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Everything posted by Geier

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: For those who don't know... this Cabbage of a man was once the most prolific poster to the board, back in the beta days, before there was even a Peng thread. It could even be said that he started it all... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/003957.html <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh Glory gory days. That one really made my day. Don't feel too bad about it... no, scratch that, feel really bad please. And send me the terms for your (second) demise. We wish to hand you and your pronouns (related or no) your collective heads. Again. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 01-14-2001).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*: I need help.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can't think of any worse place in existence to ask for help. Piss off. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: I'd rather hang dead over a fence than post in a thread started by Meeks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK. Picket or Regular? We aim to please. The Old Firm
  4. I just wanted to make it absolutely clear that wherever we are, I still hate, loathe and despise you all. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grisha: Idi i Smotri, "Come and Look" - a Russian film <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The US title is "Come and see" if anyone wants to search for it. I have only heard great things about this one. I am trying to get hold of it, as well the German movie "Die Brucke" (The Bridge). ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Dear sir, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you trying to sell something? We have everything we need to do what we need to do so piss off. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I was aware that this event occured farther back, rather I am talking about a CM reenactment<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I already did the real thing, why would I want to reeanact it? Unless, of course, hmm ohhh I seeee. Sure. Howzabout sometime next week then? Gooood, that's settled then. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Let me know if you are interested and I will comission the finest craftsmen to create the scenario.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Make it so. Now piss off. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: I see the everyone's best friend (bile, not Fionn) has returned to the 'Pool<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. I'm getting more comfortable by the minute, thank you. Hate your post, just hate it. Let's not do lunch someday. My people will talk to your people and not set something up. Awful to see you. Toodle-doo, Johan
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Geier, I dearly hope that some day you can recount the tale of the hacky-sack of Krakow. And I would also be indebted to any fine scenario designer that would recreate such a thing so that I may be utterly annihilated by the aforementioned Old Firm. I picture a massive amount of regular and veteran American troops with low ammo stuck in a city as an unstoppable army of Elite Germans methodically wipe them out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Twas in the years of your lord 1657 and 1658, look into the books for the rest. To recreate it I suspect CM will fall short as it would constitute a Swedish Army (ie Finns, Germans, Scots and some Swedes) on one side, doing Very Nasty Things to some garrison troops of the Polish-Lithuanian side. It involved horses, artillery, firebombs and fine cutlery. As for hacky-sacking you and everyone close to you in CM, get in ze line. I have been rotten at sending turns lately so first I will have to kill off some of my still-breathing opponents. Marky Mark is next and he will be followed by you. Now bugger off and do something about these buzzing insects.
  9. What a waste of my precious time this has become. Where are the threats? The mindless violence? The evil that lurks in the hearts of hamsters? The ones keeping up the bad work are few and far between indeed. And don't tell me I should "do somefink aboot it" either. I have never been any good at writing stuff, I am only here to beat you all in CM. Check my record if you don't believe me. This is silly so stop whatever it is you're planning to write as I don't give a flying psychotic feck either way anymore . Mace, is it your only purpose in this thread to suck up to Kitty? We don't suck up here, remember? There are other places for that. American football, who cares? I stopped caring about that sport years ago, so can you. (Anyway, the Eagles had their chance way back when they had Randall Cunningham and Reggie White in the team and what did they do? Hire Buddy Ryan as coach. Good job. The sport is so obviously down the drains, I mean the Saints went to the playoffs? The only reason I dug