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Everything posted by Geier

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: Hurra!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>And people say I have a coherency problem. Ahem. Ba-pa-pa-pa pa-pa-pa-pa-pa I wanna be a jarhead Ba-pa-pa-pa pa-pa-pa-pa-pa (Yes Berli, that is a challenge. If you have time for it, I understand you're busy.) Mark IVlost 2 Panthers, 3 Armored Cars, 1 Light Tank? and his dachshound, all in the space of ten seconds. I am either very good or he is very bad. PeterNZer is beginning to get the idea and wants me to surrender. He'll start begging for it real soon I imagine. Moriarty what can I say but "Ouch, that gotta hurt." Peng what can I say but "Hah! I'm more disoriented than you are." Hugs all around,
  2. I've sodded off to the city for a bit and will not resend turns until Sunday. Tomorrow is a bit of a celebration, an anniversary if you will. It's two millennia almost since we participated in demonstrating that yes, since we are the one's with weapons, we can nail this chap to a plank if we want to. So we did. We, to coin a phrase, drove that point home. Ended up with quite a mess on our hands. Game updates: PeterNZ: Has discovered that buying lots of heavy artillery enables him to blow things up. Naturally he's resorted to adjust fire as much as possible for that extra, pimple-faced gamey effect. I'm sure I'm quite annihilated by now and will almost certainly give up really soon. Honest. Moriarty: What can I say? I don't know how he does it or what it is he's doing - I'm only sure of that it isn't working. He's a wossname, nigma, he is. The fings he does... They look good but they never are. Mark IV: Knows all there is to know about choosing really really useless tripe for scenarios. I don't know if we can be bothered to continue this one. But since we carry a deep glowing warm fuzzy cuddly hatred for each other we're bound to do something unpleasant to each other. Peng: Some of his troops is starting to trickle in on the map I'm playing on. It might end with someone actaully firing a gun soon. Maybe. )Andreas (who is secretely feared by Stuka): Is doing something other than playing. Possibly involving something with seals. Or was it sea lions? And trains that run on time I think. I forget. Ethan: Is busy trying to figure out new and imaginative ways to explain why the New Pres has welshed on the Kyoto agreement without mentioning the phrases "cost to the American industry", "sponsorship of presidential campaign" and "they own my sorry ass". Or he's fishing. He's not playing me anyway. Ahem. NO FILES TIL SUNDAY.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters: Is anyone else freaked out by the fact that Berli has a lower user number than Steve?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Not me. Perfectly natural. In a sense. If you don't bother to define natural. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Christ, man, couldn't you be a little more subtle?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Christ? Quite the opposite and subtlety doesn't come easy when you're... well, you know... Him. That guy. Satan. I've never been very fond of subtlety myself. More of the "screw the feints and the posturing, just rip 'is 'ead off" kinda guy. So I'm kinda symphonic err wossname sympathetic to the devil, in my own way.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: to create idiotic usernames and post drivel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you. It's what I do. I'm just much better at it than you are. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Boy is this page white.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No it isn't.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Do you despute that Evil may have a pure form?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm very much at odds with the word pure I am. In every sense or form. Undiluted would be more appropriate in my opinion. But hey, it's your language, do what you want. As for the ignore-thingy. I was happy. For a brief moment I envisioned joyous, troublefree times ahead. But, being a thoroghbred cynic, I knew it wouldn't last, that Mother fortune would once again vomit on my pillow. Only a matter of time. But still, for a brief moment I was happy. And there is nothing you can do about it Sleep tight,
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: However, those of us that are pure of heart retained our usernames <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That explains why I lost it once and plain changed it once... Pure of heart? You? Ahem
  7. YESSS! It's got the Ignore moron option!!! Thank you thank you thank you. Someone just made the world a better place. I'll be busy for a little while, byeee for ever. You know who you are.
