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Everything posted by Geier

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Errata and Addenda: I think you summed it up rather nicely.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you Brother Mark for that little story. I think we all can agree that mine was much better and that even if your version carried some truths in it (I was particularly fond of that "genetic cul-de-sac" bit) you are still, Sir, a liar and a cad and we are glad to be given this opportunity to, as they say, rip your head off. My, wasn't that a long sentence.
  2. I went into here because I saw that the total number of posts was higher than when last I looked. Sadly, I couldn’t find any new posts, not even one with some lovable battle reports from our friend Mr Spkr. Bu then I thought: Hey! I could write some Nice and Accurate Battle Reports myself – then everyone will be happy! Battle with Mark IV: After lots and lots of turns he has taken one minor VL (out of three hundred and fifty two) and is leaving a trail of fine upstanding digital dead young men and burning digital tanks as he presses onward. He has cunningly shed his flank protection (i.e he let me kill it) and is racing straight ahead towards the Promised Open Ground. Battle with Germanboy: Yes we know he is retired but we managed to finish a WBW game we started 500 years ago anyway. Lorak!: Scribe thusly: Geier: Glorious, stunning and extraordinary DRAW. Germanboy: Humiliating, debilitating and terrible terrible DRAW Now I know that there are draws and then there are draws. This was an Old School real draw, not one of them sissy… ahem (nice and courteous). I collected a crushing total of 50 points whereas po’ Andreas only could scratch together a measly 50 points. Howzat? Battle with mensch Watch out, he spits! The files have grown obscenely in size lately, mostly due to the fact that one of us got tons of reinforcements. I am doing Terrible Things to him and his troops all over the place but they are so strung up on dried banana peels (or somefink) they don’t seem to notice. Mensch ol’ boy, if you’re reading this: PANZERSCHRECK! Hehe, sorry couldn’t resist. You can climb down now, I was only joking. Operation with Berlichtingen: First battle soon concluded. His recon vehicles did what recon vehicles generally do, they found the enemy. Rather, the enemy found them and they never knew what hit em. I expect to be hit by B-17’s and shells the size of small countries next battle but right now I’m eating cheese, drinking wine … you know. We talk about books too and he is currently enjoying the best portrayal around of himself right now, The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov. He is, after all, a man of wealth and taste, but even the devil listens to recommendations from me. Battle with Hakko Ichiu: He has tanks. So have I. Kommerscheidt will never look the same when I’m done with it. On hold for an insignificant interval. Battle with Lars: He’s out drinking. I’ve managed eight turns after he passed out. Looks good. Battle with The French: I hope he will read this and send me a turn of whatever it is we’ve decided to play and maybe the old battle too I can’t remember what consensus if any we reached on that one hope he reads this. Battle with Mr Peng: I will have to remind him to RESEND THE LAST TURN HE HAS. Yes, I will just have to remind him I suppose. I’m sure I’m not playing anyone else, there might be someone so utterly insignificant that I can’t even read his posts but that sounds, on the whole, doubtful. Toodles, Johan
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: I'm with you. No way I'm posting to athread started by someone as wholly and totally insignificant as a squire. Especially an unfunny and annoying one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Is he? I wouldn't know since I don't read his posts anymore. There must have been a reason for that but my memory is hazy and I only vaguely recollect having heard of him. Insignificant? He must be. The Forces of scaliness are of course always welcome to join us here on the porch or veranda for a drink. It has to have an umbrella in it though. The drink, not the porch. Or veranda. I thought I'd post some nice and accurate battle updates for your enjoyment later on. So stay tuned.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: So I presume this is the MBT in exile? Shouldn't it be at some sunny manor house? Shouldn't we all be sitting on the veranda sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is and we are. Mine's yellow with little red flowers on. Yes, the umbrella. Marlow. "We have met the enemy and he is us" is presently (as in, right now) the best sig line in the universe. One would think using it would be a reward in itself but I'll see if I can find some fermented herring in a can for you. I applaud your commitment to keep this on the first page. We must all however, take care to remember that this is "The kindler gentler challenge thread" so no vitriol. There is of course no reason to challenge anything while here. How fun would that be? [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]
  5. Marlow you 'orrible fellow, you've just won the sig line contest. The trick was to have the best sig line today. You won. How do you feel and isn't, by default, all threads (especially Peng threads) better when not started by sancho? Would you like to thank mom, america and apple pie? Please do so.
