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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. "Because the Queen wouldn't even allow the raping of French women, English airborne troops keep a watchful eye over the Yanks who weren't aware of such limitation." Maurice Dupont in My dad must be a GI since they liberated our village.
  2. Brits under heavy shelling: July 44 somewhere in France. Original by Steve Pemble. Colorized version by Cesspool Ltd.
  3. Next thing you know someone we'll ask for a woman MOD. Gordon, what will be the RuleSet number for women?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: Now all you Peng scum can just move along!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Flattery won't get you into our pants!
  5. Ok I'm done. Now I'm the one drowning in my own drool. Mind you that's Gamey! 1779 whatever wasn't in the OOB!!
  6. Scroll down said link and you'll find a MOD with many optional night files...
  7. SurlyBen did a great whole set there: http://www.combatmission.com/mods/sfx.asp All skies, both HiRes and LoRes.
  8. Now if someone did a MOD like this: You might then be happy to download it. Mind you, that would be Marco Bergman's MOD and you'd find it there: http://www.combatmission.com/mods/alliedsupport.asp
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Well, so much for "WAITING FOR ME TO APPROVE YOUR SLACK ASSED TITLE!!!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now the Bald One might add that some French came up with a title sporting both wit and a sheer depth of cultural knowledge. Said title was then MAILED to a guy wearing a wealth of padlocks around his neck like some UBBian MrT waiting for both his feedback and acknowledgement. Of course, it's not the first time I've been peeved by Swedes lately... The blame is on your Household Geier!! I challenge you to a game of Train Simulator where the last man awake is the winner.
  10. Cancer is Gamey MikePhan, don't even think of it!! Best of luck to you and all of those caring for you...
  11. Of course there is no Sherman like the Firefly... Now if only I could find those other MODs to post some Teasers.
  12. Here is a snap of Marco's latest Sherman V: Those who are gifted with uncanny eyes will notice some of the details added since last release. I am not exactly fluent in English but last time I was taught the sense of BLAND it wasn't descriptive of what I'm testing here. As for the Chaffee, I can't deny or confirm the existence of said MOD. [ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  13. Now as a side note and because I'm sure you are a fan of French wines, the plural form for Chateau is CHATEAUX. French is not user friendly. I mean, there's no friggin icons to click on when you study French! I want a refund!!! As a side side note (I'm getting side tracked) I just want you to know that I had a Mersault 1945 quite recently. That's it. Now you can drown in your own drool...
  14. Is that a South African plot to drop shells in our vineyards so that French wines and cellars will be shrapnelled to oblivious? Uhh? What say you?! As a side note, and with the release of CMMOS, will need a vineyard tile to do what you propose... Then being from Bordeaux, I may kick your ass around while avoiding to shell said tiles. Now for the Grogs and History buffs, in the famed region of Beaune where some of the best wines is found (I'm willing to bet you know your classic), wine producers met the French and American troops to ask them to liberate the place without shelling anything nor driving tanks up to the wrong places. Those scenarios would be infantry business mostly... For those who don't know Beaune, here is a snap of the Hotel Dieu which is a former hospital where each year some of the best wines around are sold around the 3rd Sunday of November if memory doesn't fail me. I guess you can tell why people weren't to happy to be liberated by 155VT...
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump: PawBroon, I hates you in a way that only an American can hate a Frenchman. After 4 weeks of vacation, you send me a note that says, "Would you believe that I forgot I was playing you?" The answer is NO. You were probably hungover, tired from your inefficient use of time (5 weeks of vacation is just wrong, unless they were mine...), or you remembered that you were whipping your poor Americans into the teeth of my defenses.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you're not even stating the obvious. Maybe you're still to notice you're loosing this one?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Ah, Mark IV! Is that your finger, or have you turned thoughtful upon seeing me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Abject plagiarism!! Monsieur, the Bard in you ought to have made a tune out of that. Since you are growing Old and Restless (I don't know enough of you to risk Incontinent in my fierce display of "Adjectivery"), I am Haikuing one for you: Peek a Poke Mr4? Up the Frock! Turn and bombs coming.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40: Panzer General is ranked higher than Combat Mission!!! I consider this much more of an insult than Doom ranking higher.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes but CM doesn't have hexe. You can't be serious minded if you don't have those. Quite frankly, being in that list even if not on the top is already an achievement. CM is not exactly selling of the shelves.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: [GHWB]Naht gunna doit, naht at this tahm, wouldn't be prudent. Nossir.[/GHWB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is that the best Gollum you can do?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph Porta: ...So why are the moderators (BTS) # 42 ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 42 is THE ultimate number. Read Douglas Adams. Know your classic.
  20. Aren't we computer literate? Suppose you are using Feldgrau's outstanding Bren Carrier/Wasp. You'll find for example the BMP number 3680 as the following files: 3680_uk 3680_ca 3680_po Each one takes the exact same amount of HD considering they are all HiRes and the same size. Now you may have downloaded that awful Wasp a French did a while back whose optional file were not the same. Chances are that if you hadn't deleted the previous Froggish MOD, you'd be sporting some odd file like the following: 3680 3680_B 3680_MM 3680_MMB Each one of those would also be the same size and save for 3680, none of the others would have been overwritten by Feldgrau's files. The net result would be some 1Mb of no more used MODs that would clutter your HD. Considering the number of MODs and the number of options, the inflation could be quite drastic. Hope that helped. If not, hang yourself... [Edited to make it even less understandable] [ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  21. Geier you suck!! How could you have Hiramed all of your games? You are not willing to play, FINE! It doesn't mean I won... After almost 2 years of daily CMIng, I am still waiting for at least ONE of our game to end normally. So as far as I'm concerned, our game is on hold and no result should be awarded to me. And speaking of OD'ing, beware of what you grow in your garden you lutfisk fan.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: Dear Sweedish friend, it is nice to see you continue games with other loosers and morons in this Cess.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Considering the Truth is out there, here is my meager part in the whole Scheme. Geier and I never finished any of our games since we both owned CM. I am begining to suspect Geier to be a Counter Strike Bot with a jinxed control of waypoints. Johan!! I know you can think in italic but can't you at least play straight?
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: I'd like to add to that from your very own story in that you made that file all bright red or somefink and it never showed up on any vehicle. Didn't we come to the conclusion that it is an obsolete file in that it is really never used. Maybe it was a file that was needed at one time, but due to a 3D model change it wasn't needed any more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It was me Max. 3686 wouldn't turn anywhere even when Puky Red. So I first released it with the same tonal as my carrier since those with BMP Lists said it belongs to it but nope. Must be an Easter Egg for MODers.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: The work of a true Champion Wordsmythe. No wonder Dame Emma loves him so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Words?! Would that mean we ought to have a stronger Oral relationship?
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