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Everything posted by Juardis

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: The only thing I've learned: Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't, for those times in between, tactics count. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True. But in order to use good tactics, one must first know the capabilities of ones opponents and his equipment and the limitations of yours. From "Juardis' Art of War"
  2. 1. A stationary FO in the open can be spotted from 1000m away. Don't know how or why, but that seems ridiculous to me. He's dead now. Never had a chance. Why can't you spot from a hidden position? I tried to keep him hidden while spotting, but alas, that seems too much to ask as he can only do one or the other. Why dammit!?!? Arrrggghhhhhh!!!! 2. An AT gun can rotate quickly and never ever misses (ok, it does once in a while but it's accuracy is so much better than a tank). My opponent took out 3 of my armored vehicles and just about a 4th with his AT gun. 3 of my 4 brought weapons to bear on him and missed repeatedly. Talk about pissed! :\ 3. AT mines cannot be discovered by infantry as they walk over them. Consequently, I lost two tanks driving down a road with AT mines in it even though my infantry had led the way. grrrrrr!!! I play and I learn. Soon I will be lethal ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  3. Summer, 1942 - Not one step backward order from Stalin: 'Panic-mongers and cowards must be destroyed on the spot. The retreat mentality must be decisively eliminated. Army commanders who have allowed the voluntary abandonment of positions must be removed and sent for immediate trial by military tribunal' Anyone who surrendered was 'a traitor to the Motherland'. Each army had to organize 'three to five well-armed detachments (up to 200 men each)' to form a second line to shoot down any soldier who tried to run away. Zhukov implemented this order on the Western Front within ten days, using tanks manned by specially selected officers. They followed the first wave of an attack, ready 'to combat cowardice', by opening fire on any soldiers who wavered. The above was an excerpt from Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor. Single quotes are from Stalins original order. Sounds to me like it IS in the scale of CM if cowards are to be shot on the spot by a 2nd line of tanks, presumably within LOS. Regardless, it's an interesting philosopy to try to model in a computer game, in a sick sort of way. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  4. Not my original idea, but I agree with the person who proposed that each squad/platoon include a commissar that will shoot any soldier that tries to run away, be it panic or otherwise. That's the way it was and that's the way it should be modeled. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Instead of shifting out of gear, one would downshift into a lower gear and obtain more revs, then upshift when done. The problem is that this is far easier than it sounds. It will also probably not yield max RPMs right away. Increasing RPMs while idle is a lot easier to do than when in gear. <snip> And the increase in turret traverse speed would be highly variable depending on skill and circumstances. It is also less mechanically reliable, as overrevving an engine (especially one that is under strain like a Panther or KT engine) increases the chance of "something bad" happening, like busting a seal or throwing a rod. I say this because I think I remember reading something about this being something the driver thought about. Could be very mistaken here, but with all the mechanical problems evident in AFVs in general (and specifically heavy ones, like the KT), it does seem plausible that the crew might not want to go for max traverse speed all the time. Anybody have a feeling on this one? Does something like the Tiger manual discuss overreving? Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Steve, just got back from Charleston (air show, USS Yorktown, etc). Anyway, thanks for giving us your thoughts. I just want to clear something up. You're dead set against speeding up the turret speed of the Panther/KT for reasons given above. That's cool. Yet the reasons given above seem to point to an experience modifier. In other words, elite crews should be able to pull off the fast turret rotation while regular crews should not, especially while moving. After I paraphrased your words, isn't that what you just said? I realize I'm ignoring the circumstances in the "skill and circumstances" part of your post, but you cannot easily model all circumstances (e.g., slopes, scattered trees, moving or stationary, etc). So all I was really hoping for was the skill benefit, and attendant penalties such as an increase in sound contact and maybe a slight increase in becoming immobilized as you trash your transmission system (but not too much since we're talking skilled people crews here). Is this difficult to do with the current coding? I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I'm not really asking for CM1, I'm more concerned with CM2. Afterall, a good commander can overcome equipment limitations, be they real or artificial (i.e., modeling compromises) . ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  6. I just want to know if BTS is going to address this or not? If they choose not to, fine. I personally think it should be a function of crew quality. Crack and elite - fast turret speed. Regular and vet, medium turret speed. Below green = slow. That seems to me to be the most realistic. I mean, you cannot expect a green crew to know their machine well enough to get the turret movement down pat. I'm sure it takes skill to rotate the turret as fast as possible, skill that is learned only after a certain period of time. But that may be more coding work than it's worth. In CM2, it'll definitely need to be addressed since the T-34 is a more than capable opponent. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ron: A faster turret won't save your Panthers from my dead-eye dick Piat teams! Where's that file! Ron<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I won't need no stinkin' panthers after my nebelwerfers of death rain down on your valley. But now that I know I'm facing the Brits, I will delay my attack until tea time. I sent you the file last night, 8:00 pm eastern time. Let me know if you did not get it. I'll send it again when I get home, just in case. Use either one. