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Everything posted by Sublime

  1. Also its very important to me that any time I open a new scenario or battle I zoom my view all the way out. Sometimes things loook... off to me or weird. It was this subtle feeling I had for the longest, until I discovered the zoom controls! For whatever reason some scenario designers leave the view zoomed in, or something happens, and sometimes you'll open a scenario and it''ll be on 2.4x zoom or something.
  2. kettler few things off the top of my head ctrl + t toggles trees off, nearby trees show trunks only (my default), and trees on. z is zoom out I believe, with x, c, etc controlling zoom in etc. I forget the exact setup, but one is for a wide angle view. very helpful. + and - will go through your units. double clicking will select the formation of the unit selected - say you want to order a whole platoon, you can double click on any team in the platoon. I believe ctrl l shows the VP locations, or maybe its landmarks. ctrl k does smoke on/off, and I think ctrl j shows vp locations or again, landmarks ( i may have these backwards) the w, a,s,d keys function much like movement keys in first person shooters, if you choose to use them to 'fly' around the map. Also if you hold down I believe the control key you can click units to highlight more than one, especially useful if you have mixed in units and want to issue orders to several, but not all (where lassoing with the mouse wouldnt work) if I can remember any other keys Ill post them. It definitely has a learning curve but in the end is way better than CMx1. I loved the old games, but everything else aside, the 1:1 infantry representation is huge. I find it interesting that someone else posted that it would be easier to introduce casual gamers to CMx1 than CMx2. I completely disagree. For casual gamers, or those new to wargames, the more abstractions the worse it is. I cant tell you how many people were turned off or didnt 'get it' about the '3 man' infantry teams in CMx1, and other abstractions. CMx2 looks better, and is more of what you see is what you get. Also much more realistic in my opinion, and has the real time option which cant be overestimated in how many people who probably wouldnt play WeGo will play real time.
  3. yeah. victory conditions that force blue to be casualty concious can help. Thats the one thing with this game - it models short term. In the long term a war fought like this - say Afghanistan with the Soviets or Vietnam with U.S. even though you'd get kill ratios of like 13 Vietnamese to every American (no thats not exact, its just a figure I tossed out, though it's been calculated to something like that) it adds up over time. And of course, we're fighting what we consider a police action while the Vietnamese are fighting a war of independence. So 60,000 dead is considered unacceptable and a loss to us, while over a million dead are considered a victory and the price to pay for independence. It's all point of view. Back to the game though - Ambush tactics are where its at. IEDs are super effective, just like real life- Also the ambushes are best conducted with something blocking the long range LOS. Setup say a block into a town, and so when you ambush those nato troops they get hit and their tanks cant help much. Thats the only way you'll be able to pull back for a second ambush or to retreat - otherwise even if you kill the half squad or squad you'll get pounded by any overwatch weapons they have. Its a dicey situation - you want to hug the blue forces so if they call in their arty or air support they risk friendly fire, but at the same time you dont want to become so entangled that you'll die in place. All too often thats the best you can hope for though.
  4. definitely old news. you have no chance going toe to toe red on blue. much better chances going toe to toe with soveits as the muj. in CM:A. In CMSF the best balanced battles are either blue on blue or red on red. as far as the syrian air support - since in game air to air, surface to air etc isnt modelled I'd expect it work just as good as the US air support. Ive only used it once in CMSF - in the bier und bretzel and it did a helluva job on the germans. However I extensively used hinds and other soviet air support in CM:A and the hind is a kick ass ground support weapon. definitely.
  5. it is an unfortunate state of affairs. whats worse - its the only option in CMA and CMSF so it makes QBs unplayable mostly. I try using human force selection and I click on the 'suggested' box when it comes to the AI. I usually click a couple times (because Im crazy and it seems the 2nd and 3rd suggestions are always much more reasonable) and I try not to peek
  6. Its been said quite often the WeGo graphic arent exactly accurate. Also the shells flying over troops has been discussed with a PBEM opponent of mine. Im sure we're just imagining to not kill the experience, but in real life sonic compression of a round travelling over or near someone often will kill them. Just like concussion from rounds landing nearby can cause internal bleeding and all sorts of other bad things..
  7. very well done IMO. Amazing how quickly we almost came to... annihilation on both sides, and amazing how simple misreading of signs can lead to such awful potential consequences..
  8. Welll.. I dont know about the rest but I can solve one mystery when you select a unit you only see what they can see. you effectively cancel out your god view for the units view - only what they see will show up on your map. so when you selected the tank hunter team near the tank, they hadnt spotted said tank yet so it vanished - though it was still there this is a representation of them not knowing it yet. though yes - it is silly that they wouldnt spot a tank 6 m away =(
  9. the problem also might be that AT guns almost always take longer to undeploy and pack up than to deploy. Even on the smaller ones its 3-4 minutes. Once the gun is undeployed (it'll say limbered over its picture when selected) you give it a move order ONTO a truck, jeep, or HT
  10. Someone will come along with exact dates and details. but roughly, IIRC the US didnt initially plan on using the 57mm and then adopted it for use during the war. This change meant they were trying to get them into use with the troops and rushing to do so, and that in turn meant that the troops only were equipped with AP in the first few months after D-Day. However I've also heard quite a bit about them cadging HE off British supplies if they could..
  11. I remember reading the CW forces manual before the release, and being very surprised the Brit tanks didnt mount .50 cals on the flexible mount. The gun has a storied history, and is always very popular with the troops. And in game, having that gun up there is a great help, and with my greyhounds the .50 kills more infantry than the 37mm HE easy. I was just wondering why the the Brits didnt get them... Was it a US decision? Brit decision..?
