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Everything posted by Juardis

  1. I see both sides of the story but have yet to experience it for myself in a game. However, I think I fall on Jeff's side here. I would much rather the tank rotate it's turret towards infantry than the hull. The reason is that you're more likely to die from a tank than from a "crew?" or "infantry?". Sure, you may die from a flank zook or shreck or rifle grenade or faust, but I gaurantee I'm more worried about what I can't see than what I can see in that situation. Besides, once the infantry fires, you then know that it has some AT capability and THEN it can rotate it's hull. Here's a familiar situation. You're attacking and killing tanks/vehicles. The knocked out crew scampers into hiding. You don't wish to waste any more assets killing crews, so you continue pushing forward. Now those same crews are on your flanks, but who cares? They're harmless. Yet if your opponent is a gamey bastard, he'll use them to distract your armor. So now your uber tank rotates it's hull towards the useless crew and ... kablooie. Side hull penetration from a Sherman 75 because the whole thing was orchestrated. Now THAT would suck! I'm in a PBEM game right now where that very tactic was used against me, not once, but twice. Both times my Pz IVG was killed when my opponent purposely raced his knocked out crews into the open so that my tanks rotated their turrets to fire only to have a Sherman III take it out with a side turret penetration. And this was with 1.05. I can only imagine what it will be like with 1.1. Bottom line, do NOT rotate your hull to face ANY infantry unless that same infantry gets off one AT round (be it zook round or rifle-grenade). That is my opinion. Rotating your hull to face ANY armor or vehicle (unless positively ID'd as a vehicle without AT capability, like a jeep) is acceptable. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Here is my new delema...It shows my version of CM as 1.1b24...I am now afraid to load the 1.1 version. Any ideas? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, install 1.1 and, when you double click on the patch, click the option that has it ask you whether you want to overwrite a file or not. There are only about 15-20 or so files that will be installed and overwritten. You can judge for yourself whether that will overwrite an important file. It shouldn't overwrite an important file, but you'll know what is overwritten at the very least. Secondly, since you have 1.1b24, you should have 2 executables in your CMBO directory. One for 1.1b24 and one for the previous non-beta version. It sounds like you only have the beta executable? The 1.1 patch will look for Combat Mission.exe (non-beta executable). If you have that file, it will overwrite it (provided you say yes when prompted if you do what I suggested in the first paragraph). If you do not have Combat Mission.exe, it will install it for you but there might be a problem. IIRC, you had to have a previous version of Combat Mission installed, but I don't remember why. hth ------------------ Jeff Abbott [This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 01-12-2001).]
  3. My impression is and was the same as Olle's. Firing while moving with WWII era tanks is almost as useless as targetting an area with arty while out of LOS - in other words, next to useless. Thanks for the description on keyholing. I always went for hull down positions that could see as much of the land as possible. Perhaps that is why my tanks are smoldering wrecks now eh? Henri, I always enjoy reading your posts on c.s.i.p.g.war-historical. I don't post much there as that seems a higher pedigree of poster. Anyway, we're playing Fionn's Rule of 76, so no Jumbos . It was my fault for not buying an M18 or 6, but I went historical while my opponent went hysterical. So I have M4A1 75mm, 105, and a few 76mm tanks. My plan was to use the 76's as my tank hunters. He has the hetzers, jagdpanzers, Panthers - and lots of them. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by camisade: Thinking that the v1.1 official patch would mimic the behavior of the beta, we upgraded in the middle of a long game, and now I'm getting a version mismatch error (game file created with an older version of the program). Thanks, Camisade [This message has been edited by camisade (edited 01-12-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ? I guess I'm confused. I had a 1.1b24 PBEM game going (that was started with 1.1b16). When I installed 1.1 final, I just opened my turn like any other normal email turn. No problems. Perhaps you upgraded from 1.05 without saving it first? