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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Well, it IS hard to win as the marines while in defense. One should concede that. Now mind you, that tactic is gamey obviously. German cross dressers, what else then?!
  2. Now if you care to visit us someday BundledBrat you might set up an Idiot Embassy. We aren't too welcoming but it comes with the foreknowledge of who's more likely to visit. Now do us a favour and go to Germany instead. You'll see it's wonderfully choke full of people not French...
  3. You want to use on a Swede something you actually tested first on your wife?! Gee! Now that's kinky... PL, as a so called long time lurker and whatnot, you should know people's posting style by now. Geier's and Aitken's are very distinctive. Thinking you had been personnally insulted when you were just broadly ruffled is a bit an overstatement. Being in the Pool requires a certain amount of leather skinness and a wee bit of resiliency. Since when do you expect people to recognize that anything you could say in here have value? Have you seen anyone refering in ANY way to the multiple articles I had done on the web? In the likely event that they even cared, they would have most certainly said something along the lines of YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE STOP JERKING YOU JERK!!! If you do 15% of the total postings, you should expect 15% of the total nastiness. By the way, I'm looking forward to read your article. Either it would be good, or I'll mock you to no end. In any case I'd be mocking you in here. As will Geier, Peng, and all the others for that matter. Just because this is you, just because this is us... To keep up with Pembelisator teaching style, THWACK CRACK KICK!!!
  4. He said WITH not AGAINST... Can't you even do basic? Pembelitos it's up your alley now.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just couldn't refrain by Panzer Leader: Emma would no longer be my half-sister, so a certain Taboo would no longer be in our way...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Roight! Now she'll kick you to no end to get your priorities right. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I also do not want to upset my sponsor PawBroon, but since no one can understand him anyway, I don't see this as being much of a problem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good riddance then! I said a while back I'd Squire Seanachai instead. While I'm at it, I'm Squiring Steve & Charles from BTS. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thank you now go bump my FAQ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's pitiful. You're a disgrace. Go do your things elsewhere! And stop bumping my leg... [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  6. Pascal, je te grave ça sur un CD et te le poste si tu ne peux pas faire autrement... For all of you non Frog Speaking, just told him that I could burn a CD of my NormandyBMP folder and send it to him. Added benefits is that there is ALREADY MODed Sextons and some such goodies... Tu connais mon eMail alors yaka.
  7. Senility, we seem to agree on this. That got me worried...
  8. You beat me to it Tom. The new firy black smoke with that white puffy one is a killer for sure. It does look like smoke screen now...
  9. Happens often. Play people you know. Blacklist slackers. I mostly play games with fellow Poolers. We know who we play, why we play and what to expect. That's far more than most Boardees I played so far... No need to go McCarthying guys and post a Hall of Shame. That's a bit of a lynching mentality. Just know who you play with and avoid the others. Welcome in the Real World BTW!
  10. Yeah! A Thread hosted by Emma and I'm the FIRST in. How fitting... Panzer Leader, let's see if you could sit that out for 300 posts or so.
  11. Coming from the Bald One himself: Expect a HUGE update in a few hours or tomorrow max. Should be Panthers and GreyhoundS. What do I know anyway?
  12. 325 works just fine here. Have it sent to you through mail instead of downloading all over again. Manx and CM Outpost sure don't need the bandwidth abuse over that one. Spare them...
  13. Tremondous should sum it up. Magua that's really an uberachievement...
  14. Well you might like the fact that not only am I willing to distribute it through bulk emailing as I did for your Sherman Pack, but I am also retaliating against slackers with those ugly postings of mine. Now you CM Websites owners, HOST the M8/M20 or I do the A-Team!!! Yeah. And Battlestar Galactica also. And the Simpsons come to think of it!!! We need Bergman to be hosted! We want retirement at 50!! Yes! And we want 6 months only pregnancy! The Strike! Call the Union! Roight! Now I am off doing a Sesame Street Priest!!
  15. Yeah Roight!! If they are not hosting my MODs then I'll do like you stupid french fella and produce crap! Take a sneak Paw! Errr, Zebra 3? Someone could please host Marco's M8/M20 before he send me more of those? Please?! Huuh? BTW Marco, you got the masking and shadowing all wrong, shame on Ye! [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  16. No it won't. Gordon is doing the programing so chances are that it is just a batch files system with a hasty camo job. Now if Max was to pop one we could expect a Hue & Saturation of the MOD Manager. Mind you, you don't want to know what I can produce alonf those lines... Just to chirp in. That would be cool, that would be grand and someday the small dots that you click with a plastic thingie with a ball in it would be called Radio Buttons by Midgetus. Gordon, I tried to launch the batch you sent with the JPG you joined and that won't work. Fix or do Somefink!!! You might even put the official icons used by the batch system already next to the little circles one as to be sober to put the rodent on top of those...
