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Everything posted by stodge

  1. ok, finally got rid of the glitches on my site!! please take a look and mail any comments/suggestions to mike@stodge.net. http://www.stodge.net/cm/ Work in progress version: http://www.stodge.net/testcm/ Current features: - scenario database, with which you can browse and download scenarios - patch database, with which you can browse and download scenarios Future updates: - redesign of the interface - news front page - user ratings and reviews for scenarios - screenshot database - fix the preview feature for submitting scenarios and patches - bug fixes galore (lots of things need fixing) - potential problems when uploading from different platforms Enjoy! [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-29-2000).] [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-29-2000).] [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-29-2000).]
  2. See this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/006647.html Here's my post: I'm working on a repository. Next Im going to try to implement a user rating system for scenarios, including user reviews. Let me know what you'd like to see, or how you'd like it to work. This is what I have so far: http://www.stodge.net/cm/cgi-bin/scenarios.pl for uploading/viewing scenarios. Thanks
  3. I'm working on a repository. Next Im going to try to implement a user rating system for scenarios, including user reviews. Let me know what you'd like to see, or how you'd like it to work. This is what I have so far: http://www.stodge.net/cm/cgi-bin/scenarios.pl for uploading/viewing scenarios. Thanks [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-29-2000).]
  4. Maybe they felt guilty for holding the game up so long at the border while they played it, that they didnt charge you? Ya lucky bugger! Where's mine!?
  5. I'd go for a GeForce. Ive got a Rage 128 Pro, and it is pretty poor in terms of 3d performance. I'm waitin got either get a cheap GeForce or a new GeForce 2. I'll probably go for the former.
  6. I think a version of Links LS was released that sounds like this.
  7. How the flippin' nora can NZ have it and not Canada? Hmmmmm. Customs conspiracy! I think the peoples at Canada Customs have opened our packages and are busy playing the damn game!! Enjoy!
  8. Why Europe but not Canada? Damn those Canadian customs people!
  9. Dave's Honey Brown, Molson Extra Dry (I think thats the one), Vodka or Baileys. But never to excess - dont see the point of that.
  10. I've finally learnt enough Perl, CGI and HTML to provide some pages for people to upload, browse and download scenarios. The URL is: http://www.stodge.net/cm/cgi-bin/scenarios.pl If you're interested head on over and upload some scenarios, or browse what's already there. If you get into trouble (ie make any mistakes) drop me an email at mike@stodge.net. The upload form is a bit of a mess, but Im still working on it. It works nicely so far, so why fix it!? Hope you find this useful!!
  11. My simple solution to this crying thread: get off yer arses and do something else, other than wait for CM.
  12. My site is "empty" so far but it's there. The site is at http://www.stodge.net, although there's nothing up there yet - Im still working on Perl, html and CGI. I have uploads via ftp available at ftp.stodge.net in /incoming/CombatMission. Details can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/006152.html
  13. comlains => complains hypen=>hyphen Practice what you preach
  14. Deleted - double post [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-22-2000).]
  15. I dont know. Do a search on this forum - I know its been discussed before.
  16. www.stodge.net, although there's nothing of my own there yet. Im busy learning Perl and html. These work though: www.stodge.net/dodgyposse/ ]www.stodge.net/cdx/ www.stodge.net/forum/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-22-2000).]
  17. I originally posted this in the Scenario section, but I expanded the post to include mods, patches and screenshots. So I apologise for the duplicate post! ----------------------------- To give something back to the CM community while I wait for my game to arrive: Ftp anonymously into ftp.stodge.net, change into the /incoming/CombatMission directory, and upload your scenarios, screenshots, mods and patches into the appropriate sub-directory. I want you to also upload a text file, containing the following information: For scenarios: Name of scenario Date. Author's name. Author's email. Countries involved. Historical or fiction. Weather conditions. Brief description/introduction. A picture of the map. (view 4 or 5) For screenshots: Name of screenshot Date. Author's name. Author's email. Brief description/introduction. For mods: Name of mod Date. Author's name. Author's email. Brief description/introduction. The text files should have the exact same name as the scenario/screenshot/mod, but its extension should be txt. This will allow people to browse and view the text files, and then download the related files as they choose. You have file permissions to (anonymously)upload files, but you cant delete or rename them once you have done so. Email me if you want me to do this. I *may* move all of these files into /pub/CombatMission instead. There is a around 3Gb of disk space free on this server, but dont use it all!! I will limit uploads if I need to, once I learn how! If I find people abusing this offer, I will remove all uploaded files and prevent anyone from uploading anything. Also, I am considering giving people an account on this server, which will give them an email address, and web space (html and cgi) for hosting CM related sites. I will not tolerate warez, porn or any such defamatory material. I wish to provide a free (for non-profit) service to people who wish to expand the CM community. Unfortunately I havent got user ftp working yet, so uploading files will be a pain. Im working on it! My email is mike@stodge.net. Enjoy! cheers Mike Disclaimer: I reserve the right to delete/rename files as I choose. I reserve the right to prevent users from uploading files at my discretion. This is a free service, and I do NOT want it abused. I also do NOT guarantee that this server will be reliable. [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-21-2000).] [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-22-2000).] [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-22-2000).]
  18. Deleted - see my newer thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/006152.html [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 06-22-2000).]
  19. I havent read the review yet, but if they've made a mistake or they were stuck on something, email them and help them out. They might update the review then.
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