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Everything posted by Juardis

  1. OK, figured as much. But I think I'd much rather read the AAR of your match against Charles. What? You're not playing Charles? Despite what Def Bungis said, I bet you'd kick his ass . Although Charles may have put in some back doors, so you better watch him closely
  2. Just curious. Because if you do, I want to challenge you. One game. Small battle (1000 points or so), 20 turns or so, I defend or probe (no meeting engagement), I care not which side. I'm an easy mark, so you can notch another victory in your holster, but I gaurantee you I'll fight like hell. Saying no won't hurt my feelings. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emos: Battles of Destiny (an Empire clone) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My wife bought me that for Christmas one year. I tried to like it, I really did, but I never did. I don't know why. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley: One HQ can set multiple ambush points. I do this, for example, to set up a line of closely-spaced ambush points in front of a platoon-sized position. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, I just discovered this. Cool. Now Xenir, be a nice lad and walk into it, eh ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  5. One of my personal WBW favorites is Chance Encounter. City fighting at its most intense. I thought I was beating Havermeyer, then I lost and tank and his arty started falling. Then I thought I was losing as he pushed forward and gained a foothold in a key building. Then my reserves set that building on fire and pushed his guys out. I finally knocked out his armor and it was virtually over from that point. Awesome mplayer battle, one of the best IMHO. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: Juardis, Thanks. Are you by any chance the same Juardis who played M1 Tank Platoon 2 with such verve? I wonder what happened to Mike Dubose... Rock on, Terence<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is only ONE Juardis Yes, I was all over M1TP2 until they delayed/cancelled the 1.3 patch. I was on the beta team for M1TP3 then they cancelled that. I've sworn off Hasbro ever since. The good Sgt. D took a job elsewhere. Not sure where but he was gone the summer after Hasbro took over Microprose. I got an email from him just before he left Hasbro and he gave no indication he was leaving, so I'm not really sure what happened. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  7. I was thinking of starting a seperate thread, but it'll work here. CMBO is now the longest lived computer game ever to stay on my computer. Before this, the previous records went to: 1. The Lost Admiral (played for months and months. Old classic by QQP, not many people have heard of it I bet) 2. Civilization I (played for months) 3. X-Com, UFO Defense (played it twice) ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  8. It's easy to confuse what you see on the screen with what is going on in the game. You can change what you see on the screen and we have many many mods to prove that. The game has no way of knowing which mod is represented on the screen. So where the mods come in is they make it harder for the human to see that schreck team sneaking through the woods. If the human player does not see it, he won't send any infantry to kill it. The game will know that something is sneaking through the woods, but the game will not move anything over there to kill it. So the mods are for the human player only (and I fell victim to this a few times already causing me the question the wisdom of installing the camoflauged mods ) As for what the game does with camo and a reduced chance of being spotted, I would have to say that it does nothing. For example, all tanks are treated equally with respect to being spotted except for the differences in the size and shape. The hide command just puts the engine on low idle to reduce the sound signature. Whether it remains hidden depends on the terrain, wheather conditions, and proximity of the enemy. It is not an inherent property of the unit that is hiding (other than the size and shape that is). Just my guess, but it makes sense logically to me. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  9. Yes, it is more likely to knock out a vehicle from the top down. No, I do not believe that you will ever know that a bullet penetrated the top since CM doesn't give out that info. Now if it was a zook up high you know. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Paul Lakowski: By '45 the loss rate was so high that maintaining even modest Bn TOE was out of the question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So you're saying that the 45 Bn TOE is the way it is out of necessity and not out of any lessons learned?
