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Everything posted by stodge

  1. Table-top recreations of Napoleonic battles with 25mm hand painted plastic figures. The best!!! Until my mum wanted the dining-room table for sunday dinner, at which point the war came to an end!
  2. Would it be possible to write some little program that looks through a pre-programmed list of sites and directories for scenarios and mods etc and generates a list of their names and links?? Impossible? Most likely! Oh and if anyone wants to do anything like this then I can host it.
  3. I've got a forum on my site, if you want to discuss things there: http://www.stodge.net/forum/viewforum.php?forum=18
  4. I think this shutdown problem is related to GeForce 2 cards and Win ME. I'm sure I've read something on this at the ReactorCritical discussion forum: http://www.reactorcritical.com
  5. European Air War or SWAT 3 - Elite Edition, whichever I come across first. Probably SWAT 3 then.
  6. Also, on the same CD they could have 2 zip files, one with graphics mods and the other with sound mods. They could be officially endorsed (accepted) by Battlefront, and they would automatically install themselves in the right place. The two zips would essentially be collections of the best mods out there.
  7. Don't you think we're getting a higher number of stupid, childish and often irrelevant postings on the CM forum these days?
  8. I'm sorry, I went weeks without playing CM. Too many other things to do!Q
  9. It should be called Soldiers at War 2, since that is basically what it is.
  10. Anyone's welcome to write a review - just go to http://www.stodge.net/submit.php?type=story and type the story in. You'll have to register an account first, but its pretty painless. Schugger - thanks for the post, but I'd rather not copy someone else's review. I could make a link to it, but it's not right for me to cut and paste his text in. Thanks anyway!
  11. *bump* My site is slowly ticking along, so I'd appreciate a subjective review from someone. Thanks
  12. That's great news! Except I can't get to the site; it takes forever to respond to my clicking the logo.
  13. They look too much like rendered pictures, rather than a 3d engine. Of course I could be wrong, and 3d engines may have advanced enough to do that!
  14. Girlfriend going through a bad time anyday. If you even need to ask yourself that question, then she needs to get herself a new boyfriend.
  15. Which email address should I write to? [This message has been edited by stodge (edited 09-06-2000).]
  16. I find it more difficult to do real-time. I can't keep up with the events on the battlefield.
  17. No reply from anyone via direct email about getting a replacement manual, so I thought I'd bump up this topic.
  18. It's not looking good on the manual front - no reply from Battlefront yet.
  19. Randy, dont worry - I didn't take your post as a flame. It was a reasonable and obvious response! I thought Steve might read my post, but he might be too busy to pop in.
  20. Horrors of horrors, I think I've accidentally thrown out my manual when I was spring cleaning!! Is it possible to buy just the manual?????? Aaaaaaaaargh! http://www.stodge.net - my corner of the web.
  21. Did you remove the old drivers? You should be able to do this from the Add/Remove program in the COntrol Panel. I recommend the Detonator 3 drivers. I don't know where the best download is, but check http://www.reactorcritical.com. I had too many problems with Asus' own drivers, and also the 5.32 NVidia reference drivers, which were supposed to be the best. I use the Detonator 3 drivers, and they seem rock solid. What motherboard are you using? cheers Mike http://www.stodge.net/
  22. I'm really sorry to hear this. I liked the site - especially the design.
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