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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Good enough for me. I wanted to do a dark green but yours will be perfect. Have it hosted or mail it my way please: marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr
  2. It IS gamey. When an awful lot of time, training and money had been poured over you to be an good gunman, FO, TC or such THEN your gov'nt doesn't expect you to grab a web gear and charge ahead. Downed fighter pilots are not instant navy SEALs. They are just laying low....
  3. Oh my!!! There will be a Bald guy full of Cuba Libre visiting you in a near future.
  4. It looks very good Tom. And as you can tell there are some takers for that tone downed Stug too...
  5. Here is: http://www.combat-missions.net/workshop/bmplist.htm Good luck and have fun with your MODing...
  6. On the Penetration Charts Mace would get a Grammy...
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Jake<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jake?! JAKE?!!!!!! You mean you have a name?! Now listen to me Lawyer, you've been lied to. You are not a real person. You even prowl Capitol's grounds... From now on you shall sign FAKE. Drop dead now.
  8. Nice first MOD Xavier. Glad to see more and more people getting in on the MODing bandwagon...
  9. Hey that's cool!!! I remember when I was a mere teenage girl and when my body was rapidly changing (mind you it all turned out terribly wrong so to speak) that I was quite confused at time with the cumulative effects of hormones, zits and guys dotting on me (they had more zits and dental metalware than me). I can't say I understand most of what PL is trying to achieve but as much as I failed my earlier womanship, he is just trying to blend in. With the example you're giving, it's no wonder the guy sounds like that. Why is it that people NEVER abuse me, or Pembelitos or some others? PL, your body is changing, don't fear the future. You'll either end up being a Pooler or not. The longer you're abused and the less likely it is to retain some modicum of incentive. Since I Squired PL, I might as well say it: I, Marcel, Frog since 1968, give a Kingnightoinghoodness to PL just because you are collectively beyond the Pale compared to him. If it buggers you, pile your bile and abuse unto me. Spare me the trouble of having to read his rantings again. Besides, there are a whole lot of you lowlifers I am still to play. Send a setup and expect a trouncing.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: For once, a word I had to look up that doesn't actually exist.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And there's a stalker who's mailing me about my alleged shortcomings... Let's see. It could be OVIFEROUS, and that I won't even dwell on the gross implications of what was hinted to. Or it's mayhaps OPIFEROUS which is rather rare and literate. So we could safely rule that out considering who did that posting... So what's ODIFEROUS: From Ode, HAVING A CHORIC QUALITY and Ferous HE WHO BEAR, PRODUCE OR YIELD. So I guess CommieTail is hinting that Mouse is prone to sing. [ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  11. That's one of the thing I'd always loved in Harpoon. The way you can see your multi colored range for different weapons system and overlap them when and where need be. It's Harpoon mind you... Dunno if I would be too thrill by that in CM. How would a grunt know that it has to move a little further left because the effective range of an ATG doesn't cover that 3 meters gap which is OBVIOUS to any one?
  12. He's drunk. Quick send me a turn!!! Speaking of turns: [Friendly Advisory]I am currently trying to play a Rommel22 scenario with PL. Do NOT play those. The force composition is a joke and well, he designed it. I propose we drop Jabo! and use the one I'm engaged in for the moment as mandatory first game. Rommel22, if you read this, why would you waste such a good looking map with errr, Fairies?[/Friendly Advisory] For the others, now you made him sad again and he will post things that might not come with a SKIP IT on top. Be nice with the Serial Poster will you...
  13. That was pathetic all the way... So before the Fat King shows his ugly head, I'll say this for him because you really deserve it this time: Wankers!!!
  14. Unless there's a Mad Frog who storms McDos from ground up just for the promotion of local food. Then you get to be heard... So no need to go to extreme and wear kilts David. Spare yourself the shame and bomb a JunkDealer.
  15. Because the Brits had the Ark Royal at that time and it would have been confusing. Do you have to be told all those things?!
  16. Yeah and you should do the same thing in OUR game. Glad to see there's some sense in you nowadays. BTW, speaking of heads handing, we trounced those Springboks too last week end. How's that Winecape? Huh?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I like how you can secrete it underground though, and then it lashes out and zaps nearby enemy units with big explosions.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Naaah. That's an Easter Egg. If you want your TRP to do that you have edit the EXE file via an hexa editor and move to the offset 2326 and put FFFFFFEB instead of what was in it. Then in game type into the Console SAPPER and only then the power of the TRP is unleashed from underground. I've been told you can reach the same level of excitement through the use of Extasy pills. Unless they were bunks...
