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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: Sigs suck!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And what about those who numbered their sig?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Seanachai'd: Marcel, lad, The French! How goes it? Where's my bloody turn, you most magnificent of Frogs? Why is dragging a defeat out of you like pulling my own goddamn teeth?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that's a hard one. I'll try to answer it slowly so that you'd all get the meaning across (especially you Minnesotan!). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Marcel, lad, The French! How goes it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I'm back from weeks of holidaying with the family in the sunny town of Bordeaux where the wine is both plentyful and magnificient unless it's the reverse. As for the going, I'm sorry to tell you (since you are under the delusion that you're my friend) that I have lost some of my sex drive and most of my will to play since I had been fired from my all wonderful job of Alliance Manager eBusiness. My job description was to learn what my job description was. After having understood it all, I was ousted by the very same board of directors who then spent the best of 3 weeks calling me to have me tell them what the job description was again. Chocolate covered cotton balls anyone? So Lorak, that company being Swede, chalk one gamey if somewhat under-the-beltish victory for Geier and one loss for me. As for the Sex Drive, I was kidding. In France you are not allowed to go through your sexual intercourse with a car. That must be an American concept... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Where's my bloody turn, you most magnificent of Frogs?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Most surprisingly, your turn was in my HD which itself was stubbornly ensconced in my computer which in the Grand Scheme of Things was in Paris while I was in Bordeaux. I know it's a hard one so read it over again. As for my alleged Magnificience, I say Pfffffftttt!! I am not a best of breed, I am merely alone. The French, the English upon which lacking is in the complex quality and utter readability of any of mine posts, are not here the quality of theirs lacking so much bordering the obvious you'd noticed. But that alone was evident and I do feel the shame of having to point the obvious to you once again. As the saying goes, when the wise man poke his finger up the fool, the fool is only accutely aware of the finger. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Why is dragging a defeat out of you like pulling my own goddamn teeth?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because it's entertaining. Mostly because I have most of my troops nested on the reverse side of the hills meaning you've lost already when I hadn't even started to play. Because you have no self esteem and considering my tectonic turn processing rate, it's easier for you to drag a defeat than for Peng to cry to Heaven for his victory. As for your teeth, I lent them to my grand'ma. At least she knows how to bite properly. Edited because answering to Senelity always made me feel miserable... [ 09-01-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  3. You've been off CM for 2 years?! Isn't time travel gamey?
  4. Gentleworms! The Pool is now over the dreaded 300 posts limit. What say you we claim that one as our True Home? There is a melancholy in me, and the prospect of having people starting to fret over the idea that Threads questioning MrPeng might become Cesspools has an appealing quality...
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: I wish I could speak French so I could understand it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Err, tell me you Floating Afghan, can't you tell it was written in English?
  6. Dear Mr Seagal, I have always enjoyed your films thoroughly save for those I didn't. The Peng Challenge Thread aka the Mutha Beautiful Thread is a bit like Fight Club only in a completely different way. Most, if not all, of the posters are Meeks. Mind you, Meeks is no Tyler Durden. So, and bear with me please, a Peng might be a Meeks eventhough the factual notion of what's a Meeks is still open to debate in the Forum aka the Outer Board (aren't you paying attention?!) and might or might be not corrected in a possible 1.13 patch. As a side note and as mentioned in any good Guide, the Pool is the only place where there had been some heavy women spotting because being rude to others is good fellow womanship. Speaking of women. Some of the men in here are women. Most of those women are Meeks which explains a lot really. Seanachai might be me (ie PawBroon {Are you retarded?!}) while I have been accused of being Meeks. Just to be certain you understood it all, I am not a woman... [Edited because I'm worth it!] [ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Bugger!!! No turns out tonight, as I cannot get my email, nor figure out why not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does that mean you're dying after all?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: Paw Have you sufficiently recovered from your drunk to resume? Seems your server is insisting that your "mailbox is full" probably with your vomit and bodily fluids. Pour some coffee into you and shake it off<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm still in Bordeaux with the family. What part of OFF FOR 3 WEEKS got the best over you? As for the mailbox thing, best bet is that Gordon and Marco spammed me with MODs. Their upcomming release is a bt huge and since I can't log to check my mails, it has reached is upper limit. Me saying it again, me away, me being 600Km off my CM CD, me back somewhere next week. Be seeing you... [Darn!] [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: And yes Mace I also noticed the offense, but let's remember ... he's French! However, perhaps Pawbroon could edit his post so that we stay within BTS guidelines?