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Everything posted by Geier

  1. I just spent some time reading the original Mother-beautiful thread, pages 17-65. I got paid too. Toodles, Johan
  2. So we ended up in the ol' Blighty then this time. Big deal. Must say that their football team looks rather well managed these days. Too bad they only are allowed English players or they could have actually amount to something. And the Germans think they are in charge. Look Andreas, put down your copy of SS-GB, wake up and smell the humus. Grave updates: Andreas and I are killing each other lots. He thinks he is winning. He is wrong. Peng Tuning in, turning on and burning out I suppose. We think our troopsies are on the same map and might start shooting if they should meet. So we try to avoid that. We discuss recipes too. Marky Mark Picked a really silly scenario. We might start something else, preferably something not created by a nose-picking twelve-year old who read a few Sven Hassel books. Then again, we might not. Moriarty I don't have a clue what he is up to. It might be a zen thing, since he seems rather content with letting me control the VL's. Ethan Has decided to do somefink else for a bit. PeterNZ Is dulling away in a very dull way. He's dropped a little smoke. Wotta guy. A bit on the dull side but still. You know. Sod off, Johan
  3. To MrPeng From Mother Earth Send me the right file or I'll make bloodpudding (which really is yum-yum) out of you and all the other pods I know. And no, we are not on the same map.
  4. No, we're all complete nincompoops. You are right, I did not figure out that you started a thread in order to attract posts from BH and CavScout, in order to understand basic military strategy and tactics. I agree that they write durn interesting posts though. Johan
  5. If I may just butt in and ask a question to Henri here. You have decided that Bullethead (and others, but let's use BH as an example) belongs to something you call "the attritionist camp". You have decided that the USMC teaches and practises something called maneuver warfare. Now, knowing Bulletheads background, could we assume that the USMC would have gone to rather great lengths to prevent someone who did not agree with, and conform with, "the USMC way of conducting warfare" from commanding troops under any circumstances? Could we not also assume that any Marine is thoroughly drilled in "the USMC way of doing things", including Bullethead? That in fact he does know exactly what he is talking about and maybe you don't? I'm sorry Henri but you have failed to convince me that your part in this whole discussion is about anything more than semantics and your ego. And that's what I think this whole thing is about, semantics. Pillar, I honestly think that your first post was a step in the right direction even if you (to me at least) failed to prove your point. I believe that you are viewing this rather "abstractly" (best word I could find) while your "opponents" are very practical. I think maybe you should try to give more examples of how your view differs from the professionals. My guess is that you in the end will find that it doesn't but I've been wrong before. Johan
  6. Yeah yeah. I'll have you know that the Firms old kampfwagen (ausf 360 Mk V) ran over some mines during a tactical retreat yesterday and so I've slept in a ditch without access to my icebox. Rest assured that your particular demise will be dealt with in a matter of hours. (edited because I didn't feel like being nice to anyone) ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits [This message has been edited by Geier (edited 02-22-2001).]
  7. Well if you can't see that arogadoga is a fake (no of posts 3, all in the pool, all incredibly ingnorant, fake hotmail account and he/she/it uses exclamation points) I dunno. Possibly some lackwit that we've ignored before. I suggest we do so again. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  8. As if skill in playing CM had anything to do with being a cesspool member. Get a grip. We are simply better at writing than at playing, treebeard got that right at least. We're having fun, baby. Eating cheese, drinking some wine, catching some rays you know kinda fun. If people wanna feel threatened/intimidated by our presence, so much better, especially if they think we actually care about our win/loss ratio or yearn for the day when we might play an Irishman and actually win. And don't give me that "community" crap either. We are here because of a mutual dislike of each other and we want the world to know. Sod off, Johan
  9. What's a Penger and why do you so desperately want one to contact you? Why would a Penger want to beat up this Fionn Kelly? Why do you have a blue collar? Is it to match that red neck? Is it possible for you to sound off like you got a pair? Against one targeted individual? Right now you are just dull, I should know since I come from the dullest country on earth, try to be annoying at least. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  10. Sure, go ahead. Mount away. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  11. There are ways but none of them are very pleasant. Please use the Cesspool for issuing challenges to cesspoolers. However, I personally would recommend reading some of the AAR's over at combathq. I've always been partial to the lessons and material provided by Mr Fionn Kelly. If you have access to Real World instructions I would recommend studying those as well. Still, the best way to get better at playing the game is to play the game, just like you said. I still recommend reading as much as you can get hold of though regarding Real World tactics. If you have the basics down you soon will learn when to apply what. So reading professional material can never be considered a waste of time when it comes to CM. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  12. And I'm the Tony Soprano of Sweden. Fictious, dull and doing psycho-therapy but still a nasty person. You know, over here asking a waitress for more booze does not constitute a date nor is it something we normally brag about. Still, a huge leap for zew neelandkind I suppose. Oh and by the by, your grasp of HOW TO PLAY THE GAME is small and insignificant. A Real Man faced with your situation would do one of two things: 1. "Bugger it, I've got better things to do, like getting really drunk and nekkid and go out and kill bears with my bare hands." 2. "OK. I'll simply buy units that can be used in both attacking and defending roles and live with my choices like a man." Predictably, you chose the sissy route.