  11. If the maps are larger, then I vote 3000 points. Keep the turn limit at or below 30. Adds tension and a sense of urgency. Just my 2 dukats worth.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke: Anyone who will not make that date let me know. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Juardis vs. Kunzler. We're on turn 9 (or is it 10?). He can't see me very well and I can't see him very well. And for either of us to do so would be death. Something will be done though. I'm just not sure who's gonna make the first move. Anyway, Kunzler is out of town til Sunday, so we will definitely not finish up by then. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  13. Was messing around with unit costs tonight, updating and changing Jason McGrody's fine unit database for v1.1 and customizing the layout for me when I stumbled upon the German Infantry 44 vs 45 comparisons. The 45 squad costs 1 more point than the 44 The 45 platoon costs 3 more pts than the 44 The 45 co costs LESS than the 44. Cost differential varies with experience, but it's 45 points less for regular troops. hmmm... The 45 battalion costs LESS than the 44. Again, 136 points less for regular troops. Curious, I investigated the TO&E. The 45 company contains 3 platoons, and that's it. The 44 company contains 3 platoons WITH 2 HMG42s attached. Interesting, why would they do this? The 45 battalion contains 3 companies + 1 heavy weapon company. The heavy weapon company consists of 2 platoons of 4 HMG42s + 81mm mortar FO + 75mm FO. The 44 battalion contains 3 companies (remember, each co has 2 HMG42s attached) + 1 heavy weapon company. The heavy weapon company consists of 1 platoon of 6 HMG42s + 81mm mortar FO + 120mm mortar FO. Thats 4 more HMG42s and a 120mm mortar instead of 75mm arty. Much more ooomph if you ask me. So again, as time went on the caliber decreased. Now, was this some decision based on lessons learned. Maybe the MG42s broke down too much or hindered retreating ( )? Maybe 120mm mortars weren't as good as 75mm tube fired munition? Or, was this based on necessity, like lack of industry to make the necessary instruments of war, such as the 120mm mortar rounds? I'm really curious about this. I had always assumed a 45 company or battalion would necessarily be better than a 44 company or battalion, but based on what I discovered, I think I might prefer the 44 over the 45 (I'm still cogitating on it). I know there are differences in the small arms carried between the 2. The 44 squad has 6 rifles, 2 MP40s and 1 LMG42 while the 45 squad has 5 rifles, 1 MP40, 2 MP44s and 1 LMG42. Based on that I prefer the 45 squad over the 44 squad. But the 44 company and battalion give you more and more powerful heavy weapons, that on the surface seems hard to pass up. Anyone notice this? Anyone have their druthers? Anyone care? If you do care and have your druthers, I'd be interested in hearing why. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  14. YES! SPACE BAR to chat. I love it. But in all honesty, any key as far away from the esc key as possible would work. I have a V5 5500 and I enable 4x FSAA. Hitting esc is like the kiss of death. Yes, I can get back to the game, but when I do the text is all garbled and unreadable. Meaning I have to save, quit, get back in, reconnect, start again. Definitely not gonna win too many friends that way . My one and only time playing TCP/IP last night and not even after the first move was over and I accidentally hit the esc key instead of the tilde key (Madmatt, you were my opponent, this is a first hand account of the problem). Otherwise, awesome! ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sbg2112: How 'bout Steve and Charles duke it out and post an AAR for all of us to enjoy? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent idea. Make it so number 1. Better yet, save the full game movie and post it for all of us to enjoy. Ooops, wrong thread ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kollos: Hey there, Kollos hangs head in disgrace. Battle hinged on 2 factors. ( WIDE open terrain. 2) wet ground. Could not even help as all the american mobility advantage gets bogged down. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I gotta ask Kollos. What in the world are you doing buying armor on wet ground?!?! That is suicide (as you found out ) If you feel the urge, then you MUST buy HVSS types as their tracks are wider and the suspension is different. So much so that their chance of bogging is greatly diminished (11.0 psi ground pressure vs. >15 psi for the M4A3 76mm). That is why the Ami's designed them. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  17. Am I missing something here? I downloaded and installed the patch and I have 5-6 PBEM games going in 1.05. I'm still playing them in 1.05. What's the problem? Since there are 2 executables in your directory, why can't you play some with 1.05 and some with 1.1 (other than it's difficult to keep straight which is which)? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Jeff: The Brits weren't very big on HTs. To the best of my knowledge they never made/fielded their own models. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are correct Steve. Mostly, they used trucks to get to the front, then Kangaroos while at the front IIRC. I have no problem losing the MxA1 for squad transport so long as something exists. That something being the M3 for the US and roo for the brits. It's just that extra MG was nice, if you know what I mean ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sbg2112: you got that right! i just had my first time -- and i feel strangely like I did after that other "first time". what can I say? wow. I had to mess around with zone alarm for awhile (and no, i won't continue with my analogy). curiously, CM died just after the first connection (hey, I said I dropped the analogy), but we just tried again and whaddya know -- we both saw fireworks! a whole 'nother game indeed! [This message has been edited by sbg2112 (edited 11-29-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> could you play with zone alarm running? I had to disable it tonight, but admittedly I haven't tried that much either ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Ahhh young one, you need to read closer. Not all half-tracks are thus limited. Just the M3A1 which has the special MG mount in the passenger compartment. There is not room for 12 guys in there with that extra MG mount and ammo storage. The M3 can still carry a full squad. Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The readme also says the M5A1 can't carry a squad. The problem is, if you're the brits, that's the only halftrack you have (M5A1 that is). You do still have a Kangaroo though, so all is not that bad. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GriffinCheng+: Well, I played a 500-QB between Griffin-PC and Griffin-PB, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I bet you lost, didn't you?
  22. I've been trying to figure out what the numbers in the subject weapons mean. My best guess is that was the year they were introduced. Is that right? So in the early war the Germans used MG34s until 1942, when they slowly began replace the 34s with 42s? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
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