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Does anyone else get the impression that *** has been playing a different game than the rest of us for the past year and a half?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Speaking of which. In here Team Rumble II Tauntings I said I was given the command of a TRP. Having nothing much to do, I'll try to use an Unbutton order on the next turn just to see above grass. I had actually received eMails asking me what kind of AFVs was supposed to be that TRP I was given in that particular game... Just to quote the Anonymous: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was looking in the armor units and nothing was even close to TRP.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I demand that most Boardees check that their CMBO CD is PRINTED SIDE UP in their drive. Some of them had seen Vietcongs also I've been told... [ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  19. Well now it's clear why we were fighting them germans!!! The gamey bastards...
  20. As you should know Foob I started a while back a Profane Pool Pack if it's the kind of novelty you're after. Examples being: French WAV: Dun't shoote wi were aboot to surrender!! Commonwealth WAV: Arghhhhhhh! Not another Peng Thread... BTW, you submitted all your suggestions and profanties a while back (we're being Hiramed, Hurry up Bauhaus is catching up...)
  21. It looks suspiciously not like Neverwhere or Good Omen. Does "Ye shallst readth Neverwhere and upon completionth doth a briefth of saidth booke" ring a bell?
  22. Of course one of you Krauts has to consider that if you are not collectively surrendering, I shall abuse you verbally to no end. BTW Gordon, I hate you. For all of those who don't know what I have been assigned with during that Rumble, I'm a TRP. Now, order wise, I'm a bit laid back. Next turn I'll try a fancy Unbutton just to see if I can spot beyond that grass...
  23. Senility doing his own version of Of Mice and Men Old One, now that you've engaged in that dangerous way, you need to be reminded of the words of JS (No MOUSE it aint's Shandorf): The ancient commission of the writer has not changed. He is charged with exposing our many grievous faults and failures, with dredging up to the light our dark and dangerous dreams for the purpose of improvement. By the way Old Fart, it's NEIL Gaiman... Now what with you not being European and all you are henceforth absolved. I see you've just changed your sig to a more Pratchett oriented one just like Geier before you. Let's team up Pratchett and Gaiman and have Mouse read Good Omen while he is at it... Say, you had Mouse and now you have Pratchett, can't you threaten him with the Death of Rats? SQUEAKK!!!
  24. It's 7AM and I am just barely catching up with what you dorks tried to achieve while we Old Worlders had been sleeping... First thing that comes to mind is that I am so very grateful for that whole Earth roundness and difference in Time Zones concept that gives a boost to the fact that I don't have to share my time with you. To cope with pages of nothingness live is something I can't even begin to fathom... I once said this in a Pool that was still a Cess: You are like those dehydrated Chinese noodles who would considered beeing peed upon a drastic improvement of their living condition. Since I can't get my Creature to pee on you, I am out for a coffee and back to administrate. You are sad little people (you're not even French for starters) when the total sum of what you have to offer while I sleep is even less funny than a NASDAQ Ticker. Here comes my contribution to your effort to torpedo the MBT: CSPL -46.3% [Edited because I was REALLY needing a coffee] [ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  25. That's it!! Another of those friggin SSNs whose only credential is to tell us he lurked or murked. And smack in the middle of his second post is TESTICLES. Dohhh. Go play elsewhere. We don't need sub standards newbies, we have had our share already. In case you don't understand french too compulsively: SOD OFF!!! Sheesssh. Charlot that was nice but useless. As you can see for yourself, only Elders take heed of Traditions. Now I don't want to pull rank or whatever but I am NOT taking any more newbies from now on. We are still in the aftermath of PLGate and we need to overcome that while assimilating the cockroach. I am blockading all posts that are not mine. That's it!!! All of the guys I am currently playing with (I use that term in a very non descriptive sense {all the people who think I know their email or who sent something like attached files}) and who are still waiting for me ({see above}), might expect me to continue to play them ({or ignore depending on...}). All Elders who had been ignored by me in the past (those I played with actually) can send turns, expect turns, turn turns. Oh boy now I feel like singing the soundtrack of Forrest Gump... For the rest of you, because of the sheer level of lameness you're oozing, I had bought Black & White. You are so boring I am considering alternatives. I give names to my followers. Mostly those are yours and then I try to teach my monkey to pee on you. It wouldn't obey. So now my Creature is called Panzer Leader. Terence or Bud Spencer or who ever you are (see if I care), instead of lurking you should have read some. We don't need you. Come to think of it we don't need anybody. I just need Seanachai for grand standing and Peng to bare my children. With tungsten on top... But you are such a reknown lurker you know that surely.
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