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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. "Why a 15 sec 'Pause'" A sarcastic answer: "Because BTS thought that a 16 sec pause would be too long." But really, I think one of it's main intentions was to allow infantry to disembark from a vehicle before the vehicle took off for its destination. Due to the fact that a Regular infantry squad has a command delay of 13 seconds. (While within HQ Command radius of course.)
  2. Gyrene, I'm a little confused by your post. Are you saying that you rather spend (read "waste") time on looking through ASL manuals and indexes rather than playing the game, or do you like the fact that CM does all this for you? Maybe I should mention that CM was originally going to be Computer Squad Leader when BTS was teamed-up with Avalon Hill several years ago until AH was bought up by Hasblow. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-29-2001).]
  3. ...two fingers in this time, but only to his dismay, ripping open the poor water-faring creature and making a mess all over Gustov's clothing. But that didn't stop Gustov. With that he grabbed another fish and began his ritual again. This time... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  4. Panzertruppen's Buildings. You see'em in about every screen shot that has buildings in'em. Also, grab DD's uniforms. Those bright yellow '44 Ami unis are hurtin' my eyes. Also, if you've got a AGP slot, look into getting a TNT2 or better card. I'm going to upgrade my whole computer soon and I think I'm going to go with the 64MB Geforce 2 GTX card. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-29-2001).]
  5. ...doing research for Mace who asked about Mannheim Golfcartdriver's gnads. As Maximus did his research, he found out that they would please Mace very well. So with that...
  6. Nice screenshot there fella, now get some mods! Also you might wanna try turning transparencies on and high-quality smoke. You're missing out on the best part of the game. The explosions. If you just have a Voodoo2 card, you might wanna think about upgrading. A Voodoo 2 card won't do what I mentioned above. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  7. What exactly were the sky conditions, day, night, morning/overcast, etc? ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  8. Why thank you. And no I didn't pick on kids, I was the one who got picked on. Maybe that's why I am the way I am now. Call it revenge, I guess. As for Rob's mod, I seem to recall a very poignant message on one CM website regarding mods. I believe it says, "Only high quality, usuable mods will be accepted." Need I say more? ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  9. ...plunged his finger deep into the fish's rectum and discovered that it really wasn't what he thought. He then removed his finger and then brought it to his nose and sniffed it. "Ahh," Gustov sighed, "this fish's ass doesn't smell fishy it smells gamey." But that's nothing compared to...
  10. Oh great this mod will go good with Olle Peterson's "South Park" grass mod. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-28-2001).]
  11. OK, but can you say Apple Hardware? Every piece of hardware that you would have to buy for a Mac had to be Apple made. Until recently when Steve Jobs FINALLY allowed 3rd party hardware to work in a Mac such as Nvidia video cards. Ever see the TNT movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley"? The story of how Steve Jobs and Bill Gates got into the computer business with Jobs making Apple I's in his garage et al. Then one scene really sums it all up where Steve Jobs said "We've got better stuff." And Bill Gates said, "So what, it's all in the software." (Let 3rd party manufactures build the stuff, but let the software do the work. ie Microsoft DOS and now Windows) Also I understand now that finally in OSX that you can change the system sounds and beeps. So what, Windows users have been able to do this since Windows 3.0 back in the early '90s. And where do you wonder I got this information from? TechTV where the ;lady that does the Mac Tips was all in a flurry to say that now OS X you can finally change the system beeps. Any Windows user would do the following... And going back to the hardware issue. Name one person that has made it rich by manufacturing PC hardware. You can't. Now name one person who has made it rich by manufacturing Apple hardware. Easy...Steve Jobs. See this is what I mean about feeding monopolies. Steve not only has a monopoly on the Mac OS, but also on the hardware itself. But I'd have to admit that I do have a couple Microsoft peripherial devices in a Intellimouse and a Sidewinder Force-Feedback Joystick. OK, now going to the software portion of the argument. Where do you think the majority of these mods come from? Windows platforms. Why because it is easy to be creative and play around with Windows files. Something that you can't readily do with Mac files. Take for instance the complicated CM graphics files and the sound files. Mac users couldn't use any mods at first until someone wrote a program to convert simple bmps and wavs to incoporate into the Mac Graphics file and Sound file. Would the ordinary Mac user know how to extract the CM graphics prior to the Mac Mod Manager? Probably not. This sort of "strictness", for lack of a better term, stems directly from Steve Job's stingyness with his software and hardware. Steve's goal was to make the best machine possible for the customer, however he didn't want anybody "tinkering" with the "guts". So he made the Mac file interface tricky to break. This maybe a cause of the unbreakable hard-coding that CM has as it was developed on a G4. It may not be, I don't know, so that is just a hunch. Anyway, being as stingy as Steve Jobs is with his hardware and software is one reason why I never like Apple computers. For instance, back in the AppleII days, what was the brand of the external 5.25 floppy drive? Surprise, Apple! I'd write a little bit more but I lost my train of thought after browsing over to PriceWatch.com. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  12. ...to be a sheep shepard so he could have a sheep to shag anytime he wanted. But Mace's dreams were shatted as Croda had Mace arrested for his dispicable display of sheep sex. So...