  13. I forgot Peng. He's dead too. No need to postpone anything, I am your huckleberry. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  14. I'm your little slime eel of love baby. Let's dance. Preferably premade and not, I repeat not, above 2000 pts. In other graves: Andreas: Is dying a whole lot and has a full division of infantry to waste. He is very very dead. Moriarty: Lots of pwetty splosions and as you all guessed he feels durn insecure unless he has some CRACK panzers to drive around in. Extremely and totally and utterly dead. Ethan: We just started Kommerscheidt which none of us has played. Looks fun. Apparently he has a Gooseberry in his OOB. Sounds awful. French: Doesn't return files. Probably off running backwards somewhere as the French are wont of doing. Sheepshagger: Is a wuss. I sent him a setup with detailed and intricate instructions that even most slugs could comprehend. They (the instructions, that is)consisted of one three-letter word, starting with "d" and ending with "ie". So what does he do? Accepts the challenge like a Manly Man and buys some troops with his left hand while gulping down G&T's with the other? Nooooo. He sends a reply filled with anxious questions like "What twoops will I pway with?", "Is it dawk?" and "Will this huwt-a-lot?". The days of spending the winter brooding on who to kill in the spring is over. And if that's not progress, then what is? Sod off, Johan
  15. Yes we like to export the bastards. You wouldn't survive breakfast with a real Swede. OTOH all Swedes are wimps compared to the Finns. One Finn could probably outdrink Ireland. Setup is on the way. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  16. Ahem. I am slapping you about like a ... something that is slapped about a lot. Git. I would be happy to conoct something Truly Evil for you and the pod. Email me and I might even send you a correct pbem file. Some day. Btw, my game against Prof Dr Hamster X ended with me controlling 4 of 6 VL's. I had 271 men that were A-OK, he had 86 that were syphilitic. I was steamrolling the bastard and it was a mother-beautiful war with both sides being very succesful at killing each other without gaining any advantage from it whatsoever. Until my Master Plan Mk III was unleashed and I won. Also, Ethan had an ELITE Hetzer and several CRACK tanks. I had one (1) good tank. So what is the score? 54-46, a crushing win but due to the bugginess of 1.05 (we started this baby on 22th sept 2000) it was deemed a Draw. Go figure. Better yet, Go away. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  17. Yeah yeah yeah. Everyone gets to have one really bad day. I want to apologize for the kvalität of my previous post, not necessarily its kontent, meaningk or swedishness. I blame Markiv for it, esp for him neglecting to mention the "Sit-still-and-take-it-school" that may not be all that fashionable but still had a huge impact on the development of (interestingly enough) both the attrition school(s) and the maneouver school(s). While many so-called scholars claim this is a method developed by and for civilians it has proved a most effective anti-siege strategy for its ability to sometimes withstand the Kill em all method of the attritionists and the maneuverists' Kill em all taktik. I must also congratulate fellow poolers on this chance to partake in such an interesting discussion from the Outside. Mace, I've had perfectly functioning Swiss watches that were less predictable than you. stevesomething, come again? I think I'll ignore you for a bit. Hope you do mind. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  18. Oh wow. I dunno, I was about to say that it takes a Real Man to confess to listening to Accept but... Well I shouldn't of been surprised. Ahurm, Good on you, and long live Udo Dirkschneider. Rammstein did make some good panzermusik though. Johan (Who once spent eight months in the same room as five guys who only listened to Gold Ballads and Gold Ballads 2. And when I say only I do mean only. Then they gave us live ammo.) P.S Ethan, cut and paste yeah right.
  19. Now answer truthfully: Did you write the lyrics of this Nena song from memory or did you copy and paste it? Answer correctly and we'll send you Accepts greatest hits and also force you to listen to them. Forever. Give an incorrect answer and we'll simply shoot you. Failure to comply will result in the usual unpleasantness. Have a nice German day. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  20. Wotta day wotta crowd wotta ballgame and look what a little GrogPorn can do for you. I liked lots of stuff on these last few pages even if Kitty still hasn't got a clue. Look: It is a challenge thread. We challenge each other to games and then brag, taunt and insult each other. This is all done in a certain way according to some weird set of rules that no one could ever put on paper. A while back you declared your distaste for bragging. So what are you doing here then? Telling us to stick to MarkIV's rules that all, including himself, already forgot about? So please, just answer this with the usual one-liner and some links. Meeks, bugger the hacky-sack recreation, no one could be bothered to create it anyway. If you want to get slapped about, fine, send me a QB (or preferably a not-too-large written scen), Attack, I'll get the Germans, you get whatever and you either attack or defend. No more than 1500 pts, no night scen. Hakko, payment for the latest issue will reach you in the usual manner. I liked the Swedish element in it. Now bugger off, apparently mensch has taken control of the Thread. I wish he had taken control of himself instead. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  21. There seems to be some confusion here so I thought I'd add to it. There is an infinitesmall chance that I won't win the game against our very own and very loathed grogporn distributor and interestingly enough he gave the reason for this in his description of his game against Marky Mark: I personally would like to blame (in no particular order) The 1.05 patch, The scenario tweaker, Meeks and definately Hiram (who hasn't read my replies before apparently. Is that a bad thing?). The fat Lady Presley is still in the building however so stay tuned. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  22. And all that talk about the single malts has made me change my sig. That, coupled with the fact that it is now colder than a welldiggers ass where I live. I would also like to tell the world that I will not send FrenchPersoon his file today. Why? Because he is French and the French today stole our national treasured heirloom in overtime. Look you vile Frenchmen, we have less people in this whole bleedin country than you have in Paris alone. You got the football covered so was it too much to ask to let us win the handball trophy again? We've only won it four times in the last ten years and besides you cheated. So give it back or there will be trouble. ------------------ Johan "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Tom Waits
  23. I just felt like telling everyone that I've decided to kill Peng and to kill him good. In other words, to do it myself. Hiram, we all know how you feel threatened when certain persuasions are mentioned so why not take your now sweaty hands off the keyboard and fugged aboud it? If it makes you nervous, just ignore it and maybe it will go away. Besides we shouldn't say stuff like that anymore. You know, like rump ranger and stuff. Johan
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