  6. I could hardly post in a thread started by someone I've stopped reading, can I? It also seems as if my good old email is up and operational once again.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I would be considerably more embarassed about losing one of the Fuehrer's to a PIAT that you had to have known was there all along.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For every Hotchkiss I get rid of, the fuhrer gives me a Panther. Get the picture? Why not send to njn@home.se instead? This goes for all of you weaklings who cannot force their way into an email account. Pillocks.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: The rest of you, let this stand as a little warning that your in OUR house and you WILL abide by the rules.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Those who are not clear on this issue have no place in this thread. They never have. That said, there are some who do not have a place in this thread that continue to post here. If serious warnings from MadMatt, Peng and The French does not make you realise that you should just edit the post and then stay away from here then congratulations! you've killed this thread. There are, I'm sure, plenty of places to discuss the issues of racism and genocide. This place, however, will never be one of them. SO, since you seem unable to grasp that you did anything wrong, why not just accept that you are out of your depth and stay away from here for a while. No harm can come of it and I think you realise that while it may not be very rewarding for you, it would be a Good Thing for the Thread and its other denizens.
  9. It would be good if the following pods, people and slimes could resend the last file they sent to me at some earlier point. MrPeng The French Professor Dr Hamster X Failing to do so will prolong your worthless lives and fill it with posts from mental midgets like stixx. No, not much of a choice there. Berli Mark IV mensch and lars. Files will be whinging themselves to you later this oh so fine night after I've finished painting my house. Which, much to my own surprise, didn't turn out feldgrau or olive drab but a rather cheerful yellow colour. Kinda smiley-like really.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx: I notice you<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aren't you man enough to go away and beat yourself to death?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rexford: The post by MarkIV is important<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know what to say to that. Files out tonight or tomorrow. RL and system difficulties.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sancho: Buh-bye!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It appears that the fact that everyone here dislikes you more than anyone else who has ever been here has failed to make its presence known in your little kindergarten head. Any gas station attendant is worth ten thousand million billion times more than you and I for one hope your mouth is full of hi-octane jet fuel the next time you light a cigarrette. A note: You've just made the List (yeah, i have one too). I'll never ever read anything you write ever again. For forever. There were only three other names on it, now there is four.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Oh yeah, and on June 6th what do they celebrate? The Allied invasion of Normandy? Noooooo, they celebrate Swedish Flag Day!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Your knowledge is perfectly astounding. Any particular reason why we should celebrate D-Day in Sweden? France, for instance, keeps celebrating the ludicrous Bastille Day instead of D-Day. I know it is hard to fathom for someone whose country hasn't been around very long, no scratch that. Anything is hard to fathom when you are a useless and moronic little doofus (in the pure Old Testament sense) who is too full of cretinous icky bits to know when he's out of his depth. Why not go with Lars to an airshow (I hear Uzbekistan is lovely at any time of year) and get sucked into an engine? On to more interesting matters: Lorak you mad individual. The creature known not only as Hakko Ichiu (aka Ethan aka Professor Doktor Hamster X aka Sparky?) is alive and unwell and playing me while writing the Grog-Porn equivalent of "War and Peace". The others on your list has from what I can tell bothered to leave notice of their absence and/or departure. All except one. For my opponents. WE know and appreciate that you have not been receiving the same sort of service as you have come to expect from the Old Firm, ie swift, messy and painful death. Please rest assured that we are trying to solve the technical problems and that your demise IS important to us. We aim to please.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: after a brief "chat" with PeterNZ I have come to the light of explainations. He will not finish my game since he is "occupied" by another game (name withheld) so either I wait a year till he gets bored of this game and resumes our battle which I was winning.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not only should Lorak rack em up for me and Stukey (any more?) but what is more important is that the losses for the useless sheepshagger be noted before he is denoted to something below the pissboys or wiped off the face of the page. {serious] This kind of behaviour makes me really pissed off. There are so many ways to show you don't give a **** about anyone but yourself and this is one of the more effective, lazy and cowardly ones. If you don't feel like playing anymore just write a little note and say so. How hard is that?{/serious] Sancho, remember what I said before? Don't take anything in here seriously (unless they have the serious tags, then you'd better believe in it). And don't believe everything The Bard writes about me either. I'm much much worse than anything he can come up with. However, I must admit to being rather fond of his description of me as a cruel and unnatural man. Lucky shot most likely.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: That is one of the most flagrant lies I have ever seen. As good as the real thing... feh!