  8. You are all a bunch of bastards! What? Was it something I said? Pointless drivel.
  9. I have lost it. Not in a drug-romantic kind of pink happy haze where I end up saying and doing fings that are pretty cool if you don't think about it too much. Kinda sorta like The Dude you know. Except it wasn't like that. Not at all. Quite the opposite. Au contraire. No, I've lost it in a more P.K. Dick "A scanner darkly" kind of way, like a broken toy that cannot be repaired and doesn't know that he's broken kind-of-way. And have you ever put on "Mountain Song" waaaay too loud when you were younger and sort of exploded into a world were headbanging was the only means of communication? They'll use another person now. Plural, yeah that's the ticket. Third. They could lose it properly. 5 hours of their life. Spent. Fixing. Computer. At. Night. Sothatthebloodythingcouldshowcombatmissioninallitsbloodyglory And how did they fix it? With a cork, dear Henry? Not bloody likely but possible all the same. Because they did fix it. At 0200 am bloody hours. Then they got up at 0530. That wasn't the problem. The problem is the way they made it work. How can others achive the same happy cheerful bliss that they felt when it finally loaded and the bitmap wasn't corrupted and everything suddenly was Hunky Dory? When the forces of Windows 2000 Professional collaborated with Leadtek and nVidia to deliver a fully 100% functional game of CM? Dunno. Not a clue. It shouldn't work but it did. And their head went pop like a blood red popcorn. ------------------ Johan "He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that." T. Pratchett
  10. I'm digging for fire and old drivers for my GeForce. CM looks like crappy crap on my W2K/nVidia(Leadtek WinFast actually) sys with the Detonator 3 drivers. Hopefully I will find something really useless and dated tonight so that your deaths can commence once more. If anyone has a brilliant fix that doesn't involve using old drivers to tell my card/sys that white in CM should not be 100% transparent, I'm all ears. Toodles, ------------------ Johan "He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that." T. Pratchett
  11. What "impetus" mean? No se. ------------------ Johan "He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that." T. Pratchett
  12. Tell us the truth David. You've been out on the main board haven't you? Read threads without the word Peng in them too I suspect. Don't say we didn't warn you. And no, you may not. ------------------ Johan "He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that." T. Pratchett
  13. ...And Italians have been reliable since when? Find me a Sicilian site and we can talk. Besides, I did not realise we were discussing Jake the Hair. He might be one of those consiglioris you're ranting about for all I care. And my reference might have been the home site for la vecca signora (first one to figure that one out wins a prize) from what I recall. I've never even eaten a babelfish, much less used it in any shape or form. But, then again, I've never enjoyed Mormon wives like mr Pshaw here has either. So anyway, here is the difference between a consigliori and a consiglieri. Situation: Someone owes your fam something. Consigliori suggest: "Put the head of his favorite horse in his bed." Consiglieri suggest: "Put his head in the favorite bed of his horse." See the difference? Yes, I can talk the walk, I just uninstalled and reinstalled Outlook Ex in Win2K with both MarkyMarks arms tied behind my back. I hope he wasn't too attached to them. And with that godawful pun I bid you all badnight, ------------------ Johan "He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that." T. Pratchett
  14. Peng, just admit it. I am a bastard. I haven't sent out turns since Moses was waddling around in diapers and that sucks, blows and is generally considered (quite rightly I might add) a Really ****ty Thing To Do. Even to the likes of PiotrNoZee, MarkyMark, Ni-Peng, Gerbils boy, Moriarty and others I might remember if it would benefit me. Since excuses are similar to one of those things that everybody has and which also stinks you are free to use your own since none will be supplied by me. (Yes, I am rather proud of the previous sentence, thank you. Don't mention it. Gesundheit.) I'm afraid (not really, just a figure of speech, thanks anyway) that I might not be able to send out turns today either since it seems the only alternative I have left in order to fix my sys is to do the format C: dance and I really really don't want to. I might also add that since I have been without a fully functional system at home I felt compelled to read a Pratchett and on an old recommendation from Seanatjoo it was one about the Watch. I always trust book recommendations from people I am about dismember and this was no mistake either. It even had a talking dog in it. And one very quotable quote too: "His thoughts often ran like this. He could think in italics. You have to watch out for people like that. Preferably from a safe distance." And since we all know that we've run out of original unpleasant things to write why not present some of your favourite Pratchett quotes. The all your bases are stuff feels about as interesting as a thread named Peng goes to Sweden or somefink. But, apparently, if you write it often enough you get to be on CNN Business - TV For People Who Are Too Busy To Watch TV. Somefink that should be considered. And it's consiglieri you lackwits. Johan He could think in italics.
