisk: Old World Squareheads don't actually eat that ****e, and in fact, recoil in horror when it's described to them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They do too. And fermented herring. Or we revoke their passports and ship them off to minnesota or some other god-forsaken hole. And we don't "recoil in horror" when it comes to any type of food baby, if it's at least semi-dead or comatose we eat it. Even british food. Apt description of lutfisk though. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: And Geier, you cannot just walk in and declare a window closed that was never open! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I could you know, but I didn't. This time anyway. The terms were for you to find persons that would create a scenario which would recreate The Hacky-Sack of Krakow and to send me a setup. You didn't (I wanna pway tcp/ip I wanna I wanna bwaaaah ow Berli killed me in 30 secs I suck). Alright you'll get your game then. When I feel like it. I just refused to resend a perfectly corrupt file to Prof Hamster X because he wrote your name in the mail. For five looong days. I'll do something Really Awful to you. Promise. But right now I'm busy so sod off. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  21. Meeks. Firstly, the window of opportunity is now closed. No setup arrived with your name on it. Now it's too late. Secondly, you are obviously not up to par with running a Cesspool, even the aussies did it better than you. The point of the pool was to contain all relevant information inside The Thread, not to piss it out all over the forum just because you felt like it at the time. If Stuka should get married or not should be decided by us poolers, not by the rest of the forum and certainly not by Stuka or his fiancee. Thirdly, polar bears are a bit slow but they are damn determined and single minded. Fourthly, since the pool bears your name now (how that could happen only The Bald One knows), it is your damn responsibilty to head any stray posts in here, not start other threads with serious important discussions elsewhere. Fiftly, read the message from The Bald One. Read it a few more times. If you manage to kill the Mutha-Beautiful Thread just because you are unable to stop kicking back with amphetamines you will wish that the polar bear gets you before the Old Firm does. Sod off.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: Shouldn't that be hice. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good work speedy. Keep it up (and bauhaus down). ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: Shouldn't that be hice. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good work speedy. Keep it up (and bauhaus down). ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Anything but this purgatory of non-illness crepitatiousness. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Glad to hear from you again. Get well. Seriously. Johan
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