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Done... After all, it's better to brown bag it and pretend F**K is less offensive than *UC*. I'm glad you noticed I fond time to post while simultaneously drunk and away. Now Shaw, for hinting I wasn't playing under the Rules of Marquis de Whatisname, you owe me a turn. For all BTS founders, co-founders, co-opters or stock-optioners and up & foremost, bouncer, SORRY me said somefink graphical in nature while not providing pics to substantiate the nature of said offense.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Am I going mad from lack of intercourse?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dial 911! For you it would be 999. Unless you happen to be in Paris and that's 17 but should you be in France you wouldn't call GhostBusters for lack of intercourse. So, who you gonna call?! [Edited because I said F**K in here somewhere and quite frankly we can't have that.] [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  11. Bowed over the keyboard, displaying his usual amount of obnoxious penmanship, Senility was about to post again. The raging Thrust (sit down Bauhaus) of his chubby fingers flooding the MBT with what could have been better summed up with a simple “Where’s Marcel?” by any of us Elders. {[Needless to say, not only can I ask “Where’s Marcel?” as well as any other bloke around here save for Pembelitos but I could also answer it (the answer being, I’m on holidays you dork!)]}. Having the double dubious advantage of being both a Yank and an American, Seanachai was in turmoil… Now where’s The French? How could one who dispatched so diligently my armoUr (U added as in Pearl HarboUr for the benefit of the likes of Fair Emma and Glenn Aitken) vanish soon thereafter? If ZeBroom is gone then behold the joyful if somewhat unadulterated lust of mine that I’m to unleash on Fair Emma. It will be of Biblical proportion! Well, err, not Biblical as in Sodom and Gomorrah for I am not that French mind you… Neither would it be Biblical as with that locust plague the Outer Boarders had to toy with. I’m not sure about the locusts though, it could well have been #176 or Barbara Streisand for all I care… So Emma, have you forced Marcel to give you Sweet Lovin’ an absurd amount of time speeding his urge to quit? {Editor’s Note: Absurd amount of Sweet Lovin’ being around 27 for the average Frog, peer reviewed by the INSEE, penetration value and iconography by Rexford}. If so, could you be so nice and let go of his by now dehydrated contraption and have him click on some other buttons to crank up those turns he owes most of us? Unless it is the soon to be displayed Asterisk of Shame that Peng is about to inflict on Marcel with the same stunning power as personal hygiene. Of course, I’m told he was using simple grunts and M20s against warring SS and assorted Stugs and Hetzers but that’s beside the point and as CoolDeadMan would say: “You Poolers are gamey Sons of a Code Cheat! Now tell me if mortars are the same as fighter bombers?! But I’m digressing… Or maybe not, Am I being just me? So, have I asked where Marcel was already? Oh boy! Do I miss the little twit… Marcel, man to man, as a French, do you pluck your eyebrows?
  12. Why is nobody BUMPing that beauty? Do you want it or not? Dear Mr FeldGrau, this one is beautiful but I'd rather have you release the Purple one you had us Beta Test. Unless it was Maximus Jungle Cat? Am I to understand there will be no Purple Carrier?
  13. I am NOT dead! People who wished I was are most certainly those I was trouncing in PBEMs when I was near my game. Let it be known that I am happily holdidaying and that I am NOT missing you at all save for Emma but that's because she's a woman mainly. I miss Gerry Adams too but that's because she is one of the Spice Girls... Enough now, time to go eat 3 courses meals and absurdly expensive Bordeaux wines while knowing how trully miserable your lifes are because none of them is mine. Matt, in case you're wondering, that's the closest I've come to send you a post card. You're not padlocking it, are you?
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Is a chick a female? How come I don't have any feathers?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Depends. Are you 4.2 or 4.5?
  15. David, take some Dried Frog Pills... Deadmarsh is a Sculpted Cucumber. As it is, he's qualified in both the minerality and veggies department. But he has a point. How come things that have not the same names are so often modelled as if they were differents. Is a Glide Bomb a rocket? Why can't my rocket run? If I buy 3 rockets, am I better off that if I'd bought a rocket stuck on a tripod? Are rockets hard coded. Last game I had a rocket surrender to me in a TCP/IP game with the TacAI, was it gamey? When you were in your teens, how did you MOD your zits to look more adult? Is Rob/1 older than me? Hey Dudes! Somebody told me there were chicks on this Board? How crazy is that ****?!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: And as for the 'Knights', I want an essay, 25 words or more, on "How The Peng Challenge Thread Has Redeemed My Otherwise Useless Existence".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope that one day the Forum can be more like the Peng Challenge Threads where the Poolers live. The Peng Challenge Threads they have trees and Poolers and barbecues. This is why I love the Peng Challenge Threads more than I love the Forum.