  13. What's a Mac again? So here again we have a case where the new "drivers" don't work as well as old drivers. Glad I don't have a Mac.
  14. Well that could be done, but why? It wouldn't look right in-game because as each scenario is designed using the tiles given and changing the road curve angle would mismatch the next road tile. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  15. OK, Freak, you obviosuly have a problem accepting the views of a Windows user. OK, so I mispoke a little, Unix instead of Linux, but it's basically the same thing. Linus is just a toned-down version of Unix to work on Personal Computers instead of Servers and Mainframes. Anyway, no I don't feel threatened about the Apple "business organization". Why would I be frightened about a snobbish individual named Steve Jobs who won't share his source code to just anybody without first the somebody shelling out thousands of bucks for a glimpse of it. The so-called problems with Win2000 and NT is that all the drivers haven't been written yet for them. But here we have MacOS X that has abandoned Quickdraw3D and RAVE and adopted to OpenGL. So now that anything that is not written in OpenGL won't run. So what's the use of upgrading to a new system if it won't run anything other than OpenGL programs? That's like buying a huge supply of Uranium, but I don't have anything that runs on Uranium. That's the beauty of DirectX since Win95. It makes everything work. That's why there is no more of having to configure each game to work with your sound and video card. DirectX takes care of that. Besides I am so glad that 3Dfx's GLIDE API died. What a bunch of crap that was. If you didn't have a 3Dfx card you couldn't run in 3D acceleration mode if the product was only GLIDE-based e.g. Red Baron 3D. That is the problem with the Apple Organization. They only make things that work with Apple products. IBM's were the first MS-based products, yet it is very rare that anyone has a IBM computer. But the whole PC community is based on "IBM-compatible" computers. But everything Apple is Apple made. Talk about isolationist thinking. Oh how dare Apple to sell their patents to other manufactures to create competition to help drive down the costs of Apple-based computers. Ever wonder why Macs are so expensive? It's called a M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y-! PCs would be the same way if it was only IBM making the machines and hardware. Don't feed the monopoly. Feed competition. Do you think gasoline would be this expensive if there was another wide-spread fuel used in automobiles like methane or what have you? So if you wanna buy expensive stuff, go right ahead, but don't go bashing other users who buy cheaper stuff because of competition.
  16. Mannheim, "just like my Inner Croda." With that Mace started crying because Croda chopped up his wooly friend and was now grilling the poor thing on some make-shift grill. So Mace said, "Well I guess I'll hafta go find me a new sheep to... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  17. Yes, you've probably installed it into the default directory of C:\Program Files\Cmbo. However I almost always delete that "Program Files" part when installing games so I can easily find the game's directory later when I want to delete it or whatever else. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  18. ...Croda sneaking another peek at Mace shagging his sheep. Suddenly Croda began getting this warm and fuzzy feeling in his... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  19. Did you know Apple is using Linux code in their new OSX? But isn't it funny how Mac keeps upgrading their OS when the majority of the available programs won't run on it? Kinda makes you wonder doesn't it? Upgrade to OS X yet I still have to use OS 9.1 to run things. Oh yeah, what's a Mac again? [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-27-2001).]
  20. Just another reason to drop that Voodoo product and go Nvidia. This reminds me of the old pissing matches we had on here about 3Dfx Voodoos and Nvidia-based cards. Well I guess we all know who won that ultimate debate as 3Dfx was bought out by Nvidia. Apparently the problem is that it's not the video memory it was 3Dfx's out-look on 3D acceleration. Speed over Quality. Use low-rez visuals for speed over hi-res visuals for eye candy. Again the old qauntity over quality debate. I'll take one Cadillac over 3 Fords anyday. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  21. ...leave me alone! I like hair on my sexual partners. That's why I like the occasional sheep." With that Madmatt went pouting out of the thread and normal FAQ thread activity continued with... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  22. Ah, Apache *did* take my mod installing advice. Yes, like I have said before, it is a GOOD idea to unzip a mod zip into its own folder first and take a look at what's in there, because if it contains other zips or bmps with exentions then you need to do some renaming. ie. find which version you want to use of a specific file and rename the file-removing the added extension. However if you use any of Marco's Full packs, or Fernando's Halftracks, you leave the extensions on and use the batch files to rename the files automatically. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  23. Yeah I've seen where this happens where the AI just continuously pelted a town with smoke for a good 10 turn or more. I thought they'd never quit. I think they were trying to keep my immobolized Panther from shooting at some Shermans. I tried sneaking a PzIV, I think, through the smoke to take out one of their immobilized Shermans, but it got waxed by another one.
  24. Good question really. IIRC, the Dynamic Flags were the ones that the attacker could choose as to which one he wanted to attack, right? Yeah, not very useful when you get right down to it. I mean it is, but as for keeping the "gamey" aspect to a minumum which seems important now-these-days, I don't think anybody uses Dynamic Flags in their scenario design.
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