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  8. I know there was a big thread earlier about the "slow" Panther turret speed. There was data that indicated a variable speed depending on the engine RPMs such that it could range anywhere from 25 some odd sec to 70+ sec. BTS chose to model it as 48 sec (or thereabouts). Are there any plans in the next patch to change this? Make it a function of crew quality like I suggested in that thread? Speed it up like someone else suggested? Do nothing as still others suggested? Nothing in CM1, do something in CM2? Beta testers? BTS? "Do nothing" is an acceptable answer, I'd just like to know what the decision is/was. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  9. I'm using Jason McGrody's spreadsheet and it indicates that the Wespe (105mm SPA) has a slow ROF but does not say the same for the Hummel (155mm SPA). I know the Hummel fires about 1 shell per turn and I would call that a slow ROF. Is the Wespe slower than that? I could set up a firing range to test, but I thought I'd put it to the board before I go that route. Thanks, ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  10. Well, I don't see how they're going to be able to Dzerhezinsky (indoor battle) unless they change something. And you cannot do a Stalingrad battle without doing the Grain Elevator or the Dzerhezinsky tractor works. So I'm guessing they change something ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, Hmm. Do you think CM2 will include the "Elefent"? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope so. 90 Ferdinands (or Elephants) were made and most were wiped out by infantry over-runs when they advanced faster than their supporting forces during the battle of Kursk. Since it played a prominent role in that battle, I'd suspect that it will be modeled (at least I'm hoping it will be). ------------------ Jeff Abbott [This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 10-06-2000).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: Which would you guys rather have: CM2 in a year OR a campaign mode (despite all the arguments and reasoning against it) for CM1, and CM2 in 3 years? I vote for CM2 as quickly as possible, and any campaigning in CM1 can be handled by efforts like the CMRPG and the CMMC. DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I choose option 3 - CM2 AND a campaign in 1.5 years. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  13. Gustav, how did you exhibit the will power? I mean, to visit here regularly, play the demo, see the pics, read the AARs, how could you stand not playing the full monty? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  14. OK, went and read the scoring system. I'm not clear when it comes to QB. There is an attacker handicap bonus (HC), but if it's a meeting engagement, I guess the HC is 0? Otherwise, if it's an attack and we choose standard forces (attacker gets 4800 pts, defender gets 3000 pts in a 3000 pt QB), does this mean the attacker gets +2 HC? That doesn't seem right. What am I missing? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  15. OK Don, I know not what I've just gotten myself into, but I'm now a member. I look forward to getting my ass whipped by someone. My questions are: 1. Does it matter what type of scenario (I'm guessing all QB, all meeting engagements - just to make it fair)? 2. If not, do you get special bonuses for winning a combined arms action playing as the US in defense of an assault (IMO, the most difficult type of QB to win). That's it for now. Maybe that info is already on theblitz, but I didn't find it in my 30 minutes of perusing your site. Thanks again Don. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  16. I'd like to see a 360 turn (or 720 turn) limit on battles. That way you can simulate an entire day of fighting. Plenty of battles in the early Stalingrad battles (Sept 1942) lasted 6 hours or so. Germans attack, pushed back, regroup, attack, pushed back, regroup, etc... In these battles, the russians never got reinforced. BTW, if anyone is planning on making operations based on Stalingrad battles, no mans land was set at 50m by the russians. This served two purposes. Made it harder for the Stukas and the arty to not kill their own troops. To answer your question, Yes! I like your idea very much. (edited to answer your question ) ------------------ Jeff Abbott [This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 10-04-2000).]
  17. Target the bridge with 105mm arty or larger. Or, save the arty and target the bridge with the main gun from your tank. Wooden bridges go easier than stone bridges obviously. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  18. Just thinking. In some of these scenarios with Glider squads, a wrecked glider or 3 would've been a cool tile to have in the game. Not sure how many battles actually took place near wrecked gliders (maybe some in the Arnhem op?), but it would add something to the game IMO. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: whats worse is she bought an assultboat in farmland which I did not know she bought it .. the FOW told me it was a jeep!!!! i spent a whole minute shooting off HE at it only to get a clear look at it! sheesh women! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehehe. That sneaky wench. Carting an assault boat across country and camoflaging it to look like a jeep. Sounds gamey to me. Man, I'm glad I didn't play against her.
  20. phonetically would help. Thanks. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  21. They're working on it. The latest from BTS was given a few days ago. No time frame given. Do a search on TCP if you really want to know what Steve said.
  22. It was 3 hours long. I missed the first 2 hours but caught the last hour. You can go to historychannel.com and order the 3 tape set for 29.95 USD. I was hoping for some good battle footage but the last hour had very little of that. It was more the aftermath of battle. Seeing Berlin in all it's devastation brought home the terrible price the German people had to pay. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Juardis, one thought, at that range did you have full spotting on the HMG team (ie. did you have a man count)? HMG teams consist of usually around half a dozen guys, so with 2 round he could only hit a couple of guys, which might not necessarily take the team out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Most definitely one man left. I had units closer to it than my sharp, they were just out of ammo. Some good advice from all folks, I mainly use them for buttoning and I usually let them pick their own targets. However, an elite unit should hit damn near everything they fire at IMHO. BTW Kwazy, I just started All or Nothing. Looks fun. Good thing I allowed myself to move my units during setup though. I had an armored car stuck in a light house (playing as Brits). You might want to look into that. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
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