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nothing is ever, nor will it ever be, as good as the real thing. Having said I would like to remind you (yes, I am referring to you Mr Morningstar) to resend one of our numbered turns so that I may continue to smack you about the ears with a fermented herring can you gimme halleluja? This time in glorious Gore-O-Color provided by my new OS. Actually capable of handling large amounts of mods, should I want them. Which I don't. Aitken could tell you all about it. Oh, and I got a file from Professor Doktor Hamster X, that lovable ol' megalomaniac, so sadly it seems he is still among us. Next time, more C4 and sawblades in the package. Nerve gas just made him pleasantly stoned for a few months. Speaking of David Aichin: I see that you once more have gone off the deep end and become psychotic. No doubt you are once again cunningly and with malice as an afterthought planning to run off one of this community's fine upstanding citizens while simultaneously playing The Intrepid Reporter, Our Man on the Outerboards, wandering in here like a soaked puppy with that proud look of "Hey, look what I found! Something wet, smelly and useless. Can I keep it and can you dig it?" You are a very very sick man and I hope you continue with your fine work. [ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]
  16. Thanks MadMatt and wwb_99, the drivers MadMatt mentioned worked insofar as there were no corrupted graphics (some shade of white becomes transparent) but it could easily turn into a slideshow. And that is not why you paid for a 32mb graphics accelerator... I also would recommend against going from Win9x-ME to Win2K if you want to play games and have a system similar to this: AMD Athlon 700 FIC (I believe) motherboard Leadtek Winfast Geforce SDR 256 AGP SB LIVE! At least it has not worked very well for me. I've had tons of corrupt files (ask my opponents) when CM creates the file to send. Graphics has been choppy all along. I will not go back to W2K now but thanks for those links anyway, they will come in handy just the same. Eh, right, back to you Paw...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: Latest Build of XP, with an nvidia card, I get the problems, with an ati card, no problems.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've had the same problems with nVidia (a Leadtek WinFast GeForce SDR) running CM on a Win2K system, no matter what drivers I used. Windows ME seems to run it just fine. But that's just Win2K.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars: Geier, you smelly Swede, if you like old crates like Neuports, I have your photo.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Newps!!! You dare showing up with piccies of poxy Nieups? No doubt the lethal N28 since that death trap was mostly assigned to American squads by The French to keep their death rates up. If it is a N17 or N24/23 I'll forgive you. It is a single seater isn't it? Speaking of The French, they gave me a good offer for a game of "Into the East" so you're off on that one. No, stop sobbing. Here is what we will do, we'll play "The Kall Trail" by Moon instead. I'll get the Allies since: Best played as: Head-to-head or American vs. German AI; mind you, this is not an easy victory as the Allies, especially in head-to-head. Read all about it atMoons page If you've already played it, say so. Nothing but double-blind will do. A setup will find you sometime tomorrow. No, you're not very important.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: By the time poor Geier figures it out, Brits will be using Pershings for recon. Assuming they have any crews left. Ahem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And assuming you even had the slightest clue what recon was,is or should be, Mr-I-Always-Lead-With-Tanks. You will be pleased to know that I have indeedy-deedy grasped everything I need and will commence slaughtering your troops later tonight. I doubt I will be looking to reinstall Win2K anytime the next 500 years, so far, WinME has actually managed to find all my hardware and install it. Amazing but true. And no one can make me look like Jane Fonda. 'Specially not someone needing 817 lines to write "Woot! I finally made the grade!" I'm more of a Lucretia Borgia kinda girl. Since you were so kind as to remove your stahlheim allow me to smack you vigorously on the head. Berli old boy. Would you be so kind and resend the last turn? Seems it didn't survive the last tactical retreat.
  20. I have every hope to rectify (that one´s for you St bauhaus, you'd be pleased to know that I listened to Bela Lugosi is dead yesterday) all the awful difficulties involved with running W2K on a AMD system with a GeForce card on an AGP slot with a VIA bus... blablabla. Simply not on. Since none of you useless bastids has given me a Mac I will boldly venture forward and install Windows ME from that lovable li'l company we all know and ... well. Some issues: I do not have copies of all recent emails, however I believe I have all turns that I owe. Resend all other emails from last week if you want me to read them and/or respond to them. Everyone I'm playing is Dying-a-Whole-Damn-Lot. Ethan: If you can play Lord Snapcase Shaw you might as well go ahead and lose to me as well. Send me a turn baby.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: I have just returned from viewing a children's movie named "Cats and Dogs"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Did Paxxy die somewhere in it? Messily? If not, it could hardly have been worth watching.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Did you chip your new PC from raw flint, or what?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I used to run on W2K. There is no DOS mode available in it. Great links, thanks!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oh, so YOU'RE in on the conspiracy TOO! I might have guessed that pure EVIL would enjoy the torment of the masses this will cause. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think I'm in it too. I don't have a title I think, I'm just here to kill people. Which brings me to: In order for me to be able to continue killing you I need someone to send me 1 (one) zipped copy of the program MS-DOS. This is not a joke, I need it to install Windows ME which I need to play CM. please send it asap to njn@home.se. Thank you, and remember if anyone could give the term Die-A-Lot a face, Bill would be the man. Bill is our friend.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Can anyone tell me what parts he played in Commando and The Terminitor<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "That guy is definately several cans short of a sixpack." Famous last words from Paxxy in Terminator. At least the way I remember it.
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