them was because they would never win anything, nor would the Bengals.) And now Meeks is back, hooray. After anchoring just off Newfoundland he watched porno vids for a few months and now he's back. How wonderful. In ongoing graves: Prof Dr Hamster X (whose captives name DOES sound like a sneeze, who woulda thunk Joe Squaw would be right about anyfink?): I really admire this guy, I really do. Playing him is a bit like playing Berli, he's not necessarily out to win, in his case he just likes to blow things up. Whether it's his own things or not does not matter as long as he gets lots of pwetty splosions. Our sick, twisted version of Fertile Ground reminds me of The Hacky Sack of Krakow, one of the Old Firms finer moments. Germanboy: I probably don't have a chance. I dunno if we can talk about this one yet, but he will beat me. Just kidding. He's deader than a doornail. Moriarty: Just started. See above (the deader than a doornail part). Piotr of NZ: I gotta upgrade first. He's dead too. Sod off, every single one of you (except the ones who slunk in, I want nothing to do with them and they are not even worthy of my scorn) ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss: I've posted a more-depth analysis earlier, a couple of times, in fact... - Tommi<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yup, I made a search and had missed those posts. Thanks for the info and I might look into the Antti Tuuri novel you mentioned. I was a bit confused when I saw the movie as I had seen Tuuri's name as a script writer but the movie felt very different from Winter War. Too bad that they didn't stay closer to his original script, you remarked that it had been a little hollywoodized and I agree. The portrait of the platoon psychopath is very good though. Anyway, no harm in promoting this film one more time. Johan
  11. They showed it on Swedish telly a few nights ago, I would think the English title would be "Ambush". It is not a new "Winter War" or "Unknown soldier" but more of a love story in the middle of war (The continuation war). It does have several fight scenes AND (more importantly CM wise) a lot of (to me) authentic-looking equipment, uniforms and insignia. Tommi or tero will probably be able to tell you what is right and what is wrong there. The movie is supposed to take place in Far Karelia but I do not know whether it was shot there. Story is pretty basic, platoon is sent behind enemy lines (on bicycles no less) on recon, people die, they try to get back. Script was written by the same author who wrote "A Winter War". Acting is OK, photo beautiful, battle scenes are intense and old school. It also contains some nudity (male and female). Deal with it. I suggest watching it, and if you are planning on making Finnish uniform mods, buying it. Original title: Rukajärven tie Read more: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0162625 Download trailer here: http://us.imdb.com/Trailers?0162625 If it has been posted before I haven't read it so I won't apologize. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Irish history can be summed up in two points. 1... It took Giere's ancestors to bring them civilization 2... They still have Pommies in their country... a problem the rest of the world has managed to solve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lindisfarne monastery 796. That was a memorable event as well. At least for some. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: What did you think of "Okalahoma"? Dontcha think Curly was a bit presumptuous? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, I didn't think of it. No man should ever sell his saddle. So yes. Hope that doesn't help. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: By the way, The Fall Of The Roman Empire covers similar ground to Gladiator and is a far better movie. =P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is not "a far better movie". Even if James Mason is in it. Gladiator is a "Let's make a fantasy hero movie with Romans in it and let Ridley direct it", FOTRP is a "Let's make a Really Really Big Roman Movie Again". In fact, if Eddie Izzard had been cast in Gladiator with his James Mason act, Gladiator would have been a better movie than FOTRP. OTOH, if Robert Shaw had been in FOTRP it would have been a far better movie than Gladiator. It all evens out you see. Ask me, I know these things. And I'm only semi-back, thanks for athskin. Badda-bing badda-bom Johan
  15. After killing the entire staff of my ISP I have been unable to send any files to any of the Dead Things that I could send files to. This may be rectified in a day or three. Have a lousy next year, my son got a flamethrower for Xmas. Yes, it was originally Ethans fecking flamer and no, he won't be getting it back. Meanwhile offline I'm blissfully recreating my countrys Real History (TbloodyM) using my brilliance and Europa Universalis. Don't go to Denmark during the 16th century. It's full of dead Danes and mean Swedes. Russia is next. Toodle-o Johan P.S Hiram. You suck.