  12. +1 The sustained fire especially. Im not a game programmer - I have no idea if this would be easy to code or not. But by my logic, it seems that they must have entered some sort of number for the amount of bullets fired per machine gun burst. It'd be nice if this could be randomized a little - 7-10 one burst, 4-8 the next, so on and so forth. The sustained fire option should definitely be added however - as it is now, water cooled MGs lose the advantage they would have in situations like that, and also things like the MG42s rapid barrel change capability arent as important. I very much think IRL the machine guns would be spitting out a lot more lead than they do now, and if this was increased in game I think it'd be more realistic and make them more useful. As it is now I find HMG teams a little.. unnecessary. Unless its a US .50 Cal. I cant seem to ever end up in a scenario with a vickers yet, in fact I just saw my first today but it was my opponents =( With the Germans though, the squads all have MG 42s, and they're basically about just as useful to me as the HMG teams, which always seem to get pretty cut up to due their large size and inability to split. The HMGs might be more accurate ( i notice the barrel climb with the LMG 42s all the time ) but they still dont pump out near as many rounds as they could and this negates a lot of their use.
  13. +1 to the visible TRPs idea. Often the only way I can figure out exactly where it is is by plotting a fire mission and just moving the cursor around until it changes to a spot where I can actually target.. (all of this out of LoS of course)
  14. I may be wrong, but I seem to recall reading that the Soviet missile battery commanders were given enough independence of action that they were authorized to use the nuclear missiles if the US invaded Cuba.. Does anyone know where the missiles would have been aimed at, or if they would have even been able to aim them at the invasion beaches to use tactically? Theres been some interesting discussions vis a vis the whole nuclear holocaust in 1962 idea. A lot of people with the benefit of hindsight feel the US would have clobbered the Soviets (of course clobbered is relative, if 5 icbms out of 100 hit thats still millions dead) due to our huge bomber fleet and large advantage at the time of missile technology. Of course its all opinion, and I know nowhere near as much about this as say - WW2 or Vietnam or whatever..
  15. ya v flips. IIRC z returns view to normal or zooms out. I believe X zooms in and C is wide area view. If Im wrong about the actual key, its those keys in that bank. plus and minus keys will go through your units... numeric keypad will move your view in whatever direction (as in panning the camera) if you shift plus click on units you can select multiple ones by just clicking on the unit. you can drag and drop to 'lasso' units. also double clicking on a unit will highlight it and other units in the same formation as it. Also its good to use the hotkeys to shift the trees - i usually operate in 'tree limbs only' but its good to A. turn the trees full on when looking over a plan - it helps you see some impossible LoS situations B. If your fighting in a huge woods or something, to turn them OFF momentarily to better issue orders. I've often noticed in huge woods my move orders will get stuck on an intervening piece of terrain (like a tree trunk) and therefore select a tile way short of what I wanted..
  16. talk about pressure huh? four sided box of artillery means that you're always in the danger zone. Hope they bought that guy rounds for years.. rafter I was very intrigued in what you had to say - I'd love to hear anything and everything about your Vietnam experiences you'd like to share...
  17. yeah one finally but I was surprised at the response as well (or lack of one) still Id love a game. email or pm me! any scenario/side is fine with me
  18. email jeffreypclark86@yahoo.com or pm me ill use dropbox as well ...?
  19. wanna pbem a game? i love the setting and time frame as well. newer weapons but way less uber than CMSF
  20. in another arty on tank incident, Im PBEMing NEDforce as the Brits (great scenario) and a Panther sitting on a level spot next to a barn thats being engaged by a 6 lber and 75mm Sherman gets a top turret partial penetration at one point. Thing is it was in the middle of a 25 lber artillery barrage I ordered, and Im pretty sure thats what hit the top turret. Not completely sure it didnt do anything, but the panthers still operating as far as moving its turret, etc right now..
  21. Vanir - 11 wins, 3 draws, 6 losses... in CMBN PBEMs Everyone else - they were 60mms in DF. Winkelreid has the US, I agree the Germans are strong but he's played it very well, we've both really gouged eachother bad. A lot of luck on his side though, and some poor decisions on my part. Plus my assault howitzer (the StuH) threw a track in Eroudeville proper, in a position where it couldnt shoot anything...
  22. I really gotta hand it to winkelreid.. we've been fighting Eroudeville me as Axis him as the US and its been a knock down drag out the whole way through. Anyways we're having a helluva firefight hedgerow to hedgerow, I've got a StuG III parked up to mine, shelling his, he's got a couple of shermans over on his side. My side even was strafed by a P-47 a couple of times while nearby on his side my 150mm artillery barrage slammed into his forces advance into the town proper. And he had 3, maybe 4 60mm mortars. So I just watch a turn, and wham, a mortar round lands on the back deck of the StuG. Wham, another one lands in the same spot again. I look, a few of the sub systems had gone yellow... rounds land nearby as well, killing troops, but its obvious the tank is being targetted.. Wham.. wham.. two more hit among some misses. I was still very impressed, the range wasnt great but every time I seem to try that on H/Ts it never hits =D Anyways start the next turn, and the tanks immobilized too.. geez =/ gotta hand it to him tho, great use of mortars
  23. welcome charles! Im your age - 27 and Ive been playing CM since the CMBO demo when I was 14 =) heard about it on the close combat msg boards and never looked back WeGO is great for bigger battles, and against a human, the way to go (not just because you have to anyway) replays, and everything else make it essential. Though in single play I like real time, it handicaps you somewhat against the computer (as long as you dont pause too much) and makes the games go by quicker. If you'd like to play a PBEM send me a msg! single player is great, but once you've tasted battle against a human its not the same..
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