  17. Isn't it gamey to allow Sancho Leader to start a Thread if it wasn't towed to the Forum by virtue of Aitken's Rule of Things dats be Towed-Limbered-Hitched?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Padlock Enabled by Eight Ball: Now I will give you guys one more chance to self moderate this whole mess and get back on an even keel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Self Moderating. How many time should Newbies be told? We have had our share of those events and Behind the Scene whatnots always settled the score. Now before both BTS and most of the Elders take heed and tone down their interrest in that whole Peng Thread contraption, EDIT your friggin posts and subsquent reply and quoting of said originals. If you need to be told that you are not worth the time some people invest in you anyway. We are turbulent toddlers in the house of a complacent neighbour. Don't wreck it and don't fuel the Boardees with arguments to shove us out. Thus Spokth Marcel, Frog, Would-be Former Pooler if need arise.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: If tcp/ip, it will have to be when I'm at home... which will be in another 4 hours<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's fine for me. I'd be the one named PawBroon on your Buddy List over ICQ.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: So why did you lok at the sceenshot named map? Bloody French... got to remember to include instructions with everything <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In French it's CARTE you daft!! Anyway, as soon as I saw the MAP file was a file of the MAP I had it closed. I'll play the Yanks anyway since I saw mostly the things on the lower left. BTW, the Small Double Blind Bite would be over TCP/IP or FAST PBEM because I'll soon be off for 3 weeks...
  21. Well if I ignore Berlichtingen's infamous Spoiler Screenshot of St Lo, I'd say they are nice and should be a good addition as long as they are done by some of the people I know who'd do quality maps regardless of size. Expect TreeBurst and Winecape to hop on the bandwagon and launch a Tiny Tourney soon afterward...
  22. Someday it will be such a hassle to even start a game... You know, it all boils down to how you relate to CM and your opponents. For example, my pest peeve is that you KNOW there is an enemy. Stupid no? I mean, you never field the Brits and suddenly see some Yanks because you were dropped off the planned sites. No, you KNOW there will be someone to fire on and that someone would be in the same point range as you. I hate it! Can't you just start a 500 Pts ME and suddenly stumble on 1000 Pts worth of fiendish pixels? If that process was random then you'll have to sweat over pressing an attack or falling back. In that sense I do think most QBs are gamey. Just because you know the point spread and could count troops and know when to expect more AFVs or when to start worrying about ACs. Some people could be so damn serious about it all... I am in no Ladder because of the behaviour that are triggered in some fighting their way up those. I never play with Fionn's Rules or Pikachu's Rules or whatever. Never had been asked to and most here could tell I had played an awful lot of PBEMs. People you know tend to be sensible or maybe you just tend to play the sensible ones. I played a game with Moriarty. I had a score to settle against Stugs wrecking my Cav units in a previous game that had just turned sour with Berlichtingen. Berli sent me a screenshot of the All Powerful Stug'O'Death and it was Moriarty who was the TC of that particular Stug. So we played an all Stugs against an all M8 & M5. What I am saying is, I never have to agree beforehand when I play someone unless I want it to be a fantasy game. How come most of you have to discuss settings in order to play a normal game is beyond me. There are already so many restrictions in the game (fore knowledge of enemy size et Al) why would you spend hours over adding more? Just so that you'll play with the added comfort to know that there will be NO Tigers? And then, what if the guy bought one after all? You are all always crying to Heaven about gameyness, can't you see how those Rules are adding to it? Allow for some randomness. Let people try things against you. You might be surprise to see just how refreshing it could be when someone try a prank and that you were not expecting it. Then there's a tactical challenge you have to deal with. And as usual with those What's Gamey Threads, play people you know. Then when a prank is pulled, it's JUST that. A prank. Rules! Pffffeee!! Ok guys, gather round! We're to play Poker. Fact is, I had been abused lately by ruthless newbies so I'll take all Aces off your deck. I call it Boyo's Rules of Diminishing Pleasure. Yes! Let's bash Steve and Charles for not putting the M16 and SturmTiger in the game and then let's create Rules where only Shermans and PzIV could play anyway. And you can't field MP40s because the German were aware it'd give an unfair avantage over those bolt action rifles!! [ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape: Just ask Fuerte how PBEM HELPER was improved because of my constant probing! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you Probe we will NOT release it! Flash, watch your 6!!
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon: Use of existing batch file-enabled mods with CMMOS will not require re-downloading all the mods over again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Flash, how am I tp put the fear of God in them if you contradict me? Of course you don't need to download everything. You should know that I'm aware of that. Ok guys! Flash spilled it! Everybody will be able to use CMMOS! Why is it that we can't keep this for ourselves already?
  25. CMMOS does make things simpler by the mere fact that the EXE is driven by Rules and not by Batch. Many Rules had already been added by the Beta Team since its first sneak release and it's a real improvement to be able to swap uniforms and things like a breeze. However, because there is a huge BUT, you'll have to download again most of your MODs. I foresee some major crackdowns on the regular CM sites. If some of us Broadband users could host some files and spread them around using softs like WinSplit, it would save some major hassle over that release. Those of you who are under or around 56k could readily expect a meltdown the magnitude of which would dwarf Three Miles Island.
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