  16. Is Dogmeat in? The best npc anytime anywhere. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  17. Anyone here who was present at the Third battle of Ypres? Or ”Bloody Wipers” as it was so fondly known at the time? No? Oh well, there was mud you see, for as far as the british eye could see it was mud, mud and two muddy hills. I moved there yesterday and it hadn’t changed at all. Except that it now lay on the west coast of Sweden and there (sadly) were no German artillery observers with love in their eyes staring down from the muddy hills. While Ethan may feign comprehension of what cold, dark and wet means he really doesn’t have a clue. As I stated previously I moved here yesterday and as an omen the Weather God acknowledged my presence with the first full day without precipitation for twelve weeks. Thass raijt folks, twelve bloody weeks. And when the Weather God comes through, he comes through in spades. He blew the air temp down to a whopping –5 centigrade (no wind factor included, which is a bit sissy in a way but you gotta appreciate the effort, dontcha know) which resulted in a frozen muddy landscape from hell. It was beautiful and I took my son out for a stroll in it, scared the locals a bit, robbed the general store and came back just in time for lunch. Lunch incidentally is at about the same time as the sun sets. 17 hours of darkness baby, can you gimme halleluja. Of course you can. I am enjoying myself tremendously and look forward to the day when my son (should he survive this) conquers the world, slaughter the hamsters and ride off with your daughters. Now for my games, as a general rule folks remember that I’m not necessarily beating you thanks to my superior intellect, my finely honed skills or because of my evil nature. The reason I’m beating you is because I’m much much better than all of you put together. Now my ISP has some trouble with giving unto Caesar what Caesar bloody wants so I have not, repeat not, received ANY files that you may have sent me during the last six days. They may be able to rectify this shortly, it really is amazing what you can get done for you if you know what people to kill. But just resend the durn things OK? Yes, I noticed we moved. I thought it fitting since I had to. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: btw, how's the cross-dressing going, Geier?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just beautiful thank you. Now piss off. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Besides David, you could never be an Australian. If you were you would contravene our prime rule: no pooftas <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Manly Men doing Manly Things, you just killed a small animal, it's time for ... Fosters? Five words you little wank: Priscilla, Queen of the desert The only good and true thing to come out of OZ. Ever. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  20. Swedish Telecom has risen to the challenge and thrashed my phone line. I'm real proud of them. I'm moving this weekend, to a nice little cottage by the sea and will begin plotting Nasty Things immediately. The files I sent out on Sunday seems to have been corrupt (not much new there) and some ppls delicate machinery was unable to handle them. I await your apologies for using such useless hardware. There is a strong possibility that no new corrupt files will be forthcoming until early next week, if I can be bothered I will attempt to send you to your graves even earlier. I loathe, despise and hate you, etc etc. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  21. Morons, mac jesuits and idiots: I really don't like you. Really. That said, I suppose some sort of update is in order, but first let me state that any problems regarding my email remains unsolved but I have managed to do unspeakably Nasty Things to people whom I pay to provide this service for me. Why? Because I enjoy it. The update: Prof X: He's destroyed an entire town and is very proud of himself. I must lose this one, shurely. He has an Elite Hetzer btw. Herr Gerbils: The hush-hush scenario. He displays a marvellous lack of tactical ability as per usual. SheepNZ: Apparently thinks it unfair that I have a tank and has gone into hiding. His "uppercut" hasn't hit anything but empty woods so far. Send me a file so I can slaughter your young, rape your horses and ride off with your women, I mean sheep. Sorry. Bored Mr Farty: He is in for a treat, the Hacky Sack of Krakow part 2. Badda-bing badda-bom. The French: Are in big trouble. Indeedy-deedy. It's dark and he's wearing sunglasses. Hit yourself until you are dead, the lot of you. ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  22. For an example of the O'Reilly web board you can check out: http://webboard.interplay.com:8080/~neverwinter/guests The load this one is forced to work with is ... heavy. Since I'm swedish I refuse to have any opinion but I hope this can be of help. I know the guys responsible for these boards know of several arguments, pro and con, for the O'Reilly board. They've certainly heard all the con, but it seems peope have chilled now. Expect the feces to hit the air cycling equipment when you switch (whatever you choose). Change is bad. For some people anyway. Johan
