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Everything posted by Juardis

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: * The tac ai will leave a light building with * star *if* there is a chance that a large blast could knock the building down in one shot. does this mean if it's a heavy building the tac ai won't vacate the building? or does this mean any building that has a chance of being crumpled by the next 155mm round (or appropriately large round) will be vacated? * The Tac AI will only check to see if it should leave a building *after* each hit the building takes. This means that there is no problem with moving a unit into a damaged building. Does the tac ai take into account the type of round that hit it and assume that that same type of round will hit it again? For example, a 75mm tank round hits a building and say it finally damages the building but it will take 3 more 75mm hits to crumble it. But if a 155mm came along, maybe that one shot will take it down. So, does the tac ai assume the next round will be a 75mm round since that is all that's been firing at the building or does it assume there is a hummel out there that could fire the next round? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kraut Guy: Tried all of the settings and nothing seems to make a difference. Any other suggestions.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> call or email compuserve with your question? just a thought ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Umm, guys .... If you host a game Combat Mission should tell you what your IP address is. You shouldnt need to run winipcfg, etc. If it isnt showing for you when you host and are waiting for your opponent to join, make sure you let us know.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dan (or is it Don?), the only problem with waiting until CM tells you the IP address is that you have to esc back to the desktop to tell your opponent what it is. If you have a Voodoo5 card with FSAA enabled (as I do), then the text becomes garbled once you get back into the game. So it's best to run winipcfg (if running Windows) to get it if you're in my boat. Actually, it would be best if either BTS fixed this or 3dfx did, wherever the problem may lay, but barring that... ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: So the AI's lack of "thinking" is ironically giving you a nasty headache. I'm sure you aren't chuckling as much as the rest of us are, but I'm sure you'll get the better of that crew sooner rather than later Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And here I thought Charles was the uber-programmer . Well, I'll find out soon enough whether the crew will engage a weary piat team as a target of opportunity since I may not be able to kill it in time. Thanks for replying. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  5. just to clarify. When you install the patch, you will end up with 2 CM executables. The old 1.05 and the new beta 1.1. Clicking on the old 1.05 will continue with the old games (and the new data changes from the patch presumably). While clicking on the new 1.1 will obviously include the bug fixes and TCP/IP addition. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Hehe... sounds like the crew got lost Or more likely, the crew was probably trying to move off a friendly map edge. In any case, the StratAI is not programmed to intentionally use crews as offensive units, and I for one have never seen it do such a thing. But play enough games and practically anything can happen Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for clarifying StratAI instead of TAC AI. Anyway, the crew is heading back towards my forces. The scenario is All or Nothing and the crew is cresting the big hill that separates the town from my setup position. A perfect place to put FOs and I do believe that crew is thinking the same thing, especially since I just knocked out a Stug in the town with a well placed barrage. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by karch: I'm trying but can't connect.. I'm setting up take the high gound. 15 turns or so...just to test. my IP is <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> tried, couldn't get there. said I could not connect so either you were already engaged or I couldn't connect. As for you trying to connect to me, I got the message that a connection was established and uploading data...3 minutes later it was timed out. Oh well (this with Win95b, cable modem, ZoneAlarm firewall running). I tried connecting to your game with ZoneAlarm shutdown if that matters. BTS, do firewalls matter? In other words, do I have to shut it down each time I want to play? It asked me if CM was ok to act as a server and I said yes. It asked me something different when I tried to join Karch's game, and I said yes. So it appeared like it was trying to allow me to connect. No joy tonight. Good night. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  8. One or 2 turns of Aachen, set at 1 minute timer, just to test it out? I have to go to bed asap, but I have to try this out as well. It's setup and waiting. If no one joins by 1:00 am eastern time, I'm going to bed. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  9. no ****. It's 12:35 in the morning and I have to go to work tomorrow. Didn't stop me from loading the patch though and at least firing it up.
  10. I'm in a canned scenario. I knocked out this MG team in a wooden bunker. They scamper away like the scared little hamsters that they are back towards the safety of their own town. That all happened on turn 5 or so. It is now close to turn 30 and I'll be damned if that crew isn't hunting FOs in the hills. And he just might kill a piat team I have sneaking over the hill up there. Not to reopen this issue, but if the TAC AI is gonna use crews in this manner, I fail to see why I should not. This is 1.05. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: The ambush marker will disapear if it is not targeted for one turn. I think it actually gets all mad at the player, gets up and storms off the map waving its little ambush hand at you in disgust. At least mine does. Either way, you don't need a HQ unit with LOS of one to keep it happy and on the board. Just target it and it will stay right where it belongs and all nice and content. Madmatt [This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-28-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROTFLMAO Now THAT was funny. Thanks Madmatt (now...where's 1.1 damnit ) ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  12. Juardis vs. Kunzler. Turn 6 of 20. Kunzler seems to have the upper hand at the moment since he has the one VL. However, it seems he forgot to purchase armor, so I have that going for me . Otherwise, it's too close to call (boy am I tired of hearing that saying). ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TexasToast: IIRC, ambush markers go away if nobody targets them for a turn (that's the only way to get rid of them). Sounds like that is what happened to you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, I didn't use any the first turn. So maybe I should target them to keep them around? Or will they disappear if the HQ unit is out of LOS of them? As far as abusing ambush markers, I disagree. It's like tss said AFAIC. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  14. I asked this question a month ago in a related thread and didn't get an answer yet, so I'll start a new thread. Steve said in an earlier post that HQ units can pre-target ambush points throughout the map during the setup phase. Then you can target any unit to any of the ambush points during the game. I tried that and 1) there is a limit to the number of ambush markers you can place and 2) all my markers disappeared after the first move. Limiting the number of markers you can place is fine. But why would they disappear after the first move? I was counting on those markers being there for my mortar teams, sort of like a poor mans TRP. When they disappeared so did part of my strategy. Has this feature been removed in subsequent patches (subsequent to the beta demo, which was the time frame Steve made his comments)? Or am I interpreting the pre-targetting of ambush markers incorrectly (i.e., it's only good for the first turn)? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: Bullethead, that unrepentant Marine, reported (IIRC) that it's SOP for the FO to be in constant contact with the battery firing the mission, not just getting the rounds on target and then going silent. [This message has been edited by Doug Beman (edited 11-24-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahhh, did not know that, thanks. But is/was that true in WW2 or just in the modern military? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  16. Very interesting. Do way points slow things down? For example, put waypoints every 250m and see if they stop or slow down at each waypoint before continuing on. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  17. Boy Offwhite, your map sounds sadistic . There has to be at least one opening otherwise the land would never be tended. One opening will keep vehicles on the road since there will be no need to enter that plot of land if there is only one way in and one way out. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt. Steiner: As the old saying goes - "the only stupid question is the one not asked". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Neglecting the educational content of this thread (I learned what a screaming meemie was), I believe the old saying goes "there are no stupid questions - just stupid people who ask questions"
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Runyan99: Also, if I am not mistaken, a fire mission immediately ends if and when the FO unit is eliminated. This seems wrong. I think the battery fire should continue until the fire mission is complete (say 3 to 4 salvoes?) or until the battery runs out of alloted ammo. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know it's a small point, and may not even be worth the time to code. But...how would a arty battery behind the lines know immediately when an FO was killed? I would suspect there would be some period of confusion before it was known that spotter was dead. Here's what I envision. spot: "Bring fire to bear on top of hill 109" arty: "yes sir, spotting rd on the way" spot: "no, left a little" arty: "how's that?" spot: "dead on, rain the death boyz" arty: "yes sir, death on the way" arty commences full bore until spotter tells him to stop, arty runs out, or the agreed upon number of shells fall. If spotter dies, how would arty know? It's not like spot is going to say "oops, arty, I'm dead, stop firing " If he dies before he can confirm the spotting round, then yes, the rounds should never arrive. But if he dies after the main barrage arrives, there should be a variable number of rounds that land simulating uncertainty as to the condition of the FO. Am I wrong here? So, Runyan, I agree with you. But as I said, it's a small point. Back to the main topic, if only 42 were built, I doubt it will make it into CM2. Besides, if he's in a vehicle, he would have to be able to get out of the vehicle to find some of the better spotting locations (i.e., top of a 2 story building). That would be a little more difficult to code given the current engine, don't you think? Otherwise, just put an FO on a Puma and go with it. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: That last post of mine was supposed to be in the thread about off topic posts. Ooops. DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought it fit rather well here. I agree with you Duke. I've learned that lesson well. There is no substitute for concentrated firepower. But sitting on a hill for 10 turns will lead to death. What you're saying, if I understand you correctly, is fire for one round, two at most. Then move or reverse. Wait for another target of opportunity then repeat the process. You can press forward if attacking, reverse then reappear at the same spot if that ground is favorable, or reverse to a new spot if being flanked. But the key is ONE to TWO turns in the SAME spot should be the limit before moving somewhere. Right? I agree with smoke. The good General Petrovsky will attest to the effectiveness of smoke (eh Comrade ). The only negative on smoke is that it takes away HE rounds from your FOs and/or requires area fire from your tanks hence causing you to lose opportunity fire. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  21. I'd like to thank WBW for his scenarios, thank BTS for the obvious, thank Christopher Columbus for believing the world was round and being a greedy SOB, thank God for being God, and thank this forum (sniff, sniff) GROUP HUG. Turkey, nap, football, nap, CMBO (new tradition ), more turkey, more CMBO. God it's good to be alive! ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kunzler: Jeff, In the case of our PBEM, the answere is.... back your tanks slowly into the middle of the map. That should clear the way for your infantry to come later. It works. Really. Trust me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Kunzler my man, I was thinking I should rush them to your side of the map with guns blazing all the way. When I get the edge, turn around and come back . That should work don't you think? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  23. So what I'm hearing/reading is to find a spot, fire at targets, pick a new spot, fire some more. Shoot and move. Do not hold one position for more than 2 60sec turns unless you know there is no more armor and arty left. Even if this means vacating a perfectly good spot. And when you do move, make sure your flanks are covered as well as they can be (I wish there were formation commands ala M1 Tank Platoon 2). Looks like I need to practice some more. What started this was an all armor battle I was in. I lost all my armor and was left with a platoon of grunts to take on 8 German tanks, assault guns, armored cars, etc. Wasn't pretty at all ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  24. Good point Iron Duke. But even using bounding overwatch with a platoon, you still have to move your tanks. I agree terrain plays a major factor on what you do with your tanks. The question is, once you find a good standoff position, do you move your tank out of that position once you're in it? Or do you find it better to constantly move your tanks, whether they be hunting solo or in packs? I have found that if I do not move a tank, eventually arty will rain down upon it. Yet moving from that nice juicy piece of ground usually causes me to move into the LOS of an enemy tank. If you're the Germans, you have to stop and fire. If you're the allies, you can shoot while moving but with terrible accuracy. But more often than not, the enemy has the upper hand when I move and I take one in the flanks while maneuvering. Furthermore, leaving a nice standoff position allows the enemy to move in the location that was being overwatched without any interference from you. So I tend to leave my tanks on favorable ground then tend to lose those tanks to arty. Sometimes there is no favorable ground and the best option is to shoot and scoot. I'm trying to figure out if, in the long run, it's best to shoot and scoot ALWAYS. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
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