  15. I am not responsible for his appearance and I'm not taking him in hand or anyfink else. He might follow me home or worse. Johan
  16. Old Kevin spent a long time (several weeks iirc) trying for a brit accent but failed to pull anything believable off. Some actor. One fun thing about that one (Robin Hood) is the fact that the director positively hated Christian Slater who doesn't get to do even one tiny little heroic thing in the entire movie. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  17. This really sucks but I decided against starting a "hey, notice me, I play pbem but will be unable to reply today because..." thread and just telling you lot roight here and now. 1. Outlook Express is dead. Deader than dead actually and it cannot longer be used to send email with. I'm looking for other ways of using it as I've become rather fond of the croatian/argentinian/porn spam I've been subject to for a carefully noted time. If whoever it was that targeted me is reading this I want to thank you for ruining a perfectly good email addy for me. 2. Those of you whom I'm playing, I'll send out some emails to you as soon as I am 100% sure that my disks are clean. The old email will probably not be used anymore and I'm not going to advertise the new one either. 3. Thank you for your patience, I find you all to be wonderful people and I wish you all were dead or in great pain. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  18. I am having difficulties with Outlook Express. It dies on me. Go figure. Hence, no files out until I can be bothered to kill it and resurrect it. I have lots of hate available and will endeavour to spread it out evenly to y'all asap. For those of you who are keen to meet your maker you might want to try and resend to njn@home.se instead. Otherwise you will get yours tomorrow. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  19. ...while getting the facts from the Robin Williams show "Live at the Met" is perfectly OK with me. I won't tell anyone. Honest. Went something like this IIRC: "You know, Tom Waits once said "there is no devil, it's just god when he's drunk"*. Well, if god gets drunk do you think he gets stoned once in while as well? Look at the platypus, I think so... OK, we take a beaver, put on a ducks belk, heh, what can you do, I'm god remember? And it's a mammal, but it lays eggs...Yo Darwin, up yours!" It's been years since I watched that one though. * "Heartattack and vine". Buy it. Johan ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  20. Just a quick note for the idjits and the Really Drugged People. I did not "forget", "miss", "bollocks up" to put the word challenge in the title. I know the "Please-mistake-me-for-an-Irishman" , aka The Boring Bard has written rules about how to start a Peng thread. I know the rules. I just couldn't be bothered. Hugs, Johan
  21. Gerbiltoy. sendmeaturn Moriarty. sendmeaturn Seanachai. Please do come here. It would save us the expense of coming to get you. Marky Fyra. Sadly, the suicide bit is no longer true, neither has Mr Borg ever worked as a pornstar (directed at someone even less important than you). I wish both were true, as the Borg campaign is boring and useless and there are several people I know that should have offed themselves if I had any say in the matter. zipadeedodaa Johan [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 03-10-2001).]
  22. Yeah. I seem to recall that I (ie we) were actually the first to notice you altogether in the Thread. I believe "I like you already" is a quote from that post. Which just goes to show that even I am wrong sometimes. You should never have sold Reggie White and you should never have hired Buddy Ryan. Everything went downhill from there. stopmakingsense, Johan
  23. What? He's going to be a Podette at long last? How... how absolutely wonderful. Smashing. Great. Really. Ethan, 2 kg of blood sausage is winging its way toward you. Just make sure those nasty people at customs don't get to see it. They are so picky these days, especially as I got this batch really cheap. It's from The Royal British pigsty so I don't think there is anyfink wrong with it. The brits have always been good with pigs. I mean nice to pigs. Haven't they? mensch. I saw a Pink Floyd documentary just now, lots of weird and rare footage and you didn't. Set your controls for... and bugger off. Thank you. la di da, Johan
  24. Please note the lack of the word "challenge" in the title. Thank you.
  25. You all know the drill. Do something beautiful and righteous and we'll hunt you down and bore you. It's cold it's wet, the booze is really expensive and there is nothing you can do about it. Ding-Dong, Free Ethan ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
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