  17. If Matt is not hosting them this week end then I'll have you send me your eMails and I'll bulk forward it to you... Best will be for it to be hosted anyway. Matt, any ETA or should I provide to the need of the more stressed?
  18. Just checked and it's working just fine...
  19. Yeah I knew it all along!!! You're not a pain in the ass Max, you're a bloody chinese with a penchant for being a pain in the ass. Next thing we know you'd say you're a Finn and spawn posts about that war they said happened somewhere between a foreign country and another. Yes!!! You are the Hue & Saturation of Communism! Shame on you...
  20. Enter two figures. One is naked (it could thus be Fair Yuk or that Crassy Frog) and the other one is naked. Huuh? That's settled then, let it be known that they are indeed Emma and Babble Bath... Emma: Why is it that you Squired that pesky Leg Humper Love? The mother ****ing hulk of a guy also known as Me: Did he hump you then? Emma: Naaah, don't fret, but I have the feeling that he tried to, masking his lust under a brotherly guise. The guy who's about to release a Starsky & Hutch WASP: Yeah, I can remember. That addled brain SSN is not even sly enough to ask me some of our pics. Emma: Not the ones you took showing my True Self?! Someone who had been taking pics of others' True Self: Awww Gawd no! Why would I do that? He is not even a registered user... Emma: Speaking of True Self, any news from that Long & Winding Road Senility? He who had been French since 1968: Sadly enough yes. Emma: Just how sad Pembelitos could be then Love? The Daltonian MODer: He just popped a mail where he was very thourough in the description of his intestine life Emma. Emma: The Bard?! I had been thinking he was into Novels when he was more of a Bowels guy all along! The disgusted digestive mailee: Yup YUK... Emma: What did you tell him then? I am neither Mace nor Mr4 and thus feel no shame: More or less that, Why are you telling me about your bowels? I mean, not even Emma mentions bowels to me unless it's with that playful glee of Sodomites. Emma: Sodomites? You sent them pics then?!!! He who would not released them on Photopoint: Nope, the Pemble does not dwell on those. That one feeds on books and undecipherable posts... Emma: That's good then. So why did you Squired that Jellyfish when you would not even bend to kick a pet? Shaken not stirred please: Because I was loosing Faith in that Pool. PL helped people celebrate my obnoxiousity while I wasn't even reading the forum anymore. He is like the Plague (and no Bauhaus it's not a town in Czech Republic), I unleashed him as a Trojan and I am proud of his work so far as even me feel ashame when I forget to skip his posts. Emma: So he is like Aitken's Aitken when Aitken is stoned to death or just normal then? The guy who is playing with Marco's Greyhound while buggers are waiting: Could be but that won't be fair to PL. Now let's scamper out and try that disgusting thing I've seen on CUseeMe yesterday... Ointment the Scene.
  21. HiRes is NOT Communism. Let's see. Maximus and I both have Marco's latest Greyhound and had been using them for some time. Can't see where any one of us shared those beauties. Doesn't look too Communist to me that.
  22. I've been given the command of 15 TRPs. Now how should TRPs be supposed to address the Command Net? Huuh? Or am I supposed to dump my load on those Krauts when I feel like it? Gordon, could you clarify? PawBroon L-7
  23. What do you mean? You don't have those?! Sheesh. It sure change things really... By oh by, if they are not released soon enough I might do as I did for Marco's Sherman Pack and mail the babies to you loonies. I'd have to check on first with others in the loop.
  24. The guy as no leg. Wouldn't that look gamey?
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump: Do you post indecipherable posts? Did you post an Austin Powers MOD of a Wasp? Do you have an infatuation with one of our female members? Are you French? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aww **** I have the naggin' feeling he is talking about me. Why would I want to play with you as I do have that thing already with Emma as you so elegantly pointed to? Ok Oedipus, I have a backlog of Turns, MODs, Tests and Articles longer and bigger than your ego. Don't expect much... [Edith & Marcel] [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
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