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xavier: It's certainly a stupid question but I ask myself how it is possible for Piat, zook and schreck to fire on a target at a lower level. Didn't the rocket gone out of the tube before firing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't know about the zook or shreck, but the piat is spring loaded. Think of a toy dart gun and you'll get the idea. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dirtweasle: So, in summary a 1.05 PBEM game will open normally with the new 1.1 version? Just opne the turn and save it, and reopen it in the new 1.1 and away you go? Hate to seem dense, but I too have a 1.05 PBEM going on.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> u got it. When you open it with the new 1.1 though, you have to click on Play Game from the main menu, not Join Multiplayer, then pick the PBEM game you just saved. It will ask whether you want to play hot seat, email, or TCP/IP. choose your favorite flavor and away you go. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EricM: To start off I have not yet downloaded 1.1 due to no time. But I have 3 questions: 1. Outside of the internet play patch and the hull rotation thing, that everyone seems to be discussing, what does 1.1 fix or improve? See the BTS thread titled V1.1 PATCH IS READY. I bumped it to the top for you. 2. I have no problem running 1.05 now and plan to load 1.1. If my computer does have a problem can I reload the 1.05 patch till I resolve my computer problem? make a copy of your current executable and give it a sexy name, oh, like, say, Combat Mission 105.exe. When you install the patch, it will overwrite Combat Mission.Exe, so you'll want to make a copy before you install. Thanks, Eric<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your Welcome ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  8. When you say rush, do you mean Fast move? Will allied tanks fire while fast moving? I've never tried that before nor seen it down.
  9. Well, if the arty is onboard mortar fire from a mortar team that is direct firing at you, then yes, it will follow you around. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  10. One more time, with feeling this time . 1. Make a copy of your current 1.05 executable. Call it Combat Mission 105.exe or something like that. 2. Install the 1.1 patch. This will overwrite the Combat Mission.exe file. 3. You should now have 2 executables. Combat Mission 105.exe and Combat Mission.exe. 4. Any PBEM game you wish to continue with 1.05, simply use Combat Mission 105.exe. 5. Any 1.05 PBEM game you wish to convert to 1.1, you open it with Combat Mission 105.exe, save it (alt-s on the PC), then open it with Combat Mission.exe (the 1.1 patch). Continue as before. Good luck ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  11. I'm playing against someone who absolutely loves these things. He parks them in great overwatch positions and pounds me mercilessly. I want to teach this bastahd a lesson. However, I have nothing but M4A1s. I can try racing in between some of his tanks, but it would be open country and open season on Shermans. Not a pleasant prospect. I've tried dumping 60mm mortar on his hetzers. No good. I cannot penetrate the tops (according to this forum I am supposed to be able to, but no joy with 3 60mm teams). I've knocked out 2 hetzers with 4.2in mortars. But my arty is running out. I have glider squads and zooks. I cannot get close enough to kill with them and they are getting pummelled. This guy absolutely loves armor and I suck at using it. So I'm at a huge disadvantage right there. Now, I'm not asking for my current game but for a future game. How would you counter this? I'm thinking lots and lots of M10s, Stuarts, and Greyhounds and 81mm FOs and mortar teams. Use smoke, race in close on the flanks, then pummel the ****e out of him. (leave the m10s in standoff though). Forget infantry almost if he's going exclusively tank hunters and armored cars. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Jeff, I think your right. Your oponent has the origional scenario I take it...get him to upgrade to 1.1 and then save. Hopefully this should get you going Dan<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, problem solved. Must tournament save in 1.1b16 beta or 1.1final. Obviously, no one has 1.1b16 beta anymore, so be sure to save with 1.1final. Don't use 1.1b22 or b24 for tournament saves. HTH someone else. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bil Hardenberger: There was a bug with tournament saved games in those older patches... it is fixed in 1.1 (final). Bil<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really? Well then, that means my partner must upgrade to 1.1 THEN tournament save it, right?