  23. You are all a bunch of useless bastards and nothing would please me more than to rip out your entrails and knit ugly sweaters of your sinews and then make you wear them. Inside out. All pleasantry aside, I have some issues with my current batch of victims. Goebbelsboy claims he has a life and won't return turns which is fine, at least he told me about it. The Shagger of Sheep has decided that we don't play nice here (bääääh) and apparently I'm not playing nice either cause he stopped sending turns. The French is scared of the dark and doesn't send turns cause he is busy watching bad monster movies and "improving on their scripts". Ethan thinks he's winning and has managed a steady trickle of files. He is busy in Florida during the weekends however and very vague when pressed on the whereabouts of Hoffas body. Moriarty has yet to tell Berli what troops he wants to be killed by me. MarkIV huffs and puffs and claims he looks slimmer now (read readme for 1.1 if you didn't get that one) but has still avoided to send me a setup. Remember baby, I'm your huckleberry slime eel. This all adds up to me having no one to kill. Can't have that can we? Sod off (and send me some files) ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss: Geier wrote: check out "Förflutenhetens landskap" I guess I will. Though the nearest library that has it is so far away that I will probably forget it before I have time to go and get it. And after that it'll probably take quite a lot time to read it, since my Swedish is a bit rusty. - Tommi<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My bad, I didn't check if it was translated before I wrote that. Englund books that has been translated to Finnish are: Poltava, Ofredsår and Brev från Nollpunkten. If you feel like trying to read in Swedish I suggest you go to www.peterenglund.com and check out the "textarkiv" section. A large portion of his texts can be found there. Among them you can find reviews of Antti Tuuris Vinterkriget and Martin Lönnqvists "Så gick det till - en frontmans dagbok 1939-1944." Saves you the trip to the library I would expect "Den Oövervinnerlige" to be translated as well. Have you checked out Europa Universalis at all btw? I'm looking forward to buying it this weekend. I guess "empress" would fit the bill for the english language version of "czarine". Interesting story too, thanks. Johan
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Oh, Mr. Geier, the dinner bell has just sounded. Your garnish is waiting, about 1.6Mb worth. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why hello there you despicable little person. I downloaded the thing but it will have to be played the old way since I run W2K. And I couldn't be bothered to stay awake for a Kalifornian anyway so no tcp/ip crap. But I hear you look slimmer in this new version, say it isn't so. I really find our new premises useless and boring I must say, particulary the "you can make me go to school but you can't make me learn anything" little robsies. Oh well, I suppose we all deserved it. I also know that we are making him very happy and his life filled with meaning just by acknowledging the fact that he exists so I suggest we stop doing that. In other ready-made graves: Sheepshagger: I've never seen a more careful (lethargic) attack in my life. Makes Monty look like a Napeolonic general. He's attacking but has waited until turn 17 of 30 to move his main infantry force from the back of the map. The 17 turns has been well spent though, he's decimated an mg with two full turns of fire from a Churchillosomething and, uh, yeah that's about it. My ploy of leaving a flock of sheep in his setup area has proved worthwhile since there can be no doubt about what he has spent his time doing. PawFrenchperson: Night, fog, he's dead. Pancreas: Who knows who cares? A great lovely smiting awaits him. All very hush-hush, mum's the word asf. I'll let rune have a peek from my perspective and let him laugh his pants off at Andreas ineptitude. "EthanI'll tell you where Hoffa is as soon as I'm done in Florida": Boom boom and quite possibly boom. Still waiting to see the results of my Master Plan Mk2, appendix:1a. He's got an elite Hetzer by the way. Moriarty and I has decided to employ Berli to setup a battle of Pure Unadulterated Evil for us. Snow, rain, tanks in the town, infantry outside, boom boom. It will be fun. Piss off, ------------------ Johan "The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps." Dashiell Hammett
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