  14. OK, I just upgraded on my end to 1.1. I tried opening the game. It would not accept my password, just like with b24.
  15. Well, since this was last night, it was with b24. Can try with 1.1 final, but is there anything different there?
  16. Just did it, no problem, no ideas either sorry. This was with the Windows patch.
  17. Me and another fella started a custom, 7500 point/side battle on a map I made. We each sent our purchases to a 3rd party who bought our stuff, tournament saved it and made my opponent first. My opponent entered his password, setup his forces, and hit GO. He then sent the file to me. I entered my password, setup my forces, and hit GO. Play proceeds normally. This was with 1.1b16. We eventually converted to 1.1b24 and we're still playing. Now then, repeat the above procedure except start in 1.1b24. All proceeds smoothly until the second player gets the file. When the 2nd player is prompted for a password it will not accept anything. Since this is the first prompt for a password, it should accept whatever you type in the password field. But it won't accept anything and consequently, the scenario cannot be played. Now, what changed between 1.1b16 and 1.1b24 that would cause this to happen? BTW, this happened with another guy as well, so it's not just me. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  18. You cannot go backwards with PBEM games. Once started in 1.1, you must continue with 1.1. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  19. iggi, he's asking about combat command (a new game from shrapnel games), not combat mission. To answer the original question, I don't know. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: so now what? Kitty <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yo kitty. Overwriting 1.05 should only matter with PBEM games. Have your opponent resend the last move AFTER they upgrade it 1.1. That should do it. If you're playing single player, then it should not matter that you overwrote 1.05. Just open with 1.1 and play. Good luck. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson: I can install v1.1 and play new games under v1.1, but still play the games I started under the v1.1.24 beta patch as long as I launch the game from the game from the v1.1.24 beta executable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I haven't installed 1.1 yet, but I think what I'm going to say is true. 1.05 is a seperate executable than 1.1b24. When you install 1.1 final, it will overwrite 1.05. Your 1.1b24 executable will be left alone. So yes, you can continue playing with 1.1b24 if you want. The question is, why? As others have said, just install 1.1 and continue playing your 1.1b24 pbem games with 1.1final. That *should* work. If not, you can continue playing with 1.1b24 since that executable will not be overwritten. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  22. if you notice, all your PBEM games are text files (filename.txt). By hitting alt-s (save game), you save that game to your save game directory as a .cmb file (filename.cmb). You have to do this with 1.05. If you try to load a 1.05 PBEM game (the .txt file) in 1.1, it may not work (I don't know, I never tried with the beta). You have to convert it to a .cmb file. Once it is a .cmb file, it looks like any other scenario. And just like the scenarios that came on the cd, you can play those with any version you want. Got it? ------------------ Jeff Abbott [This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 01-10-2001).]
  23. Thanks for testing and posting DH. I asked a similar question a week or so ago. Try a vickers in your test. I was uncertain whether an M1919 could kill an APC, but you proved it possible. I'm not sure a Vickers can though (I've never seen a vickers damage an APC). Also, the HMG42 should be able to and I was always under that impression, but in all my playing since June I have yet to see a HMG42 take out an APC. You verified that it's rare. However, when firing any type of projectile at any wheeled vehicle, it seems a tire shot can and will at least immobilize it. I've never seen that happen although it should happen a lot what with all that lead in the air. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: Uhhh, Maximus? I think we are talking about version 1.1 non-beta. Presumably it does not have a seperate exe since it is not a beta. Jeff<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What I want to know is will 1.1 overwrite 1.05? It probably will not overwrite the beta since the beta was a separate executable. However, for all the previous patches, the then current executable was overwritten. *CAUTION - I HAVE NOT TESTED WHAT I'M GOING TO SAY, BUT...* I'm thinking that once you install 1.1, 1.05 will no longer be since it will be overwritten. So any PBEM games you have going now you need to open with 1.05, save it with 1.05, then install 1.1, open your saved PBEM game with 1.1 and continue on your merry way. But you have to do all your saves with 1.05 before you install 1.1. At least, that was the procedure when we went from 1.0 to 1.02 (or was it 1.02 to 1.03?). ------------------ Jeff Abbott
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